
Тот, на чьей стороне большинство, всегда находчив и умен. Бенджамин Дизраэли (1804=1881), английский государственный деятель


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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 22:56

Resolution Of The Central Election Commission Of The Russian Federation


On early voting at precinct polling stations formed outside of the Russian Federation in the second round of elections of the President of the Russian Federation

Upon consideration of a request submitted to the Central Election Commission by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning early voting at precinct polling stations formed outside of the Russian Federation in compliance with the Federal Law On Election of the President of the Russian Federation the Central Election Commission rules:

To certify the list of precinct polling stations formed outside of the Russian Federation where early voting is allowed in the second round of elections of the President of the Russian Federation (attached).

To publish the following resolution in the Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and in the Russian Newspaper.

Chairman of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation

Secretary of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation


Addenda to the Resolution
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
From June 1996

of precinct polling stations formed outside of the Russian Federation where early voting is allowed in the second round of elections of the President of the Russian Federation

Democratic Peopled Republic of Algeria

1. Precinct polling station # 5, Algiers
2. Precinct polling station # 6, Annaba

Republic of Angola

3. Precinct polling station # 7, Luanda

Republic of Armenia

4. Precinct polling station #361, Megry

Peopled Republic of Bangladesh

5. Precinct polling station #191, Dacca

6. Precinct polling station # 193, PES «Gorazal»


7. Precinct polling station # 194, Manama

Republic of Belorussia

8. Precinct polling station #333, Mozyr

9. Precinct polling station # 334, Lida


10. Precinct polling station # 12, La-Pass

Socialist republic of Vietnam

11. Precinct polling station # 197, Hoshimin

12. Precinct polling station 3 198, Vungtau

Republic of Guinea

13. Precinct polling station # 22, Conakry Georgia

14. Precinct polling station # 387, Sukhumi

15. Precinct polling station # 389, Hichaury

16. Precinct polling station # 398, Gudauta

17. Precinct polling station # 405, Zugdidi

Republic of Djibouti

18. Precinct polling station # 24, Djibouti

Arab Republic of Egypt

19. Precinct polling station # 27, Heluan

20. Precinct polling station # 28, Abu-Tartur

Republic of Zambia

21. Precinct polling station # 30, Lusaka

Republic of Zimbabwe

22. Precinct polling station #31, Harare

Republic of India

23. Precinct polling station # 199, Dehly

24. Precinct polling station # 202, Calcutta

Republic of Iraq

25. Precinct polling station # 209, Baghdad


26. Precinct polling station #210, Teheran

27. Precinct polling station #211, Isfahan

28. Precinct polling station #212, Ahvaz

29. Precinct polling station #213, Mashhad

30. Precinct polling station #215, Bushir

31. Precinct polling station #216, Kish peninsula

Republic of Yemen

32. Precinct polling station #217, Sana

33. Precinct polling station # 218. Aden

34. Precinct polling station #219, Sana

35. Precinct polling station # 220, Hodeida

36. Precinct polling station #221, Ibb

37. Precinct pooling station # 222, Turba

Republic of Kazakhstan

38. Precinct polling station # 295, Alma Ata

39. Precinct polling station # 299, Priozersk

40. Precinct polling station # 300, Priozersk

41. Precinct polling station #301, Balkhash

42. Precinct polling station # 302, Derzhavinsk

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

43. Precinct polling station # 230, Chongjin

Republic of Korea

44. Precinct polling station # 232, Pusan

Islam Republic of Mauritania

45. Precinct polling station # 52, Houakchott

46. Precinct polling station # 53, Houadibu

Republic of Moldova

47. Precinct polling station # 347, Dubossary

48. Precinct polling station # 348, Bendery

Republic of Nigeria

49. Precinct polling station #61, Lagos

United Arab Emirates

50. Precinct polling station # 258, Aby Dhabi

51. Precinct polling station # 198, Dubai

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

52. Precinct polling station # 260, Islamabad

53. Precinct polling station # 261, Karachi

54. Precinct polling station # 262, Multan

55. Precinct polling station # 263, Lakhor


56. Precinct polling station # 72, Seattle

Republic of Sudan

57. Precinct polling station # 83, Khartoum

Republic of Tajikistan

58. Precinct polling station #313, Pyandj

59. Precinct polling station # 314, settl. Moscow

60. Precinct polling station # 315, settl. Kalaihumb

61. Precinct polling station #316, settl. Ishkashim

62. Precinct polling station #317, settl. Murgab

63. Precinct polling station # 320, Kurgan-Tjube

64. Precinct polling station # 321, Kulyab

65. Precinct polling station # 323, Horog

Republic of Tunisia

66. Precinct polling station # 85, Tunis


67. Precinct polling station # 325, Turkmenbashi

68. Precinct polling station # 326, Nebit-Dag

69. Precinct polling station # 327, Mary

70. Precinct polling station # 328, Dashhovuz

71. Precinct polling station # 329, Chardzhou

Republic of Croatia

72. Precinct polling station # 152, Zagreb


73. Precinct polling station # 93, Asmara


74. Precinct polling station # 94, Addis Ababa

Union Republic of Yugoslavia

75. Precinct polling station # 160, Belgrade


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