Draft Amendments to the Law on Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and Referendum
Adopted by the State Duma
July 2, 1998
Article 1. The following modifications and amendments shall be introduced in the Russian Federation Law «ON BASIC GUARANTEES OF ELECTORAL RIGHTS AND THE RIGHT OF CITIZENS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TO PARTICIPATE IN A REFERENDUM» (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 38, p. 4339) (See the table below)
Article 2. This Federal Law shall enter into force from the day of its official publication. Clauses 7, 14 - 17, 20, 22, 25, 27 - 33 Article 1 of this Federal Law shall not apply in the administration of elections and referenda called before its entry into force and in the administration of by-elections and repeat elections of deputies should general elections be called before this Federal Law enters into force.
Current Law
Draft Amendments as They Affect Articles in Current Law
Article 2
electoral association shall mean political public association (a political party, political organization, political movement), whose major objective as set forth in its Charter are participation in the elections to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government by nominating candidates and organizing their election propaganda, participation in the organization and activity of the said bodies. An electoral association shall be established and registered at the level corresponding to the election level or a higher level in the procedures set forth by federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, and its effective charter shall be registered no later than one year before the day of voting
Article 2
«electoral association shall mean a political public association (a political party, another political organization, a political movement) established and registered at the level corresponding to the election level or a higher level subject to federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, whose major objectives as set forth in its charter include participation in the political life of society by influencing the political will of citizens, participation in elections to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government by nominating candidates and organizing their election propaganda, participation in the organization and activity of the said bodies. A political public association or modifications and amendments introduced in the charter of a public association to give it the status of a political association shall be registered no later than one year before voting day. This period shall not apply to other modifications and amendments to the charter of a political public association.»
observer shall mean a person appointed in the elections by a candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, public association established and registered at a level corresponding to the level of the referendum or a higher level and, in cases provided by laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, in the elections to bodies of local self-government also by voters; a person appointed in a referendum by the referendum initiative group, a public association established and registered at a level corresponding to the level of the referendum or a higher level. An observer in elections or a referendum shall be authorized to watch the voting, vote counting and other activities of an election commission, a referendum commission during the voting, when the vote returns are tabulated, and when the results of the elections, referendum are determined, including the activities of the election commission, referendum commission related to verification of the procedure of vote tabulation and elections or referendum results;
observer shall mean a person appointed in the elections by a registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, public association established and registered at a level corresponding to the level of the elections or a higher level and, in cases provided by laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, in the elections to bodies of local self-government also by voters; a person appointed in a referendum by the referendum initiative group, a public association established and registered at a level corresponding to the level of the referendum or a higher level. An observer in elections or a referendum shall be authorized to watch the voting, vote counting and other activities of an election commission, a referendum commission during the voting, when the vote returns are tabulated, and when the results of the elections, referendum are determined, including the activities of the election commission, referendum commission related to verification of the procedure of vote tabulation and elections or referendum results;
Article 3
Article 3
«8. Foreign nationals, stateless persons, with the exception of the case specified in Clause 8, Article 4 of this Federal Law, foreign legal entities shall not carry on any activity conducive to nomination and election of candidates, registered candidates (lists of candidates).»
Article 4
Article 4
«8. Under international treaties of the Russian Federation and the corresponding federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation foreign nationals living permanently in respective municipality shall have the right to elect and be elected to bodies of local self-government on the same terms and conditions as citizens of the Russian Federation.»
Article 10
1. Elections of bodies and officials listed in Clause 1, Article 8 of this Federal Law shall be set by duly authorized bodies or officials in compliance with the terms set by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, Constitutions, Charters and laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, Charters of municipal units .
Article 10
1. Elections of bodies and officials listed in Clause 1, Article 8 of this Federal Law shall be set by duly authorized bodies or officials in compliance with the terms set by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, Constitutions, Charters and laws of Subjects of Russian Federation, Charters of municipal units Decision on calling for elections shall be published in mass media within five days of being passed.
Article 12
1. A referendum of the Russian Federation, a referendum of Subject of Russian Federation, a local referendum shall be announced and held as and when prescribed, respectively, by the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Referendum of the Russian Federation,» this Federal Law, a law of Subject of Russian Federation, a charter of the municipal unit.
Article 12
1. A referendum of the Russian Federation, a referendum of Subject of Russian Federation, a local referendum shall be announced and held as and when prescribed, respectively, by the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Referendum of the Russian Federation,» this Federal Law, a law of Subject of Russian Federation, a charter of the municipal unit. The decision to call a referendum shall be published in mass media within five days of its adoption
Article 18
13. The lists of voters, referendum participants shall be displayed by the precinct election commission, referendum commission for public acquaintance and further updating not later than 20 days prior to election day or referendum day.
Article 18
13. The lists of voters, referendum participants shall be displayed by the precinct election commission, referendum commission for acquaintance of voters and referendum participants and further updating not later than 20 days prior to election day or referendum day.
Article 19
When elections are to be held, electoral districts shall be formed on the basis of information about the number of voters registered in the given territory under Clause 4 of Article 17 of this Federal law, the said information to be submitted by executive bodies of state power or bodies of local self-government, depending on the level of the elections, and by commanding officers of military units no later than 5 days after setting the day of voting. No later than 70 days prior to the voting day the appropriate election commission shall determine the layout of electoral districts, indicating their boundaries, the list of localities (streets, houses) comprised in each electoral district, the number and center of each electoral district, the number of voters in each electoral district. The appropriate representative body of state power, body of local self-government shall approve the layout of electoral districts no later than 60 days prior to the voting day.
Article 19
1. When elections are to be held, electoral districts shall be formed on the basis of information about the number of voters registered in the given territory under Clause 4 of Article 17 of this Federal law, the said information to be submitted by executive bodies of state power or bodies of local self-government, depending on the level of the elections, and by commanding officers of military units no later than 5 days after setting the day of voting. No later than 70 days prior to the voting day the appropriate election commission shall determine the layout of electoral districts, indicating their boundaries, the list of localities comprised in each electoral district (if the electoral district includes a part of some locality, the layout shall indicate the boundaries of this part of the territory of the locality), the number and center of each electoral district, the number of voters in each electoral district. The appropriate representative body of state power, body of local self-government shall approve the layout of electoral districts no later than 60 days prior to the voting day.
Article 19
3. approximately equal number of voters in the electoral districts with an acceptable deviation from the average representation quota not more than 10 percent and for remote areas and areas of difficult access not more than 15 percent. This requirement shall not apply to elections to federal bodies of state power, other federal state bodies if according to federal laws at least one electoral district shall be established in the territory of each Subject of the Russian Federation. The list of remote and hard-to-reach localities shall be established by a law of Subject of Russian Federation;
Article 19
3. «approximately equal number of voters in single-mandate electoral districts with an acceptable deviation from the average representation quota by not more than 10 percent and for remote and hard-to-reach areas by not more than 15 percent. In the event of formation of multi-mandate electoral districts, the electoral districts shall be formed with an approximately equal number of voters per deputy mandate. Deviation of the number of voters in a multi-mandate electoral district from the average representation quota multiplied by the number of mandates in the given district shall not exceed 10 percent and for remote and hard-to-reach areas not more than 15 percent of the average representation quota. These requirements may be waived in the elections to federal bodies of state power, other federal state bodies if federal laws make it mandatory that at least one electoral district be formed in the territory of each Subject of the Russian Federation. The list of remote and hard-to-reach areas shall be established by a law of Subject of Russian Federation which had came into force before the day on which a decision calling the elections was published.»
Article 21
Article 21
«4. Election commissions, referendum commissions shall, within the scope of their competence, consider statements which they receive in the course of the election campaign or preparation of a referendum concerning violation of this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian, charters of municipal units regulating the preparation and administration of elections, a referendum, verify these statements and give written answers to persons who submitted them within five days and not later than the day preceding voting day, or, on voting day and the next day, immediately. If the facts cited in the statements require additional verification, decisions on the statements shall be taken within ten days. Election commissions, referendum commissions may request that law enforcement authorities conduct appropriate investigations and put an end to violations of this Federal law, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation, charters of municipal units regulating the preparation and administration of elections, a referendum and these authorities shall take steps to stop these violations within five days but not later than the day preceding voting day and, on voting day and the next day, immediately. If the facts cited in the statement require additional verification, such steps shall be taken within ten days.»
6. Election, referendum commissions shall inform voters, referendum participants about the time and procedure of the performance of electoral actions connection with the preparation and administration of elections, about the progress of the election campaign, preparation and administration of a referendum, candidates, registered candidates
13. State bodies, bodies of local self-government, establishments, organizations, enterprises with state share and their officials shall render assistance to election commissions, referendum commissions in the implementation of their powers providing required premises, transport, communications means, technical equipment, data and materials, and respond to applications of election commissions, referendum commissions within the time frame set forth by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation; the mass media listed in Clause 1 of Article 39 shall provide them with an opportunity to display printed information of election commissions, referendum commissions in the procedure set forth by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation. Public associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations, mass media which are not mentioned in Clause 1 of Article 39 of this Federal Law as well as their officials shall provide necessary information and materials to election commissions, referendum commissions and respond to their requests within time periods established by federal laws and laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation
13. State bodies, bodies of local self-government, establishments, organizations, enterprises with state share and their officials shall render assistance to election commissions, referendum commissions in the implementation of their powers providing required premises, transport, communications means, technical equipment, data and materials, and respond to applications of election commissions, referendum commissions and also provide to election/referendum commissions free air time for voter/referendum participant information within the time frame set forth by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation; the mass media listed in Clause 1 of Article 39 shall provide them with an opportunity to display printed information of election commissions, referendum commissions in the procedure set forth by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation. Expenses of TV and radio companies shall be compensated as provided by Article 40 (5) of this Law. Public associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations, mass media which are not mentioned in Clause 1 of Article 39 of this Federal Law as well as their officials shall provide necessary information and materials to election commissions, referendum commissions and respond to their requests within time periods established by federal laws and laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation.
Clauses 4-13 shall be Clauses 6-15, respectively
Article 22
2. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall consist of fifteen members. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from among the candidates nominated by deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputy associations of the State Duma. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from among candidates nominated by the legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.
Article 22.
2. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall consist of fifteen members. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from among the candidates nominated by deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputy associations of the State Duma. Each deputy faction in the State Duma may appoint only one representative. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from among candidates nominated by the legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation. Five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.
«8. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall determine within the funds allocated form the Federal budget the amount of remuneration and the manner of its payment to employees of institutions and organizations which it establishes for supporting its activity.»
Clauses 8 - 11 shall be Clauses 9 - 12, respectively
Article 23
2. Territorial election commissions, territorial referendum commissions and district election commissions for elections to the bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government shall be formed on the basis of proposals made by public associations, meetings of voters at the places of their residence, work, service, study, or by election commissions of a previous convocations and precinct election commissions, referendum commission on the basis of proposals made by electoral associations, electoral blocs, public associations, meetings of voters at the places of their residence, work, service, study by elective body of local self-government. The elective body of local self-government shall appoint no less than one-third of the members of the territorial, precinct election commission, referendum commission and the district election commissions for elections to bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government on the basis of proposals coming from each electoral association, electoral bloc which have factions in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and also on the basis of proposals coming from electoral associations, electoral blocs which have factions in the legislative (representative) body of state power of Subject of Russian Federation and in the elective body of local self-government. In this case, no more than one representative from each electoral association, electoral bloc shall be appointed.
Article 23
2. Territorial election commissions, territorial referendum commissions and district election commissions for elections to the bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government shall be formed on the basis of proposals made by public associations, meetings of voters at the places of their residence, work, service, study, or by election commissions of a previous convocations and precinct election commissions, referendum commission on the basis of proposals made by electoral associations, electoral blocs, public associations, meetings of voters at the places of their residence, work, service, study by a representative body (bodies) of local self-government. The elective body of local self-government shall appoint no less than one-third of the members of the territorial, precinct election commission, referendum commission and the district election commissions for elections to bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government on the basis of proposals coming from each electoral association, electoral bloc which have factions in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and also on the basis of proposals coming from electoral associations, electoral blocs which have factions in the legislative (representative) body of state power of Subject of Russian Federation and in the representative body (bodies)of local self-government. In this case, no more than one representative from each electoral association, electoral bloc shall be appointed.
Article 23.
Article 23
4. If the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government duly authorized by this Federal law fail to appoint the district, territorial, precinct election commission, referendum commission or any members thereof within the period established by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipal unit or if there is no representative body of local self-government in the given territory, the election commission, referendum or any members thereof shall be appointed by a higher election commission, referendum commission observing the requirements laid down by this Federal Law, the federal constitutional law, other federal laws, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipal unit.
Clauses 4-12 shall be Clauses 5-13 respectively
Article 24
3. A member of election commission, referendum commission may not be member of a higher or subordinate election commission, referendum commission, subject to the level of the election, referendum.
Article 24
3. A voting member of election commission, referendum commission shall not be a voting member of a higher or subordinate election commission, referendum commission, subject to the level of the election, referendum.
7. The body which appointed a member of the election commission, referendum commission shall appoint a new member of the election commission, referendum commission in place of the one who was removed for the aforementioned reasons no later than one month from the date of his/her removal in accordance with the requirements of Clause 2 of Article 22, Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 23 of this Federal Law.
7. The body which appointed a member of the election commission, referendum commission shall appoint a new member of the election commission, referendum commission in place of the one who was removed for the aforementioned reasons no later than one month and no later than 10 days from emergence of the above circumstances during the relevant elections, referendum in accordance with the requirements of Clause 2 of Article 22, Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 23 of this Federal Law. If the body authorized to do so fails to meet this requirement, a new member of the election commission, referendum commission shall be appointed by a higher election commission, referendum commission, observing the requirements laid down by this Federal law
11 The state shall take the necessary measures to remunerate and provide social security for members who hold an office in the commission on a permanent basis or act on a permanent basis and for administrative employees of the said commissions. The amount and kinds of monetary remuneration for members of election commissions who hold an office in the commission on a permanent basis or act on a permanent basis shall be established by federal laws, laws and other normative legal acts of Subjects of Russian Federation and shall not be less than the amount and kinds of monetary remuneration of persons holding state offices of Class «A» in federal bodies of state power or bodies of executive power of Subject of Russian Federation, respectively, or persons holding municipal offices in a body of local self-government.
11. The state shall take the necessary measures to remunerate and provide social security for members who hold an office in the commission on a permanent basis or act on a permanent basis and for administrative employees of the said commissions. The amount and kinds of monetary remuneration for members of election commissions who hold an office in the commission on a permanent basis or act on a permanent basis shall be established by federal laws, laws and other normative legal acts of Subjects of Russian Federation and shall not be less than the amount and kinds of monetary remuneration of persons holding state offices of Class «A» in federal bodies of executive power or bodies of legislative (representative) power of Subjects of Russian Federation or bodies of executive power of Subjects of Russian Federation respectively, or persons holding municipal offices in a body of local self-government
12. Members of an election commission with decisive vote who were released from the main place of work for the period of the preparation and holding of elections, referendum shall be paid an average salary at the main place of work.
«12. Voting members of an election commission who were released from the main place of work for the period of the preparation and holding of elections, referendum shall be paid an average salary at the main place of work. for the account of an enterprise, organization regardless of the form of ownership. The procedure of calculation and the amount of funds to be allocation from the federal budget for the payment of labor remuneration to voting members of election commissions, referendum commissions shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
15. Upon registration of a candidate (list of candidates) with the relevant election commission, the candidate, electoral association (electoral bloc), that nominated the list of candidates shall be entitled to appoint one commission member with deliberative vote to the election commission that registered the candidate (list of candidates) and to the subordinate election commissions.
15. Upon registration of a candidate (list of candidates) with the relevant election commission, the candidate, electoral association (electoral bloc), that nominated the list of candidates shall be entitled to appoint one non-voting commission member to the election commission that registered the candidate (list of candidates) and to the lower election commissions. Each electoral association, electoral bloc which nominated a registered candidate may also appoint one non-voting member to the election commission charged by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation with the guidance of the activity of the lower election commissions in the preparation and administration of the given elections.
Article 26
1. Members of higher election commissions, referendum commissions, a candidate registered by the given or a higher election commission or his/her agent, an authorized representative or an agent of the electoral association, electoral bloc, whose list of candidates has been registered by this or a higher election commission or a candidate from this list, a member or an authorized representative of the referendum initiative --group may attend all meetings of the appropriate election commission. The aforementioned persons shall not require any additional permission to attend the meetings. The appropriate election commission, referendum commission shall inform these persons of its meetings and shall allow them freely to be present thereat. The meetings may also be attended by representatives of mass media.
Article 26
1. Members of higher election commissions, referendum commissions, a candidate registered by the given or a higher election commission or his/her agent, an authorized representative or an agent of the electoral association, electoral bloc, whose list of candidates has been registered by this or a higher election commission or a candidate from this list, a member or an authorized representative of the referendum initiative group may attend all meetings of the appropriate election commission and be present when the relevant precinct, territorial election commission, referendum commission works with voter lists, referendum participants, ballots, referendum ballots, absentee certificates for elections, referenda, protocols of voting returns. The aforementioned persons shall not require any additional permission to attend the meetings or be present when the commission works with the above documents, documents relating to preparation and conduct of a referendum. The appropriate election commission, referendum commission shall inform these persons of its meetings and when it is going to work with the above documents, documents relating to preparation and conduct of a referendum. and shall allow them freely to be present thereat. The meetings may also be attended by representatives of mass media.
Article 27
Article 27
7. Upon the request of any member of the given election commission, referendum commission and any member of a higher election commission, referendum commission present at the meeting the election commission, referendum commission shall take a vote on any matter within its competence which is being considered by the election commission, referendum commission at the meeting in accordance with the approved agenda.
Clause 7 shall be Clause 8. In this clause the words «Clause 8 of Article 21» shall be replaced with the words «Clause 10 of Article 21»
Article 28
2. Nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) shall be possible provided that the nominated person has submitted a written statement with his/her consent to run for the office and representation to terminate the activities not compatible with the status of a deputy or other elective office should he/she be elected. This statement together with the notice of the beginning of signature collection shall be submitted to the appropriate election commission.
Article 28
«2 Nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) shall be possible provided the person (each nominated person) submits a written statement with his/her consent to run for the office, indicating the biographical data (age, education, main place of employment (or the occupation, if there is no main place of employment), present position, information about former convictions that have not been stricken off the record or cancelled, citizenship, including foreign citizenship with the date of and reasons for its receipt) and assuming an obligations to terminate the activities incompatible with the status of a deputy or other elective office should he/she be elected. This statement together with the notice of the beginning of signature collection shall be submitted to the appropriate election commission.»
Article 28
5. using telephone, fax and other types of communication, information services, office equipment of state organizations or bodies of local self-government for carrying on the activity conducive to nomination and/or election;
Article 28
5. «using telephone, fax and other types of communication, information services, office equipment of state organizations or bodies of local self-government for carrying on the activity conducive to nomination and/or election free of charge or on privileged terms;»
Article 30
4. The list of candidates nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc shall be submitted to the appropriate election commission together with statements of candidates expressing their consent to nomination by the given electoral association, electoral bloc in the electoral district and/or in the list of candidates. Within three days, the election commission shall certify the list of candidates nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc. After this collection of voter signatures begins in support of the nominated candidate (list of candidates).
Article 30
4. The list of candidates nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc shall be submitted to the appropriate election commission together with statements of candidates drawn up in accordance with Clause 2, Article 28 of this Federal Law, expressing their consent to nomination by the given electoral association, electoral bloc in the electoral district and/or on the list of candidates. Within three days, the election commission shall certify the list of candidates nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc. After this collection of voter signatures begins in support of the nominated candidate (list of candidates).
Article 30
5. After the list of candidates has been submitted to the election commission, the candidates on the list and their ranging shall not be changed other than due to withdrawal of the candidates.
Article 30
5. After the list of candidates has been submitted to the election commission, the candidates on the list and their ranging shall not be changed other than due to withdrawal of the candidates. In cases provided by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subjects of the Russian Federation the rule under which ranging of candidates on the list is not to be changed shall not apply when elections are held in single-mandate electoral districts.
6. In a multi-mandate electoral district an electoral association, electoral bloc, a group of voters may nominate a candidate for each mandate to be filled in this district.»
Article 31
8. After putting his/her signature in the signature list the voter shall in his/her own hand write his/her first and last name and the patronymic, the residence address, the series and number of the passport or an equivalent ID, the date when the signature was put on the list.
Article 31
«8. A voter, referendum participant shall put his/her signature in the signature list indicating his/her first, middle and last name, the year of birth (for voters 18 years old - also the day and month of birth), the address of the place of residence, the series and number of the passport or an equivalent identity paper, the date when the signature was put. A voter, referendum participant who is unable to write his/her data by himself/herself, put his/her signature and indicate the date when the signature was put on the list may ask another adult capable Russian Federation citizen except for the signature collector to help him/her do so. The person who helped the voter, referendum participant shall indicate this fact in the signature list by his own hand and shall write his data (the first, middle and last name, the day, month and year of birth, the series and number of the passport or an equivalent identity paper). In this case, the signature collector shall attach to the signature list a written explanation of the reason why the voter, referendum participant was unable to enter hi/her data himself/herself, shall put his/her signature and indicate the date when the said data were entered in the signature list.
«9. If a candidate has a former conviction that has not been stricken off the record or cancelled, the signature list shall indicate the number and the name of the article (articles) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under which the candidate was convicted and the article (articles) of a criminal code adopted in accordance with the Fundamental Criminal Legislation of the USSR and constituent republics, the article (articles) of the law of a foreign state, if the candidate was convicted under the aforementioned legislative acts for acts and actions which are deemed to be criminal under the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation . If the candidate is a foreign national the signature list shall indicate the name of the foreign state.
10. Each electoral association, electoral bloc, group of voters, individual voters that have nominated the same candidate and notified in writing about the nomination the appropriate election commission shall collect the required number of voter signatures in support of the nomination. Signatures collected in support of the same candidate by different initiators of the nomination shall not be summed up.»
Article 32
1. Candidates (lists of candidates) shall be registered with the relevant election commission upon a written application of candidates regarding self nomination, request of voters, electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters, that nominated the candidates (lists of candidates), provided statements of candidates with their consent to run in the specific electoral district and the required number of signatures in their support are available
Article 32
1. If the required number of signatures has been collected in their support candidates (lists of candidates) shall be registered by the appropriate election commission provided the candidates have submitted statements drawn up in accordance with Clause 2 Article 28 of this Federal Law expressing their consent to run in the given electoral district. The federal law may provide that for candidates to be registered income declarations and information about property are to be submitted to the appropriate election commission
Article 32.
Article 32
2. The election commission may request that appropriate bodies check the accuracy of the information submitted under Clause 2 Article 28 of this Federal Law.
2. Federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation may set the ultimate number of signatures in favor of candidates (lists of candidates) that shall not exceed the number of signatures set law by more than 15 percent
3. The number of voter signatures in support of a candidate (list of candidates) submitted for the registration of the candidate (list of candidates) may exceed the number of signatures required for the registration by not more than 15 percent. The federal laws, the law of the Subject of Russian Federation shall not establish any other maximum number of voter signatures submitted for the registration of a candidate (list of candidates).»
3. A federal constitutional law, federal law, law of Subject of Russian Federation shall provide for a procedure to verify the authenticity of voter signatures collected in support of candidates (lists of candidates). Such verification may cover either all submitted signatures or a part thereof randomly sampled for the verification. If some proportion of signatures subjected to verification is found to be inauthentic, the size of this proportion to be established by a constitutional law, federal law, law of Subject of Russian Federation, or if the number of authentic signatures is insufficient for the registration of the given candidate (list of candidates), the election commission shall refuse to register the candidate (list of candidates)....
4. A federal constitutional law, federal law, law of Subject of Russian Federation shall provide for a procedure to verify the authenticity of voter signatures collected in support of candidates (lists of candidates). Such verification may cover either all submitted signatures or a part thereof randomly sampled for the verification but not less than 20 per cent of the number of signatures required for registration established by law.. If some of signatures subjected to verification are found to be inauthentic, the number of such signatures to be established by the constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation within 10 to 20 per cent of the number of the verified signatures, or if the number of authentic signatures is insufficient for the registration of the given candidate (list of candidates), the election commission shall refuse to register the candidate (list of candidates)....
«5.The federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may provide that at the discretion of a candidate, an electoral association, electoral bloc no signatures shall be collected in support of the candidate (list of candidates) and submitted to the election commission and the election commission shall register the candidate (list of candidates) upon payment of an electoral deposit to the commission by the candidate, the electoral association, electoral bloc which nominated the list of candidates. The electoral deposit shall be paid out of the electoral fund.. In this case, if the registered candidate has not been elected and, on the basis of voting results, has received a smaller number of votes of voters who took part in the voting than that established by the appropriate federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, and if the electoral association, electoral bloc has not taken part in the distribution of deputy mandates and, on the basis of voting results, has received a smaller number of votes of voters who took part in the voting than that established by the appropriate federal law, a law of a Subject of the Russian Federation, the electoral deposit paid by the given candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc shall be forfeited for the benefit of the appropriate budget. The aforementioned number of votes shall not be more than five percent of the number of votes of voters who took part in the voting in the given electoral district, for registered candidates, and three percent, for electoral associations, electoral blocs. The amount of the electoral deposit established by the appropriate law shall not be more than 10 percent of maximum amount that may be spent from the electoral fund of a candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, respectively, as established by this law. The procedure for opening and maintaining a special account for acceptance and keeping of an electoral deposit by the relevant election commission shall be established by the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
Clauses 4 - 6 shall be Clauses 6 - 8, respectively.
Article 32
7. In case of denial of the registration of a candidate (list of candidates) the relevant election commission shall within 24 hours issue a copy of the commission decision with the reasons for the denial being specified to the candidate or an authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters or a voter. The reason for such denial may be an insufficient number of valid signatures in support of a candidate (list of candidates), election propaganda conducted by the electoral association, electoral bloc prior to the registration of the candidate (list of candidates), violations of the procedure for establishment of electoral funds and spending electoral funds as well as other reasons provided for in this Federal Law . The grounds for the refusal of registration may be an insufficient number of submitted authentic signatures in support of the candidate (list of candidates), a proportion of inauthentic signatures in the signatures subjected to verification in excess of the maximum proportion established by law, violation of the rules established by a federal constitutional law, federal law, law of Subject of Russian Federation for the collection of signatures, violation of the procedure for setting up an election fund and its expenditure and other grounds provided by this Federal Law.
Article 32
«9. In the event of a refusal to register a candidate (list of candidates) the election commission shall, within 24 hours of the adoption of the decision to refuse registration, issue a copy of its decision to the candidate or an authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc, the initiative group of voters or the voter, indicating the reasons for the refusal. The reasons for such refusal may be:
serious violation of the rules established by a federal constitutional law, federal law, law of a Subject of the Russian Federation for the collection of signatures;
insufficient number of submitted authentic signatures in support of the candidate (list of candidates),
inaccuracy of the information submitted by a candidate under Clause 2 Article 28 of this Federal Law and Clause 1 of this Article, if the inaccuracy of this information is essential;
a proportion of inauthentic signatures in the total number of signatures subjected to verification is in excess of the maximum allowable proportion established by law;
serious violation of the rules for setting up an electoral fund and its expenditure;
other reasons provided by this Federal Law.»
10. If the inaccuracy of the information submitted by the candidate under Clause 2 Article 28 of this Federal Law is established after the registration of the candidate (list of candidates) and the inaccuracy of this information is essential, no later than 16 days prior to voting day the election commission may annul the decision to register the candidate (list of candidates) and within 15 days to 1 day prior to voting day apply to a court for withdrawal of the registration of the candidate (list of candidates).
In Clause 12 the words «in Clause 11» shall be each time replaced with the words «in Clause 14»;
Clauses 8 - 12 shall be Clauses 11 - 15, respectively.
Article 36
4. A registered candidate holding a Class A office shall be entitled to conduct election propaganda only at leisure time (leaves, weekends, holidays, other days-off). This provision shall not apply to the use by registered candidates of the free of charge air time on the channels of state-owned and municipal TV and radio companies in compliance with Clauses 1 and 2 of this Federal Law.
Article 36
4. A registered candidate holding a Class A office shall be entitled to conduct election propaganda only at leisure time (leaves, weekends, holidays, other hours and days-off). This provision shall not apply to the use by registered candidates of the free of charge air time on the channels of state-owned and municipal TV and radio companies in compliance with Clauses 1 and 2 of this Federal Law.
Article 37
5. Members of election commissions, referendum commissions with decisive vote, representatives of the state bodies, bodies of local self-governments, , charity organizations, religious associations as well as persons holding state offices, state and municipal employees, military servicemen at their business or service hours shall not participate in election campaigning during elections and referenda.
Article 37
5. Members of election commissions, referendum commissions with decisive vote, representatives of the state bodies, bodies of local self-governments, charity organizations, religious associations as well as persons holding state offices, state and municipal employees, military servicemen shall not participate in election campaigning during elections and referenda misusing the advantages of their official or position or status..
Article 39
1. Mass media outlets whose founders (co-founders) are state or municipal bodies, organizations, establishments, or who are financed completely or partially from the relevant budget (federal budget, budget of Subject of Russian Federation, local budget) or at the expense of the bodies of local self-government as well as those enjoying tax and other exemptions, if compared with other mass media, shall provide equal conditions of election campaigning to registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs.
Article 39
«1. TV and radio companies as well as periodicals which are founded (co-founded) by state or municipal bodies, organizations, institutions, or which received donations, subventions or were otherwise financed from the funds allocated by the federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of Subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government during the year preceding the date of official publication of a decision to call the elections, shall provide equal opportunities for election propaganda to registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs.»
2. The mass media which do not come under the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article may provide air time, space in printed media to registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, referendum initiative groups on a contractual basis. Candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs shall pay for air time and printed matter on equal terms and conditions exclusively through the appropriate electoral funds. In cases provided by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, lows of Subjects of Russian Federation a referendum initiative group shall pay for air time and printed matter through a referendum participation fund.
2. The TV and radio companies and periodicals which do not come under the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article may provide air time, space in printed media to registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, referendum initiative groups on a contractual basis. Registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs shall pay for air time and printing space and air time on the channels of TV and radio companies shall be provided on equal terms and conditions and the payment shall be made exclusively through the appropriate electoral funds. In cases provided by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, lows of Subjects of Russian Federation a referendum initiative group shall pay for air time and printed matter through a referendum participation fund.
Article 40
Article 40
«6. In the news casts TV and radio companies shall not give preference to any candidate, registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, in particular, when highlighting their propaganda activities.»
Article 43
1. Registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, and during a referendum - initiative groups for referendum, public associations shall be entitled to issue printed propaganda materials. Printed propaganda materials or their copies shall be submitted to an election commission which registered the appropriate candidate (appropriate list of candidates), to a referendum commission which registered the referendum initiative group.
Article 43
1. Registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, and during a referendum - initiative groups for referendum, public associations shall be entitled to issue printed propaganda materials.
2. All printed propaganda materials shall contain the names and addresses of organizations (the first and last names, patronymics and places of residence of the persons) producing these materials, the name of the organization (the last and the first name and the patronymic of the person) that ordered the given printed materials and information about the number of copies printed and the date of publication. Distribution of propaganda materials which do not show this information shall be prohibited.
2. All printed propaganda materials shall contain the names and addresses of organizations (the first and last names, patronymics and places of residence of the persons) producing these materials, the name of the organization (the last and the first name and the patronymic of the person) that ordered the given printed materials and information about the number of copies printed and the date of publication.
3. Printed propaganda materials or their copies shall be submitted to the election commission which registered the given candidate (the given list of candidates), to the referendum commission which registered the referendum initiative group.. These materials shall be submitted to the election commission, referendum commission along with the information concerning the location (place of residence) of the organizations (persons) which (who) produced and ordered these materials.
3. Dissemination of propaganda materials in violation of the requirements laid down by Clauses 2 and 3 of this Article shall be prohibited.
Clauses 3 - 5 shall be Clauses 5 - 7, respectively.
Article 45
2. In conducting election campaigning, misuse of freedom of the mass media: propaganda of social, racial, national, hatred and enmity, appeal to seize power, to violent change of the constitutional system and disintegration of the state as well as propaganda of war and other forms of misuse of the freedom of the mass media not allowed by federal law shall be prohibited.
Article 45
2. In conducting election campaigning, misuse of freedom of the mass media: propaganda of social, racial, national, religious hatred and enmity, appeal to seize power, to violent change of the constitutional system and disintegration of the state as well as propaganda of war and other forms of misuse of the freedom of the mass media not allowed by federal law shall be prohibited.
4. From their registration date and until the election results are published registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, their agents shall not engage in charity activities, including such activities outside the boundaries of the electoral district in which the candidate (list of candidates) was nominated.
4. . . .registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, their agents and authorized representatives and organizations, whose founders and members of governing bodies are the above mentioned persons and organizations during the election campaign shall not engage in charity activities, including such activities outside the boundaries of the electoral district in which the candidate (list of candidates) was nominated.
5. While participating in election campaigns the mass media indicated in Clause 1 of Article 39 of this Federal Law shall not publish materials which may damage the honor, dignity or business reputation of registered candidates, if these mass media cannot provide a possibility to a registered candidate to publish a denial or other explanations to defend his/her reputation before the end of the election campaigning period. A failure to provide, before the end of the election campaigning period, a possibility to a registered candidate to publish a denial or other explanations to defend his/her reputation in the mass media which published information capable of damaging the candidate's reputation may serve a reason for the legal prosecution of the given mass media.
5. While participating in election campaigns TV and radio programs on the channels of TV and radio companies indicated in Clause 1 Article 39 of this Federal Law and periodicals indicated in Clause 1 Article 39 of this Federal Law shall not make public (publish) the information which may damage the honor, dignity or business reputation of registered candidates, if these TV and radio programs, periodicals cannot provide a possibility to the registered candidate to make public (publish) a denial or some other explanation in defense of his/her honor, dignity or business reputation before the expiration of the election propaganda period in TV and radio programs on the channels of the TV and radio companies indicated in Clause 1 Article 39 of this Federal Law and in the periodicals indicated in Clause 1 Article 39 of this Federal Law, which made public (published the information which can damage the reputation of the candidate and may serve as a reason for the legal prosecution of the said TV and radio companies and periodicals.
6. If a registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc breach Clause 2 of this Article the election commission and other bodies, organizations and citizens indicated in Clause 4 of Article 63 of this Federal Law shall have the right to apply to a court for the withdrawal of the registration of the given candidate (list of candidates). If a registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, referendum initiative group breach other rules for election and referendum campaigning laid down by Articles 37 - 45 of this Federal Law, an election commission, referendum commission may apply to appropriate law-enforcement and other bodies with a request that an end be put to unlawful propaganda activities and in addition to this the election commission may cancel the resolution on the registration of the candidate (list of candidates).
6. If a registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc breach Clause 2 of this Article the election commission shall be obliged to and other bodies, organizations and citizens indicated in Clause 4 of Article 63 of this Federal Law may apply to a court for the withdrawal of the registration of the given candidate (list of candidates). If a registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, referendum initiative group breach other rules for the conduct of election propaganda and propaganda relating to the referendum issues laid down by Articles 37 - 45 of this Federal Law, an election commission, referendum commission shall, on the basis of its resolution, issue a warning to the registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, referendum initiative group or shall apply to appropriate law-enforcement and other bodies with a request that an end be put to unlawful propaganda activities and in addition to this the election commission may cancel the resolution to register the candidate (list of candidates).
7. Law- enforcement bodies shall take measures to stop unlawful propaganda activities, prevent production of and seize falsified and unlawful printed. audio-visual and other propaganda materials, identify those who produce and pay for these materials and shall promptly inform the appropriate election, referendum commission about these facts and measures taken.
8. If a TV and radio company violates the rules for conducting propaganda laid down by this Federal Law, the federal constitutional law, other federal laws, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the appropriate election, referendum commission may apply to law-enforcement bodies, a court, executive bodies of state power which carry out the state policy in the field of mass media with a request that the unlawful propaganda activity be stopped and the TV and company, the periodical be brought to responsibility established by law.
Article 46
6. Financial statements of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of Subjects of Russian Federation, territorial election commissions, referendum commissions regarding spending of funds during the election and referendum shall be submitted to the Chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation, representative bodies of local self-government, respectively.
Article 46
6. Financial statements of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of Subjects of Russian Federation, territorial election commissions, referendum commissions regarding spending of funds during the election and referendum shall be submitted to the Chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of Subjects of Russian Federation, representative bodies of local self-government, respectively. The chairmen of election commissions, referendum commissions shall control the funds allocated for the preparation and administration of the elections, a referendum and shall be responsible for the compliance of the financial documents with the resolutions of election commissions, referendum commissions on financial matters and for submission of financial reports on the expenditure of the said funds as and when prescribed by the federal constitutional laws, the federal laws, the laws of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, the charters of the municipal units.
7. During conduct of elections to the federal bodies of state power, a referendum of the Russian Federation the procedure for opening and servicing accounts, accounting, reporting and transferring funds allocated to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, other election commissions, the referendum commission shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with the concurrence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. During conduct of elections to bodies of state power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, referenda of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and elections to bodies of local self-government and local referenda the procedure for opening and servicing accounts, accounting, reporting and transferring funds allocated to the Election Commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, other election commissions, referendum commissions shall be established by the Election Commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation with the concurrence of the Main Department (national bank) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the Subject of the Russian Federation. No interest shall accrue and be paid on the accounts of the election commissions, referendum commissions and no commission fee shall be charged for the opening and servicing of these accounts
Article 47
4. No voluntary donations to electoral funds shall be allowed from foreign states, enterprises, organizations, citizens, stateless persons, international organizations, Russian legal entities with foreign participation, if the share of foreign capital exceeds 30 per cent, citizens of the Russian Federation who have not attained to the age of 18, bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government, state and municipal institutions and organizations, legal entities with a state or municipal share in their capital exceeding 30 per cent and legal entities enjoying tax benefits, military units, law enforcement bodies, charity organizations, religious associations and from anonymous sources.
Article 47
«4. No voluntary donations shall be made to electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs by:
foreign states, enterprises, organizations;
foreign citizens, save the cases provided by Clause 8 Article 4 of this Federal Law;
stateless persons;
citizens of the Russian Federation who have not attained to the age of 18;
Russian legal entities with foreign participation, if the share of the foreign participating interest exceeds 30 per cent as of the date on which the decision to call the elections was officially published;
international organizations and international public movements;
bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government;
state and municipal institutions and organizations;
legal entities with a state or municipal share in their capital exceeding 30 percent as of the date on which the decision to call the elections was officially published;
military units, military establishments and organizations, law enforcement bodies;
charity organizations, religious institutions;
anonymous donors (for an individual - without indication of the first, middle and last name, address of the place of residence and the date of birth; for a legal entity - without indication of the identification number, name, bank account, a note concerning the absence of a state-owned or municipal stake in the charter capital or the presence of such a stake and its amount, a note concerning the absence of a foreign stake in the charter capital or the presence of such a stake and its amount)
legal entities registered within 1 year before voting day.»
. . . . .
. . . . .
«e) payment of an electoral deposit.»
11 Legal entities and individuals shall be entitled to render financial (material) support to the activities in favor of candidates only through the relevant electoral funds....
«11. Legal entities and individuals shall be entitled to render financial (material) support to the activities in favor of candidates only through the relevant electoral funds. No paid work shall be performed, goods sold, paid services provided, if they are directly or indirectly connected with the elections, without a documented consent of a candidate, registered candidate, persons authorized thereby electoral association, electoral bloc for the their performance, sale and provision and for payment therefor from the appropriate electoral fund...»
13 Upon request of an election commission the bank which services the electoral fund account of a registered candidate shall periodically furnish to the election commission which registered the candidate (list of candidates) the information about the receipt and expenditure of funds on the account of the given registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc.
13. Upon the request of the appropriate election commission the bank which maintains the electoral fund account of a candidate, registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc shall periodically furnish to the election commission the information concerning the receipt and expenditure of funds on the account of the given candidate, registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc.
«16. The federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may provide that a registered candidate who has not been elected and, on the basis of voting results, has received the number of votes of voters who participated in the election less than that established by this federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, an electoral association, electoral bloc which has registered a list of candidates but has not taken part in the distribution of mandates and, on the basis of voting results, has received the number of votes of voters who took part in the voting less than that established by this federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, shall return to the appropriate election commission the funds allocated from the budget (federal budget, the budget of the Subject of the Russian Federation, local budget) to the electoral fund of the registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc along with other funds received by the registered candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc under the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation. Apart from this these electoral associations, electoral blocs shall reimburse TV and radio companies, periodicals for their expenses incurred in realization of their rights to election propaganda with the use of free air time and printing space. The aforementioned number of votes shall not be more than three percent of the number of votes cast by votes who took part in the voting in the given electoral district, for registered candidates, and two percent, for electoral associations, electoral blocs .»
18. Election commissions shall exercise control over the formation and spending of the special electoral funds of candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs.
18. Election commissions shall exercise control over the formation and spending of the special electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs.
Clauses 16 - 19 shall be Clauses 17 - 20, respectively
Article 48
In order to exercise control over proper spending of funds allocated to election commissions, referendum commissions for the preparation and administration of elections, referenda, as well as to exercise control over the sources of funds, proper accounting and use of electoral funds, and in order to audit financial statements of candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups for referendum the audit services shall be established under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the election commissions of Subjects of Russian Federation with experts of the state bodies being engaged for such purposes. The establishment of the audit services under other election commissions, referendum commissions shall be regulated by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation.
Article 48
In order to exercise control over proper spending of funds allocated to election commissions, referendum commissions for the preparation and administration of elections, referenda, as well as to exercise control over the sources of funds, proper accounting and use of electoral funds, and in order to audit financial statements of candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, referendum initiative groups the audit services shall be established under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the election commissions of Subjects of Russian Federation with experts of the state bodies being engaged for such purposes.
Upon the request of the appropriate election commission, not later than a month after publication of the official decision to call the elections, the said bodies shall send experts to the election commission for a period established by the federal constitutional laws, the laws of the Subjects of the Russian Federation. During this period, the experts shall discharge their duties while being released from their main job, and shall be paid their salaries and other benefits at the main place of employment.
The establishment of the audit services under other election commissions, referendum commissions shall be regulated by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation.
Article 49
3. Inside or directly in front of the voting premises a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall set up a stand to display information materials about all registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, issues put to the referendum. These materials shall not contain any propaganda appeals. The stands shall also display samples of marked voting ballots which shall not contain names of candidates registered in the given election district, names of electoral associations, electoral blocs participating in the given elections, or samples of ballots for voting in a referendum showing all marking options for each issue put to the referendum.
Article 49
3. Inside or directly in front of the voting premises a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall set up a stand to display information materials about all registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, issues put to the referendum. If a registered candidate, including candidates on the list of candidates, has a previous conviction which has not been stricken off the record or canceled, the information materials shall indicate the name and number of the article (articles}of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under which the candidate was convicted, the article (articles) of the criminal code adopted in accordance with the Fundamentals of Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the constituent republics, the article (articles) of the law of a foreign state, if the candidate was convicted under these legislative acts for actions which are recognized as crimes by the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a registered candidate, including candidates on the list of candidates, has a foreign citizenship, the information materials shall indicate the name of the corresponding foreign state..
These materials shall not contain any propaganda appeals. The stands shall also display samples of marked voting ballots which shall not contain names of candidates registered in the given election district, names of electoral associations, electoral blocs participating in the given elections, or samples of ballots for voting in a referendum showing all marking options for each issue put to the referendum.
Article 50
Should, in the cases stipulated by Federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation , a voter, referendum participant on election day, referendum day be unable to come to the voting premises in the electoral precinct, referendum precinct where he/she is enrolled on the voter list, list of referendum participants, he/she shall be entitled to receive an absentee certificate for the right to participate in the election, the referendum on the premises of the precinct election commission, referendum commission of the relevant electoral precinct, referendum precinct, however, not earlier than 15 days prior to election day, referendum day, in the procedure stipulated by the federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation and participate in the voting at such electoral precinct, referendum precinct where he/she will stay on election day, referendum day within the electoral district where a voter referendum participant is entitled to vote.
Article 50
Should, in the cases stipulated by Federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation , a voter, referendum participant on election day, referendum day be unable to come to the voting premises in the electoral precinct, referendum precinct where he/she is enrolled on the voter list, list of referendum participants, he/she shall be entitled to receive an absentee certificate for the right to participate in the election, the referendum on the premises of the precinct election commission, referendum commission of the relevant electoral precinct, referendum precinct on election day, referendum day, in the procedure stipulated by the federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation and participate in the voting at such electoral precinct, referendum precinct where he/she will stay on election day, referendum day within the electoral district where a voter referendum participant is entitled to vote.
6. If a registered candidate whose data are indicated in the ballot has a previous conviction which has not been stricken off the record or cancelled, the ballot shall indicate the name and number of the article (articles}of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under which the candidate was convicted, the article (articles) of the criminal code adopted in accordance with the Fundamentals of Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the constituent republics, the article (articles) of the law of a foreign state, if the candidate was convicted under these legislative acts for actions which are recognized as crimes by the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a registered candidate whose data are indicated in the ballot has a foreign citizenship, ballot shall indicate the name of the corresponding foreign state..
Article 51
4. In case of voting for candidates ballots shall contain in an alphabetical orders family names, given names and patronymic names of all registered candidates their year of birth, place of residence, the official place of work or service, occupation and the information about nominators. A candidate's affiliation to a public association shall be specified in the ballot only with consent of the candidates. .If the given candidate runs for election also on a list of candidates, this information shall be indicated in the ballot.
Article 51
4. In case of voting for candidates ballots shall contain in an alphabetical orders family names, given names and patronymic names of all registered candidates their year of birth, place of residence, the official place of work or service, (if there is no official place of work or service - occupation) and the information about nominators. A candidate's affiliation to a public association shall be specified in the ballot only with consent of the candidates. .If the given candidate runs for election also on a list of candidates, this information shall be indicated in the ballot.
Article 53
1. For the purposes of elections, referenda, a voter, referendum participant shall be provided with a ballot, ballot for referendum.
Article 53
1. If the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation does not provide for voting on the basis of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum and also in other cases provided by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation a voter, referendum participant who on voting day will be absent from the place of his/her residence and will not be able to come to the precinct election commission, referendum commission for some good reason (vacation, business trip, work and study regime, discharge of state and public duties, poor health), in the electoral precinct where he/she is included on the voter list, list of referendum participants this person shall be given an opportunity to vote early by marking a ballot for voting in elections, a referendum on the premises of the appropriate territorial (district) election commission (15 - 4 days prior to voting day) or precinct election commission (not earlier than 3 days prior to voting day)..A voter, referendum participant who votes early shall submit an application to the appropriate election commission stating the reason for early voting. This application shall be annexed to the list of early voters, referendum participants.»
5. On the voting day, after officially opening the voting premises in the presence of members of a precinct election commission, referendum commission, observers, other persons indicated in Clause 1 of Article 26 of this Federal Law before the beginning of voting the chairman of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall announce the number of voters, referendum participants who voted earlier, produce for visual examination sealed envelopes with ballot for voting in elections, a referendum and the list of voters, referendum participant who voted earlier, After that he shall open each envelope, one after another, and keeping secret expression of the voters' will drop the ballots for voting in elections, a referendum into a permanent voting box. Before the beginning of voting the number of voters, referendum participants who voted earlier (separately for the territorial (district) and the precinct election commission, referendum commission) shall be entered in lines 3 and 4 of the protocol of the voting returns and in the enlarged form of the protocol of voting returns and an inscription «voted earlier» shall be made in the list of voters, referendum participants against the corresponding names of voters, referendum participants.
5. On the voting day, after officially opening the voting premises in the presence of members of a precinct election commission, referendum commission, observers, other persons indicated in Clause 1 of Article 26 of this Federal Law before the beginning of voting the chairman of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall announce the number of voters, referendum participants who voted earlier, produce for visual examination sealed envelopes with ballot for voting in elections, a referendum and the list of voters, referendum participant who voted earlier, After that he shall open each envelope, one after another, and keeping secret expression of the voters' will drop the ballots for voting in elections, a referendum into a permanent voting box. If the number of voters, referendum participants who voted early exceeds one percent of voters, referendum participants registered in the territory of the electoral precinct, referendum precinct (but not less than 10 voters), ballots for voting in elections, a referendum shall be dropped into a separate ballot box which shall then be sealed and opened when votes of voters, referendum participants are to be directly counted.
Before the beginning of voting the number of voters, referendum participants who voted earlier (separately for the territorial or district election commission, referendum commission) shall be entered in lines 3 and 4 of the protocol of the voting returns and in the enlarged form of the protocol of voting returns and an inscription «voted earlier» shall be made in the list of voters, referendum participants against the corresponding names of voters, referendum participants.
Article 54
2. Voting outside voting premises shall be carried out only on the voting day and only on the basis of a written application or an oral request (which may be relayed through other persons) of a voter, referendum participant for a possibility to vote outside voting premises.
Article 54
2. «Voting outside voting premises, save as otherwise provided by Clause 6 Article 53 of this Federal Law, shall be carried out only on voting day and only on the basis of a written application or an oral request (which may be relayed through other persons) of a voter, referendum participant for a possibility to vote outside voting premises.»
Article 55
2. The protocol of voting returns of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall contain the following:
Article 55
«2. The protocol of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall be drawn up on one sheet. In exceptional cases the protocol shall be drawn up on more than one sheet and each of its sheets shall be signed by all present voting members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission. The protocol of voting returns of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall contain the following:
e) the lines of the protocol:
e) the lines of the protocol in the following sequence
line 11: the number of invalid ballots, ballots for referendum; including separate lines, lines 12 and 13 - the number of ballots, found invalid on the basis of Clause 12 of Article 56 of this Federal Law and the number of unmarked ballots;
line 11: the number of invalid ballots, ballots for referendum; including separate lines, lines 12 and 13 - the number of ballots, found invalid on the basis of Clause 14 of Article 56 of this Federal Law and the number of unmarked ballots;
Line 13d: number of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum canceled at the polling station of the electoral precinct, referendum precinct.
3. The numbers indicated in Clause 2 of this Article shall be entered in the protocol of voting returns in numeral and in words.
3. The numbers indicated in Clause 2 of this Article shall be entered in the protocol of voting returns in numerals and in words. The numbering of the lines in the protocol of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall be established by the federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws of the Subject of the Russian Federation. «
Article 56
Article 56
3. After the voting time expires, the voting members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission in the presence of observers, persons indicated in Clause 1 of Article 26 of this Federal Law shall count and cancel, by cutting off the lower left corner, unused ballots for voting in elections, a referendum (care shall be taken to leave intact the signatures of commission members and the boxes placed on the ballots to the right of the information about the registered candidates, names of the electoral associations, electoral blocs and against the line «Against all candidates» or «Against all lists of candidates,» the boxes under the words «yes» and «no» and the commission seal on the ballot), announce the number of unused ballots and ballots spoilt by voters, referendum participants in the course of voting and enter these data in line 5 of the protocol of voting returns and in the enlarged form of this protocol displayed on the voting premises
4. Before votes of voters and referendum participants begin to be directly counted from the ballots for voting in elections, a referendum the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of a precinct election commission, referendum commission shall ascertain, declare and enter the following data into lines 1 and 2 of the protocol of voting returns and in its enlarged form:
the number of voters, referendum participants on the list;
the number of ballots for voting in elections, a referendum received by a precinct election commission, referendum commission (this number shall not include the number of ballots removed from envelopes in which they had been placed by voters, referendum participants who voted earlier on the premises of a territorial (district) election commission, referendum commission).
4. Prior to direct counting of votes of voters, referendum participants, the voting members of a precinct election commission referendum commission shall enter in each page of the list of voters, referendum participants the total data for the given page:
a) the number of voters, referendum participants entered on the list;
b) the number of ballots for voting in elections, a referendum issued to voters, referendum participants at the elections, referendum polling station on voting day (to be determined from the number of signatures of voters, referendum participants on the list of voters, referendum participants);
c) the number of ballots for voting in elections, a referendum issued to voters, referendum participants who voted outside the polling station (to be determined from the number of corresponding notes on the list of voters, referendum participants);
d) the number of voters, referendum participants who voted early;
e) the number of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum issued by the precinct election commission, referendum commission to voters, referendum participants at the election, referendum polling station;
f) the number of voters, referendum participants who voted on the basis of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum at the election, referendum polling station.
5. After the data indicated in Clause 4 of this Article have been entered, each page of the list of voters, referendum participants shall be signed by a member of the election commission, referendum commission entering these data who shall then sum them up, declare them and communicate them to the chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the precinct election commission, referendum commission and the persons present at vote counting. The chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall enter the total data to be determined by summing up the data established in accordance with Clause 4 of this Article, and certify them by a signature and the seal of the precinct election commission, referendum commission. After that, the list of voters, referendum participants may be examined by the persons indicated in Clause 3 of Article 26 of this Federal Law.
6. The chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall correct, announce and enter into lines 1 and 2 of the protocol of voting results and its enlarged form:
a) the number of voters, referendum participants on the list;
b) the number of ballots for voting in elections, a referendum received by the precinct election commission, referendum commission (the data concerning the ballots removed form the envelopes containing ballots of voters, referendum participants who voted early on the premises of a territorial (district) election commission, referendum commission shall not be included in this number).
Article 56
5. If a federal constitutional law, federal law, law of Subject of Russian Federation provides for voting on the basis of absentee certificates in elections, a referendum the following data shall be entered in lines 13a, 13b and 13c of the protocol of voting returns and in its enlarged form
the number of voters, referendum participants who voted on the basis of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum at the elections, referendum polling station.
Article 56
5. If the federal constitutional law, federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation provides for voting on the basis of absentee certificates in elections, a referendum the following data shall be entered in lines 13a, 13b, 13c and 13d of the protocol of voting returns and in its enlarged form
«the number of voters, referendum participants who voted on the basis of absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum at the elections, referendum polling station.
If the federal constitutional law, federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation provides for repeat voting, the rules for recording absentee certificates shall be laid down by this federal constitutional law, federal law, law of a Subject of the Russian Federation.»
7. After this, the chairman or secretary of the election commission, referendum commission shall take steps to ensure safekeeping of the list of voters, referendum participants making it inaccessible for persons participating in vote counting. Further work on the list of voters, referendum participants shall not be carried out before the control relationships of data entered in the protocol of voting returns are checked as provided by Clause 20 of this Article.
7. After this, the chairman or secretary of the election commission, referendum commission shall take steps to ensure safekeeping of the list of voters, referendum participants making it inaccessible for persons participating in vote counting. Further work on the list of voters, referendum participants shall not be carried out before the control relationships of data entered in the protocol of voting returns are checked as provided by Clause 22 of this Article.
14 Members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall sort out ballots for voting in elections, a referendum taken out of the portable and stationary ballot boxes according to votes cast for each candidate (each list of candidates) and according to votes cast against all candidates (lists of candidates), according to votes cast for the options «yes» and «no» in the ballots for voting in a referendum and, simultaneously, separate ballots which do not conform to a standard format and invalid ballots. Voting members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall announce notes made by voters, referendum participants on ballots for voting in elections, a referendum and show ballots for to all persons present at the direct counting. The contents of two and more ballots for voting in elections, a referendum shall not be announced simultaneously.
14 Members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall sort out ballots for voting in elections, a referendum taken out of the portable and stationary ballot boxes according to votes cast for each candidate (each list of candidates) and according to votes cast against all candidates (lists of candidates), according to votes cast for the options «yes» and «no» in the ballots for voting in a referendum and, simultaneously, separate ballots which do not conform to a standard format and invalid ballots. When sorting out voting members of the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall announce notes made by voters, referendum participants on ballots for voting in elections, a referendum and show ballots for to all persons present at the direct counting. The contents of two and more ballots for voting in elections, a referendum shall not be announced simultaneously. If the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation provides for voting for more than one candidate personally, the procedure for sorting out the ballots in the elections held in multi-mandate electoral districts shall be established by the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation and, if this procedure has not been established by law, by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the election commissions of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, depending on the level of the elections.
20. Then, the control relationships of data entered in the protocol of voting returns shall be checked. If the control relationships do not coincide, the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall take a decision to carry out additional counting of votes for all or some of the lines of the protocol of voting returns.
20. Then, the control relationships of data entered in the protocol of voting returns shall be checked. If the control relationships do not coincide, the precinct election commission, referendum commission shall take a decision to carry out additional counting of votes for all or some of the lines of the protocol of voting returns including additional counting of ballots, referendum ballots..
Clauses 5-31 shall be Clauses 7-33.
Article 58.
Article 58. The Procedure of Determination of Election, Referendum Results
On the basis of the first copies of the protocols of voting results received directly from lower election commissions, referendum commissions, by summation of the data contained therein the election, referendum results shall be determined by the election, referendum commission authorized to do so by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipal unit. The voting members of the commission shall personally establish the election, referendum results. The election, referendum results shall be recorded in a protocol and a summary table to be drawn up in triplicate and signed by all voting members of the election, referendum commission in attendance.
Article 58
2 The elections shall be pronounced by an appropriate election commission not to have taken place if the number of voters who took part in the elections is smaller that that established by appropriate federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation or if the number of votes cast by voters for a candidate who polled a larger number of votes than the other candidate (candidates) is smaller than the number of votes cast by voters against all candidates and, also, if none of the lists of candidates has polled a number of votes required under federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation for taking part in the distribution of mandates. In this case, new elections shall be called.
Article 58
2. The elections shall be declared by an appropriate election commission not to have taken place if:
a) the number of voters who took part in the elections is smaller that that established by appropriate federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation. This number shall not be less than 25 percent of the number of voters registered in the territory of the given electoral district;
b) the number of votes cast by voters for a candidate who polled a larger number of votes than the other candidate (candidates) is less than the number of votes cast by voters against all candidates;
c) a candidate (all candidates in case of elections in multi-mandate electoral districts) who must be deemed elected on the basis of voting results has not given up his/her duties which are incompatible with the status of a deputy, an elected official as provided by a federal constitutional law, federal law, law of s Subject of the Russian Federation ;
d) none of the lists of candidates has received the number of votes required under a federal law, law of a Subject of Russian Federation for taking part in the distribution of mandates..
Article 58
3 The appropriate election commission, referendum commission shall declare the voting returns, results of elections, referendum of Subject of Russian Federation, local referendum null and void
Article 58
3. When elections are held in multi-mandate electoral districts a candidate shall be deemed not to have been elected if the number of votes cast for the candidate is less than the number of votes cast against all candidates. In this case additional elections shall be held to fill vacant mandates
4. All documents of election commissions, referendum commissions of all levels, including ballots and absentee certificates shall be stored for the time set forth by this Federal Law, federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, laws of Subjects of Russian Federation. In this case, the duration of the storage of ballots may not be less than one year of the day of the publication of vote returns, election, referendum results and the time for the storage of protocols of election commissions and summary tables shall be not less than one year of the date of the successive election announcement.
4. An election commission shall not issue an election certificate to a candidate who polled the number of votes required for election if, within the time limits established by the federal constitutional law, federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation and not later than a week after the day of the official publication of the election outcome the candidate has not presented to the appropriate election commission a copy of the order relieving him/her of the duties which are incompatible with the status of a deputy, elected official or copies of documents certifying that an application was submitted in due time for the relief from such duties.
5..The procedure for storage and transfer to archives of the documents related to the preparation and administration of elections, referenda shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation upon agreement with the relevant 59state archives.
5. The appropriate referendum commission shall pronounce a referendum not to have taken place if the number of person who took part in the referendum is less than a half of referendum participants registered in the territory where the referendum was held. The appropriate referendum commission shall pronounce a decision not to have been adopted in the referendum if less than a half of referendum participants who took part in the referendum voted for the decision.
6. The appropriate election commission, referendum commission shall pronounce the results of voting, election, referendum of the Subject of the Russian Federation, local referendum null and void:
a) if violations committed in the conduct of voting or tabulation of voting results do not allow the results of the expression of the will of voters, referendum participants to be determined reliably enough;
b) if they have been voided in not less than one-fourth of the election, referendum precincts;
c) by a court decision.
7. The documentation of election, referendum commissions of all levels, including ballots for voting in elections, a referendum and absentee certificates for voting in elections, a referendum shall be kept for periods established by this Federal Law, the federal constitutional laws, other federal laws, the laws of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, the charters of the municipal units. The safekeeping periods established for ballots, absentee certificates and lists of voters, referendum participants shall be not less than on year from the day on which the results of voting and the outcome of the elections, referendum were published and for protocols of voting results and summary tables of election commissions not less than one year from the day on which the date of the next elections of the same level was announced.
8. The procedure for the safekeeping and transfer to the archives of the documents relating to the preparation and administration of elections, a referendum shall be approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and agreed upon with appropriate archive authorities.
Article 59. Repeat Voting and Repeat Elections.
Article 59. Repeat voting and Repeat Elections. By-elections
6. If a deputy elected in a single-mandate electoral district vacates office before the expiry of its term, within a month of the day on which the vacancy was created by-elections shall be called in the given electoral district in accordance with a procedure established by the federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation
7. If a deputy elected in a multi-mandate electoral district vacates office before the expiry of its term, by-elections shall be called and held in accordance with a procedure established by Clause 6 of this Article if less than two-thirds of deputy mandates in the district have been filled. The federal constitutional law, the federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may provide other grounds for holding by-elections to fill a vacancy in a multi-mandate electoral district.
«8. A federal law, a law of a Subject of the Russian Federation may provide that repeat and/or by-elections shall not be called and held if as a result of these elections a deputy cannot be elected for a term longer than one year and also if repeat elections and/or by-elections have been twice declared not to have taken place on the grounds provided by Subclauses «a» and «b» Clause 2 Article 58 of this Federal Law.»
9. If several deputies vacate office at a time when, under Clause 8 of this Article, by-elections are not to be held and the legislative (representative) body of state power, the body of local self-government lacks members to be competent, new full elections shall be held in accordance with the procedure and at the time provided by the federal constitutional laws, the federal laws, the laws of the Subject of the Russian Federation
10. The federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may provide that Subclause «a» Clause 2 Article 38 of this Federal Law shall not be applied when repeat voting is conducted on candidates who received the maximum number of votes.
11. In the conduct of by-elections the federal law, law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may decrease the number of voters who took part in the elections established by Subclause «a» Clause 2 Article 58 of this Federal Law, with which the elections shall be deemed to have not taken place.
Article 60
4. Election commissions, referendum commissions at all levels with the exception of the precinct commissions, referendum commissions shall have published the data contained in the protocols of election commissions, referendum commissions of the corresponding level on results of the election, referendum and the protocols of subordinate election commissions, referendum commissions on vote returns on the basis of which the election, referendum results were determine by the relevant election commissions, referendum commissions. The complete information on election, referendum results shall be officially published within 3 months of voting day.
Article 60
4. Election commissions, referendum commissions at all levels with the exception of the precinct commissions, referendum commissions shall publish the data contained in the protocols of election commissions, referendum commissions of the corresponding level on results of the election, referendum and the protocols of subordinate election commissions, referendum commissions on vote returns on the basis of which the election, referendum results were determined by the relevant election commissions, referendum commissions. The federal law, the law of the Subject of the Russian Federation may provide that the aforementioned data contained in the protocols of election commissions which operated in the territory of the electoral district shall be published by the appropriate district election commission or the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation . Full data about the results of elections to the federal bodies of state power, a referendum of the Russian Federation shall be officially published within three months of voting day. Full data about the results of elections to the bodies of state power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, a referendum of the Subject of the Russian Federation, a local referendum shall be officially published within two months of voting day.
Article 63
4. Voters, candidates, their agents, electoral associations, electoral blocs and their agents, other public associations, initiative groups for referendum, observers and election commissions, referendum commissions may file complaints regarding decisions and actions (inaction) infringing upon electoral rights of citizens and the right of citizens to participate in a referendum.
Article 63
4. Voters, candidates, their agents, electoral associations, electoral blocs and their agents, other public associations, referendum initiative groups, observers and election commissions, referendum commissions may file complaints regarding decisions and actions (inaction) violating electoral rights of citizens and the right of citizens to participate in a referendum. If the violations indicated in the complaint (complaints) affect a large number of citizens or if, by virtue of other circumstances, the violation has acquired a special public significance, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may apply to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation which shall be obliged to consider the substance of the complaint
Article 64
1. The registration of a candidate (list of candidates) may be canceled (invalidated) if:
Article 64
1. The registration of a candidate (list of candidates) may be canceled (invalidated) no later than the day preceding election day if:
«8. The decision on the election results shall not be voided because of violations of this Federal Law which were conducive to the election or aimed to encourage or actually encouraged voters to vote for candidates, registered candidates who have not been elected according to the voting, for electoral associations, electoral blocs which have not taken part in the distribution of deputy mandates.»
Article 66
2. The Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation» as amended and modified ( Legislative Collection of the Russian Federation 1994, No 33, p 3406; 1996 No 49 p 5498) shall be invalidated on the day of coming into force of this Federal Law with the exception of provisions specified in Clause 3 of this Article.
Article 66
2. The Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation» as amended and modified (Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation 1994, No. 33, p 3406; 1996 No. 49 p 5498) shall be invalidated on the day on which this Federal Law enters into force with the exception of provisions of Clause 3, 4 and 7 of this Article.
4. If the main elections of deputies are called before this Federal law enters into force, the following provisions of this Federal Law shall not be applied in the preparation and administration of by-elections and repeat elections: Clauses 5 and 6 of Article 18, Clause 8 of Article 31, Clause 1 and Subclause «a» Clause 10 of Article 47. In the voting in the full elections of deputies is conducted before this Federal Law enters into force, the following provisions of this Federal law shall not be applied in the preparation and administration of by-elections and repeat elections of deputies: Clauses 5 and 6 of Article 18, clause 8 of Article 31, Clause 1 and Subclause «a», Clause 10 of Article 47, Subclauses «a» and «b», Clause 2 of Article 58.
5. Staff members of election commissions with decisive vote acting on a permanent basis in Subjects of Russian Federation shall be considered as state employees; the provision of Clause 1 of Article 23 of this Federal Law stipulating that state employees may not constitute more than 1/3 of the total number of election commission members shall come into fore after legislation of Subjects of Russian Federation be brought in conformity with Clause 11 of Article 24 of this Federal Law, however, not later than the end of the term of office of the election commissions listed in Clause 4 of this Federal Law.
5. Staff members of election commissions with decisive vote acting on a permanent basis in Subjects of Russian Federation shall be considered as state employees; the provision of Clause 1 of Article 23 of this Federal Law stipulating that state employees may not constitute more than 1/3 of the total number of election commission members shall come into fore after legislation of Subjects of Russian Federation be brought in conformity with Clause 11 of Article 24 of this Federal Law, however, not later than the end of the term of office of the election commissions listed in Clause 4 5 of this Federal Law.
Clauses 4 and 5 shall be Clauses 5 and 6
Article 66
«7. The 11th paragraph of Article 2 of this Federal Law shall not apply to elections to be held before July 1, 1999. In this case paragraph 10 Article 2 of the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. In the elections wherein voting is to be conducted before December 31, 1999, the period of one year indicated in the 11th paragraph of Article 2 of this Federal Law shall be reduced to six months.»
8. The following acts shall be deemed to be no longer valid:
The RSFSR Law «On the Elections of the Head of the Administration» (Bulletin of the Congress of the People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1991, No. 45, p. 1491)
The Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR «On the Procedure for Putting Into Effect the RSFSR Law «On the Elections of the Head of the Administration» (Bulletin of the Congress of the People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1991, No. 45, p. 1492)
