
Демагогия возникает тогда, когда, за отсутствием общей меры, принцип равенства вырождается в принцип тождества. Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (1900-1944), французский писатель, поэт и профессиональный лётчик


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Яндекс цитирования

22.02.2025, суббота. Московское время 17:29

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Annex 3 Signature List

Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

________ , _____

We, the undersigned, support nomination of Nikolai Nikolajevich Nikolajev, born August 15, 1956, working as Director of Ryazan Brick Factory, residing in Ryazan, as a candidate for election as a deputy of the State Duma from the Abrikos Electoral Association.


First, middle, last name

Year of birth (for 18 years, also day and month of birth)

Address of the place of residence

Series, number, date of issuance of the passport or equivalent identity paper

Signature and date


I hereby certify the signature list:

(first, middle and last name, address of the place of residence, series, number, date of issuance of the passport or equivalent identity paper of the signature collector, the collector's signature and date)

The candidate:

(first, middle and last name, signature and date)

If a candidate has a conviction that has not expired or has not been cancelled, the signature list shall indicate the number (numbers) and the name (names) of the article (articles) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of which the candidate was convicted and the article (articles) of the criminal code adopted in accordance with the Fundamental Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the Union republics, the article (articles) of the law of a foreign state and the name of the law, if the candidate was convicted under these legislative acts for actions qualified as crimes by the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the candidate has Russian Federation and foreign citizenship, the signature list shall indicate this fact along with the name of the corresponding foreign state.

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