Concluding and Transitional Provisions
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation comes into force from the day of its official publication on the basis of the results of a nationwide vote.
The election day, December 12, 1993 is considered the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Simultaneously, the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation - Russia, adopted 12 April, 1978, with the changes and amendments that followed, ceases to be valid.
In the event of a situation of nonconformity between the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treaty - the Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and the Bodies of State Power of the Sovereign Republics making up the Russian Federation, the Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies of State Power of the territories, regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation, the Agreement on the Delineation of Jurisdiction and Powers between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies of State power of the autonomous region, autonomous areas making up the Russian Federation, and similarly other agreements between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and Bodies of State Power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, agreements between Bodies of State Power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall apply.
2. Laws and other legal acts in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation until the enactment of this Constitution are enforced in so far as they do not contravene the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
3. The President of the Russian Federation, elected in accordance with the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation - Russia, from the day this Constitution takes effect exercises the powers set down in the Constitution until the end of his term for which he was elected.
4. The Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation from the day this Constitution takes effect assumes the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Government of the Russian Federation set down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in future shall be designated as the Government of the Russian Federation.
5. Courts in the Russian Federation exercise the right to administer justice in accordance with their powers as set down in this Constitution.
After the Constitution takes effect the judges of all courts of the Russian Federation preserve their powers until the end of their terms for which they were elected. Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the procedures set down in this Constitution.
6. Until the adoption of a federal law setting forth the procedures for trial by jury, the prior procedure for conducting trials shall be retained.
Until the enforcement of criminal-procedural legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, the prior procedures of the arrest, custody and detention of individuals suspected of committing crimes shall be maintained.
7. The Federal Council and the State Duma of the first convocation shall be elected for a two-year term.
8. The Federation Council shall hold its first session on the 30th day after election. The first session of the Federation Council shall be opened by the President of the Russian Federation.
9. A deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation may simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Russian Federation. Deputies of the State Duma - members of the Government of the RussianFederation - are not covered by the provisions of this Constitution concerning deputies' immunity from responsibility for their activities (or their lack of activity) connected with the execution of their official duties.
Deputies of the Federation Council of the first convocation shall exercise their powers on a temporary basis.
