Accountability: honesty and truthfulness; keeping promises; being responsible about providing professional, complete and accurate financial reports - on time.
Civic advocacy: promoting the united and individual special interests of blocks of citizens to government bodies; raising awareness about the advantages and disadvantages, liabilities and benefits of public policy issues.
Civil society: individuals and organizational entities in a community that are not directly employed by or affiliated with government bodies. These include an array of non-governmental institutions such as youth clubs, businesses, labour unions, local development forums, churches, legal resource centers, and special interest groups (such as human rights, womens' rights, animal rights, anti-smoking, anti-child abuse, anti-nuclear, or pro-business). In some countries, organs of civil society have fought for democracy, equal opportunity, minority rights, and against racial or other oppression. Such organizations in civic society often serve as a communications bridge between individuals and government. By representing individuals in a collective way, an organization in civil society can inform members of government about specific needs and concerns of a voting block of constituents, thus often having more influence than individuals working alone.
Marketing: creating an image around a product or service through which to make it interesting to voters or consumers. «Sales» infers selling the product only, «marketing» sells image - what the product will do for you.
Mission statement: what your organization is, not what it does; represents core values and may be distilled to one sentence describing your raison d'etre.
Objective: the outcome your organization hopes for when it plans activities.
Pluralism: a system where political entities with different views can compete for elected office and work together peacefully in government without fear of intimidation or oppression.
Political entity: in this handbook, synonymous with political party, a term which is not used in the Russian Federation.
Profits: in the private sector, the difference between what you spend to conduct an activity and the revenues you generate. in public associations, the benefits you provide to your target audience.
Products: informational or promotional materials created by a public association to benefit its target audience.
Public association: in the context of this handbook, a non-partisan, non-governmental organization in the Russian Federation. «Organization» is used inter-changeably with «association» in the text.
Replicability: a multiplier effect of donor spending; the possibility that your activity model will be relevant to other organizations.
Rule of Law: a system of legal norms to protect citizens and enforce a code of behaviour; system cannot be changed at whim by individuals or leaders, even at the highest level.
Service: in the context of this handbook activities which benefit targeted participants in civil society, such as youth voters.
Sustainability: organizational self reliance; lack of dependence on donations of funding.
Transparency: open and honest communications between government, civil society, and individuals; substantive government information available upon request by citizens, media or other interested groups.