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3. Operation of the Territorial Election Commission
3.1. Counting of Absentee Certificates, Ballots
1. On voting day, before voting begins, the voting members of the territorial election commission shall count unused absentee certificates kept in the territorial election commission and shall draw up a corresponding record. The chairman of the territorial election commission shall give this data to the system administrator for entry into the State Automated System of the Russian Federation «Vybory» (task «Records»).
It must be borne in mind that under the provisions of Clause 8, Article 64 of the Federal Law the unused absentee certificates together with detachable coupons which are kept in the territorial election commission are cancelled by the election commission if the President of the Russian Federation was elected as a result of the general elections or if the general elections of the President of the Russian Federation were declared not to have taken place or null and void, on the third day after official publication of the results of the general elections or on the day of repeat voting, before voting time begins. As a rule, these absentee certificates shall be cancelled by cutting off their top left-hand corner, taking care not to damage the number of the absentee certificate. After that, the territorial election commission shall draw up a record to certify cancellation of unused absentee certificates.
2. After the end of voting time, the voting members of the territorial election commission shall cancel the ballots kept in the territorial election commission and a record to this effect shall be drawn up. The chairman of the territorial election commission shall pass this record on to the system administrator for entry of the data contained in the record into the SAS «Vybory» (task «Records»). Cancellation of ballots may be observed by members and representative of the higher-level election commissions, registered candidates, their agents and authorized representatives for financial matters, media representatives, observers, foreign (international) observers.
3. To keep track of movement of the blanks of absentee certificates and ballots received from the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation the chairman of the territorial election commission together with the supervisory group shall make arrangements for issuing these blanks to precinct election commissions on the basis of appropriate records. The system administrator of the CAF of the territorial election commission shall enter the data concerning movement of the blanks of electoral documents into the SAS «Vybory» (task «Records»), including the information concerning shortages or surpluses of ballots, in a procedure established by the Provisional Rules for the Exchange of Information in the Operation of the Functional Task Complexes «Planning,» «Territory,» «Candidate/Deputy» and «Returns» of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation «Vybory» During the Election Campaign in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation.
4. After the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission has been signed, the system administrator, with the concurrence of the chairman of the territorial election commission, shall transmit all entered data concerning movement of the blanks of electoral documents in the territorial election commission to the CAF of the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
3.2. Summation of the Information Concerning the Opening of Voting Premises and Progress of Voting
1. From 8 a.m. on voting day, by telephone or some other means the voting members of the territorial election commission shall receive information from the chairmen or the secretaries of precinct election commissions about the opening of voting premises of electoral precincts and, according an appropriate schedule, information about voter turnout. The chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the territorial election commission shall pass the received information on to the system administrator of the CAF of the territorial election commission for entry into the SAS «Vybory» and transmission via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory» to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
2. The schedule for submission of the said information shall be established by the CEC of Russia.
3. The procedure for submission of the said information is defined by the Provisional Rules for the Exchange of Information in the Operation of the Functional Task Complexes «Planning,» «Territory,» «Candidate/Deputy» and «Returns» of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation «Vybory» During the Election Campaign in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation.
3.3. Organization of the Work on Summation of the Data Contained in the Protocols of Precinct Election Commissions
1. Based on the data of the protocols of voting returns of precinct election commissions, including the protocols transmitted via technical communication channels from precinct election commissions formed in electoral precincts on ships at sea, on polar stations, in remote and hard-to-reach localities the territorial election commission, after making sure that the protocols are completed correctly, shall, within two days of voting day, tabulate the voting returns for the given territory by summing up all data contained in the protocols.
The chairman of the territorial election commission shall determine in advance the duties of the members of the territorial election commission on voting day and when the protocols of precinct election commissions are to be processed, including the protocols transmitted via technical communication channels. The data of the protocols of voting returns of precinct election commissions shall be summed up by the voting members of the territorial election commission. This work may be observed by members and representatives of the higher-level election commissions, registered candidates, their agents and authorized representatives for financial matters, media representatives, observers, foreign (international) observers.
2. The chairman of a precinct election commission (or, in his absence, the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of a precinct election commission) shall submit the protocol of the given precinct election commission to a voting member of the territorial election commission, who shall check the protocol for correct execution (presence of signatures, seal, etc.)
If the protocol of the precinct election commission is found to be executed correctly, the voting member of the territorial election commission shall issue an oral permission for entry of the data of the protocol of voting returns into the data base of the SAS «Vybory,» note the time when the protocol was submitted and inform the chairman of the territorial election commission about the completed check.
3. If any errors or inconstancies are found in the protocol of voting returns or if doubts arise as to the correct execution of the protocol received from a precinct election commission, the territorial election commission may instruct the precinct election commission to re-count the votes or may itself re-count the votes cast in the given electoral precinct.
4. If the territorial election commission receives any records of precinct election commissions concerning non-standard ballots, the territorial election commission shall consider these records and take an appropriate decision, which, together with the protocol shall be forwarded to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
3.4. Actions of the Territorial Election Commission In Respect of Votes Cast by Voters for a Registered Candidate Who Withdrew from the Elections Before or During the Early Voting Period
1. If a registered candidate withdrew from the elections after early voting had been conducted in accordance with Clause 1, Article 66 of the Federal Law and the territorial election commission received the protocol of voting returns of a precinct election commission, where the number of ballots in which votes were cast for this registered candidate is included in the data of line 9 «Number of valid ballots» and the number of votes cast for the said registered candidate is included in the data of the relevant line which follows line 17 of the protocol, the territorial election commission shall take a decision to declare the number of votes cast for the said registered candidate to be equal to the number of the corresponding ballots and shall declare these ballots invalid (Annex 2). In accordance with the decision of the territorial election commission in the course of summation of the data contained in the protocol of the precinct election commission the number of these ballots shall be subtracted from line 9 of this protocol and added to the sum total contained in line 10.
2. The territorial election commission shall not enter the number of votes cast for the withdrawn candidate (this number is indicated in the appropriate line after line 17 of the protocol of the precinct election commission) in the appropriate line of the protocol of voting returns in the given territory.
In these cases and in cases where the territorial election commission received a protocol of voting returns from precinct election commissions which conducted early voting in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 2 - 9, Article 66 of the Federal Law the territorial election commission shall sum up the data of the protocols of these election commissions indicating the number of votes cast in the course of early voting for the withdrawn registered candidate and shall take an appropriate decision (Annex 3).
3. On these grounds the data of the precinct election commissions and the territorial election commission obtained as above shall be entered in line 12a of the protocol «Number of invalidated ballots in which votes were cast in the course of early voting for a registered candidate who subsequently withdrew from the elections» and in the summary table of voting returns in the given territory.
3.5. Organization of Vote Re-counting
Vote re-counting shall be carried out in the presence of a voting member (members) of the territorial election commission by the precinct election commission which completed and approved the protocol being verified, or by the territorial election commission which decided that votes be re-counted. The election commission which is to re-count votes shall serve a notice to this effect on the members of this commission, including non-voting members of the precinct election commission and other persons entitled to be present at vote re-counting (members and representatives of the higher-level election commissions, registered candidates, their agents and authorized representatives for financial matters, media representatives, observers, foreign (international) observers. Based on the results of vote re-counting the election commission which carried out the re-counting shall complete a protocol of voting returns which must be marked with the words «Vote re-counting». The first copy of the protocol shall be, without delay, forwarded to the territorial election commission.
3.6. Fitting-out of the Premises of the Territorial Election Commission
1. As a rule, an enlarged form the protocol of voting returns where voting returns are entered as they come in or a computer printout with current results shall be conspicuously posted up at the premises where the voting returns are tabulated.
2. The enlarged form of the protocol of voting returns and the computer printout with the current data do not replace the protocol of the territorial election commission and have no legal significance.
3. The enlarged form of the protocol or the computer printout must be placed so that observers, other persons who under the Federal Law may be present at the completion of the protocol of the territorial election commission could freely examine the voting returns.
3.7. Protocol of the Territorial Election Commission
1. On the basis of the voting returns, the territorial election commission shall complete a protocol of voting returns indicating:
(a) the number of precinct election commissions in the given territory;
(b) the number of protocols of voting returns of precinct election commissions on the basis of which the protocol of the territorial election commission has been completed;
(c) the summarized data for all lines of the protocols of voting returns of precinct election commissions established by Clauses 2 - 4, Article 68 of the Federal Law;
(d) the summarized data for the lines of the protocols of voting returns of precinct election commissions «Number of absentee certificates issued to voters by the territorial election commission,» «Number of invalidated ballots in which votes were cast in the course of early voting for a registered candidate who subsequently withdrew from the elections.»
2. After summation of the data contained in the protocols of the precinct election commissions the protocol of the territorial election commission shall be checked for correct vote counting in the same way as the protocol of the precinct election commission.
It is recommended that the protocol and the summary table be prepared for signing by the members of the election commission with the help of the functional task complex (FTC) «Returns.»
3. The protocol of voting returns of the territorial election shall be completed in triplicate, signed by all voting members of the territorial election commission in attendance and sealed with the commission seal. The protocol shall show the data and time (hours, minutes) of its completion. The following documents shall be attached to each copy of the protocol:
(a) the summary table of voting returns for the given territory, including the complete data of all protocols of voting returns received from the precinct election commissions;
(b) the records certifying acceptance of ballots by the territorial election commission, transfer of ballots to precinct election commissions, cancellation of unused ballots kept in the territorial election commission, with the indication of the number of such ballots;
(c) the records certifying issuance of absentee certificates to voters by the territorial election commission, transfer of absentee certificates to precinct election commissions and the quantity and numbers of unused absentee certificates.
Records certifying the loss of blanks of absentee certificates and ballots and other records relating to re-counting of absentee certificates and ballots, if such records have been drawn up, shall also be attached to each copy of the protocol.
4. If some voting members of the territorial election commission are absent when the protocol of voting returns is being completed, the chairman, the deputy chairman or the secretary of the territorial election commission shall make a note to this effect in the protocol against the name of this member (members) of the territorial election commission, indicating the reason for their absence, and shall sign this note. The protocol shall be valid if signed by the majority of the established number of voting members of the territorial election commission.
5. It shall not be allowed to complete the protocol of voting returns or the summary table with a pencil or to make any corrections therein. At the signing of the protocol voting members of the territorial election commission who do not agree with the contents of the protocol may attach their dissenting opinion to the protocol. A note to this effect shall be made in the protocol and this note shall be signed by the dissenting member of the commission.
6. At its meeting prior to signing the protocol the territorial election commission shall consider the protocols of the precinct election commissions, dissenting opinions of members of the precinct election commissions, records attached to the first copies of the protocols of the precinct election commissions (in particular, the records certifying loss of electoral documents, ballot surpluses), decisions of the precinct election commissions on complaints (statements) received by these commissions about violations of the Federal Law as well as complaints (statements) about violations of the Federal Law received by the territorial election commission after voting day, and shall take a decision on the voting returns in the given territory. This decision of the territorial election commission shall be attached to the first copy of the protocol of the territorial election commission and shall be forwarded to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
The territorial election commission shall respond to the established facts of violation of the Federal Law by taking an appropriate decision and may raise this matter with law enforcement bodies.
3.8. Summary Table Attached to the Protocol of the Territorial Election Commission
1. For completion of the summary table attached to each copy of the protocol of the territorial election commission all data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions shall be entered in the respective lines of the table. Each sheet of the summary table must show the copy number, the number of sheets and the consecutive number of each sheet. The row «Total» shall be completed only on the last sheet of the summary table and its data must comply with the data of the protocol of the territorial election commission. The data of the printed summary table shall be compared with the data of the first copies of the protocols of the precinct election commissions.
2. Each sheet of the summary tables and the attached records shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary of the territorial election commission and sealed with the commission seal.
3.9. Work with the Protocol of the Territorial Election Commission
1. The following documents shall be attached to the first copy of the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission: dissenting opinions of voting members of the territorial election commission; complaints (statements) about violations of the Federal Law received by the territorial election commission and the decisions taken by the commission on these complaints (statements). The certified copies of the dissenting opinions, the complaints (statements) and the decisions of the territorial election commission shall be attached to the second copy of the protocol.
2. Once signed by all voting members of the territorial election commission in attendance, the first copy of the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission; the first copy of the summary table of voting returns; the first copies of the protocols of the precinct election commissions; the first copies of the records of acceptance of ballots by the territorial election commission, transfer of ballots to precinct election commissions and cancellation of unused ballots kept in the territorial election commission, indicating the number of such ballots; the first copies of the records certifying issuance of absentee certificates to voters by the territorial election commission, transfer of absentee certificates to precinct election commissions, the quantity and numbers of unused absentee certificates; dissenting opinions of voting members of the territorial election commission who do not agree with the protocol in full or in part; complaints (statements) about violations of the Federal Law received by the territorial election commission and the decisions taken by the territorial election commission thereon shall be, without delay, forwarded to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, as a rule by a courier or a special delivery service, in envelopes marked «Elections» and «Protocol.» These documents shall not be returned to the territorial election commission.
3. The second copy of the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission; the second copy of the summary table of voting returns; the second copies of the records of acceptance of ballots by the territorial election commission, transfer of ballots to precinct election commissions and cancellation of unused ballots kept in the territorial election commission, indicating the number of such ballots; the second copies of records of issuance of absentee certificates to voters by the territorial election commission, transfer of absentee certificates to precinct election commissions and the quantity of unused absentee certificates; the certified copies of dissenting opinions of voting members of the territorial election commission who do not agree with the protocol in full or in part; the certified copies of complaints (statements) about violations of the Federal Law received by the territorial election commission and the decisions taken by the territorial election commission thereupon; the record certifying compliance of the data entered into the SAS «Vybory» with the first copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission shall be kept in the territorial election commission until its powers expire and, if the territorial election commission works on a permanent basis, shall be transferred to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation after official publication of the general results of the elections.
4. The third copy of the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission, the third copy of the summary table of voting returns and the third copies of the records listed above shall be made available for examination and copying to members of the territorial election commission, members and representatives of the higher-level election commissions, registered candidates, their agents and representatives for financial matters, media representatives, observers, foreign (international) observers. Then these documents shall be posted up for examination by the general public at the place to be designated by the territorial election commission. Five days after voting day the third copies of the protocols, of the summary tables of voting returns and of the records shall be transferred to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation. They shall be kept there for one year after the day of official publication of the decision to call the next election of the President of the Russian Federation and then shall by destroyed in an established procedure on the basis of an official record.
5. When certified copies of the protocol of voting returns are given to members of the territorial election commission, members and representatives of the higher-level election commissions, registered candidates, their agents and authorized representatives for financial matters, media representatives, observers, foreign (international) observers or when these persons are allowed to make copies of the protocol the territorial election commission shall certify. the copies with the signature of the chairman (or, in his absence, the deputy chairman of the secretary) of the territorial election commission and the commission seal. When doing this, the certifying official must first make sure that the data of the copies of the protocol of voting returns corresponds to the data contained in the protocol signed by all voting members of the territorial election commission in attendance. Then the certifying official shall write the words «This is a true copy,» sign the copy, write the date and time (hours, minutes) of certification and seal the copy with the seal of the territorial election commission.
6. If, after the protocol of voting returns of the territorial election commission and/or the summary table of voting returns has/have been signed and their first copies sent to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the territorial election commission which completed the protocol and the summary table finds an inaccuracy (including a slip of the pen, a misprint, an error in the summation of the data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions), it must consider at its meeting the question of correcting the protocol and/or the summary table.
In its notice of this meeting to be served on the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the registered candidates, their agents and authorized representatives for financial matters the territorial election commission must indicate that the meeting will consider this matter. It is mandatory that the territorial commission make its decision known to its non-voting members, observers and other persons who were present when the previously approved protocol was completed, as well as to media representatives. In this case, the territorial election commission shall complete a new protocol of voting returns and a new summary table and shall mark them with the word «Corrected.» This protocol and this summary table shall, without delay, be forwarded to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation.
3.10. Use of the SAS «Vybory» in the Work of the Territorial Election Commission
1. The territorial election commission shall make arrangements for entry of the data of the protocols received from the precinct election commissions into the SAS «Vybory» and for transmission to the higher-level election commission of information concerning the opening of voting premises, voter turnout, movement of blanks of absentee certificates and ballots as well as the data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions.
The rules for entry and presentation of this information are laid down in the Provisional Rules for the Exchange of Information in the Operation of the Functional Task Complexes (hereafter «FTC») «Planning,» Territory,» Candidate/Deputy» and «Returns» of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation «Vybory» During the Election Campaign in the Election of the President of the Russian Federation (hereafter «the Provisional Rules»).
2. The CAF of the SAS «Vybory» shall be operated by the system administrator of the territorial election commission.
3. The system administrator of the territorial election commission shall work under the guidance of the chairman of the territorial election commission, in cooperation with the supervisory group monitoring the use of the SAS «Vybory». When requested to do so by the members of the supervisory group the system administrator must explain the meaning and purpose of the actions being performed and acquaint the group members with the available technical and service documentation. The chairman of the territorial election commission shall supply the system administrator with the necessary documents to ensure entry of the data bases.
4. Subject to a decision of the territorial election commission data may be entered at two and more workstations, i.e., by means of distributed entry.
In this case the work shall be organized as follows:
the chairman of the territorial election commission shall hire computer operators to work in the information service under a civil-law contract;
the electoral precincts shall be distributed between the workstations by a directive of the chairman of the territorial election commission;
the duties of the supervisory group members shall be distributed so that a member of the supervisory group from among voting members of the territorial election commission should be present at each workstation when a protocol is received from a precinct election commission;
proceeding in accordance with the instructions of the operation manuals the system administrator shall, in the presence of a supervisory group member, combine the fragments of the data bases created at several workstations.
Fragments of the data bases shall be combined each time the data concerning the current voting returns is to be transmitted and after entry of the data of all protocols of the precinct election commissions.
At each workstation, the operator shall enter in the FTC «Returns» the name of the person who enters the data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions and the name of the supervisory group member from among voting members of the territorial election commission who is present at the entry of the data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions.
5. On voting day, the system administrator shall, in the presence of a supervisory group member, transmit the information about the opening of voting premises received from the precinct election commissions to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory,» using the task «Opening of Polling Stations.»
In the presence of a supervisory group member information about voter turnout shall be entered into the task «Progress of Elections» and the system administrator shall transmit this information to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory» using the facilities of the task «Progress of Elections.»
6. The printouts of the data concerning the opening of voting premises and voter turnout shall be made available by the secretary of the territorial election commission to all members of the commission and to persons entitled to examine these documents under the Federal Law.
7. When entering the data of the protocols of the precinct election commissions the system administrator (the operator) shall enter this data from the first copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission.
8. Entry of the data of the protocols of the precinct election commission shall be always carried out in the presence of the chairman of the precinct election commission (or, in his absence, the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of the precinct election commission) and a supervisory group member from among voting members of the territorial election commission. If the data of the protocol of a precinct election commission was received via a technical communication channel, the entry of such data into the SAS «Vybory» shall be always carried out in the presence of a supervisory group member from among voting members of the territorial election commission.
9. During entry of the data from the protocol of a precinct election commission the FTC «Returns» automatically checks compliance with the control relationships between the numerical data of the protocol, i.e., correctness of the protocol data.
When data is entered into the SAS «Vybory» from the protocol of a precinct election commission to which a record of the loss of electoral documents (ballots and/or absentee certificates) is attached, the operator shall enter the information from the said record into the positions «Number of ballots according to the record of loss» and «Number of absentee certificates according to the record of loss» of the electronic protocol of the SAS «Vybory» before entering the number of votes cast for each candidate. In the absence of any records of loss «0» is automatically entered in these positions of the electronic protocol of the SAS «Vybory.»
10. If the control relationships between the numerical data of the protocol are duly complied with and the data entered from the protocol was visually checked for compliance with the protocol by the chairman of the precinct election commission (or, in his absence, by the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of the precinct election commission), the system administrator (the operator), with the concurrence of the supervisory group member who is supervising the entry, shall write the data entered from the protocol into the data base of the FTC «Returns.»
11. After the data of the protocol of a precinct election commission was entered into the FTC «Returns» this data shall be retrieved in the form of a computer printout. The printout shall be compared against the first copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission and, if no discrepancies are found, shall be signed by the system administrator (the operator) and the supervisory group member who was present at the data entry, with the indication of the date and time of data. entry.
12. Upon detection of a technical error which was made by the operator when entering the data from the protocol of a precinct election commission and which went undetected on the display when the text was checked visually, a supervisory group member shall issue a permission to the system administrator to correct the error in his presence and in the presence of the chairman of the precinct election commission (or, should the chairman be absent, in the presence of the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of the precinct election commission). The reason for making the change and the name of the person who sanctioned it shall be entered into the FTC «Returns» and a new computer printout of the data of the protocol of the precinct election commission shall be obtained .
13. The computer printout shall be handed over to the chairman of the precinct election commission (or, in his absence, to the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of the precinct election commission) who was present at data entry. The chairman of the precinct election commission shall sign for receipt of the printout and shall attach it to the second copy of the protocol.
14. The entry of data from the protocol of a precinct election commission into the SAS «Vybory», compliance of this data with the first copy of the protocol and transfer of the computer printout to the chairman of the precinct election commission (or, in his absence, to the deputy chairman, the secretary or an authorized voting member of the precinct election commission) shall be certified in a record of compliance of the data entered into the SAS «Vybory» with the first copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission (Annex 4). This record shall be attached to the second copy of the protocol of the precinct election commission.
Having entered the data of the protocol of a precinct election commission the system administrator in the presence of the chairman of the given precinct election commission and a supervisory group member shall check the data of the entered protocol for compliance with the data of movement of blanks of electoral documents (ballots and absentee certificates) entered into the task «Records.»
If any discrepancies are detected between the data, the reason for their appearance shall be established and steps shall be taken to remove them.
15. If the control relationships fail to be complied with, the screen displays an error message and, in this case, no data shall be entered into the FTC «Returns.» The system administrator shall hand over the protocol which does not comply with the control relationships to a supervisory group member who shall check the protocol data.
16. On voting day, current voting returns shall be transmitted to the CEC of Russia and to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation every 90 minutes beginning from 22:00, local time, and every hour beginning from 1 a.m., local time, until the data has been entered from the protocols of all precinct election commissions.
After the data of all protocols of the precinct election commissions has been entered transmission of current returns to the CAF of the CEC of Russia shall be mandatory.
The information shall be transmitted by the system administrator with the concurrence of the chairman of the territorial election commission in the presence of a supervisory group member.
17. The preliminary voting returns shall be formed by the system administrator with the help of the FTC «Returns» after the data has been entered from all protocols of the precinct election commissions. Upon summation of the data an electronic summary table and an electronic protocol of preliminary voting returns shall be created and a printout of these documents shall be obtained.
From the territorial election commission the preliminary voting returns shall by transmitted to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory.» This shall be done by the system administrator using the facilities of the FTC «Returns,» in the presence of a supervisory group member.
18. After the territorial election commission signs the protocol of voting returns the system administrator shall, in the presence of a supervisory group member, transmit the results of operation of the FTC «Returns» together with the data base archive to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory».
19. The printouts of the electronic protocol and electronic summary table of current, preliminary returns signed by the members of the supervisory group and by the system administrator shall be handed over to the secretary of the territorial election commission who shall make them available to all members of the territorial election commission and to the persons entitled to examine these electoral documents for examination and copying.
20. If, after signing the protocol of voting returns and/or the summary table and forwarding their first copies to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation the territorial election commission which completed the protocol and/or the summary table makes any corrections in the protocol and/or the summary table, the system administrator shall, in the presence of a supervisory group member, enter these corrections into the data base of the FTC «Returns» and shall make a note to this effect in the system log. After entry of the corrections the results of operation of the FTC «Returns» together with the data base archive shall be immediately transmitted to the election commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation via the telecommunications system of the SAS «Vybory.»
21. The corrected protocol and/or the corrected summary table shall be printed out in duplicate. One copy of the printout of the protocol and/or of the summary table signed by the members of the supervisory group and by the system administrator shall be handed over to the secretary of the territorial election commission to be attached to the second copy of the protocol of the territorial election commission; the other copy of the printout shall be made available to all members of the territorial election commission and to the persons entitled to receive these electoral documents for examination and copying.
22. The task «Records» within the FTC «Returns», Version 5.1, provides the means for keeping track of movement of the blanks of ballots and absentee certificates. In the period from receipt of the blanks of ballots and absentee certificates by the election commission up to the end of voting (issuance of absentee certificates) the system administrator of the CAF of the territorial election commission shall ensure the entry of data concerning movement of the blanks of the electoral documents on the basis of relevant records.
«« Ïðåä. | ÎÃËÀÂËÅÍÈÅ | Ñëåä. »»
