On Federal Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administrators in the Russian Federation
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
For the purposes of strengthening the foundations of the state based on the rule of law, ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Russian Federation, improvement of the legal culture voters and election Administrators in the Russian Federation I hereby decree:
1. To approve the Federal Special Purpose Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administrators in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as «the Program», [attached]) submitted by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
- ensure that while drafting the federal budget for 1996-1998 the Program be included in the List of federal special purpose programs and the funds required for implementation of the Program be allocated;
- to approve the appointment of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation as the Program state contractor.
3. The federal bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall render required assistance in preparation and in the preparation and conduct of events related to the implementation of the Program.
4. This Edict shall come into force from the date of its signing.
President of the Russian Federation
28 February 1995
Approved by Decree of the President
of the Russian Federation
No.228 dated 28 February 1995.
Federal Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administrators in the Russian Federation
Section I
Purposes and Objectives of the Federal Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administrators in the Russian Federation1
The federal special purpose program was elaborated in satisfaction of and in compliance with the Ordinance of the President of the Russian Federation, dated 1 November 1994, No.558 «On the Federal Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters -Citizens of the Russian Federation, Administrators of Electoral Process and Representatives of Public Associations of the Russian Federation». The Program envisages long-term and short-term events of educational, informational and administrative nature aimed at establishing various full-scale forms of legal education and training of all participants of the electoral process in the Russian Federation: voters, election and referendum Administrators, candidates for deputies and for elected state seats, their official agents, representatives of electoral associations.
The goal of the improvement of legal culture of voters also stems from the federal law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation», aimed at ensuring enjoyment and protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government.
Methods of legal education of voters such as explanation and propaganda of electoral legislation would allow for the communicating to each citizen of his or her participation in the reforms underway in the country the course of those, to a great extent, depends on the results of the expression of the voters' will.
The Federal Program for improvement of legal culture of voters and election of Administrators sets, as its major goal, the establishment of a uniform system of qualitative legal education and training to be based on an individual approach and meeting the interests of the citizens, state bodies, bodies of local self-government and allowing the voters to overcome the political apathy that has been shaped recently in the public consciousness and increase their civic responsibility, to contribute to the improvement of the professional skills of the persons in charge of elections and the referendum as well as the skills of those assisting in such activities.
The achievement of this goal is aimed at coping with the following tasks:
- to communicate the knowledge about electoral legislation to the participants of the election campaign;
- to help voters better understand the practical application of effective electoral laws;
- to assist voters in participation in the election campaign, to make them aware of the relationship between their participation therein with the economic and political development of the country;
- to increase the level of participation of voters in the electoral process and their interest in the election returns;
- to improve the professional skills of organizers of the election campaign and to train specialists in methods, techniques and technology of the electoral process. This task has the following purposes: to provide people involved in elections and the referendum administration with the knowledge and increase the role of their occupational activities;
- to render assistance to candidates for deputies, their official agents, representatives of election commissions, electoral associations in improving business and administrative skills, the ability to communicate the voters, competitors, the mass media;
- to render consultative services, to international and foreign organizations observing the course of elections and the referendum.
The Program is based on a continuous cycle, systematic approach towards the forms and methods of legal education of citizens, election Administrators, it envisages the elaboration of plans for education and training of participants of the electoral process at three levels: federal, subjects of the Russian Federation and territorial (rayon [region], municipal).
Implementation of the purposes and objectives of the program encompasses the education of over half of the adult population of the country, including the following:
Voters - the basic object of the electoral process who as of the referendum of 1993, total to 106 million people;
Election Administrators - heads, members and staff of the election commissions of all levels, bodies of representative and executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, whose number in aggregate is about two million people;
Candidates for deputies, their official agents, representatives of public and electoral associations - about 1 million people.
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies established under the Commission, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee for High Educational Institutions of Russia, the Russian Committee for the Press, the Russian Commission for the Cinema, the Federal Service for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, the Ministry of Communications, «Yuridicheskaya literatura» [the «legal literature] Publishing House, the «Znania» (Knowledge) Society and other educational organizations of Russia, bodies of representative and executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, election commissions, leading scientific establishments of the country are to participate in the implementation of the Program.
The Program is comprised of a number of specialized sub-programs for voter education and improvement of political involvement of various generations, different social, demographic, political, professional, ethnic groups of the population, election administrators and other participants of the electoral campaign. The Program is based on the individual approach towards education and improvement of professional skills of the election administrators, representatives of political parties, public and political movements, electoral associations. The Program serves as a basis for preparation of regional (interregional), and territorial (local) programs aimed at improving legal culture of voters, administrators and participants of the electoral process in the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Section II
Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters
The improvement of legal culture of voters, the level of which, to a great extent, affects the nature, the course and returns of election events, stipulates, in the first turn, the necessity in forming the active conscious approach of citizens of the Russian Federation towards voting during electoral campaigns and referendum. This objective is to be achieved through the overall legal education of the population and special education of voters.
The legal education of population is aimed at forming the citizens' interest in political and legal aspects of public life, encouraging their active participation in organization, preparation and conduct of elections and the referendum. In the course of voter special education program the objective of communicating the legal knowledge about electoral laws and electoral process is to be addressed.
Administrative measures aimed at providing general legal education of voters include explanation of electoral legislation, publication of popular science literature, organization of radio and television programs, holding lectures and discussions, shooting special films.
The specialized education programs will be conducted in senior schools, secondary specialized and high education institutions and at the advanced training courses.
The legal basis for informational and educational programs to be run for voters is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation», federal laws on elections and the referendum in the Russian Federation and laws and other normative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums.
Legal education of voters is to be held continuously under an advanced program both after the election of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation and immediately after the announcement of a new election or a referendum. Communicating the basic electoral knowledge to citizens in education institutions is subject to their specialization, and the curriculums may vary depending on the age of the students, the profile of the institution and other aspects.
The objectives of the programs events of general and special education of the population and voters are to be achieved through the joint purposeful efforts of the federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, election commissions, education and information bodies. In these activities the coordination functions are assigned to the election commissions and administrative functions - to the representative and executive bodies of state power at the relevant level.
The Russian Training Center for Electoral Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation ensures the differential introduction of most effective educational and informational methods and technologies in the activities of the election commissions, education institutions and the mass media in the territory of the Russian Federation by issuing printed materials, elaborating training and methodic programs as well as by broadcasting them on radio and television channels; for such purposes the Center together with the mass media is to establish on its basis the information and advertising and other branches.
Section III
Improvement of Professional Skills of Election Administrators
The basic goal of legal education and training of election Administrators of the Russian Federation is to increase the level of their professional skills on the basis of up-to-date education and training methods and technologies. The training is to be carried out in the form of regular advanced courses in the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, it regional personnel training centers, other education institutions.
The Program stipulates that the trainees would master:
constitutional and legal foundations of the electoral system of the Russian Federation;
administrative and technological foundations of the electoral process at all stages and levels including the introduction of the «Vybory» [elections] state automated system;
historical and political aspects of the electoral campaign in Russia.
To address these challenges the education and advanced training courses for elections and referendum administrators are to be carried out under Resolution No.1047 of September 13, 1994 of the Government of the Russian Federation «On Organization of Advanced Training and Improvement of Skills of the State Employees of the Federal Bodies of Executive Power» and the «Statute on State Order for Advanced Training and Improvement of Skills of State Employees in the Federal Bodies of Executive Power» elaborated on its basis.
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation together with the experts of high education institutions, scientific establishments of the country and practical specialists are to work out the required programs and methodic aids concerning the issues of the electoral system.
Scientific and Methodic Council under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the leading experts of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute of
State Administration and Social Research of the Moscow State University, other high education institutions and scientific and research institutes, are to provide comments on the laws on elections and the referendum of the Russian Federation.
The «Yuridicheskaya Literatura» Publishing House, is to ensure, starting from 1995, the
mass publication and dissemination of methodic aids, text- books, guide-books and other literature devoted to the issue of elections and the referendum.
For operating the «Vybory» state automated system at the regional and local elections, the methods of legal protection of the system are to be communicated, administrative joining of all links of the technological process and control over all operations and, in the first turn, those related to voter registration and vote counting is to be arranged.
The training program of election administrators is based on a close combination of theory and practice of elections, broad use of «business games», methodic and methods for conflict settlement.
The 1995-1996 training program for election administrators is aimed at developing operational skills in connection with the introduction of the «Vybory» state automated system which would help avoid possible errors and mistakes during the forthcoming election events.
The program envisages the broad cooperation with the relevant international organizations within the framework of training and skill improvement projects of election administrators education.
Section IV
Improvement of Legal Culture and Development of Administrative Skill of Representatives of Public Associations
The major purpose of the improvement of legal culture of the representatives of public associations participating in electoral process is to ensure their mastering the legal knowledge and practical use of electoral legislation and the developing of the administrative skills required for professional administration of electoral campaigns. The volume of legal education to be communicated to the representatives of public associations in general is similar to that to be acquired by the election administrators at the courses of advanced training.
The program for training of the representatives of electoral public associations sets the following major purposes:
- to develop the skills required for the organization of an electoral campaign;
to search adequate forms for communication with voters, representatives of the mass media, competitors;
- to create an image for the association;
- to analyze and forecast the voters' turnout at elections and the referendum.
To achieve these objectives the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is working out a program of social and psychological support of electoral events on the basis of the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies. In addition it is envisaged that specialists of the Center would provide expert analysis and render managerial and consultative services for representatives of public associations. The Center would carry out similar operations under the specialized programs designed for certain categories and groups of citizens (women, the youth, etc.).
Section V
Program Management and Funding
The program is to be implemented through carrying out the planned events with active participation of federal bodies of executive power, bodies of representative and executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, election commissions. (The List of events of Federal Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administrators is attached.) Coordination of the activities of the said bodies is assigned to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
During the implementation of the Program, additional events may be incorporated in the projects elaborated by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, such events are to be implemented by the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies and the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
This program is to be funded, in the manner set for the federal program financing, from the federal budget assets, allocated for organization and conduct of elections of the federal bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, the referendum of the Russian Federation, elections of bodies of state power in the subjects of the Russian Federation and from the funds of public associations and other participants of the electoral process as their share participation. The activities of the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation related to the implementation of the events under this Program are to be funded from the aforesaid sources and from the funds of the Center gained as a result of contractual operations.
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is to ensure the provision of annual reports on the implementation of this Program and operative information materials and submit them to the relevant federal and other state bodies and, if necessary, communicate them to the public by publishing in the Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and other types of the mass media.
Federal Special Purpose Program for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administers of the Russian Federation
To be implemented till
To be executed by
1. Administrative and Methodical Support for the Programme Implementation
Establishment of the Co-ordination Council for implementation of the Federal Programme for Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters and Election Administers2.
Creation of similar co-ordination councils under election commissions of (lie subjects of the Russian Federation
1st quarter of 1995
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation federal ministries and agencies, bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Formation on the basis of the state automated system of the Russian Federation «Vybory» of the information and analytical data bank, provision of the ministries, agencies and organizations concerned therewith
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power and election commis-sions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Organization of sociological and psychological surveys of the voters turn out in Russia. Holding poles of voters and other participants of electoral process regarding issues of improvement of their legal culture. Summarising the results to use the obtained data for preparation and conducting Programme events
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Psychological institute of the Russian Academy of education, the «Znanie» society of Russia
Study of foreign experience in legal education of citizens, voters and other participants of the electoral process, drafting and putting forward proposals regarding the use of the studied experience in the implementation of the programme
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation, The State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia «Znanie» Society of Russia
Preparation and agreement with the Coordination Council of the plans of the events undertaken by the federal ministries and agencies, bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation in implementation of the Programme including:
Personnel training for implementation of the Programme;
drafting training programmes (education programmes) for participants of the electoral process; issue of guide information and methodical aids and popular-science literature;
creation of radio and TV programmes; preparation of films and other visuals, holding of cultural and educational events and etc.
2nd quarter 1995
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Russian Committee for Cinema, the Russian Committee for the Press, «Yuridicheskaya Litera-tura « Publishing house, Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, the «Znanie» Society of Russia, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute of the State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Issuance and dissemination of federal laws «on basic guarantees of electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, on election of President of the Russian Federation, on election of deputies of (lie State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, on ton-nation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, on referendum of the Russian Federation
1995 as the laws are passed
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Russian Commission of the Press, the «Izvestia» Publishing House, The «Yuridicheskaya Literatura» Publishing House
Preparation and publishing of comments of the Federal law «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation», comments on laws «On Election of President of the Russian Federation», «On Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», «On Formation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», «On Referendum of the Russian Federation»; and organization of the publication and dissemination thereof
1995 as the laws are passed
The Central Election Commission of Russia, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Committee for the Press, Yuridicheskaya Literatura Publishing House
Publishing in the Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of the legal acts and other normative documents relating the issues of electoral laws
The Central Election Commission of Russia
Preparation and publishing of legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation concerning elections and referendum and explanations (comments) to the said legal acts
Bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the matter pertaining to of incorporation of topics (themes) related to electoral laws and electoral process to the curricu-lums and plans of education institutions of general, specialised and high education
The Central Election Commission of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, high education establishments with assistance of stale Committee of High Education Institutions of Russia, the Ministry of Defence of Russia, bodies of state power of the Russian Federation
Elaboration of model curriculums regarding subjects and courses which include (lie topics of electoral laws and electoral process for students of secondary schools and colleges with due regard to (lie principles of consistency and systematic approach of education
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee of High Education Institutions of Russia, Ministry of Defence of Russia
Incorporation of the course (theme) regarding the electoral right in the curriculum for the students of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, including that of regional personnel centers and the Academy of Peoples Economy under the President of the Russian Federation
2nd quarter 1995
The Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Peoples' Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Adjustment of plans of civic and humanitarian education of personnel of military units with due regard to the topics concerning to electoral laws and electoral process
2nd quarter 1995
the Ministry of Defence of Russia
Preparation and publication of information guide books and methodical aids concerning issues of electoral rights for teachers and lecturers, students of secondary general schools and specialised education institutions and colleges
The Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Committee for the Press; the Yuridicheskaya Literatura Publishing House
Preparation, publication and dissemination of information, guide books and methodical aids, concerning the issues of electoral laws and public educational activities. Publication of a number of booklets: «Voters' Library», «Lessons of Electoral Laws», «Electoral Laws in Questions and Answers», etc.
The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the «Znanie» Society of Russia, the Russian Committee for the Press
Supply of libraries with the literature on electoral laws and electoral process, organization of theme, exhibitions and other events of the said issue
The Ministry of Culture of Russia
Preparation of visuals, teaching documentary, popular science and animation films on the issues related to organization and administration of elections and referendum, participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in them
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies,
the Russian Committee for the Cinema, the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia
Holding workshop with authors of textbooks and aids related to the issues of electoral laws and electoral process
The Central Election Commission of Russia,
the Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the «Znanie» Society of Russia
Training of teachers and lectures in the electoral laws in general, secondary, specialised schools and high educational institutions
The Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia, the Ministry of Defence of Russia
Holding of workshops and conferences with journalists, cinema, radio and TV staff, lecturers or workers in the domain of culture, education and other participants of the Programme
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation,
the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Committee for the Press, the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia, the Ministry of Defence of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the «Znanie» Society of Russia
Establishment of territorial centers for improvement of legal culture of voters
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, bodies of state power
and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Knowledge Society of Russia, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia
2. Improvement of Legal Culture of Voters
Communicating the foundations of electoral laws and electoral process to students of secondary general, specialised schools and colleges and military servicemen, students in the advanced training courses, employees and leaders of the state economy enterprises of the Russian Federation
Starting from 1995-96 school year
The State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia, the Ministry of Defence of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Peoples' Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Holding of contests and competitions among students of general secondary and specialised schools for the best knowledge of electoral rights and electoral processes, contests of theses and essays on the said subject
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia
Holding of youth contests and competitions regarding the issues of electoral laws on radio and TV
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia
Establishment of awards to students who demonstrate (lie best knowledge in the issues of electoral laws, teachers and lecturers who achieved the best results in teaching
From 1996-97 school year
The Central Election Commission of Russia, Election commission of the subjects of the Russian
Holding an experimental programme in general secondary schools in a number of regions stipulating the participation of undergraduate and graduate students in mock (game) voting at election of deputies of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and deputies to legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Broadcasting programmes for voters of the Russian Federation on national and local TV and radio channels with participation of election commissions. Such programmes are to communicate the electoral legislation and demonstrate the role of voters in electoral campaigns
The Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Elaboration and publication in national, regional and local newspapers and magazines a (annually) number of materials contributing to the improvement of legal culture of voters on the basis of the federal and regional legislation of elections to the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation
Mass media with assistance of the Russian Committee for the Press,
Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia bodies of state power and election commission of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Holding in cultural establishments at the places of residence and work of voters a cycle of discussions, lectures, question and answer meetings and other events aimed at communicating laws on elections and referendum in the Russian Federation, voting rules at elections to bodies of stale power and local self government
1995-1999 (annually)
The Ministry of Culture of (annually) Russia, (lie Knowledge Society of Russia, other educational organizations, bodies of state power and election commissions of (he subjects of the Russian Federation
Preparation, publication and free dissemina-tion among voters of leaflets and posters explaining the basic principles of electoral legislation, rights and actions of voters during preparation of elections and the voting
1995-1999 (after an-nouncement of the election date)
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, the Russian Committee for the Press, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the Federal Department of Mail, bodies of state power and election commission of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Holding events within the programme with voters-citizens of Russia residing abroad
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
3. Legal Education of Candidates for Deputies Representatives for Public (Electoral) Associations Official Agents and Observers
Organization of consultations and holding workshops-sessions with leaders and representatives of public (electoral) associations concerning (lie specific features of the forthcoming election, issues of technology of the administration, relationship between election commissions and public (electoral) associations
1995-1999 (after an- nouncement of the elec-tion date)
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Consultation of candidates for deputies, their
official agents, representative of public (electoral associations) and observers concerning the issues of technology of the electoral process
1995-1999 (during preparation of the election)
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, district election commissions
Organization of training of the representatives of public (electoral) associations with methods of organization of electoral campaigns
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies
Holding, at requests of public associations of
lectures, reports, workshops, training courses, business games on the topic «How to Win the Election» and regarding other aspects of the political marketing
The «Znanie» Society of Russia, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Holding of «round-table sessions», briefings, press-conferences with participation of leaders of public (electoral) associations concerning the issues of reforming of the electoral system in the Russian Federationand administration of elections
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Organization of speeches of deputies, leaders of electoral associations in the mass media for the purposes of communicating and popularization of electoral legislation
1995-1999 (during preparation of election)
The Central Election Commission of Russia, mass media with the assistance of the Russian Committee for the Press, the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Dissemination in the mass media of the mate-
rials concerning the experience of federal and
regional public associations in participation in
elections of deputies of (he federal assembly of the Russian Federation and legislative
(representative) bodies of the subjects of the
Russian Federation
The Central Election Commission of Russia,
mass media with the assistance of the Russian Committee for the Press,
the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
4. Preparation of Administers of Electoral Process and Improving their Skills
Training of specialists for election bodies in high education institutions
Starting from 1995-1996 school year
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the State Committee for High Education Institutions of Russia
Improvement of skills of members of election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation and other administers of electoral process at courses of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, other education
The Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, the Russian Academy of State Service under (he President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law Study under the Government of the Russian Federation,
the Institute of State and the Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Advanced training of members of district, territorial election commissions at courses at regional personnel preparation centers and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation establishments
Bodies of state power and election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defence of Russia
Holding a cycle of workshops-sessions with the heads and members of (lie election commissions of various levels, other administers of electoral process concerning the issues of improvement of administration, preparation and conduct of elections and referendum
The Central Election Commission of Russia, (he election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation
Ensuring of participation of staff of the Central Election Commission, federal ministries and departments, lecturers of the «Znanie» Society in sessions, workshops, lectures and other events with participants of the electoral process in the subjects of the Russian Federation
The election commission of Russia, the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, the «Znanie» Society of Russia
Organization of on-site training of leaders of election commissions in higher election commissions and in election commissions of other subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of obtaining the experience and improvement of skills of administers of the electoral process
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation
Conduct within the programme of events with administers of voting of the voters-citizens of Russia residing abroad at elections and referendum
The ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Holding of joint workshops-sessions with Chairman of election commissions and staff of courts concerning the issues of consideration of complaints and statements on violations of the electoral legislation
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the bodies of state power and election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation
Regular publication in the Bulletin of the Cen- tral Election Commission of the Russian Federation, mass media of materials concerning the activities of the election commissions to ensure observance of electoral rights of citizens and other participants the electoral process to demonstrate specific features of election commissions' activities with various groups of voters: youth, women, military servicemen, residents of remote areas, etc.
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the mass media with assistance of Russian Committee for the Press, the Federal Service of TV and Radio Broadcasting of Russia, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation
Generalization and dissemination of experience regarding (lie improvement of legal culture of voters, other participants and administers of electoral process, representatives of public associations
The Central Election Commission of Russia, the Russian Training Center of Electoral Technologies, the bodies of state power and election commission of the subjects of the Russian Federation
1 Hereinafter referred to as «the Federal Program», «the Program».
2 Hereinafter referred to as the Program, the Coordination Council under the Central Election Commission of Russia
