
Интеллигенция — извечный носитель инакомыслия, инакомыслие — хорошее оружие в борьбе за власть. Но когда власть завоёвана, опираться на интеллигенцию нельзя — орудие власти не инакомыслие, а единомыслие. А. Рыбаков


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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 18:24


Table 2 - State By State Qualification Standards for United States Presidential Candidates


Party Candidates (qualified paties)

Minor Parties (signatures)

Independents (signatures)

Exclusions / Write-ins»


20% or more of state vote in last primary- 500 signatures or 50 in each district

petitions signed by 1% of last governor vote

5,000 signatures

Defeated primary candidates excluded


Candidates designated in primary/ convention

signatures of 1% of voters for President in last election

signatures of 1% of voters for President in last election

Write-ins not allowed


Candidates designated in primary/ convention

for primary, signatures of 1&1/3 of votes for governor in last election (1% if no primary)

signatures of 3% of registered voters not members of other parties

Allowed if advance notice


3% or more of state vote in last governor or pres.election-primary designation

No statute

State Attorney General ruled independents may hold a meeting and choose a state of electors

Write-ins allowed if advance 60 day notice


Qualified parties choose their pool of candidates, challengers need signatures of 1% of members, or 500, in each district


Independents qualify with signatures of 1% of registered voters

Write-ins allowed if advance 14 day notice


$500 filing fee or 5,000 signatures of party members

$500 filing fee or 5,000 signatures

$500 filing fee or 5,000 signatures

Write-ins pay $500 fee


Recognized candidates are designated for primaries, challengers need signatures of 1% of members

signatures 1% of voters in last pres. election or 7,500

signatures of 1% of voters in last pres. election or 7,500

Write-ins must register


Candidates designated in primary/ convention

signature of 1% of registered voters

signature of 1% of registered voters

Write-ins allowed

District of Columbia

7,500 votes in last election, 1,000 signatures or 1% of party voters

signatures of 1% of registered voters

signatures of 1% of registered voters



Candidates designated in primaries

signatures of 1% of registered voters

signatures of 1% of registered voters

Allowed if advanced notice


20% or more of vote in last pres. election, parties designate prim.candidates

signatures of 1% of registered voters

signatures of 1% of registered voters

Write-ins allowed if advance 20 day notice


Candidates designated in primary/ conventions

signatures of 1% of registered voters

signatures of 1% of registered voters

Not allowed


Party designation or 1% of signatures

signatures of 1% of voters in last pres.election

signatures of 1% of voters in last pres.election



3,000 signatures of party members

signatures of 1% of voters in last pres.election

signatures of 1% of voters in last pres.election



10% or more of state vote for secretary of state, signatures of 5, 000 voters, 500 from each district

between 2% and 10% state convention names

signatures of 2% of votes for secretary of state

Advance notice required


Candidates disignated by convention or approval of national nominee

caucus or convention of 250 eligible voters, at least 25 counties represented

signatures of 1,500 voters, from at least 10 counties



5% total vote for governor, signatures of 1,000 party members or $100 fee

signatures of 5,000 registered voters

signatures of 5,000 registered voters

Advance notice required


10% of votes in last race for governor or % registered, signatures of 5,000 party members + $1,000 filing fee

2% of vote in last election, primary or convention

signatures of 5,000 voters

Advance notice required


Candidates designated by party procedures

5,000 signatures, with 500 from each district, $500 filing fee

5,000 signatures, with 500 from each district, $500 filing fee

No write-in provision in law


Presidential primary law passed 7/1/95

signatures of 4,000 registered voters

signatures of 4,000 registered voters



Designation of recognized party candidates by secretary of state or signatures of 400 voters in each district + $290 fee

signatures of 4,000 voters in each district, +$290 fee

signatures of 4,000 voters in each district, +$290 fee



Secretary of state designation of «recognized» candidates, or signatures of 2,500 voters

signatures of 10,000 registered voters

signatures of 10,000 registered voters

Write-ins allowed if advance 60 day notice


Secretary of state designation of «recognized» candidates, or signatures of .50% of votes for last pres.nominee of party

signatures of 1% of votes in last governor's race, with at least 100 in half of districts

signatures of 1% of votes in last governor's race, with at least 100 in half of districts



5% or more of vote in last election, 2,000 signatures or $500 filing fee

signatures of 2,000 voters or 1% of vote in last general election

signatures of 2,000 voters or 1% of vote in last general election



20% or more of vote in last election, secretary of state designation or 500 signatures, 100 per district

1,000 signatures statewide

1,000 signatures statewide

Only in case of candidate's death or withdrawal


No primary, candidates named by party committees, include 1 elector per district

10,000 voter signatures

10,000 voter signatures

Unsuccessful party candidates excluded


Signatures of 2,000 voters

signatures equaling 5% of vote for successful gov.candidate in last election

signatures equaling 5% of vote for successful gov.candidate in last election



5% or more of vote in last election, signatures of 100 voters in each district

signatures of 2,500 registered voters

signatures of 2,500 registered voters

Not allowed


Parties with 10% statewide voter registration designate candidates in convention

eligible if 1% registration or district vote or 1% signatures

signatures of 1% vote in last district ballot + $250 filing fee

Not allowed

New Hampshire

3% or more of vote in last gov.race, primary selection + filing fee of $1,000

signatures of 3,000 registered voters, 1,500 from each district, +$250 filing fee

signatures of 3,000 registered voters, 1,500 from each district, +$250 filing fee


New Jersey

10% or more of vote in last election, signatures of 1,000 party voters for primary

signatures of 2% of vote for state General Assembly or 800 signatures

signatures of 2% of vote for state General Assembly or 800 signatures


New Mexico

5% of more of vote in last election, party convention, or signatures of 2% of votes for president in last district elections

signatures of 3% of votes in last governor race

signatures of 3% of votes in last governor race

Defeated convention candidates excluded

New York

Parties with 50,000 votes in last governor's race hold primaries, signatures of 15,000 or 5% of party voters

signatures of 15,000 voters, at t least 100 from 'half of the state's districts

signatures of 15,000 voters, at least 100 from half of the state's districts

Allowed if advance registration

North Carolina

Eligibility for Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account, or 10,000signatures

signatures of 2% of registered votes

signatures of 2% of registered votes

Allowed, with 500 signatures

North Dakota

5% of vote for governor in last election, signautresof 3% of party vote, or 300

signatures of 7,000 voters

signatures of 4,000 voters

Allowed if advance registration


20% of vote for gov.or pres., party primary, 5,000 signatures

10%+ vote or 1% of vote petition right to a primary

signatures of 5,000 voters

Allowed if advance registration


10% of vote for gov.or pres., or petition with signatures of 5% of voters for new party

signatures of 3% of voters in last presidential election

signatures of 35 of voters in last presidential election

Not allowed


Major party not defined, but signatures of 1,000 party members required from each district

convention or assembly of 1,000 voters

convention or assembly of 1,000 voters



5% of highest statewide vote or 2% in each of 10 counties, 2,000 party members + $200 filing fee

signatures of 2% of highest statewide vote +filing fee of $200 per elector

signatures of 2% of highest statewide vote +filing fee of $200 per elector


Rhode Island

5% of vote for governor, president or 5% of voter signatuers

signatures of 1,000 voters

signatures of 1,000 voters


South Carolina

Parties establish own rules for primaries

signatures of 5% of registered voters, or 10,000

signatures of 5% of registered voters, or 10,000

Not allowed

South Dakota

2.5% of vote for governor may establish rules for primary

signatures of 2.5% of voters in state

signatures of 2.5% of voters in state

Not allowed


5% of vote for governor or 2.5% of voter signatures, secretary of state determination of 2,500 party member signatures

signatures of 25 voters

signatures of 25 voters



20% of governor vote in last election

Between 2 and 20% of vote, convention

signatures of 1% of last presidential vote

Allowed if advance notice


2% of total House vote, nomination by party by-laws

500 signatures by March 1 of election year

300 signatures

Allowed if advance notice


5% of vote for major state office, signatures of 1,000 voters and $500 filing fee

nomination by 10 town committees, majority vote

1,000 signatures



Party conventions

signatures of .50% of registered voters

signatures of .50% of registered voters

Not allowed


5% of vote in last gen.election, 1,000 signatures of party members

convention, 25 members with 200 signatures

200 signatures


West Virginia

1% of vote for governor, filing fee of 1% of annual office salary or 4 signatures per dollar of fee

signatures of 1% of vote in last election

signatures of 1% of vote in last election

Allowed if advance notice


10% of votes for governor in last election, +1,000 signatures in 3 districts

1% of vote in last statewide election, or 10,000 signatures

2,000 signatures



10% of total vote cast in last gen.election, party convention

3-10% of total vote in last general election name candidates

signatures of 5% of total vote in last election




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