1. To approve the Calendar Plan with Regard to Preparation for and Conduct of Early Elections of the President of RF (the text of the Calendar Plan is attached hereto).
2. To impose a duty of accomplishing control over the fulfillment of the Plan on O.K.Zastrozhnaya, Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
3. To publish this Resolution in the «Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation».
Responsible Authority
Approval of the list of territorial election commissions formed on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation
Not later than
January 25, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Submission of the approved list of territorial election commissions formed on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation to the representative self-government bodies
Not later than January 27, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Publication of the list of territorial election commissions formed on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, in mass media that fall under Para. 7 of Clause 1 of Article 47 of the Federal Law «On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation» (hereinafter the Federal Law)
Not later than January 27, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Formation of territorial election commissions
Not earlier than February 2, and not later than February 9, 2000
Representative self-government bodies
Formation of electoral precincts
Not later than
March 2, 2000
Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by a representative self-government body, upon agreement with appropriate territorial election commissions
Formation of electoral precincts in areas of voters' temporary residence, in hard-to-reach or remote areas, at polar stations, on vessels at sea on election day
Not later than March 2, 2000, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than March 21, 2000
Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by a representative self-government body, or heads of offices in which voters are temporary present, upon agreement with appropriate territorial election commissions
In exceptional cases, formation of electoral precincts in military units located in detached areas far from populated localities
Not later than March 2, 2000, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than March 21, 2000
Military unit commanders, at the decision of an appropriate election commission of the subject of RF
Formation of electoral precincts in order to conduct voting and to count votes of the voters who stay in foreign countries on election day
Not later than March 2, 2000
Heads of diplomatic representative offices or consular offices of the Russian Federation in the country of stay
Informing the CEC about formation of electoral precincts in order to conduct voting and to count votes of the voters who stay in foreign countries on election day
Not later than March 10, 2000
Heads of diplomatic representative offices or consular offices of the Russian Federation in the country of stay
Publication of electoral precinct lists with an indication of electoral precinct numbers and boundaries, or lists of populated localities, places of precinct election commissions, voting premises, and phone numbers of precinct election commissions
Not later than March 6, 2000, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than March 23, 2000
Heads of municipal bodies or persons authorized by the representative self-government body
Formation of precinct election commissions
Within the term that starts not later than two days after the formation of the appropriate electoral precinct and ends up on March 6, 2000
Representative self-government bodies
Formation of a precinct election commission in an electoral precinct formed at a polar station, on a vessel at sea or in a military unit located in a detached area far from populated localities
Within the term that starts not later than two days after the formation of the appropriate electoral precinct and ends up on March 6, 2000, and on extraordinary occasions - not later than March 21, 2000
Head of the polar station, commandant of the vessel, military unit commandant
Formation of precinct election commission in electoral precinct formed outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Within the term that starts not later than two days after the formation of the appropriate electoral precinct and ends up on March 6, 2000
Head of the diplomatic representative office or consular office of the Russian Federation in the country of stay, or military unit commander
Submission of information about voters to territorial election commissions, should a voter list be compiled by a precinct election commission - the said information shall be presented to appropriate precinct election commissions
Not later than
February 9, 2000
Heads of municipal bodies, or persons authorized by the representative self-government body, military unit commanders, heads of institutions of temporary stay of voters
Voter lists compilation
Not later than
March 5, 2000
Territorial election commissions
Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in hard-to-reach or remote areas
Not later than
March 6, 2000, and in exceptional cases - within two days after the formation of the electoral precinct election commission
Precinct election commissions
Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in military units
Not later than March 6, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed in areas of voters' temporal residence, at polar stations, on vessels at sea on election day
Not later than March 25, 2000
Appropriate precinct election commissions
Voter lists compilation for electoral precincts formed outside the territory of the Russian Federation
Not later than March 6, 2000
Appropriate precinct election commissions
Transfer of the first copy of the voter list to the appropriate election commission
March 7, 2000
Territorial election commissions
Presentation of voter lists for familiarization and additional correction
Not later than
March 10, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Signing of the verified and corrected voter list
Not later than March 25, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Making a decision to register or refuse to register an electoral bloc
Within four days after submission of appropriate documents
Making a decision to register or refuse to register an initiative voters' group and its authorized representatives
Within four days after the receipt of appropriate documents
Making a decision to register or refuse to register authorized representatives of electoral association, electoral bloc
Within four days after submission of appropriate documents
Signature collection in support of a candidate in accordance with Clauses 1 and 13 of Article 36 of the Federal Law
Starting from the day of registration of authorized representatives of electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative voters' group
Citizens of the Russian Federation eligible to vote, electoral associations, electoral blocs
Submission to the CEC of documents for registration of a candidate
Not earlier than January 18, 2000, and not later than February 13, 2000 before 6:00PM Moscow time
Candidates, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs
Making decisions to register or refuse to register a candidate
Not later than 8 days after submission of appropriate documents (not later than February 22, 2000)
Transfer to mass media of information about the registered candidates
Within 36 hours after the registration
Submission to the CEC of a certified copy of the order (ordnance) regarding release of candidate from his/her official duties
Not later than two days after the registration
Registered candidates who are governmental or municipal employees, or who work in mass media under labor or civil labor agreement
Exercising the right of a registered candidate to withdraw his/her candidacy
Not later than March 21, 2000
Registered candidates
Exercising the right of an electoral association, electoral bloc to recall its nominated candidate, registered candidate
Not later than March 21, 2000
Electoral associations, electoral blocs
Conduct of election campaigning
Starts from the day of registration of candidate and ends up at 12:00AM local time on March 25, 2000
Citizens of the RF, registered candidates, public associations, electoral associations, electoral blocs
Publication of a list of the All-Russia (national) and regional state-owned TV and radio organizations and periodicals
Not later than January 14, 2000
CEC, election commissions of the subjects of RF
Publication of information about the rates for air time and print space
Not later than January 29, 2000
TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals
Conduct of election campaigning on the channels of TV and radio organizations
On business days from March 3 through March 24, 2000
Registered candidates
Conduct of election campaigning in periodicals
From February 25 through March 24, 2000
Registered candidates
Allocation of free air time on the channels of state-owned TV and radio organizations to registered candidates
On business days from March 3 through March 24, 2000 (or from March 13 through March 24, 2000 should the number of registered candidates be less than 10)
Stae-owned TV and radio organizations
Allocation of free print space to registered candidates
From February 25 through March 24, 2000
Editorial offices of the Russian federal periodicals
Review of applications about allocation of premises to be used for meetings of registered candidates, their agents with voters
Within three days from applications submission
Sate bodies, local self-government bodies
Prohibition to publish (making public) the results of the public opinion polls, forecasts of the elections results, and other studies related to elections in mass media.
From March 24, 2000 through March 26, 2000, inclusive
TV and radio organizations, editorial offices of periodicals, organizations that publish polling results and forecasts of election results
Allocation of special sites for placing pre-election printed propaganda materials in each electoral precinct
Not later than March 2, 2000
Local self-government bodies, upon request of an election commission of the appropriate subject of the Russian Federation
Transfer of funds for the administration of early elections:
- to election commissions of the subjects of the RF
February of 2000
- to territorial election commissions
March of 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of RF
Opening special election account by a candidate in order to form his/her electoral fund
After registration of authorized representatives of electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative voters' group that nominated the candidate, but not later than 4 days before submission of documents for registration
Submission of financial reports by the candidates, registered candidates:
- first financial report
Together with submission of documents required for registration
- second financial report
Not earlier than March 11, 2000 and not later than March 17, 2000
Registered candidates
- final financial report
Not later than within 30 days after official publication of the general results of the early elections
Candidates, registered candidates
Submission to the territorial election commissions of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for administration of the early election
Not later than April 6, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Submission to election commissions of the subjects of the RF of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for administration of the early election
Not later than April 21, 2000
Territorial election commissions
Submission to the CEC of RF of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for the administration of the early election
Not later than 60 days after the day of official publication of information about general results of the early elections
Election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Submission to the Houses of the Federal Assembly of the RF of a financial report about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget allocated for the administration of the early election, and transfer of the financial report to mass media
Not later than three months after the day of official publication of general results of the early elections
Approval of the procedure for ballot production, and requirements for ballot production
Not later than February 28, 2000
Approval of the form and text of the ballot in the Russian language
Not later than March 1, 2000
Approval of the ballot text in the state language of a subject of the Russian Federation and in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation
Not later than March 5, 2000
Election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation
Production of ballots
Not later than March 8, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of RF
Receiving ballots by:
territorial election commissions
Not later than March 10, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of the RF, territorial election commissions
precinct election commissions
Not later than March 22, 2000
Territorial election commissions, precinct election commissions
Approval of the form of absentee voting certificate, procedures for production thereof, number, forms of absentee certificate register, and requirements for production of absentee voting certificate
Not later than February 9, 2000
Obtaining absentee vote certificates by voters:
- in territorial election commissions
From February 21 through March 7, 2000
Territorial election commissions
- in precinct election commissions
From March 8 through March 25, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Forwarding certified extracts from the absentee voting certificate register of to appropriate precinct election commission
March 7, 2000
Territorial election commissions
Notification of voters about the time and place of voting
Not later than March 10, 2000
Precinct election commissions
Conduct of early voting
Not earlier than March 15, 2000
Precinct election commissions upon permission of the election commission of the appropriate subject of the RF
Voting time
From 8:00 AM till
8:00 PM local time,
March 26, 2000
Vote count at the polling station and compilation of protocols on vote returns
After the time for voting is though
Precinct election commissions
Determination of vote returns, compilation of protocols and summary tables
Not later than March 29, 2000
Territorial election commissions
Determination of vote returns, on the territory of the subject of the RF, compilation of protocols and the summary tables
Not later than March 31, 2000
Election commissions of the subjects of the RF
Determination of election results
Not later than April 6, 2000
Official publication of election results in mass media
Not later than three days after signing the protocol
Publication of complete data in the CEC Information Bulletin, excluding protocols of precinct election commissions
Within two months from voting day
If by the results of the general election none of the registered candidates is elected President of the Russian Federation, a repeat voting shall take place on April 16, 2000, with the observance of all requirements of the Federal Law.