
Возвышение или упадок государств почти всегда зависят от смелости ума их правителей. Наполеон I Бонапарт (1769-1821), император французов в 1804—1814 и 1815 годах, полководец и государственный деятель


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Яндекс цитирования

31.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 02:56


Chapter XI. Final Provisions

Article 66. Coming into Force of This Federal Law

Article 66. Coming into Force of This Federal Law

1. This Federal Law shall come into legal force on the day of it official publication.

2. The Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation» as amended and modified ( Legislative Collection of the Russian Federation 1994, No 33, p 3406; 1996 No 49 p 5498) shall be invalidated on the day of coming into force of this Federal Law with the exception of provisions specified in Clause 3 of this Article.

3. This Federal Law shall not apply to elections, referenda set prior to its coming into legal force with the exception of Article 49-60. In case of contradictions between federal laws, charters, laws of Subjects of the Russian Federation, charters of municipal units, setting the procedures for conducting the said elections and referenda, the procedures set in Articles 49-60 of this Federal Law, the said articles shall apply.

4. Election commissions, formed before this Federal Law came into legal force shall retain their powers until the termination of the term of office they wore formed for, however, not more than five years from the date they were formed.
Vacancies in election commissions shall be filled in the procedures set by this Federal Law.

5. Staff members of election commissions with decisive vote acting on a permanent basis in Subjects of Russian Federation shall be considered as state employees; the provision of Clause 1 of Article 23 of this Federal Law stipulating that state employees may not constitute more than 1/3 of the total number of election commission members shall come into fore after legislation of Subjects of Russian Federation be brought in conformity with Clause 11 of Article 24 of this Federal Law, however, not later than the end of the term of office of the election commissions listed in Clause 4 of this Federal Law.

Boris Yeltsin
President of the Russian Federation



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