
Я очень люблю слово "республика", потому что республика легко превращается в империю, не нуждаясь в смене названия. Глеб Павловский, российский политолог


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Яндекс цитирования

22.02.2025, суббота. Московское время 17:01

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter V. The Rights And Duties Of The Journalist

Article 47. The Rights of the Journalist

The journalist shall have the right:

1) to look for, inquire, receive and spread information;
2) to visit state organs and organizations, enterprises and institutions, the press organs or press services of public associations;
3) to be received by officials in connection with the inquiry of information;
4) to get access to documents and materials, with the exception of their fragments containing information comprising a state, commercial or any other specially law-protected secret;
5) to copy, publish, announce or reproduce by any other method documents and materials subject to the observance of the requirements of the first part of Article 42 of the present Law;
6) to make recordings with the use of audio - and video - equipment, photography and cine-photography, except for the cases provided for by law;
7) to visit specially protected places of natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, mass disorders and mass gatherings, and also localities where a state of emergency is declared; to attend meetings and demonstrations;
8) to verify the authenticity of the information he or she has received;
9) to set forth his or her personal judgments and assessments in reports and materials intended for dissemination under his or her signature;
10) to refuse to prepare under his or her signature reports and materials inconsistent with his or her convictions;
11 ) to remove his or her signature put under the report or material whose content was distorted, in his or her opinion, in the process of creditorial preparations or to ban or stipulate in any other way the conditions and character of using this report or material in keeping with the first part of Article 42 of the present Law;
12) to spread reports and materials he or she prepared under his or her signature, under pseudonym or without any signature.

The journalist shall enjoy other rights granted to him by the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass media.

Article 48. Accreditation

The Rules for the Accreditation and Stay of Correspondents of Foreign Mass Media on the Territory of the Russian Federation were approved by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1055 of September 13, 1994

The editorial office shall have the right to file its application with a state organ, organization, and the organ of a public association for the accreditation of its journalists to them.

State organs, organizations, institutions and organs of public associations shall accredit said journalists, provided the editorial offices observe the accreditation rules established by these organs, organizations, and institutions.

The organs, organizations, and institutions which accredited journalists shall be obliged to notify them in advance about their meetings, conferences and other events, to supply them with verbatim reports, minutes and other documents, and to create favourable conditions for making entries.

The accredited journalist shall have the right to attend the meetings, conferences and other events held by the accrediting organs, organizations, and institutions, except for the cases when decisions have been taken to hold closed gatherings.

The journalist may be deprived of his or her accreditation, if he or she and the editorial office have infringed the accreditation rules or information which denigrates the honor and dignity of the organization that accredited the journalist and which runs counter to the reality, which fact has been confirmed by the court's decision that has entered into legal force.

The mass media offices' own correspondents shall be accredited in keeping with the requirements of this Article.

Article 49. The Duties of the Journalist

The journalist shall be obliged:

1) to observe the statutes of the editorial office with which he maintains labor relations;
2) to verify the authenticity of the information he supplies;
3) to satisfy the requests of the persons who submitted information concerning the indication of its source, and also the authorization of a cited pronouncement, if it is made public for the first time;
4) to preserve the confidential character of information and (or) its source;
5) to receive the consent of a private citizen or his lawful representatives (except for the cases when it is necessary to protect public interests) to the spread in a mass medium of information about his personal life;
6) to inform private citizens and officials about audio- and video-recording, photography and cine-photography upon the receipt data from these persons and officials;
7) to inform the editor-in-chief about possible suits and the presentation of other claims envisaged by law in connection with the spread of the communication or material prepared by him;
8) to decline the assignment given to him by the editor-in-chief or his editorial office, if its fulfillment involves the infringement of law;
9) to produce as soon as required the identity card issued by his editorial office or any other document that certifies his identity and rights, when he carries on professional activities.

The journalist shall also bear other duties established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass media.

In his professional activities the journalist shall be obliged to respect the rights, lawful interests, the honor and dignity of private citizens and organizations.

The State shall guarantee for the journalist, who carries on his professional activities, the protection of his honor, dignity, health, life and property as a person discharging his civil duty.

Article 50. A Hidden Record

The dissemination of reports and materials prepared with the use of hidden audio- and video-recording, photography and cine-photography shall be allowed in the following cases:

1) if this does not infringe the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
2) if this is necessary to protect public interests and if measures have been taken to prevent a possible identification of outside persons;
3) if the record is demonstrated by decision of a court of law.

Article 51. Inadmissibility of Abusing the Journalist's Rights

The rights of the journalist stipulated by this Law shall not be used with the purpose of the concealment or falsification of publicly important information, the spread of rumors under the guise of authentic reports, the collection of information in favor of an outside person or organization, which is not a mass medium.

It shall be forbidden to use the journalist's right to spread information with the aim of discrediting a private citizens or particular categories of private citizens exclusively on account of sex, age, race, nationality, language, religion, profession, place of residences and work, and also of political convictions.

Article 52. The Special Status of Journalists

The professional status of journalists established by the present Law shall extend to:

- staff workers of the editorial offices engaged in editing, writing, collecting or preparing communications and materials for newspapers with a large circulation and other mass media whose products are disseminated exclusively within one enterprise (association), organization or institution;

- authors who are not connected with the editorial office or section of a mass medium by labor or other contractual relations but are recognized by it as its free-lance authors or non-staff correspondents when they fulfill the editorial office's assignments.

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