
Рабство унижает человека до того, что он начинает любить свои оковы. Люк де Клапье, маркиз де Вовенарг (1715-1747) французский философ, моралист и писатель


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Яндекс цитирования

23.02.2025, воскресенье. Московское время 04:20

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 4. Nomination of Candidates for Election as Deputies of the State Duma

Article 22 Incompatibility of Deputy Status with Holding Any Other Office or Engaging in Any Activity in State and Other Bodies

1. Individuals whose office, mandate or occupation are, in accordance with the present Regulations, incompatible with the mandate of date Duma deputy shall promise to discontinue in writing their respective activities if they are elected,

2. Should any person fail to comply with the restrictions imposed by the Articles, his election shall be declared null and void.

Article 23. Federal Lists of Candidates Standing for Election to the State Duma

1. The federal list of candidates for election as deputies of the State Duma may be put forward by an election association. An election association may not put forward more than one federal list of candidates. The number of candidates on a federal list cannot exceed the number or State Duma in the federal election district by more than 20 per cent. The names of the candidates on a federal list submitted for registration shall be arranged in the order established by the election association.

2. In establishing the order of arranging the candidates' names on the list, the election association may divide it, wholly or partially, into regional groups of candidates. In so doing, it must indicate to which member or groups of members of the Russian Federation each regional group of candidates corresponds.

3. An election association may nominate candidates who are not members of the political parties or other public organizations represented by the association.

4. The federal list of candidates snail indicate the full name, date of birth, occupation and permanent address of each candidate.

5. The registration of a federal list of candidates requires at least 100,000 voters' signatures in its support, of which no more than 15 per cent of signatures should be collected in one and the same member of the Russian Federation. The subscription sheets shall be executed in accordance with the form given in Supplement No. 1 to the present Regulations. Each subscription sheet shall comprise information about the first three candidates in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, and, if the sheet it divided on a regional basis, information about, the first three candidates in the Russian Federation member, or members, where the signatures are collected. At a voter's request, the person collecting signatures must show him the full federal list of candidates, in which the names of the candidates and their arrangement are confirmed by the authorized representatives of the election association.

6. Prior to the beginning of the signature-collecting campaign, the above-mentioned list of candidates must be submitted to the Central Election Commission. Upon receipt of the list, the Central Election Commission must hand a certified copy of the list to the person who has submitted it.

7. The name of candidates on the list, their arrangement and the division or the list into regional groups shall be decided by the election association that proposes the Iist and cannot be changed after it has been submitted to the Central Election Commission, excluding changes caused by the withdrawal of the candidates. In the latter cases, no new candidates may be put on the list and no changes can be made in the Arrangement or the candidates' names on the list or their division into regional groups. When a list of candidates, divided into regional groups, is registered, no candidate may be included in more than one group.

8. When signing a subscription sheet a voter must write down his or her full name, date of birth, address and serial number and number of his or her passport or other identification document.

9. The subscription sheet shall be certified by the person who has collected the signatures, who shall indicate hit full name, address, serial number and number of his identification card or passport, and the authorized representative of the election association proposing the federal list of candidates.

10. The federal list of candidates, along with the subscription sheets and the statements by the candidates, indicating that they have consented to run on this list shall be submitted by the authorized representatives of the election association to the Central Election Commission for registration not later than 35 days before the election. The Central Election Commission shall verify compliance of the submitted federal list of candidates with the requirements of this Law and either shall register and make it public within five day giving the information about each candidate in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, in the periodicals where federal laws are published, or shall refuse to register it. Each candidate of the registered list shall be issued a certificate of registration, indicating the registration date. The registered federal lists of candidates shall be made known to the central mass media within two day of the registration.

11. If a political party or other public association that has submitted a federal list of candidates separately or within a coalition is declared unconstitutional before election day or if the registration of this associations rules is annulled, the registration of the list or the corresponding part thereof shall be cancelled.

12. If no federal list of candidates is registered or only one such list is registered within the time-limit indicated in Paragraph 10 of this Article, election on the lists of candidates shall be delayed by 12 weeks by the Central Election Commission, during which additional federal lists of candidates shall be proposed and other election actions performed, in accordance with the time-limits laid down in the present Regulations.

Article 24. Nomination of candidates in the One-Mandate Constituency for the Election of the State Duma

1. An election association that has proposed a federal list of candidates may nominate candidates for election as deputies to the State Duma in one-mandate constituencies organized for the election to the State Duma. An election association may nominate no more than one candidate in each of those constituencies. The registration shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5 of this Article and require that the name of the election association that has nominated the candidate be indicated.

2. The nomination or a different candidate in a one-mandate constituency established for the election to the State Duma, shall require the signatures of at least one percent of the overall number of voters' of the given constituency. The subscription sheets shall be executed in the form indicated in Supplement No. 2 to the present Regulations. Each subscription sheet should indicate the full name, date of birth, occupation and permanent address of the candidate.

3. Voters signing the subscription sheet shall indicate their full name, date of birth, address and serial number and number of the identification card of the citizen of the Russian Federation or passport. The subscription sheet shall be certified by the person collecting the signatures, who shall indicate his full name, address and serial number and the number of his identification card or passport, and by the person for whose nomination the signatures have been соllected.

4. Russian Federation citizens outside the Russian Federation may send subscription sheets to the constituency commission of their electoral district through the consular institutions от the Russian Federation.

5. The people who have nominated the candidate or the candidate himself shall submit the subscription sheets and the candidate's statement indicating his intention to run in the given constituency for registration to the constituency election commission no later than 27 days before election day. The-constituency election commission shall verify compliance of the candidate's nomination with the requirements of the present Regulations, and, within five days, shall either register the candidate or make public the information about him accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article in the periodicals which publish federal laws, and issue the candidate a certificate of registration, indication the registration data, or refuse to resister the candidate. The information about the registered candidates shall be made known to the central and local mass media within two days of registration.

6. If, during the period between the regulation of the candidate and election day fewer than two candidates remain in a one-mandate constituency, the elections in constituencies shall be postponed for 12 weeks during which shall be nominated and other election actions will be performed.

Article 25 The Right and Duties of the Nominee

1. The employer must grant nominees, who request it, an unpaid leave from the registration date till the publication of the election results. During that period the average or any other regular income, calculated on the basis of the

2. Nominee's salary during the three months preceding the registration date, but not exceeding seven minimum wages, shall be paid to the nominee on a monthly basis by the election commission that has registered him, out of funds budgetary allocated for the holding of the election.

3. Candidates standing for office State Duma in one-mandate constituencies shall be able to use any means of public transport, excluding taxi and chartered trips by other means of transportation, on the territory of the constituency where they have been nominated from registration day till the election results are made public. If the nominee has a permanent place of residence outside the constituency where he stands for office, he shall be entitled to three trips by railway, ship or car (excluding taxi and chartered trips) or one trip by air to his electoral district and back during the a fore mentioned period. In cities with several electoral districts a candidate may use free city and suburban public transport (excluding taxi and chartered trips on the territory of the entire city. His traveling expenses shall be paid by the corresponding election commission out of the budgetary funds allocated for the election.

4. Candidates for deputies to the State Duma, who run in a federal constituency, shall, according to the conditions stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article, use transportation within the boundaries of the Russian Federation member where he permanently resides or the Russian Federation member where he has been included in a regional group of candidates. If the corresponding list of candidates is divided into such groups. In addition, he shall be entitled to one trip by railway, water, automobile (excluding taxi) and air transport from his permanent place of residence to the corresponding territory of the Russian Federation. These trips shall be paid for by the central Election Commission out of the budgetary funds allocated for the election.

5. No candidate shall run in more than one constituency with the exception of the cases listed in Paragraph 5 of- this Article. no candidate shall be a member of any election commission.

6. A candidate running for office on a federal list may seek nomination in a one-mandate constituency.

7. No candidate shall be prosecuted or subjected to any administrative penalties by a court of law without the consent of the Russian Federation Prosecutor-General. A candidate may be detained or criminally persecuted in any other manner only by a decision of the Russian Federation Supreme Court.

8. A candidate in в one-mandate constituency may have up to 10 authorized representatives, who shall be registered by the election commission, which has registered the candidate. An election association which has nominated a registered federal list of candidates may appoint authorized representatives, whose number shall not exceed by more than two times the number of one-mandate constituencies, established for elections to the State Duma and who shall be registered by the Central Election Commission. Authorized representatives shall comply with Article 2 of the present Regulations. Authorized representatives shall receive from the corresponding election commission registration cards and carry out electioneering and other activities for election the list, the Central Election Commission must hand a certified copy of the list to the person who has submitted it.

9. The name of candidates on the list, their arrangement and the division or the list into regional groups shall be decided by the election association that proposes the list and cannot be changed after it has been submitted to the Central Election Commission, excluding changes caused by the withdrawal of the candidates. In the latter cases, no new candidates may be put on the list and no changes can be made in the Arrangement or the candidates' names on the list or their division into regional groups. When a list of candidates, divided into regional groups, is registered, no candidate may be included in more than one group.

10. When signing a subscription sheet a voter must write down his or her full name, date of birth, address and serial number and number of his or her passport or other identification document.

11. The subscription sheet shall be certified by the person who has collected the signatures, who shall indicate hit full name, address, serial number and number of his identification card or passport, and the authorized representative of the election association proposing the federal list of candidates.

12. The federal list of candidates, along with the subscription sheets and the statements by the candidates, indicating that they have consented to run on this list shall be submitted by the authorized representatives of the election association to the Central Election Commission for registration not later than 35 days before the election. The Central Election Commission shall verify compliance of the submitted federal list of candidates with the requirements of this Law and either shall register and make it public within five day giving the information about each candidate in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, in the periodicals where federal laws are published, or shall refuse to register it. Each candidate of the registered list shall be issued a certificate of registration, indicating the registration date. The registered federal lists of candidates shall be made known to the central mass media within two day of the registration.

13. If a political party or other public association that has submitted a federal list of candidates separately or within a coalition is declared unconstitutional before election day or if the registration of this associations rules is annulled, the registration of the list or the corresponding part thereof shall be cancelled.

14. If no federal list of candidates is registered or only one such list is registered within the time-limit indicated in Paragraph 10 of this Article, election on the lists of candidates shall be delayed by 12 weeks by the Central Election Commission, during which additional federal lists of candidates shall be proposed and other election actions performed, in accordance with the time-limits laid down in the present Regulations.

Article 24. Nomination of candidates in the One-Mandate Constituency for the Election of the State Duma

1. An election association that has proposed a federal list of candidates may nominate candidates for election as deputies to the State Duma in one-mandate constituencies organized for the election to the State Duma. An election association may nominate no more than one candidate in each of those constituencies. The registration shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5 of this Article and require that the name of the election association that has nominated the candidate be indicated.

2. The nomination or a different candidate in a one-mandate constituency established for the election to the State Duma, shall require the signatures of at least one percent of the overall number of voters' of the given constituency. The subscription sheets shall be executed in the form indicated in Supplement No. 2 to the present Regulations. Each subscription sheet should indicate the full name, date of birth, occupation and permanent address of the candidate.

3. Voters signing the subscription sheet shall indicate their full name, date of birth, address and serial number and number of the identification card of the citizen of the Russian Federation or passport. The subscription sheet shall be certified by the person collecting the signatures, who shall indicate his full name, address and serial number and the number of his identification card or passport, and by the person for whose nomination the signatures have been соllected.

4. Russian Federation citizens outside the Russian Federation may send subscription sheets to the constituency commission of their electoral district through the consular institutions от the Russian Federation.

5. The people who have nominated the candidate or the candidate himself shall submit the subscription sheets and the candidate's statement indicating his intention to run in the given constituency for registration to the constituency election commission no later than 27 days before election day. The-constituency election commission shall verify compliance of the candidate's nomination with the requirements of the present Regulations, and, within five days, shall either register the candidate or make public the information about him accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article in the periodicals which publish federal laws, and issue the candidate a certificate of registration, indication the registration data, or refuse to resister the candidate. The information about the registered candidates shall be made known to the central and local mass media within two days of registration.

6. If, during the period between the regulation of the candidate and election day fewer than two candidates remain in a one-mandate constituency, the elections in constituencies shall be postponed for 12 weeks during which shall be nominated and other election actions will be performed.

Article 25 The Right and Duties of the Nominee

1. The employer must grant nominees, who request it, an unpaid leave from the registration date till the publication of the election results. During that period the average or any other regular income, calculated on the basis of the Nominee's salary during the three months preceding the registration date, but not exceeding seven minimum wages, shall be paid to the nominee on a monthly basis by the election commission that has registered him, out of funds budgetary allocated for the holding of the election.

2. Candidates standing for office State Duma in one-mandate constituencies shall be able to use any means of public transport, excluding taxi and chartered trips by other means of transportation, on the territory of the constituency where they have been nominated from registration day till the election results are made public. If the nominee has a permanent place of residence outside the constituency where he stands for office, he shall be entitled to three trips by railway, ship or car (excluding taxi and chartered trips) or one trip by air to his electoral district and back during the a fore mentioned period. In cities with several electoral districts a candidate may use free city and suburban public transport (excluding taxi and chartered trips on the territory of the entire city. His traveling expenses shall be paid by the corresponding election commission out of the budgetary funds allocated for the election.

3. Candidates for deputies to the State Duma, who run in a federal constituency, shall, according to the conditions stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article, use transportation within the boundaries of the Russian Federation member where he permanently resides or the Russian Federation member where he has been included in a regional group of candidates. If the corresponding list of candidates is divided into such groups. In addition, he shall be entitled to one trip by railway, water, automobile (excluding taxi) and air transport from his permanent place of residence to the corresponding territory of the Russian Federation. These trips shall be paid for by the central Election Commission out of the budgetary funds allocated for the election.

4. No candidate shall run in more than one constituency with the exception of the cases listed in Paragraph 5 of- this Article. no candidate shall be a member of any election commission.

5. A candidate running for office on a federal list may seek nomination in a one-mandate constituency.

6. No candidate shall be prosecuted or subjected to any administrative penalties by a court of law without the consent of the Russian Federation Prosecutor-General. A candidate may be detained or criminally persecuted in any other manner only by a decision of the Russian Federation Supreme Court.

7. A candidate in в one-mandate constituency may have up to 10 authorized representatives, who shall be registered by the election commission, which has registered the candidate. An election association which has nominated a registered federal list of candidates may appoint authorized representatives, whose number shall not exceed by more than two times the number of one-mandate constituencies, established for elections to the State Duma and who shall be registered by the Central Election Commission. Authorized representatives shall comply with Article 2 of the present Regulations. Authorized representatives shall receive from the corresponding election commission registration cards and carry out electioneering and other activities for election of the candidates. During the period stipulated by Paragraph 1 of this Article the employers shall grant authorities representatives an unpaid leave at their request. Candidates and election associations who have appointed authorized representatives shall have the right to recall them at any time by notifying the corresponding election commission, which shall cancel the registration cards of the recalled representatives.

8. Any candidate shall have the right to withdraw from the election race at any time before election day. Should he withdraw without any circumstances that ma force him to do so (ill health, etc.) the election commission shall make him pay the corresponding part of its expenses, including the expenses involved in the election campaign.

9. The Election association may, in accordance with the decision of a body authorized to do so, cancel at any time before election day the nomination of any candidate nominated in a one-mandate constituency and, it the registration deadline established by the present Regulations has hot expired, submit а new candidate for registration by the Central Election Commission. Should this be done without any circumstances that may force such a decision (such as ill health, etc.), the election commission shall make the given election association pay the corresponding part of its expenses, including the expenses involved in the election campaign. The election association may remove any candidate from its registered federal list of candidates at any time before election day, but no replacement may be permitted. The report on the withdrawal under replacement of a candidate standing -for office in the State Duma shall be published within the next three days by the corresponding election commission in papers and magazines in which federal laws are published, and made public through other mass media.

10. Candidates standing for office may not be called in the army before the election results are published.

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