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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 23:37


Appendix A

Sample Table of Contents
Procedural Manual For Polling Station Election Commissions

Letter from Chairman of Subject Election Commission

I. Civic Responsibility of Election Officials

Service to the Citizens of the Russian Federation
Importance of Neutrality and Equal Treatment to All Voters and

    Election Participants

Need for Accuracy

II. About This Election

Purpose of the Election
Offices Being Filled
Districts Involved in the Election
Who Is Eligible to Participate

    Particular Description if Voters May Be Eligible to Vote in One
    for More Races But Not All Races

Date and Hours of the Poll

III. Before Polling Day

General Organization

    Electing Officers

    Quorums and Coming to Decisions

    Record Keeping and Documentation

Assignment of Duties to Individual Members
Responsibilities Regarding the Voter Lists
Giving Public Notice
Responding to Voter Questions
Procedures for Updating List and Required Information
Pre-lnspection of Polling Station and Advance Preparations
Supplies and Commodities and Inventory Checklist
Receipt and Security of Ballots Before Election Day
Procedures for Advance Voting

IV. Presence of Deliberative Voting Members and Observers

The Purpose of Having Observers

    Importance of Transparency

Notice of Meetings and Sessions to Deliberative Voting Members
Who May Be Present on Election Day
Eligibility and Credentials
Maintenance of the List of Observers Present
Rights of Observers

    What Observers May and May Not Do
    Rights to Receive Certified Copies of Protocols
    Responding to Observer Concerns
    Recording Complaints and Resolutions

Role of Members of Commission With Deliberative Vote on

    Election Day

V. Before Voting Begins on Election Day

Assignment of Duties to Commission Members
Set Up of the Polling Station

    Layout for Efficient Flow of Voters
    Secrecy Cabins
    Ballot Boxes in Plain View

Posting Signs, Posters and Candidate Materials
Verification of Number of Ballots Received by Station
Certification of Ballots
Verification of Number of Voters on Voter List Before Voting Begins
Display and Sealing of Stationary and Mobile Ballot Boxes
Announcements of Basic Information to Members and Observers

    Number of Voters
    Number of Ballots Received
    Number of Advance Ballots Voted
    Number of Applications Received for Voting Outside the Polling

Reminder that Campaigning if Prohibited on Election Day
Processing of Ballots Voted in Advance
Announcement that Voting May Begin

VI. Voting Begins

A. Routine Processing of Voters

Identification of Voter and Determining Eligibility
Acceptable Documents in Lieu of Passport
Finding Name on Voter List and Voter Signature
Issuing Ballots
Giving Instructions to Voters On How to Mark Ballots
Directing Voter to Secrecy Cabin
RemindingVoters that Only One Person at a Time May Be in
Ensuring Voters Deposit Ballots into Ballot Box

B. Exceptions to the Routine

Voters Who Need Assistance
Who May Assist/Who May Not
Signature of Assistant on Voter List
Voters Whose Names are Not on the List
Determining Eligibility to Be Added to the List
Process of Adding a Voter to the List and Information

Voters Who Request Ballots for Family Members
Voters Without Identification
Voters Who Spoil Their Ballots and Ask for a Replacement
Notation on Voter List
Segregation of Spoiled Ballots

C. Voting Outside the Polling Station

Applications and Required Information
Who May Apply
ssigning Team to Serve With Mobile Ballot Boxes
Observers Who Wish to Accompany the Mobile Ballot Box
Issuing Ballots to Members Who Will Serve Voters At
Announcement of Departure of Mobile Voting Members
to Members and Observers Remaining At Polling Station
Assistance to Voters at Home and Ensuring Secrecy of their
Certification of the Application and Signature of Voter
Return of the Mobile Ballot Box
Affidavit for Reporting Use of Ballots and Return of Unused
Announcement of Information About Mobile Ballot Box
Voting to Observers and Members with Deliberative Vote

VII. Close of the Polls

A. Warning Announcement that Polls are About to Close

Allowing Those Present to Vote
Closing the Polls

B. Initiating Accountability Procedures for Documenting Ballot Activity During the Poll

Verifying Number of Ballots Received by Polling Station
Counting andCancelingg the Unused Ballots
Verifying Number of Voters On the Voter List Before Voting
Counting Voters Whose Names Were Added tq the List
Counting Voters Who Signed the Voter List Acknowledging
Receipt of Ballots
Counting Spoiled Ballots

C. Opening the Mobile Ballot Boxes and Verifying Number of Ballots Voted by Voters Outside the Polling Station

Verifying Number of Applications Received for Mobile Voting
Counting Quantify of Ballots Found in Mobile Ballot Box
Determining Number of Ballots of Non-Standard Form in Mobile
Ballot Box
Process of Invalidating Mobile Ballots if Number of Ballots
Exceeds Number of Applications
Disposition of Ballots Invalidated Because Ballots Exceeded

VIII. Counting the Votes

Assigning Members to Specific Tasks in the Counting of Votes
Transparency and Rights of Observers
What Deliberative Voting Members May and May Not Do
Opening the Ballot Box
Sorting Ballots By Candidate
Rules for Determining Ballots Invalid
Preparing Stacks to Receive Ballots For Individual Candidates
Segregating Invalid Ballots
Separate Stacks for Ballots Determined Invalid Because They Contain
No Markings
Organizing Stacks into Units of 50
Counting Units of 50 Plus Ballots Left Over and Determining Total
Number of Votes Received by Candidate

Verifying Accuracy of the Counting and Recounting Stacks by Different
Commission Members

IX. Completing the Protocol

A. Entries to the Accountability Portion
Verifying that Calculations Balance
What To Do If Calculations Do Not Balance
Steps to Take to Find Errors
How to Make Corrections

B. Entries of the Vote Totals
Verifying the Number of Votes For Each Candidate

C. Dissenting Opinions
Documentation and Attachment of Statement to Protocol

D. Issuing Certified Copies of Protocols
Who is Eligible to Receive a Certified Copy
Making Extra Copies and Copies Prepared by Requester
Verifying Accuracy of Copies

X. Packaging and Transfer of Materials

What Materials Get Packaged Together
Materials That Get Transferred to the Territorial Commission
Materials That Stay with the Polling Station Commission
Security for Election Documents




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