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22.02.2025, ñóááîòà. Ìîñêîâñêîå âðåìÿ 19:56

Calendar Plan With Regard to Preparation for and Conduct of Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation

To the Regulation of the CEC of RF
Dated August 13, 1999
No. 8/49-3

Election Date: December 19, 1999




Responsible Body



Development and presentation to the State Duma of the scheme of single mandate electoral districts, and graphical diagram of the scheme

Not later than
July 10, 1999



Publication (making public) of the former single mandate electoral districts scheme unless the Federal Law mentioned in Para. 7 of Article 12 of the Duma Law, including single mandate electoral districts scheme, is published (made public) before September 9, 1999

Not earlier than September 9, and not later than September 11, 1999



Electoral precinct formation

Not later than
November 18, 1999

Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by a representative self-government body, upon agreement with appropriate territorial election commissions


Formation of electoral precincts in areas of voters' temporal residence, in inaccessible or remote areas, at polar stations, on vessels at sea on election day

Not later than November 18, 1999, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than December 13, 1999

Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by a representative self-government body, or heads of offices in which voters are temporary present, upon agreement with appropriate territorial election commissions


In exceptional cases, formation of electoral precincts in military units located in detached areas far from populated localities

Not later than November 18, 1999, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than December 13, 1999

Military unit commandants, at the decision of an appropriate election commission


Formation of electoral precincts in order to conduct voting and to count votes of the voters who stay in foreign countries on election days

Not later than November 18, 1999

Heads of diplomatic representative offices or consular offices of the Russian Federation in the country of presence


Publication of electoral precinct lists with an indication of electoral precinct numbers and boundaries, or lists of populated localities, places of precinct election commissions, voting premises, and phone numbers of precinct election commissions

Not later than
November 23, 1999.
Information about electoral precincts formed after the established deadline indicated in Para. 2 of the said article - not later than three days after their formation

Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by the representative self-government body



Submission of information about voters to territorial election commissions, should a voter list be compiled by a precinct election commission - the said information shall be presented to appropriate precinct election commissions

Not later than
October 19, 1999

Heads of municipal bodies, or persons authorized by the representative self-government body, military unit commandants, heads of institutions of temporary stay of voters


Voter lists compilation

Not later than
November 22, 1999

Territorial election commissions


Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in inaccessible or remote areas

Not later than
November 23, 1999, and in exceptional cases - not later than in two days after the formation of the electoral precinct election commission

Electoral precinct election commissions


Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in military units

Not later than November 23, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions


Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in areas of voters' temporal residence, at polar stations, on vessels at sea on election day

Not later than December 18, 1999

Appropriate electoral precinct election commissions


Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed outside the territory of the Russian Federation

Not later than November 23, 1999

Appropriate electoral precinct election commissions


Transfer of the first copy of the voter list to the appropriate election commission

November 23, 1999

Territorial election commissions


Presentation of voter lists for familiarization and additional specification

Not later than
November 28, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions


Signing of the verified and specified voter list

Not later than December 18, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions



Formation of district election commissions

Not earlier than 5 days after an official publication of the single mandate electoral districts' scheme and not later than September 19, 1999

Legislative (representative) and executive bodies of the state power of subjects of the Russian Federation


Formation of territorial (rayon, city, etc.) election commissions

Not earlier than October 10, 1999, and not later than October 19, 1999

Representative bodies of the local self-government


Formation of precinct election commissions

Not later than 3 days after the formation of an appropriate election electoral precinct

Representative bodies of the local self-government


Formation of precinct election commissions at electoral precincts established at polar stations, on vessels at sea, or in a military unit located in a detached are far from populated centers

Not later than 3 days after the formation of appropriate electoral precinct, and in exceptional cases - not later than December 13, 1999

Head of polar station, vessel captain, military unit commandant


Formation of electoral precinct election commission at the electoral precinct established outside the Russian Federation

Not later than 3 days after the establishment of appropriate electoral precinct

Head of appropriate diplomatic representative office or consulate of the Russian Federation, or military unit commandant



Registration of RF of electoral blocs

Not later than within 5 days after presentation of a joint decision of the said associations




Nomination of candidates to the deputies in single mandate electoral districts

After an official publication of the single mandate electoral districts scheme approved by the federal law, but not earlier than August 10, 1999

Citizens of the Russian Federation having an active election right on the territory of the election district in question; electoral associations, blocs


Nomination of candidates to the deputies in single mandate electoral districts in case if the scheme for single mandate electoral districts has not been ratified

From September 20, 1999

Citizens of the Russian Federation having an active election right on the territory of the election district in question; electoral associations, blocs


Nomination of the federal list of candidates by electoral associations or electoral blocs

Starting from August 10, 1999

Electoral associations and blocs


Revision of the documents presented by electoral associations and electoral blocs, registration of authorized representatives of electoral associations and blocs on financial aspects, issue of certified copies of federal lists of candidates and (or) lists of candidates, or motivated refusal to issue the documents

Within three days after the submission of the documents, or if the electoral bloc also submitted documents for its registration - within five days



Signature collection in support of the candidates nominated by voters

Starting from the day when voters notify an appropriate election commission in the order established by Article 37 of the Federal law

Citizens of the Russian Federation having an active election right


Collection of voter signatures in support of federal lists of candidates, or candidates nominated by electoral associations and blocs

Starting from the day when the CEC certified copies of the candidates lists and submitted to the district election commission the documents and data indicated in Para. 10 of Article 40 of the Federal law

Electoral associations and blocs


Submission to the district election commissions of documents for registration of candidates to the deputies in single mandate electoral districts

Not earlier than September 25, 1999, and not later than October 24, 1999

Candidates to the deputies or authorized representatives of electoral associations and blocs


Submission of documents to the CEC of RF for registration of federal lists of candidates

Not earlier than September 25, 1999, and not later than October 24, 1999

Authorized representatives of electoral associations and blocs


Making decisions about registration of candidates or rejection of registration

Not later than 10 days after reception of the signature lists (after receipt of the election deposit by a special account of the CEC of RF, election commission of the subject of RF), and other documents needed for the registration

CEC of RF, district election commissions


Transfer to mass media of information about the registered federal lists of candidates together with information about candidates and the candidates that were registered in single mandate electoral districts

Within 48 hours after the registration

Appropriate election commissions


Execution of the right to register pseudonyms

Within five days after expiration of the terms for submission of the documents for registration

Candidates, registered candidates


Displaying of information about registered candidates and federal lists of candidates on the premises of election commissions

Not later than December 4, 1999

District and territorial election commissions



Submission to the election commission of certified copy of the order (instruction) about relief of duties

Not later than three days after the registration day

Registered candidates that are employed in state or municipal offices, or work in mass media under the labor or civil agreement


Appointment of authorized persons of candidates to the deputies in single mandate and federal electoral districts

After the candidate's registration

Registered candidates to the deputies in single mandate electoral districts, electoral associations and blocs that registered the federal list of candidates


Registration of authorized persons of the registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs that registered the federal list of candidates

Within three days after the receipt of a written application

CEC, district election commissions


Execution of the right of the candidate that was registered in a single mandate election district to withdraw his/her candidacy

Not later than December 15, 1999

Candidate to the deputies registered in a single mandate election district


Execution of the right of a candidate, registered candidate that is on the federal list of candidates to refuse to further participate in the election within the said federal list

Not later than December 13, 1999

Candidate, registered candidate that is on the federal list of candidates


Execution of the right of the electoral association and bloc that nominated the federal list of voters, to recall a registered candidate at the decision of the body that nominated the said list of candidates

Not later than December 13, 1999

Electoral associations and blocs


Execution of the right of an electoral association being part of an electoral bloc to refuse to further participate in the election as part of the said electoral bloc

Not later than December 13, 1999

Electoral associations


Execution of the right of an electoral association to exclude certain candidates (registered candidates) from the federal list of candidates

Not later than December 13, 1999

Electoral associations and blocs


Execution of the right of an electoral association and bloc to recall the candidate nominated in a single mandate election district, or a registered candidate

Not later than December 13, 1999

Electoral associations and blocs



Conduct of election campaigning

Starts from the day of registration of the candidate or the federal candidates' list, and finishes up at 12:00am local time on December 18, 1999

Citizens of the RF, registered candidates to the deputies, public associations, electoral associations and blocs


Publication of a list of TV and radio organizations and periodicals that are obliged to grant opportunities and to provide equal conditions for election campaigning

Not later than August 20, 1999

CEC, election commissions of the subjects of RF


Publication by TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals of information about the rates for air time and print space

Not later than August 30, 1999

TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals


Granting of free air time on the channels of TV and radio organizations

Not earlier than November 19, 1999, and not later than December 17, 1999

TV and radio organizations that fall under Para. 1 of Article 55 of the Federal law


Submission of data about accounting of the volume of and rates for air time and print space

From December 14 through December 24, 1999

TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals (irrespective of forms of ownership)


Submission of payment order to transfer money paid for air time in full

Not later than two days before the day when the air time is granted

Registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Conduct of lottery for distribute free air time and free printing area

During a week after registration of candidates and federal lists of candidates is finished

CEC, election commissions of the subjects of RF, TV and radio organizations, editorial offices of periodicals, registered candidates, regional groups of candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Allocation of free printing area

From November 9 through December 17, 1999

Editorial offices of periodicals, that fall under Para. 1 of Article 55 of the Federal law


Publication of information about the total printed area

Not later than December 17, 1999

Editorial offices of periodicals, that fall under Para. 1 of Article 55 of the Federal law


Notification to appropriate editorial offices of printing areas about the refusal to use the printing area

Not later than five days before the day of publication

Registered candidates, regional groups of candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Review of applications about allocation of premises to be used for meetings of registered candidates, their authorized persons, authorized persons and assigned representatives, electoral associations, electoral blocs with voters

Within three days from applications submission

Sate bodies, self-government bodies


Prohibition for publication (making public) in mass media of the results of the public opinion polls, forecasts of the elections results, and other studies related to elections

From December 16, 1999 and December 19, 1999, inclusive

TV and radio organizations, editorial offices of periodicals, organizations that public the polling results and forecasts of the election results.


Conduct of advertising of commercial and other activities

After the establishment of an appropriate electoral fund and up to December 17? 1999.

Registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs, authorized persons, assigned representatives of electoral associations, blocs, authorized persons of the registered candidates, and organizations whose founders, owners and 9or) board members of which are the said persons and organizations.


Invitation to the meetings with military voters of all candidates that were registered in an appropriate single mandate election district, authorized representatives, all electoral associations and blocs that registered federal lists of candidates

Not later than three days before each meeting

Military unit commandant together with the district election commission


Allocation of special sites for placing pre-election printed propaganda materials in each election district

Not later than November 18, 1999

Self-government bodies, upon request of district election commission


Storage of video and audio records containing election campaigning

During 12 months starting from the day when the airing started

Appropriate TV and radio organizations



Transfer of money for the
elections administration:
- to election commissions of the subjects of the RF
- to district election commissions

- to territorial election commissions

Not later than September 19, 1999
Not later than October 19, 1999
Not later than November 8, 1999


Election commissions of the subjects of RF
Election commissions of the subjects of RF


Opening by a candidate nominated in a single mandate election district, by an electoral association and bloc, of a special election account in order to form an electoral fund

Not later than 5 days before submission of the documents for registration

Candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Address with a request to open a special account in the Saving Bank branches of RF for making an election deposit by candidates, electoral associations and blocs

Not later than August 19, 1999

CEC, election commissions of the subjects of RF


Opening of a special account of an appropriate election commission in order to make a deposit

Not later than 5 days after the address of the CEC and election commissions of the subjects

Branches of the Saving Bank of the RF


Making election deposits in full

Not earlier than September 25, 1999 and not later than October 24, 1999

Candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Submission to the election commissions of information about receiving and spending of the money from special election accounts of candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs

Not less than once a week. Starting from December 9, 1999 through the voting day - not less than once per 3 operational days

Branches of the Saving Bank of the RF


Submission of information to the mass media about the flow and spending of electoral funds

Periodically, but not less than once every second week up till the voting day

CEC of RF, district election commissions


Return of money in case it is not used for election depositing

Not later than November 3, 1999

Candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Return of excessive money contributed to an election deposit

Within 10 days starting from the receipt of the election deposit to a special account

Appropriate election commissions


Return of money contributed as an election deposit in smaller amounts, or after the expiration of the deadline for submission of documents required for registration of candidates and federal lists of candidates

Within twenty days after the money was received at the special account

Appropriate election commissions


Return of election deposit to the appropriate electoral fund

Within ten day starting from the day when a candidate, registered candidate, electoral association or bloc submitted an appropriate application (notification), or from the day of refusal

Appropriate election commissions


Return of election deposit to the appropriate electoral fund if the registration of a deputy, federal list of candidates was done on the basis of the collected voters' signatures

Not later than within ten days starting from the day of registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates

Appropriate election commissions


Return of election deposit to the electoral fund of the registered candidate, electoral association or bloc in cases indicated in Para. 9 of Article 64 of the Federal Law

Not later than within five days after the official publication of the election results

Appropriate election commissions


Transfer of the election deposit to the Federal budget

Not later than February 17, 2000

Appropriate election commissions


Return to the citizens and legal entities of the money that was transferred by them into the electoral fund indicating that the money was meant for an election deposit

Within ten business days starting from the day when the election deposit was received from the election commission

Candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Transfer of anonymous contributions to the federal budget

Not later than within ten days after the money reached the special account

Candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs


Transfer of copies of financial reports from registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs that registered federal lists with mass media

Within five days starting from the money receipt

Appropriate election commissions


Return to the appropriate election commissions of the unused money from the electoral fund in proportion to the transferred money

Not later than January 18, 2000

Registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs in cases indicated in Para. 2 of Article 67 of the Federal law


Notification of the registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs that do not fall under Para. 2 of Article 67 of the Federal law about the amount of the money returned from the budget to their electoral funds, and for transportation reimbursement

Within three days starting from the official publication of the general election results

Appropriate election commissions


Forwarding to the TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals of the list of electoral associations and blocs that fall under Para. 5 of Article 67 of the Federal law, their legal addresses and certified copies of extracts from the joint decisisons of electoral blocs about the procedure for the reimbursement of costs for free air time and printing areas

Within three days starting from the official publication of the general election results



Notification of the electoral associations and blocs that fall under Para. 5 of Article 67 of the Federal law about the volume and costs for free air time and printing areas, and of their legal addresses and banking information

Within ten days starting from the official publication of the general election results

TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals


Transfer to the federal budget income of money that was left at special election accounts of electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, electoral associations and blocs

Not earlier than February 18, 2000

Branches of the Saving Bank of RF


Return of money from the federal budget to the account of an election commission of the subject of RF

Not later than December 19, 2000

Registered candidates


Return of money from the federal budget to the account of the CEC

Not later than December 19, 2000

Electoral associations and blocs


Submission of information to the CEC about political public associations that did not reimburse the cost of free air time and print space, and about RF citizens that have debts to election commissions

Not later than January 19, 2001

TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals that fall under Para.s 2 and 3 of Article 55 of the Federal law, election commissions of the subjects of RF


Submission to the
appropriate election
commission of the financial
- first financial report

- second financial report

- final financial report

Not earlier than
September 25, 1999
and not later than
October 24, 1999
Not earlier than
November 29, 1999
and not later than
December 8, 1999
Not later than within 30
days after official
publication of the
election results

Candidates, registered
candidates, electoral
associations and blocs

Candidates, registered
candidates, electoral
associations and blocs

Candidates, registered
candidates, electoral
associations and blocs


Submission to the territorial election commissions of financial reports about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget allocated to them for administration of the election

Not later than December 29, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions


Submission to election commissions of the subjects of the RF of financial reports about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget allocated to them for administration of the election

Not later than January 13, 2000

Territorial election commissions


Submission to election commissions of the subjects of the RF of financial reports about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget allocated to them for the administration of the election

Not later than 45 days after the day of official publication of information about the results of the elections in a single mandate election district

District election commissions


Submission by election commissions of the subjects of the RF of financial reports about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget allocated to them for administration of the election, and also information about each single mandate election district about the flow and spending of money of the electoral funds of candidates and registered candidates

Not later than 60 days after the day of official publication of the total results of the elections

Election commissions of the subjects of the RF


Submission to the houses of the Federal Assembly of the RF of a financial report about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget, and also information about the flow and spending of money of the electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, and about the flow and spending of money from the electoral funds of electoral associations and blocs

Not later than three months after the day of the official publication of the total election results



Publication of the financial report about the flow and spending of money from the federal budget, and information about the flow and spending of money of the electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, and about the flow and spending of money from the electoral funds of electoral associations and blocs

Not later than a month after submission of the financial report to the Houses of the Federal Assembly of the RF




Conduct of drawing on the procedure for placement of short names and emblems of the candidates from electoral associations and blocs that registered federal lists in the election bulletin in the federal election district

Not later than November 12, 1999

CEC, authorized representatives from electoral associations and blocs


Ratification of the procedure for ballots manufacturing, approval of their number and requirements for ballots manufacturing

Not later than November 13, 1999



Approval of the form and text of the election ballot for the federal election district, forms of an election ballot for single mandate election districts

Not later than November 16, 1999



Approval of the ballot text for voting in a single mandate election district

Not later than November 19, 1999

District election commission


Approval of the text of the ballot in the state language of the subject of RF, and in the languages of people of RF

Not later than November 21, 1999

Election commissions of the subjects of RF


Manufacturing of ballots for voting in the federal election district and single mandate election districts

Not later than November 26, 1999

CEC of RF, election commissions of the subjects of RF


Receiving of election ballots
- territorial election

- electoral precinct election

Not later than
November 28, 1999

Not later than
December 14, 1999

District election
commissions, territorial
election commissions
Territorial election
commissions, electoral
precinct election


Approval of the form of the absentee voting certificate, procedures for their manufacturing, number, forms of the certificates issue

Not later than October 20, 1999



Obtaining by voters of the
absentee vote certificates:
- in territorial election

- in electoral precinct
election commissions

From November 4,
through November 24,
From November 25
through December 18,

Territorial election

Electoral precinct election


Forwarding to the electoral precinct election commissions of the first copy of voters' list and certified extracts from the register of issue of absentee vote certificates

Not later than November 24, 1999

Territorial election commissions


Notification of voters about the time and place of voting, and about early voting

Not later than November 28, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions


Conduct of early voting for some groups of voters that are located in places which are far from voting premises

Not earlier than December 4, 1999, during some days in the order established by Para.s 3-9 of Article 79 of the Federal law

Electoral precinct election commissions at the permission of district election commissions , upon agreement with an appropriate election commission of the subject of RF


Conduct of early voting for all voters on one or several polling stations established on vessels at sea, polar stations, in remote and inaccessible places

Not earlier than December 4, 1999

Electoral precinct election commissions at the permission of district election commissions


Voting time

From 8:00 am till
8:00 pm local time ,
December 19, 1999



Vote count at the polling station and compilation of protocols about voting results

After the time for voting is out

Electoral precinct election commissions


Establishment of voting results, compilation of protocols and summary tables

Not later than December 21, 1999

Territorial election commissions


Transfer to the election commission of the subject of RF of third copies of the protocols, summary tables and acts

December 25, 1999

District election commissions


Determination of election results in a single mandate election district, and establishment of vote returns in the federal election district

Not later than December 23, 1999

District election commissions


Notification of the registered candidate that was elected the Duma deputy, about the election results

Right after signing of the protocol about the election results

Appropriate election commissions


Submission to the appropriate election commission of a copy of the order (other document) about the relief of the duties incompatible with the status of the Duma deputy

Within five days after notification of the registered candidate that was elected Duma deputy

Registered candidate that was elected the Duma deputy


Determination of voting results in the federal election district

Not later than January 2, 2000



Forwarding of the general data about the election results about the appropriate electoral districts to mass media

Within one day after election results determination

CEC, district election commissions


Official publication of data contained in Protocols 1 and 2 of all territorial and electoral precinct election commissions of the appropriate single mandate election district

Not later than January 2, 2000

District election commissions or election commissions of the subjects of RF


Determination of the general election results

Not later than January 3, 2000



Official publication in the CEC Information Bulletin of general elections results, and also data about the number of votes obtained by each of the registered candidates, federal lists of candidates, and number of votes against all candidates, federal lists of candidates, complete data from Protocols 1 and 2 of all district election commissions

Not later than January 9, 2000



Registration of elected Duma deputies, and issue of certificates about their election

After an official publication of the general election results

Appropriate election commissions


Official publication of information about the elections results in the CEC Information Bulletin

Not later than February 19, 2000



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