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Яндекс цитирования

15.01.2025, среда. Московское время 06:54

On the Format and the Degree of Protection of the Ballot for Voting in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000


February 13, 2000
No. 82/978-3

Pursuant to Articles 17 and 63 of the Federal Law «On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation» the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation hereby resolves:

1. To approve the format of the ballot for voting in the election of the President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000 (Annex 1).

2. To determine the degree of protection of the ballot for voting in the election of the President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000 (Annex 2).

3. To charge S.A.Danilenko, Member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with the task of overseeing fulfillment of the Resolution..

4. To publish this Resolution in the Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

A.A. Veshnyakov
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

O.K. Zastrozhnaya
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

Annex 1

by Resolution of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No. 82/978-3 of February 13, 2000


for voting in the election of the President of the Russian Federation March 26, 2000

(Signatures of two members of the precinct election commission and seal of the precinct election commission)


Put any sign in the blank box to the right of the name of only one registered candidate for whom you vote or in the box to the right of the line «AGAINST ALL CANDIDATES.»

A ballot in which signs are put in more boxes than one or in none of the boxes shall be deemed invalid.

A ballot which is not certified by the signatures of members of the precinct election commission and the seal of the precinct election commission shall be regarded as a ballot of non-standard form and shall not be reckoned in the count of votes.

LAST NAME (pseudonym), first and middle name of each registered candidate (last names are arranged in alphabetical order)

year of birth, place of residence, main place of work or service, official position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service) of the registered candidate, name of the elective office (if any) held by the registered candidate in a body of state power or a body of local self-government, information about nominators of the registered candidate.

If the registered candidate has been nominated directly by voters - membership in not more than one public association which is indicated in the statement of consent to run for the election and which was registered not later than a year prior to voting day, and the status therein.

If the registered candidate has been nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc - the abbreviated name of this electoral association, electoral bloc and membership in not more than one public association which is indicated in the statement of consent to run for the election and which was registered not later than a year prior to voting day, and the status therein.

If the registered candidate has a conviction that has not expired or has not been cancelled - the number and the name of the article (articles) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of which the registered candidate was convicted and the article (articles) of the criminal code adopted in accordance with the Fundamental Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the Union republics, the article (articles) of the law of a foreign state and the name of the law, if the candidate was convicted under these legislative acts for actions qualified as crimes by the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If the registered candidate has Russian Federation citizenship and foreign citizenship, the ballot shall indicate this fact and the name of the corresponding foreign state.


Annex 2

by Resolution of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No. 82/978-3 of February 13, 2000

Degree of Protection of the Ballot for Voting in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000

Ballots for voting in the election of the President of the Russian Federation (hereafter «ballots») shall be printed on white paper with a density of 48 - 65 g/m2.

The size of the ballot shall be 210x297 mm (size A4). The text of the ballot shall be printed only on one side of the ballot. If the text of the ballot cannot be arranged on a sheet of this size, ballots may be printed on a sheet measuring 420x297 mm (size A3).

If ballots are to be printed in the Russian language and in the national language of a Subject of the Russian Federation and in the languages of ethnic groups of the Russian Federation in the territories where they are concentrated, the size of the ballot paper may be 420x247 (size A3) or 420x594 mm (size A2).

The text of the ballot shall be monochromatic and shall be printed in black.

A monochromatic blue mauresque pattern shall be printed on the face of the ballot.

Two voting members of the precinct election commission shall put their signatures on the face of the ballot in a blank space to the right of the word BALLOT and their signatures shall be certified with the seal of the precinct election commission.


Автор: В.И.Васильев, А.Е.Постников - ИРИС
Форма выпуска: Книга

Первое издание ИРИС - книга В. И. Васильева и А. Е. Постникова «Путеводитель по избирательной кампании: пособие для кандидатов в депутаты, избирательных объединений и избирательных блоков». Это популярный комментарий законодательства о выборах депутатов Государственной Думы. В книгу включены рисунки популярного карикатуриста А. Бильжо. Издание предназначено для кандидатов в депутаты, организаторов избирательных кампаний, избирательных объединений, избирательных блоков и иных участников выборов.

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