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IFES Board of Directors
Charles T. Manatt, Chairman
Patricia Hutar, Vice Chairman
The Honorable Leon J. Weil, Secretary
Joseph Napolitan, Treasurer
Judy Black
Barbara Boggs
Dame Eugenia Charles
Judy G. Fernald
William J. Hybl
Lesley Israel
Peter G. Kelly
Maureen A. Kindel
Jean-Pierre Kingsley
Sharol W. Siemens
William R. Sweeney, Jr.
James M. Cannon
Peter McPherson
Richard M. Scammon
Mrs. F. Clifton White
Richard W. Soudriette, President
Randal C. Teague, Counsel
Jeffrey W. Fischer, Executive Vice President
David Jones, 1938 – 1998
Board Member and Vice Chairman, 1991 - 1998
IFES remembers with gratitude the many contributions of David Jones toward achieving its goals. Most of all, David provided strong leadership for the Foundation during a time of enormous growth. He will be deeply missed.
F. Clifton White, Founder
For more than 40 years, F. Clifton White proved that politics could be honorable. As an advisor to presidents from Eisenhower to Bush, and as the architect of the Goldwater nomination, he sought to expand our involvement in politics, particularly that of young people. Above all, Cliff White was devoted to promoting political freedom abroad. In 1987, with the collapse of communism and the rapid spread of democracy, he founded and became chairman of the board of IFES.
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