
Отличие государственного деятеля от политика в том что политик ориентируется на следующие выборы, а государственный деятель на следующее поколение. Уинстон Черчилль


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Яндекс цитирования

17.01.2025, пятница. Московское время 21:28

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Sources and References

Block, Mervin, Broadcast Newswriting: The RTNDA Reference Guide, Chicago: Radio-Televison News Directors Association and Bonus Books, Inc., 1994.

Covey, Stephen R., Principle-Centered Leadership, New York: Fireside, 1991.

Diamond, Larry, «Prospects for Democratic Development in Africa», revised October 26, 1996. email: [email protected]

Forsyth, Patrick, Marketing on a Tight Budget, A Ten-Point Action Guide, London: Judy Piatkus, 1993. 44-171 226-5949.

Hanks, Kurt and Gerreld Pulsipher, Getting Your Message Across, Menlo Park: Crisp Publications, Inc., 1991. 1-800-442-7477 for catalog.

Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa, Manual for the Training of Observers, 1994.

Kennedy, Angus J., The Internet and World Wide Web, The Rough Guide 2.0, London: Penguin Books, 1996. [email protected]

Machado, R., Marketing for a Small Business, South Africa: Juta & Co. Ltd, 1996.

McKinsey & Company Team (names), Real Change Leaders_________.

Maitland, Iain, How to Plan Press Advertising, London: Cassell, 1996.

McArdle, Geri, Delivering Effective Training Sessions, Menlo Park: Crisp Publications, 1993

Management Systems International, Washington D.C., Strategic Management Tools Seminar, 1995.

Moran, Richard A., Never Confuse a Memo With Reality, London: Harper Collins, 1993.

Nolan, T., Goodstein, L, and Pfeiffer, J.W., Plan or Die! 10 Keys for Organizational Success, San Diego: Pfeiffer & Company, 1993.

Nothstine, William L., Influencing Others, A Handbook of Persuasive Strategies, Menlo Park: Crisp Publications, 1989.

Townsend, John, The Trainer's Pocketbook, Management Pocketbooks Limited, 1996. Telephone: 44 1962 735573 for orders.

Wragg, David, Practical Fundraising for Individuals and Small Groups, London: Judy Piatkus, 1995.

Voter education publications of three excellent USAID-funded non-governmental organizations in South Africa - Project Vote, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa and Street Law.

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