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Яндекс цитирования

24.02.2025, понедельник. Московское время 03:35


A Message from Charles T. Manatt, Chairman

Having been involved in politics for most of my life, I am pleased to serve as chairman of the board of IFES, a distinctly non-partisan organization dedicated to building sustainable democracy throughout the globe.

It is truly inspirational to travel around the world, and witness the excitement and enthusiasm that often accompanies elections in countries emerging from the shadow of authoritarianism. Thanks to the dedicated work of IFES, we have made the difference in elections on every continent.

The beauty of IFES is our approach. IFES never enters a country to tell election officials what they must do. Rather, we look, listen and immerse ourselves in the unique needs and traditions of the countries we assist. Then IFES works side by side with election officials to design processes that are free, fair, independent, transparent, accurate, and secure from fraud - and that are designed to succeed.

While elections are the source of legitimacy for democratic governments, there is more to democracy than just elections. At IFES, we are building on our commitment to the field of election assistance and also working in related areas, such as good governance, empowerment of the disenfranchised, rule of law and civil society. Our goal is to help build democratic institutions and «make democracy work.»

IFES looks forward to the challenge of the future; to play a broader and ever more critical role in helping nations make lasting transformations possible. Thank you for your interest in the work of IFES.

Charles T. Manatt



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