
Война - преступление, которое не искупается победой. Анатоль Франс (1844-1924), французский писатель и литературный критик


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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 22:31

On Appeal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to the Electoral Process Participants


In accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law «On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation resolves:

1. To approve the Appeal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to the electoral process participants (attached).

2. To publish this resolution in both «Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation» and «Rossyiskaya Gazeta».

Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation

Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation

August 13, 1999,
No. 8/51-3

Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
No. 8/51-3 of August 13, 1999

to the Election Process Participants

Starting August 10, 1999, the day when the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation declaring the elections was officially published, the campaign for election of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has started.

In this regard, numerous requests on various issues pertaining to election campaigning were received by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation deems it necessary to draw attention of all election process participants to the fact that election campaign is understood as activities aimed to encourage or encouraging voters to participate in the election and to vote for or against any registered candidate, for or against any federal list of candidates registered with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

No canvassing in allowed at the current stage of election campaigns, since, in accordance with the legislation, it may only start from the day of registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates, and should end at 00.00 local time one day prior to voting day. It is during this period that citizens of the Russian Federation, political public associations may, in any form allowed by law and by legitimate methods, conduct election campaigning.

Election campaigning may be conducted though the mass media, by holding conferences and meetings with citizens, rallies, demonstrations, matches, public debates and discussions, by issuing and distributing printed, audiovisual and other campaign materials and in other forms not prohibited by law.

Election canvassing via broadcasting channels or via newspapers and periodicals may only be conducted by registered candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, registered federal lists of candidates, using only the money from the appropriate election fund. Other participants in the election process may not engage in election campaigning via the mass media.

Campaign materials of printed, audio, visual, or other nature may only be produced and disseminated subject to approval of the registered candidate, electoral association or electoral bloc; in such case, counterparts or copies of such printed campaign material must be presented to the appropriate election commission.

Any violation of the aforesaid or other requirements applicable to election campaigning will attract penalties established by federal laws to any candidates, electoral associations and electoral bloc, up to and including a refusal to register any candidate or federal list of candidates; broadcasters, editors of newspapers and periodicals, and other participants of the electoral process may also be held so liable.

Expressing its confidence that election campaign, which has just only started, will be competed in full compliance with the requirements of law, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation appeals to all participants in the electoral process to make an active contribution to holding free and democratic elections of the deputies to the new State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation


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