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Яндекс цитирования

05.03.2025, среда. Московское время 05:17

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter XI. Filling of Vacant Deputy Seats

Article 92. Filling of Vacant Deputy Seats in the Federal Electoral District

Article 93. Filling of Vacant Deputy Seats in Single-Seat Electoral Districts

Article 92. Filling of Vacant Deputy Seats in the Federal Electoral District

1. If a deputy elected as a result of the distribution of deputy seats between federal lists of candidates of political parties, electoral blocs vacates office before its term expires, the Central Election Commission shall transfer his seat to a registered candidate on the same federal list of candidates in accordance with Clause 10, Article 86 of this Federal Law.

2. A resolution to terminate powers of a deputy of the State Duma elected as a result of the distribution of deputy seats between federal lists of candidates on the grounds established by the federal law shall be taken by the State Duma not later than ten days after such grounds arise or, in the event of an interruption in the sessions of the State Duma, within ten days of their resumption. Powers of a deputy of the State Duma shall also be terminated if the deputy submits a written statement of resignation from office, from the date of such statement

3. Clause 1 of this article shall not apply if a deputy, who vacates office without any compelling reasons within a period less than one year from the day of the election of deputies of the State Duma, occupied one of the top three places in the federal part of a federal list of candidates at the time the federal list of candidates was certified. In this case, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall transfer this deputy seat to another federal list of candidates included in the distribution of deputy seats in the State Duma of the given convocation in accordance with Clause 9, Article 86 of this Federal Law. The circumstances compelling a deputy to resign shall be appointment to a state office specified by the Constitution of the Russian Federation as well as the circumstances indicated in Clause 13, Article 52 of this Federal Law.

4. A federal list of candidates which lost a deputy seat in accidence with Clause 3 of this article shall lose the right to receive any deputy seats vacated by deputies who occupied one of the top three places in the federal .part of federal lists of candidates.

5. If there are no more registered candidates on the federal list of candidates, the vacancy shall remain unfilled until the next main election of deputies to the State Duma.

Article 93. Filling of Vacant Deputy Seats in Single-Seat Electoral Districts

1. A resolution to terminate powers of a deputy of the State Duma elected in a single-seat electoral district on the grounds established by the federal law shall be taken by the State Duma not later than ten days after such grounds arise or, in the event of an interruption in its sessions of the State Duma, within ten days of their resumption. Powers of a deputy of the State Duma shall also be terminated if the deputy submits a written statement of resignation from office, from the date of such statement

2. Should a deputy seat become vacant, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall announce a by-election to elect a deputy of the State Duma in the given single-seat electoral district. Voting in such by-election shall be conducted within one year of the day when a vacancy is created.

3. A by-election shall not be announced and held if, as a result of this by-election, a deputy of the State Duma cannot be elected for a term exceeding one year before expiration of the constitutional term for which the State Duma of the given convocation was elected. If a by-election in a single-seat electoral district was declared not to have taken place because of the circumstances indicated in Clause 2, Article 83 of this Federal Law, voting at a repeat by-election shall be conducted not later than two years after the previous by-election. The by-election shall be announced not later 85 days before voting day.

4. In the event of a vacant deputy seat a deputy of the State Duma shall not be nominated as a candidate at a by-election.

5. When a by-election is to be held, candidates in a single-seat electoral district shall be nominated and registered and other electoral actions shall be performed in accordance with this Federal Law.

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