
Если вы скроете правду и зароете ее в землю, она непременно вырастет и приобретет такую силу, что однажды вырвется и сметет все на своем пути. Эмиль Золя (1840-1902), французский писатель


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Яндекс цитирования

31.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 02:45

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter 8. Local Self-Government

Article 130.

Article 131.

Article 132.

Article 133.

Article 130.

1. Local self-government in the Russian Federation shall ensure independent solution by the population of local issues, the ownership, use and disposal of municipal property.

2. Local self-government shall be exercised by the citizens through referendums, elections and forms of expression of their will, through elected and other bodies of local self-government

Article 131.

1. Local self-government shall be exercised in the cities, rural areas and other localities taking into account historical and other local traditions. The structure of bodies of local self-government shall be determined by the population independently.

2. The borders of territorial entities under local self- government shall be changed only with the consent of their population.

Article 132.

1. The bodies of local self-government shall independently manage municipal property, form, approve and execute the local budget, establish local taxes and levies, ensure law and order and solve any other local issues.

2. The bodies of local self-government may be invested under law with certain state powers with the transfer of material and financial resources required to exercise such powers. The exercise of the powers transferred shall be supervised by the state.

Article 133.

Local self-government in the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed by the right to judicial protection and compensation for any additional expenses arising from the decisions passed by the bodies of state power, and the ban on the restrictions of the rights of local self-government established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

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