
Рынок — это ветер, который надувает паруса корабля. Парусный корабль идёт по воле ветра. Но если вы не будете им управлять, то его поведёт туда, куда дует ветер. А вовсе не туда, куда нужно капитану. Поэтому искусство управления заключается в том, чтобы л В. Леонтьев


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Яндекс цитирования

22.02.2025, суббота. Московское время 17:17

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Form N2

Regulations on the Procedures for Forming and Spending
Monetary Assets of Electoral funds of Candidates for Deputy,
Electoral associations. Election Blocs in Respect to Elections to
the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation Approved by Resolution of the Central Election
Commission of the Russian Federation Dated __________ ______,
1995, N___

On Opening Special Temporary Account

To _____________________________________________________
(name of the election commission)

A candidate for deputy (name of the candidate, account details, number of the registration card, number of the election district to be indicated) _____________
or an electoral association (bloc) (name of the electoral association and account details to be indicated)______________________________________________
requests the execution of documents to open a special temporary account to form his/its electoral funds with the branch of the Savings Bank
(name of the branch of the Savings Bank3)

Persons authorized to dispose of monetary assets of the election fund shall be __________________________________ - with the primary signature right and

_________________________________- a chief accountant with the secondary


signature right. The resolution of the electoral association or bloc concerning the appointment of persons authorized to dispose of assets of the election fund (with the first and second signature right), two filled-in cards with signature specimens and a round seal print are attached4.

The candidate for deputy, persons authorized to dispose of the monetary assets of the election fund has (have) been familiarized with the Federal Laws «On Basic Guarantees of Election Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation» and «On Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation», with the Regulations on the Procedures for Forming and Spending Monetary Assets of Electoral funds of Candidates for Deputy, Electoral associations,

Election Blocs in Respect to Elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation approved by the Resolution of the Central Election Commission.

Candidate for deputy or persons authorized to dispose of monetary assets of the election fund of the electoral association (bloc) (with the primary and secondary signature right)


3 Only for candidates for deputy.

4 Only for electoral associations and blocs.

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»


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