Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation «On Utilization of State Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation When Holding Elections of Deputies to the Third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation»
Pursuant to Paragraph 7 of Article 22, Paragraphs 32 through 35 of Article 56, and Article 62 of the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum», Subparagraph (g), Paragraph 1, of Article 24, and Article 86 of the Federal Law «On Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», and in order to provide information support to operation of the electoral commissions of all tiers, to efficiently utilize the means of automation, telecommunication, information resources, and human resources of the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation when holding elections of deputies to the third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Central Election Commission hereby resolves:
1. The National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation shall be utilized during preparation and holding the elections of deputies to the third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to provide information support to and to automate operations of the electoral commission.
2. This Resolution shall be circulated to the heads of executive bodies and to the chairmen of the electoral commissions of all Subjects of the Russian Federation, for their information and joint organization of the work to put the regional fragments of the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation in the mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
3. The Regulation on Putting the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation into the Mode of Preparing and Holding the Elections of Deputies to the Third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (attached) shall be approved.
4. The Federal Center of Information Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (Mr. I.S. Gorshkov) shall be charged with organizational, information, and methodological support of the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation.
5. Mrs. O.N. Volkova, of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, shall be charged with supervising the performance hereof.
6. This resolution shall be published in «Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation».
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
August 13, 1999,
Resolution of the Central Election
Commission of the Russian Federation
No.8/59-3 of August 13, 1999
on Putting the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation
into the Mode of Preparing and Holding the Elections of Deputies
to the Third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
1. General
1.1. The National Automated System «Vybory» (Elections) of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - NAS «Vybory») is intended to address the following tasks:
providing information support to and automating the activities of the electoral commissions in the Russian Federation during the period of preparing and holding any election campaigns (referenda);
providing information support in the period between elections to the electoral commissions, representative and executive bodies of government, and local governments.
1.2. This document has been prepared on the bases of the Federal Laws «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» and «On Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, No. 89/731-II of April 19, 1996 «On Regulations on the System Administrator of the Electoral Commissions Information Center»; it defines the procedure for switching NAS «Vybory» from the mode of providing information services to electoral commissions and other resource users between elections into the mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the election of deputies to the State Duma).
1.3. In this Regulation on Putting the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation into the Mode of Preparing and Holding the Elections of Deputies to the Third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Regulation), the switching of NAS «Vybory» from one operational mode in to the other is understood as the implementation of necessary organizational and technical measures to assure preparation of software/hardware, information, telecommunication, human and other system recourses to address their tasks in the new operational mode.
1.4 The switching of the entire NAS «Vybory» or any separate fragments thereof into the mode of preparing and holding the election of deputies to the State Duma or into the mode of providing information support between the elections shall be performed on the basis of an order issued by the head of the Federal Center of Information Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the FCIT), which shall define the timing of putting the system into the new operational mode. The above decision shall be taken pursuant to Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation On Utilization of National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation When Holding Elections of Deputies to the Third State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
2. Measures to Prepare NAS «Vybory» for Supporting the Election of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
2.1. Once the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation calling the elections of deputies to the State Duma is officially published, and the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation adopts a resolution on utilizing the NAS «Vybory» in the course of holding the same, the electoral commissions and other users of the relevant resources of NAS «Vybory» shall be notified that the complexes of the means of automation (hereinafter - CMA) of NAS «Vybory» are put in the mode of preparing and holding elections in accordance with the existing contracts and agreements on joint utilization of any resources of NAS «Vybory» between elections.
2.1.1. The head of the FCIT, by his or her order referred to in Paragraph 1.4 hereof, and within the times established by any effective agreements and/or contracts, but not later that September 19, 1999, shall advise the electoral commissions of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, and any users of the federal resources of NAS «Vybory» about the date of switching the NAS «Vybory» into the mode of preparing and holding the elections.
2.1.2. Within five days of receiving the order of the FCIT head, the electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation shall advise the legislative and executive bodies of government in such Subject of the Russian Federation, the heads of municipalities, and any users of the regional resources of NAS «Vybory» about switching the regional fragment of NAS «Vybory» into the operational mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma.
2.2. The head of the FCIT:
2.2.1. Shall send the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications a written notice that the regional telecommunication enterprises of the Subjects of the Russian Federation ought to adopt an appropriate decision on supporting the operations of NAS «Vybory» in the course of preparing and holding the election of deputies to the State Duma.
2.2.2. Shall issue an order on switching the service center network of NAS «Vybory» (installation and technology organizations) into the operational mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma.
2.3. The election commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation:
2.3.1. As of the day of official publication of any federal law approving the map of single-seat constituencies, shall notify the heads of municipalities where any CMA of district electoral commissions are located of the need to verify availability of full equipment sets, operability of the CMA hardware and software (SW & HW), and notify them of readiness to deliver the same to newly formed district electoral commissions, under agreements on delivery for temporary use and safe custody;
2.3.2. On the basis of the «Planning» Functional Problem Complex, shall develop and approve an action plan for preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma, indicating the deadlines for each item of such plan and the persons in charge, and shall decide on the operational procedure of the CMA of any district (territorial) electoral commission, if such CMA is jointly used by several electoral commissions.
2.4. The chairperson of any district electoral commission, with effect from the day of his or her election, shall take measures to select and appoint a system administrator for the commission's CMA of NAS «Vybory».
2.5 The chairpersons of the relevant electoral commissions, pursuant to Decree No. 227 of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 1995 «On Procuring the Creation, Operation and Development of National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation» shall request the municipality heads at the principal place of employment of the CMA's system administrator to second the system administrator to such electoral commission. The system administrator shall take charge of his or her duties pursuant to a decision of the appropriate electoral commission, adopted in accordance with any document submitted by the administrator and evidencing his or her secondment to such electoral commission.
In addition, the electoral commission may, pursuant to a decision of such commission, hire individuals to work as system administrators under civil law contracts (individual work contracts).
2.6 The system administrator shall operate under direct management of the chairperson of the relevant electoral commission and shall discharge his or her duties in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the Regulation On The System Administrator Of An Electoral Commission's Information Center, as adopted by Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation No. 89/731-II dated April 14, 1996:
in any district electoral commission, with effect from the date it is set up and until the election campaign is over, but no longer then 30 days after the election results are officially published,
in any territorial electoral commission, with effect from the day the commission is set up and until it is terminated.
The procedure of payment for the services of system administrators shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
2.7 During the aforesaid period, no officials of local governments or government authorities may interfere with the work of system administrators or repeal any orders of the operational control services of NAS «Vybory»; they may only use the system's regional fragment and the relevant CMA of NAS «Vybory» as established by any agreement or contract on joint utilization of resources of NAS «Vybory» or as agreed with the electoral commission responsible for holding the election, with due regard to priority of the electoral commission work.
2.8 With effect from the day of his or her election, the chairperson of the district (territorial) electoral commission shall make arrangements for restoring the NAS «Vybory» CMA to its full regular configuration. For this purpose, the relevant electoral commission shall enter with the municipality's executive body into a contract for delivery of the NAS «Vybory» property for temporary use and safe custody in accordance with the model contract approved by the FCIT's head, shall take delivery of the CMA property in accordance with any below-the-line inventory list of fixed assets in the electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation, and shall procure that it is installed in any premises allocated to the electoral commission. The delivery of such property shall be evidenced by an appropriate delivery acceptance statement, which shall be approved and signed by authorized officials of each party.
The system administrator of the relevant electoral commission shall immediately verify complete availability and operability of the NAS «Vybory» CMA and shall report to the system administrator of the electoral commission of such Subject of the Russian Federation, via the electronic mail facility of NAS «Vybory», on the CMA's readiness for holding elections, as agreed with the chairperson of his or her electoral commission.
The district (territorial) electoral commission shall transfer the CMA property of NAS «Vybory» into the safe custody of the commission's system administrator pursuant to an appropriate agreement.
2.9 The executive body of any municipality shall deliver the CMA property of NAS «Vybory» to the district (territorial) electoral commission in its full complement, in good working order, and with any necessary consumables.
2.10 In case any CMA hardware is found to be defective or any general or specialized software is found to be dysfunctional, the system administrator of any district (territorial) electoral commission, jointly with a representative of any FCIT-authorized installation and technological organization (hereinafter-ITO), shall identify any persons guilty of the above, shall jointly with the ITO compile a statement to that effect, and shall take prompt measures to restore the regular software and hardware resources of the CMA at the account of such guilty party.
2.11 In exceptional cases (CMA malfunction, absence of system administrator in the district electoral commission, etc.), information on any candidates nominated and registered to run for deputies of the State Duma shall be transmitted to the district electoral commission through the electoral commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation using the electronic mail facility of NAS «Vybory» to mailbox No. 200, in accordance with Form No. 6 for entering the same into the CMA data base of the Russia's CEC.
2.12 Any operations to prepare the NAS «Vybory» CMA in all electoral commissions shall be recorded by the system administrators in system logs.
2.13 The electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation, pursuant to Resolution No. 8/59-3 of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 1999, and in accordance with the Regulation on the Procedure for Provision of and Payment for Public Telecommunication Services to the Electoral Commissions and National Automated System «Vybory» in the Course of Preparing and Holding Federal Elections and Referendums, within 5 days of receiving an order of the FCIT head on NAS «Vybory» switchover into the mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma, shall send the regional telecom operator an application for setting up a subsystem of NAS «Vybory» in the territory of such Subject, in accordance with an approved communication setup chart of NAS «Vybory» in the given region, and a proposal to enter into a tripartite contract between the FCIT, the electoral commission of such Subject of the Russian Federation, and the regional telecommunication enterprise, with regard to provision of communication services for NAS «Vybory» through the election campaign period.
2.14. The telecommunication operator, in accordance with any requests it receives and within the framework of any tripartite contract so concluded, shall conduct necessary operations to restore and set up communication in the region in order to support the operation of all CMA tiers of NAS «Vybory». Communication channels and means shall be tested, in accordance with the established methodology, in order to validate their compliance with specifications and regulations applicable to the communication subsystem of NAS «Vybory», and protocols to that effect shall be executed and signed by authorized representatives of the regional telecommunication enterprise, the ITO, and the system administrator of the electoral commission of a Subject of the Russian Federation.
2.15. Once the tests are complete, the regional telecommunication enterprise, jointly with the system administrators of electoral commission of all tiers, and jointly with the ITO representatives shall test the operation of the regional communication subsystem, recording the results of such tests in a trilateral statement (an appendix to the tripartite contract) with participation of authorized representatives of the communication enterprise, the ITO, and the electoral commission of such Subject of the Russian Federation, evidencing that the communication subsystem of NAS «Vybory» is ready for holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma; a copy of such statement shall be forwarded to the FCIT by the electoral commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation on or before October 30, 1999.
2.16. If required, the electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation may decide to train operation control personnel of the regional fragment of NAS «Vybory» in accordance with any methodology and curriculum developed by the electoral commission of such Subject of the Russian Federation, and shall notify the electoral commissions of all tears within the region to that effect. The training curriculum, its methodology and funding issues shall be agreed with the FCIT.
2.17. In all districts (territorial) electoral commissions, the functional problem complexes (FPC) «Planning», «Candidate/Deputy», «Voter», and «Results» shall be put into the regular operational mode, and voter lists shall be compiled and published within the dates established by Article 15 of the Federal Law «On Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation».
2.18. The members of supervisory groups to be set up within the electoral commission, jointly with the system administrators, may validate the integrity of any software installed on the CMA of NAS «Vybory» in an district (territorial) electoral commissions and the electoral commissions of any Subjects of the Russian Federation, and may make note in the system log whether the installed software versions match any versions cleared for utilization by FCIT.
2.19. The drill results shall identify whether the regional fragment of NAS «Vybory» is operational and whether the training level of system administrators is adequate in terms of qualification requirements applicable to the system administrators. In order to rectify any software and hardware defects so identified, the electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation, in coordination with the FCIT, shall enter into a contract with an authorized ITO for performance of repairs and maintenance services, which services shall be payable from the federal budget funds. If required, system administrators of all CMA tiers may be trained within the framework of the said contract.
2.20. Once any defects so identified within the regional fragment of NAS «Vybory» have been removed and the training drills have been completed, the electoral commission of any Subject of the Russian Federation, jointly with representatives of the regional authorized ITO of NAS «Vybory», on or before November 5, 1999 shall advise the FCI of such regional fragment's readiness for holding the election of deputies to the State Duma (attachment 1).
2.21. On receipt of notices evidencing the readiness of all regional fragments of NAS «Vybory» for holding election of deputies to the State Duma, FCIT, jointly with ITO, shall organize a system-wide operability test of NAS «Vybory» under the program and methodology developed by FCIT.
2.22. Based on the results of such system-wide test and after rectification of any deficiencies and malfunctions identified, the FCIT, on or before November 10,1999, shall forward to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation a notice evidencing the readiness of NAS «Vybory» for holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma.
3. System-Wide Measures
3.1. On or before December 1, 1999, the FCIT shall hold system-wide drills on providing functional support to «Planning», «Candidate/Deputy», «Territory», and «Results» FPCs.
3.2. Transfer of information in the course of executing the problems shall be made in accordance with the Temporary Regulation on Transfer of Information During Operation of «Planning», «Candidate/Deputy», «Territory», and «Results» Functional Problem Complexes of the National Automated System «Vybory» of the Russian Federation During a Campaign to Elect the Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
3.3. With effect from December 17, 1999 and until the preliminary results of voting have been tallied, all users, with exception of the electoral commission of all tiers, should be disconnected from their access to NAS «Vybory» resources. On the ballot day and until the preliminary voting results have been tabulated, the electronic mail facility of NAS «Vybory» shall operate subject to the procedure established by Article 62 of the «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» and Article 86 of the Federal Law «On Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation».
During such period, telephones, modems and facsimile communications through the NAS «Vybory» channels may only be used by any members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, any Staff employees of Russia's CEC and the FCIT as per any list to be approved by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia, the chairmen, deputy chairmen, and secretaries of the relevant electoral commissions, operation control personnel of NAS «Vybory», and, with regard to repairing any CMA malfunctions arising during operation of NAS «Vybory», also by any authorized representatives of the FCIT and any service centers based on the regional installation and technological organizations of NAS «Vybory».
3.4. The mode of preparing and holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma shall terminate, as regards the NAS «Vybory», on the day when the election results are officially published.
3.5. The work of system administrators of any district (territorial) electoral commissions for electing deputies to the State Duma shall terminate after all measures to transfer and archive the electoral statistics and updating the FPC databases and data warehouses have been duly completed.
3.6. The switchover of NAS «Vybory», any regional fragment thereof, or the CMA of the relevant electoral commission into the mode of information support during the period between elections shall be performed pursuant to as order of the FCIT head putting the NAS «Vybory» into such new operating mode.
3.7. Pursuant to an order putting NAS «Vybory» into the mode of information support to electoral commissions and other resource users in the period between election, the district (territorial) electoral commission shall deliver its CMA to the heads of the municipalities under a statement evidencing delivery acceptance of property.
Federal Center of Information Technologies
under the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
Attachment 1
Attn.: I. S. Gorshkov, Head of the Federal Center of Information
Technologies under the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
This is to advise you that to representatives of the region's authorized ITO
(position, last names and initials of employees)
the regional telecommunication enterprise ,
(name of the enterprise, positions, last names and initials of employees)
jointly with system administrators of ,
(name of the electoral commission)
have tested the operation of the regional subsystem of NAS «Vybory» by transferring data and voice in manual and automatic connection modes between
(name of the electoral commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation)
and district (territorial) electoral commissions along the following routes:
The tests have identified the following:
(list all cases of malfunctions, lack of communication, unsatisfactory operation of software, FPC, etc.)
Between , training drills were held for the system administrators of
(insert the dates)
(names of territorial and district electoral commissions)
on the following topics:
(insert the topics)
given the results of system operability tests and system administrator training, I believe that the regional fragment of NAS «Vybory» in
(name of the Subject of the Russian Federation)
is ready for holding the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
(name of the electoral commission of the RF Subject)
(initials and last name)
