Resolution November 12, 1999 No.43/541-3 «On the Procedure for Production and on the Number of Ballots for Voting in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation»
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
In accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 71 of the Federal Law «On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation resolves:
1. To approve the Procedures for Production of Ballots for Voting in the Election of the Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation (the text of the Procedures is attached hereto).
2. To establish that the number of printed ballots for voting in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation shall be determined by the election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The number of the printed ballots for voting in the Federal electoral district shall correspond to the aggregate number of ballots for voting in any given single-mandate electoral districts.
3. To appoint chairmen, deputy chairmen, and secretaries of the election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation as representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation exercising control over the production of ballots for voting in the Federal electoral district in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation.
4. To publish this Resolution in the Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No.43/541-3 of November 12, 1999
On the Procedures for Production and on the Number of Ballots for Voting in the Election of the Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
Ballots for voting in the Federal electoral district in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation shall be produced not later than November 26, 1999 by election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation under supervision of representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in printing organizations technically equipped to print election documentation. The text of the ballot shall be approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than November 16, 1999.
Ballots for voting in single-mandate electoral districts in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation shall be produced not later than November 26, 1999 by election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation under supervision of their representatives in printing organizations technically equipped to print election documentation. The text of the ballot shall be approved by district election commissions not later than November 19, 1999. Before approval of the text of the ballot the district election commission shall agree (which shall be certified by signatures) the text of the ballot with each deputy candidate or with his/her agent.
Ballots for voting in the Federal electoral district and in single-mandate electoral districts for the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation (hereinafter «ballots») shall be election documents of strict accountability. Numbering of ballots shall not be allowed. The responsibility for observance of the rules for ballot transfer and security shall be borne by chairmen of election commissions which transfer and receive the ballots.
Based on voter data as determined in accordance with the requirements of Clauses 6 and 7 of Article 15 of the Federal Law «On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation» the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation shall establish the number of ballots for each single-mandate electoral district formed in the territory of the given subject of the Russian Federation, and shall take an appropriate decision.
The printing organization shall reject defective ballots and shall hand over the ballots to the duly authorized members the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation. During transfer of the ballots their number shall be checked, after which the chairman or, in his/her absence, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation shall sign three copies of the ballot transfer act, and shall seal each copy with a seal of the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation. One copy of the act shall be immediately forwarded by a special mail to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
After the delivery of the ballots in the quantity indicated in the order, workers of the printing organization shall destroy the rejected and surplus ballots and make up an act that shall be signed by all those present. These actions can be witnessed by representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and members of the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation, registered candidates, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs, their authorized representatives who expressed their wish to do so. The election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation shall inform registered candidates, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs about the time and place of ballot transfer and the printing organization shall provide for a possibility for them to be present thereat.
The election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation which placed the order for the printing of ballots shall transfer the ballots to territorial election commissions in the presence of members of the district election commission (including the chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the district election commission) on the basis of a ballot transfer act which shall be signed by the chairman or, in his/her absence, by the deputy chairman or the secretary of the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation and by the chairman or, in his/her absence, by the deputy chairman or the secretary of the territorial election commission, and shall be sealed by the election commission of the subject of the Russian Federation. The act shall be executed in two copies, one of which shall be kept by the higher election commission and the other transferred to the lower election commission (Appendices 1 and 2). The ballots remaining after transfer of ballots to territorial election commissions shall be handed over to the district election commission
Ballots shall be transferred to territorial election commissions not later than November 28, 1999. The number of the ballots transferred to each territorial election commission on the basis of a transfer act shall be determined by the decision of the district election commission. The number of ballots shall not exceed the number of voters registered in the given territory of the single-mandate electoral district by more than 2.5%.
Territorial election commissions shall transfer ballots to precinct election commissions in the same way.
Ballots shall be transferred to precinct election commissions not later than December 14, 1999. The number of ballots shall not be less than 90% of the number of voters included in the voter list of the given electoral precinct on the day of ballot transfer, and shall not exceed this number by more than 0.5%.
The delivery of ballots from a higher to a lower election commission on the basis of an act may be carried out by means of a special delivery service according to a plan to be agreed with the election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
The transfer of ballots from election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation to election commissions formed in the electoral precincts outside the territory of the Russian Federation shall be carried out on the basis of appropriate acts by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and, in exceptional cases, jointly with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Federal Frontier Service of the Russian Federation.
In exceptional cases ballots may be produced directly by the precinct election commission in electoral precincts formed in a hard-to-reach or remote areas, on ships at sea on voting day, and at polar stations if the necessary technical facilities are available. The decision on ballot production indicting the necessary number of ballots shall be taken by the precinct election commission with the concurrence of the higher election commission.
If ballot scanners are to be used, the ballot form shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
Appendix 1
to the Procedures for Production of Ballots
for Voting in the Election of Deputies
of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
adopted by Resolution
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No.43/541-3 of November 12, 1999
Election of Deputies of the State Duma
of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
December 19, 1999
for Ballots for Voting in the Federal Electoral District in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
(name of the higher election commission)
has transferred to
(name of the lower election commission)
ballots for voting in the Federal electoral district in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation
in the quantity
(number of ballots in numerals and in words)
___________________, 1999
Chairman (Deputy Chairman, Secretary)
of the higher election commission
Chairman (Deputy Chairman, Secretary)
of the lower election commission
Appendix 2
to the Procedures for Production of Ballots
for Voting in the Election of Deputies
of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
adopted by Resolution
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No.43/541-3 of November 12, 1999
Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Third Convocation
December 19, 1999
for Ballots for Voting in __________________________Single Mandate Electoral District No._____
(name of the higher election commission)
has transferred to
(name of the lower election commission)
ballots for voting in _________ single mandate electoral district No.___
in the quantity
(number of ballots in numerals and in words)
___________________, 1999
Chairman (Deputy Chairman, Secretary)
of the higher election commission
Chairman (Deputy Chairman, Secretary)
of the lower election commission
