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Яндекс цитирования

22.01.2025, среда. Московское время 09:54

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 6. Financing the Elections

Article 31. Financing the preparation and holding of the elections

1. The funds allocated out of the republican budget of the Russian Federation -for the organization and holding of the election shall be placed at the disposal of the Central Election Commission immediately after it is created and shall be distributed by it among all election commissions.

2. The election commissions shall submit to the Central Election Commission a report on the spending of the to them by the Central Election Commission ho later than 45 days after the official publication of the election results.

3. The Central Election Commission shall submit to the State Duma a report on the spending of the funds mentioned in Paragraph 1 of the present Article no later than three months after the official publication of the election results. The stated report shall be published by the Central Election Commission in the newspapers and magazines where federal laws are published and made available to other mass media no later than one month after it is submitted to the State Duma.

Article 32. Election funds or the candidates and the procedure for their creation

1. Election associations and candidates standing for office in the State Duma shall be entitled to their own election funds to finance their election campaign. Such funds may include the following:

a) funds allocated by the Central or, correspondingly, constituency election commission to the election association or candidate to conduct the election campaign;
b) the electoral association's or candidate's own funds;
c) funds given to the candidate by the election association, party, political movement or any other public association that nominated him;
d) voluntary donations by private individuals and legal entities.

2. The donation by a private individual or legal entity not exceed an amount equal to 20 minimum monthly wages, in case of a Candidate's election fund, and 30 minimum monthly wages, in case of an election association's fund. Donations by real entities mау not exceed an amount equal to 200 and 20,000 minimum monthly wages, respectively.

3. No donations by foreign states, organizations or individuals, Russian legal entities with foreign capital or international organizations and public associations shall be allowed.

4. The right to dispose of the election funds shall belong only to the election associations or candidates.

5. Election associations and candidates who have created election funds under Paragraph 1 of the present Article shall, within the deadline stated In Paragraph 3 of Article 33, submit to the Central and constituency election commissions respectively on the spending of the funds. The stated reports shall be given to the mass media by the Central or constituency election commissions, respectively, together with the report on the spending of funds submitted by the Central Election Commission to the State Duma under Paragraph 3 of Article 31.

Article 33. The procedure of spending the election funds.

1. All the money intended for the election fund of the election association or a candidate standing for office in the State Duma shall be deposited to a special bank account, which is opened; by the constituency election commission after the candidate is registered.

2. Procedures for reviewing the spending of election fund money shall be determined by the Central Election Commission,

3. No later than 60 days after the results of the elections in a given constituency are known, the election association or the candidate shall submit to the Central or, correspondingly, to the constituency election commission a statement of all election campaign receipts (including their sources) and expenses. The form of the statement shall be established by the Central Election Commission in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

4. After the elections, the unspent balance of the election fund proportionate to the amount, allocated by the Central or constituency election commission to an election association or a candidate shall be remitted to the Republican budget of the Russian Federation.

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