
Äëÿ òîãî, êòî ñàì íåñâîáîäåí, íåñâîáîäíû è äðóãèå. Ãåîðã Âèëüãåëüì Ôðèäðèõ Ãåãåëü (1770-1830), íåìåöêèé ôèëîñîô


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05.03.2025, ñðåäà. Ìîñêîâñêîå âðåìÿ 05:25

«« Ïðåä. | ÎÃËÀÂËÅÍÈÅ | Ñëåä. »»

Chapter II. Electoral Districts and Electoral Precincts

Article 12. Formation of Single-Seat Electoral Districts

Article 13. Federal Electoral District

Article 14. Formation of Electoral Precincts

Article 12. Formation of Single-Seat Electoral Districts

1. In order to conduct the election of deputies of the State Duma in single-seat electoral districts 225 single-seat electoral districts shall be formed on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of the information submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation by the executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation subjects about the number of voters registered in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 of the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» in the territories of the Russian Federation subjects.

2. Voters residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation shall be included in single-seat electoral districts formed on the territory of the Russian Federation. The information about the number of voters registered outside the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 of the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The number of voters in a single-seat electoral district in which voters residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation are to be included must be less than the uniform quota of voters' representation. The number of voters thus included in a single-seat electoral district shall not exceed 10 percent of the number of voters registered on the territory of the given single-seat electoral district.

3. Single-seat electoral districts shall be formed in accordance with the following requirements:

    (1) single-seat electoral districts shall be approximately equal in the number of voters registered on their territories, with a permissible deviation from the average voters' representation quota within one Russian Federation subject not exceeding 10 percent, and in hard-to reach and remote areas not exceeding 15 percent. The list of hard-to-reach and remote areas shall be established by a law of a Russian Federation subject that came into force before the day of the official publication of the decision to call the election;

    (2) formation of a single-seat electoral district consisting of non-adjacent territories within the territory of one Russian Federation subject shall not be allowed, with the exception of enclave territories of a Russian Federation subject, municipality, other administrative-territorial unit;

    (3) formation of a single-seat electoral district on the territory of two and more Russian Federation subjects shall not be allowed;

    (4) at least one single-seat electoral district shall be formed on the territory of each Russian Federation subject;

    (5) single-seat electoral districts shall be distributed between the Russian Federation subjects so as to ensure that voters residing in different Russian Federation subjects should, as far as possible, have equal representation in the State Duma, subject to Sub-clauses 3 and 4 of this clause.

4. The requirements to the formation of single-seat electoral districts set forth in Clause 3 of this article shall be met with due regard to the administrative-territorial structure(division) of a Russian Federation subject, boundaries of the municipalities.

5. Based on the voter data obtained in accordance with the «Regulation on the State System for Registration of Voters, Referendum Participants» the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall prepare a scheme of the formation of single-seat electoral districts and its graphical representation and not later than 190 days before the expiry of the constitutional term for which the State Duma of the current convocation was elected shall submit this scheme and its graphical representation to the State Duma for its consideration in the established procedure. The scheme of the single-seat electoral districts must indicate:

    (1) the name and number of each single-seat electoral district;

    (2) the list of the administrative-territorial units, or municipalities, or populated centers at the level of cities, raions, city districts or other populated centers of the corresponding level, comprised in each single-seat electoral district. If the single-seat electoral district includes a part of the territory of an administrative-territorial unit, a municipality or a populated center, the scheme must indicate the boundaries of this part of the administrative-territorial unit, municipality or populated center. If one single-seat electoral district was formed on the territory of a Russian Federation subject, the list of administrative-territorial units, or municipalities, or populated centers comprised in this single-seat electoral district shall not be included in the scheme of single-seat electoral districts;

    (3) the location of each district election commission or the election commission of a Russian Federation subject charged with the functions of a district election commission;

    (4) the number of voters registered in each single-seat electoral district and, if more than one single-seat electoral district was formed on the territory of a Russian Federation subject, also the number of voters registered in each administrative-territorial unit, or each municipality, or each populated center (or parts thereof) comprised in each single-seat electoral district;

    (5) the number of voters included in single-seat electoral districts in accordance with Clause 2 of this article and the names of the foreign states where these voters reside.

6. Single-seat electoral districts may be formed and their scheme determined with the use of the state automated information system.

7. The scheme of single-seat electoral districts shall be approved by a federal law which shall be published (made public) not later than 120 days before the expiry of the constitutional term for which the State Duma of the current convocation was elected.

8. If the federal law indicated in Clause 7 of this article, including the scheme of single-seat electoral districts, was not published (made public) within the period established by Clause 7 of this article or in the event of the dissolution of the State Duma the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall take one of the following decisions:

    (1) to conduct the election of deputies of the State Duma of a new convocation using the scheme of single-seat electoral districts which was used at the elections to the State Duma of the previous convocation (hereafter «previous scheme of the districts»), if this scheme meets the requirements of Clause 3 of this article. In this case the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall publish (make public) the previous scheme of the districts not later than 10 days after the expiry of the period indicated in Clause 7 of this article or, in the event of an early election, not later than 75 days before voting day;

    (2) to conduct the election of deputies of the State Duma in single-seat electoral districts whose scheme is to be determined, approved and published (made public) by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than 10 days after the expiry of the period indicated in Clause 7 of this article or, in the event of an early election, not later than 75 days before voting day, if the previous scheme of the districts fails to meet the requirements of Clause 3 of this article. When determining the said scheme the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall ascertain the number of voters and make alterations in the previous scheme of the districts, with such alterations to be made only in the districts which fail to meet the requirements of Clause 3 of this article. If these alterations necessitate changing the boundaries of some other districts in the previous scheme of the districts the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may change the boundaries of such districts in accordance with the requirements of Clause 3 of this article.

Article 13. Federal Electoral District

The federal electoral district wherein deputies of the State Duma are elected in proportion to the number of votes cast for federal lists of candidates nominated by political parties, electoral blocs shall comprise the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Voters included in single-seat electoral districts in accordance with Clause 2, Article 12 of this Federal Law shall be regarded as having been included in the federal electoral district as well.

Article 14. Formation of Electoral Precincts

1. Electoral precincts shall be formed to conduct voting and count votes at the election of deputies of the State Duma. Electoral precincts shall be formed on the basis of the information about the number of voters registered in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 of the Federal Law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum» on the territories of municipalities.

2. Electoral precincts shall be formed by the head of a municipality (if the charter of the municipality does not provide for such office - by a person authorized to do so by the representative body of local self-government) with the concurrence of a relevant territorial election commission, or by the persons indicated in Clauses 5 and 6 of this article. In the cases provided by Clause 4 of this article electoral precincts shall be formed by a territorial election commission. Electoral precincts shall be formed not later than 50 days before voting day with due regard to local and other conditions and so as to ensure maximum convenience for voters.

3. Formation of electoral precincts shall meet the following requirements:

    the number of voters registered on the territory of each electoral precinct shall not exceed 3,000;

    the boundaries of electoral districts shall not be crossed by the boundaries of electoral precincts.

4. In places where voters stay temporarily (hospitals, sanatoriums, holiday hotels, places where suspects and defendants are held in custody and other places of temporary stay), in hard-to-reach or remote areas, on ships at sea on voting day and at polar stations electoral precincts may be formed within the period established by Clause 2 of this article, and, in exceptional cases, not later than five days before voting day, subject to the approval of a district election commission. Such electoral precincts shall be included in single-seat electoral districts where the electoral precincts are located or where the ship is registered. In hard-to-reach or remote areas, on ships at sea on voting day and at polar stations electoral precincts may be formed by the higher territorial election commission with the concurrence of the captain of the ship, head of the polar station, heads of other organizations in hard-to-reach and remote areas.

5. Servicemen shall vote in regular electoral precincts. As an exception, electoral precincts may be formed on the territory of military units stationed in isolated areas, far from populated centers. In such cases electoral precincts shall be formed by commanders of military units subject to a decision of a relevant district election commission within the period indicated in Clause 2 of this article and, in exceptional cases, not later than five days before voting day.

6. To conduct voting and count the votes of voters who on voting day stay on the territory of foreign states the heads of diplomatic and consular missions of the Russian Federation shall form electoral precincts in the country where they operate not later than 50 days before voting day. In this case, the requirements to the number of registered voters set forth in Clause 3 of this article may be waived.

7. The lists of electoral precincts indicating their number and boundaries (if an electoral precinct includes a part of the territory of a populated center) or the populated centers (if an electoral precinct is formed on the territory of several populated centers), the location of the premises of precinct election commissions and polling stations, the telephone numbers of precinct election commissions shall be published by the head of a municipality (or, if the charter of the municipality does not provide for such office, by an official authorized to do so by the representative body of local self-government) not later than 45 days before voting day. The information about electoral precincts formed after the deadline set by Clause 2 of this article shall be published within three days upon their formation by the head of a municipality (or, if the charter of the municipality does not provide for such office, by an official authorized to do so by the representative body of local self-government)

8. In the case of electoral precincts formed outside the territory of the Russian Federation the matters connected with the publication of the information about electoral precincts specified in Clause 7 of this article shall be dealt with by the heads of relevant diplomatic or consular missions of the Russian Federation, with due regard to the local conditions.

«« Ïðåä. | ÎÃËÀÂËÅÍÈÅ | Ñëåä. »»


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