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28.03.2025, ïÿòíèöà. Ìîñêîâñêîå âðåìÿ 02:40

Regulations On the Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for President of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

By Resolution
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No. 73/605-II
dated 1 February 1996

Central Bank
of the Russian Federation

Savings Bank
of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Justice
of the Russian Federation

I. General Provisions

1.1. In compliance with the Federal Laws «On Election of President of the Russian Federation» and «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation», candidates for President of the Russian Federation shall form their own election funds to finance election campaigns. The assets of election funds shall be placed in special temporary accounts with branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation who created the fund has the right to dispose of the assets for the specified purposes.

1.2. Election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation may be formed from the following monetary assets:

    * funds allocated to the candidate by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation for his/her election campaign;

    * candidate's own funds, the amount of which may not exceed 57.75 million rubles;

    * funds allocated to the candidate by the electoral association (bloc) or the initiative group of voters who nominated the candidate, the amount of which may not exceed 2,887.5 million rubles;

    * voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities. The amount of a donation made by an individual may not exceed 2,887.5 thou rubles. The amount of a donation made by a legal entity may not exceed 288.75 million rubles.

The maximum total expenditures made by a candidate for President covered by the assets of the election fund may not exceed 14,437.5 million rubles.

1.3. For the purposes of election campaigns, only assets transferred to the election funds may be used. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is not allowed to accept election campaign services paid for by a legal entity or natural person circumventing the election fund, as it is considered as the use of other monetary funds and may entail consequences provided for by part 10 of Article 45 of the Federal Law «On Election of President of the Russian Federation.»

1.4. The following entities and persons are not allowed to make donations to election funds of candidates for President:

    * foreign states, organizations and citizens;

    * unnaturalized persons;

    * Russian legal entities with a share of foreign participation in the authorized capital in excess of 30%;

    * international organizations and public movements;

    * bodies of local self-government, state and municipal enterprises, establishments and organizations;

    * military units, military establishments and organizations;

    * charity organizations and religious associations.

1.5. If voluntary donations were received by election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation from natural persons or legal entities who are not entitled to make such contributions, or if the amount of the donation exceeds the legal standards, the candidates are obliged to return to the donors such donations either in full or only in the amount which exceeds the specified limit, indicating the reason for return prior to submitting the financial statement to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The said amounts are to be returned by the branches of the Savings Bank at the instruction of the account holders, less the transfer costs charged by the communications enterprises for such transfers. Anonymous donations should be remitted by the candidate to the federal budget of the Russian Federation to the account specified by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The branches of the Savings Bank are obliged to submit to the Central Election Commission information regarding the receipt of assets in the special temporary accounts of the election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation in compliance with Form No.1 (attached) within 3 days of the receipt.

II. The Procedure for Opening Special Temporary Accounts and Receipt of Monetary Assets

2.1. Candidate for President of the Russian Federation registered with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation acquires the right to open a special temporary account to form his/her own election fund in any branch of the Savings Bank within the territory of the Russian Federation. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation is obliged to submit in writing to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the details of the Savings Bank branch where he/she decides to open the account of his/her election fund according to Form No. 2 (attached). The candidate must open the account in person, presenting, at the branch of the Savings Bank, his/her passport, the candidate ID and written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation according to Form No. 3 (attached) to be issued to the candidate within 3 days after the submission of the information according to Form No. 2.

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation may delegate the right to open a special temporary account and dispose of the assets of the election fund to another person on the basis of a notarized power of attorney, as well as a written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation according to Form No. 3.

2.2. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation has the right to open only one special temporary account to form his/her election fund.

2.3. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation transfers monetary assets allocated to candidates for President of the Russian Federation for election campaigns on the basis of a written statement according to Form No. 4 (attached) where the candidate is to specify account details that he/she opened in a branch of the Savings Bank to form the election fund.

2.4. Voluntary donations made by natural persons to the election funds of candidates for President are to be accepted by bank branches or communications enterprises only upon the presentation of a passport or any other ID of a citizen of the Russian Federation in place of it. The donor is to specify in the payment documents his/her family name, first and second name (in full), the place of residence, which is verified by the bank branches or communications enterprises with the information specified in the passport or an ID in place of it.

2.5. Voluntary donations from legal entities to the election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation can be made only by a wire transfer to the special temporary accounts. In this case, the donor indicates in the payment order on the line «payment purpose» the share (in percent) of foreign capital in the authorized capital of that legal entity (in accordance with registered foundation documents) or states that there is no foreign capital in the authorized capital of the legal entity. In the event the assets from legal entities are received by a candidate's election fund without the statement of foreign capital, the candidate is obliged to return such funds to the donor or receive formal information on the presence or absence of foreign capital in the authorized capital of the donor. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation is not entitled to use such assets for an election campaign until the aforesaid information is obtained.

2.6. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is entitled, for the purposes of an election campaign, to use only those donations made by natural persons and legal entities that were transferred by the donors before the election day. The relevant branches of the Savings Bank are obliged to return to natural persons and legal entities those donations, which were transferred to the election fund of the candidate after the election day.

2.7. All monetary assets are to be accepted into the election fund account in rubles. Remittance of foreign currencies is prohibited. Such accounts accrue no income and pay no interest. The fee for opening and maintaining accounts of candidates for President of the Russian Federation is not levied.

2.8. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is obliged to regularly study the information concerning the sources and amounts of the receipts in the account of his/her election fund in the branch of the Savings Bank.

2.9. If a candidate for President of the Russian Federation voluntary withdraws from the election, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall deduct the relevant part of expenditures for the election incurred by it from his/her account, including the means allocated for the election campaign.

III. Accounting and Spending of Assets of Election Funds

3.1. Candidates for President of the Russian Federation are to keep records of receipts and expenditures within their election funds according to Form No. 5 (attached).

3.2. Monetary assets of election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation may be used for payment for production and dissemination of campaign materials1, announcements and statements of candidates in the mass media, for expenses related to election meetings with voters, rallies, demonstrations and other special events related to election campaigns.

Candidates and their authorized representatives are not entitled to give voters cash, gifts, conduct discount sales and disseminate, on a free of charge basis, any goods other than printed, illustrated materials, badges, manufactured especially for the election campaign.

3.3. Chargeable operations and services provided by legal entities to candidates are to be filed in writing (contract, invoice, act). The contract is to stipulate the information about the parties, the volume of assigned operations, the cost and break down calculations, the payment procedures, deadlines liabilities of the parties and other terms and conditions.

The operations and services provided must be confirmed by certificates or bills for the products signed by the client and the executor.

The said operations and services are to be paid for by wire transfer from the candidate's accounts in compliance with the Statute on wire settlements in the Russian Federation.

3.4. While placing orders to display campaign materials in favor of a candidate for President of the Russian Federation, legal entities are to submit to the editorial board of a periodical, TV and radio company, enterprise dealing with campaign materials, the documents confirming the consent of the candidate to order the specific operation (copy of contract, letter of guarantee, other documents) in the scope regulated by election legislation.

3.5. Natural persons recruited by candidates to conduct their campaign on a chargeable basis, should sign a civil-legal contract made in writing. The contract should specify the family name, first and second name of the recruited person, passport information, list of work to be done, deadlines and remuneration.

3.6. Branches of the Savings Bank, upon the written request of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, are obliged, within 3 days, to submit to the Commission the information on the spending of monetary funds available in the special temporary accounts of the candidates according to Form No. 6 (attached).

3.7. All financial operations related to the spending of assets in special temporary accounts of candidates are to be terminated on election day. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may, on the basis of the relevant request of the candidate, give a written permit to extend the deadline for financial operations, related to the payment of expenses incurred prior to election day, upon submission by candidates of the relevant documents explaining the need for such extension.

3.8. During a run-off, transactions in special temporary accounts of candidates for President of the Russian Federation whose information is on the ballot for a run-off are to be extended by the relevant branches of the Savings Bank on the basis of a written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation from the date of publication of voting results until the date of such a run-off. In this case, the total amount of expenditures for an election campaign, with due regard to a run-off, may not exceed the limit set forth by Article 45 of the Federal Law «On Election of President of the Russian Federation», i.e., 14,437.5 million rubles.

Candidates whose information is on the ballot for a run-off are to submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation financial statements not later than 30 days from the date of publication of run-off voting results.

IV. Reporting and Control

4.1. Candidates for President are to submit financial statements according to Form No. 7 (attached) to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than 30 days after the election results are made public.

The statement is to be accompanied by information about the sources and spending of assets of the election fund according to Form No. 5, and by initial financial documents. In this event, before the financial statement is submitted, all cash funds that remained with candidates are to be returned to the special temporary accounts. The copies of financial statements are to be provided by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to the mass media.

If a candidate failed to open an account to form his/her election fund he/she must, within 30 days after the publication date of the election results, inform the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in writing that he/she did not spend the money for the purposes of the election campaign.

4.2. A candidate must, not later than 30 days after the election day, return to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the unspent monetary assets of the election fund in the amount proportional to the amount of assets allocated to him/her. Upon the expiration of the aforesaid deadline, the unspent budget assets must, upon instruction of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, be transferred on an incontestable basis by the branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation to the account of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Other residual assets in the accounts of candidates must, not later than 2 months after the publication of the election results, be returned by the candidates, in proportion to the donated funds to the organizations and persons who made such donations to the election funds upon permission of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The aforesaid amounts are to be returned, less the fees of the communications enterprises charged for the transfer.

4.4. In compliance with Article 48 of the Federal Law «On Election of the President of the Russian Federation», to execute control over sources of funds, accurate accounting of assets of the election funds and spending of the funds by candidates for President, the Control and Auditing Service under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is to be established, and specialists from the state bodies of the Russian Federation are to be recruited for this purpose.

V. Responsibility for Violation of Financial Discipline

5.1. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is to bear personal responsibility for the use of the assets of the election fund, timely submission of records and statements in compliance with the forms established by these Regulations and the accuracy of information.

5.2. If a candidate used assets other then those donated to his/her election fund for the election campaign, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is entitled to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation requesting the cancellation of the candidate registration. The aforesaid appeal must be considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation within 5 days and if submitted 5 days before the election day - immediately.

5.3. The responsibility for violation of the election legislation is determined by the Federal Law «On Introduction of Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses» dated April 28, 1995, financial liability inclusive. In particular, it is stipulated by the said federal law that:

    - the failure of a candidate or a person elected to submit information on the amount of receipts (donations) to the election funds and the sources of formation of the election funds or the report on all expenses incurred for the election, will entail a fine on the candidate, or the person elected in the amount of 10 to 100 times the minimum monthly wage (Article 40 of the Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses);

    - illegal acceptance of donations of any kind by the candidate from a foreign state, foreign citizen or international organization or international public association, from Russian legal entities with foreign participation will entail a fine upon the candidate in the amount equal to three times the size of the donation and the confiscation of the donation (Article 40 of the Code of the RSFSR on administrative offenses).

Form No.1

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Receipt of Monetary Assets in Special Temporary Account
of Election fund of Candidate for President of the Russian Federation

To be Submitted by the Savings Bank
Branch to the Central Election Commission
Within 3 Days of the Receipt Day

Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account number, registration certificate number should be specified)

Receipt date


Amount in Rubles

Document confirming receipt of funds







How to fill in the form


Artur Ivanovich
54 Tkacheva St., apt. 23


No. __________
Dated ________

for President of
the RF
ID card No.__


authorized representative
on financial issues, by
instruction of the
initiative group of voters


No. __________
Dated ________

The voter initiative group's own funds


Petr Ivanovich Seleznev
5 Sovietov St., apt. 56


Postal transfer
Dated _______



Salyut Closed Joint
Stock Company
Account 1444876 with
Schuchie MFO 153888


Payment order
No __________
Dated ________

The share of foreign capital in the authorized capital is 10%

Savings Bank
Branch Manager

Form No.2

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

From Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number)

I hereby request that
(name of the Savings Bank branch)

be notified of the opening of a special temporary account to form my election fund.

Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation



Form No.3

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To Manager of the Savings Bank Branch _____________

According to Article 45 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On Election of the President of the Russian Federation» the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation supports the application of candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number)

to open his special temporary account to form the election fund in your Savings Bank Branch.

of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation

[Affix seal here]

Form No.4

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To the Central Election Commission of the
Russian Federation

From the Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate)

I hereby advise you that I opened special temporary account No.____

(name and address of the Savings Bank branch)

MFO______ Code ______ to finance my election campaign.

Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation



Form No.5

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

of Receipts and Spending of Monetary Assets of the Election Fund of Candidate
for President of the Russian Federation

Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number, account details)

1. Assets Accepted into Election fund

Date of acceptance


Amount in rubles

Document confirming receipt of funds







How to fill in the form


Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Account 141777 MFO 187777 10 Ilyinka St., Moscow


Payment order No. 16
dated 01/11/95



Funds of Sergei Petrovich
Ivanov, candidate for President
of the Russian Federation
15 Novaya St., apt.45, Oriol


entry in personal account No. H-45 (in the savings book)

Registration certificate of the candidate


Electoral association's own funds
account 151666 MFO 16663399
15 Novatorov St., Oriol


order No. 45
dated 03/11/95



Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
45 Tupova St., apt. 15, Kursk


Receipt of postal
dated 02/11/95



«Mars» Closed Joint Stock
account 3142678 MFO 15555
CSC, Volzhsky, 15 Panteleeva St.


order No. 33
dated 05/11/95

Share of foreign
capital in the authorized capital is 15%

II. The Return of Funds Allocated by Donors in Violation of the Established Procedure

Date of acceptance of funds in settlement account


Amount in rubles

The amount returned in rubles


Document confirming the return of







How to fill in the form


Petr Petrovich
15 Tikhaya St.,
apt. 35, Ivanov



Excess of the set amount of donations

Receipt as of 25/11/95 by postal transfer


«Venera» Open
Joint Stock
Company account
MFO 124999
34 Pechnaya St.



Excess of the set amount of donations

order No. 11
as of 25/11/95


«Cobra» Joint Stock Bank
account 4550002
MFO 350001
5 Nedelina St.



about the
foreign share
in the

order No. 114 as of 27/11/95


Military Unit No.




order No. 12
as of 02/12/95


«Luch» Joint
Stock Company
account 3621000
MFO 1680000
56 Tarteeva St



The share of foreign
capital in the authorized capital exceeds 30 %

order No. 45
as of 05/12/9 5

III. Spending of Election fund Assets

Withdrawal date


Amount in rubles

Type of Expenditure

Document confirming expenditures








How to fill in the form


«Efir» Radio Company
account 637627
MFO 289200
32 Petrovka St.


communications (statements)

Payment order or expenditure voucher receipt (No. and date)



account 878779978 MFO 454566/121324 Omsk, 3 Zeiyonaya St.


Rent of
premises to meet with voters

Payment order or expenditure voucher receipt (No. and date) Contract
No _________ dated _______



Semyon Petrovich Sidorov
Tula, 5 Ilyinka St.,
apt. 67


Dissemination of campaign materials

Invoice as of (date), expenditure order (No. and date)



«GUM» Open Joint Stock Company
account 6477448779 MFO 5676776/77 Moscow,
1 Nikolskaya St.



Bill from the enterprise, payment order (No. and date), permit for receipt of the goods (No. date), bill or receipt



«BEK» Publishing House
account 74899090 MFO 4556466 Volgograd,
4 Novaya St.


Leaflets and posters

No __________ payment
order No. ______
dated _________
permit for
receipt of the goods


Form No.6

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Spending Monetary Assets Available in Special Temporary Account
of Election Fund of Candidate for President of the Russian Federation

To be submitted by Savings Bank branches
upon request of the Central Election Commission

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account details)

Date of withdrawal


Amount in rubles






How to fill in the form


Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov Candidate for President of the
Russian Federation


Cash withdrawal


«Sokol» Recreation center
Account 9276645 CSC MFO




Ostankino» Radio company
Account 8001645 MFO 155578




TASS - advertisement
Account 0001645 CSC
MFO 120008




«Sodruzhestvo» Electoral
Account 0303055 CSC
MFO 1918827


Cash to pay contractors-natural persons


«Argumenty & Facty» Newspaper
Account 8001645 CSC
MFO 1324578, Moscow



Saving Bank Branch

II. Spending of Election Fund Assets


Line code

Amount in thou rbls




Total expenditure including:



- election campaigning through the mass media
(radio, television)



- election campaigning through periodicals



- public campaign events (meetings with voters, party meetings, rallies, demonstrations, etc.)



- production and dissemination of printed materials (leaflets, posters, bill boards, etc.)



- other expenditure related to election campaign total:
including: (break down )



III. Residual of Assets of Election Fund


Line code

Amount in thou. rbls




Outstanding assets total (line 10- line 11)



Outstanding funds returned



To the Central Election Commission



Legal entities



Natural persons



Electoral associations (bloc), voter initiative group



The remainder of outstanding assets as of the statement submission date (to be certified by the bank)



Other monetary assets, i.e. those that were not transferred to the election fund, and were not used to organize and conduct the election campaign of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

Date of submission of the statement


Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation

Form No.7

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Receipt and Spending of Assets of Election Fund of Candidate
for President of the Russian Federation

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account details)

To be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the
Russian Federation not later than 30 days after the
publication of the election results

I. Assets Received to the Election Fund


Line code

Amount in thou rbls




Received total including:



- funds of the Central Election Commission



- candidate's own funds



- funds of the electoral association (bloc), the voter initiative group, who nominated the candidate for President of the Russian Federation



- funds of legal entities



- funds of natural persons



Funds returned - total including:



- those allocated in violation of the established procedure



- in connection with withdrawal of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation



Assets of the election fund, total (line 01 through 07)



1 In compliance with Order of the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 1995 No. 127 printed campaign materials must contain the following information: information about the author of the publication, circulation, number of the order, name and full postal address of the publishing enterprise.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

By Resolution
of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
No. 73/605-II
dated 1 February 1996

Central Bank
of the Russian Federation

Savings Bank
of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Justice
of the Russian Federation

I. General Provisions

1.1. In compliance with the Federal Laws «On Election of President of the Russian Federation» and «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation», candidates for President of the Russian Federation shall form their own election funds to finance election campaigns. The assets of election funds shall be placed in special temporary accounts with branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation who created the fund has the right to dispose of the assets for the specified purposes.

1.2. Election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation may be formed from the following monetary assets:

    * funds allocated to the candidate by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation for his/her election campaign;

    * candidate's own funds, the amount of which may not exceed 57.75 million rubles;

    * funds allocated to the candidate by the electoral association (bloc) or the initiative group of voters who nominated the candidate, the amount of which may not exceed 2,887.5 million rubles;

    * voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities. The amount of a donation made by an individual may not exceed 2,887.5 thou rubles. The amount of a donation made by a legal entity may not exceed 288.75 million rubles.

The maximum total expenditures made by a candidate for President covered by the assets of the election fund may not exceed 14,437.5 million rubles.

1.3. For the purposes of election campaigns, only assets transferred to the election funds may be used. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is not allowed to accept election campaign services paid for by a legal entity or natural person circumventing the election fund, as it is considered as the use of other monetary funds and may entail consequences provided for by part 10 of Article 45 of the Federal Law «On Election of President of the Russian Federation.»

1.4. The following entities and persons are not allowed to make donations to election funds of candidates for President:

    * foreign states, organizations and citizens;

    * unnaturalized persons;

    * Russian legal entities with a share of foreign participation in the authorized capital in excess of 30%;

    * international organizations and public movements;

    * bodies of local self-government, state and municipal enterprises, establishments and organizations;

    * military units, military establishments and organizations;

    * charity organizations and religious associations.

1.5. If voluntary donations were received by election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation from natural persons or legal entities who are not entitled to make such contributions, or if the amount of the donation exceeds the legal standards, the candidates are obliged to return to the donors such donations either in full or only in the amount which exceeds the specified limit, indicating the reason for return prior to submitting the financial statement to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The said amounts are to be returned by the branches of the Savings Bank at the instruction of the account holders, less the transfer costs charged by the communications enterprises for such transfers. Anonymous donations should be remitted by the candidate to the federal budget of the Russian Federation to the account specified by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The branches of the Savings Bank are obliged to submit to the Central Election Commission information regarding the receipt of assets in the special temporary accounts of the election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation in compliance with Form No.1 (attached) within 3 days of the receipt.

II. The Procedure for Opening Special Temporary Accounts and Receipt of Monetary Assets

2.1. Candidate for President of the Russian Federation registered with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation acquires the right to open a special temporary account to form his/her own election fund in any branch of the Savings Bank within the territory of the Russian Federation. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation is obliged to submit in writing to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the details of the Savings Bank branch where he/she decides to open the account of his/her election fund according to Form No. 2 (attached). The candidate must open the account in person, presenting, at the branch of the Savings Bank, his/her passport, the candidate ID and written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation according to Form No. 3 (attached) to be issued to the candidate within 3 days after the submission of the information according to Form No. 2.

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation may delegate the right to open a special temporary account and dispose of the assets of the election fund to another person on the basis of a notarized power of attorney, as well as a written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation according to Form No. 3.

2.2. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation has the right to open only one special temporary account to form his/her election fund.

2.3. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation transfers monetary assets allocated to candidates for President of the Russian Federation for election campaigns on the basis of a written statement according to Form No. 4 (attached) where the candidate is to specify account details that he/she opened in a branch of the Savings Bank to form the election fund.

2.4. Voluntary donations made by natural persons to the election funds of candidates for President are to be accepted by bank branches or communications enterprises only upon the presentation of a passport or any other ID of a citizen of the Russian Federation in place of it. The donor is to specify in the payment documents his/her family name, first and second name (in full), the place of residence, which is verified by the bank branches or communications enterprises with the information specified in the passport or an ID in place of it.

2.5. Voluntary donations from legal entities to the election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation can be made only by a wire transfer to the special temporary accounts. In this case, the donor indicates in the payment order on the line «payment purpose» the share (in percent) of foreign capital in the authorized capital of that legal entity (in accordance with registered foundation documents) or states that there is no foreign capital in the authorized capital of the legal entity. In the event the assets from legal entities are received by a candidate's election fund without the statement of foreign capital, the candidate is obliged to return such funds to the donor or receive formal information on the presence or absence of foreign capital in the authorized capital of the donor. The candidate for President of the Russian Federation is not entitled to use such assets for an election campaign until the aforesaid information is obtained.

2.6. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is entitled, for the purposes of an election campaign, to use only those donations made by natural persons and legal entities that were transferred by the donors before the election day. The relevant branches of the Savings Bank are obliged to return to natural persons and legal entities those donations, which were transferred to the election fund of the candidate after the election day.

2.7. All monetary assets are to be accepted into the election fund account in rubles. Remittance of foreign currencies is prohibited. Such accounts accrue no income and pay no interest. The fee for opening and maintaining accounts of candidates for President of the Russian Federation is not levied.

2.8. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is obliged to regularly study the information concerning the sources and amounts of the receipts in the account of his/her election fund in the branch of the Savings Bank.

2.9. If a candidate for President of the Russian Federation voluntary withdraws from the election, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall deduct the relevant part of expenditures for the election incurred by it from his/her account, including the means allocated for the election campaign.

III. Accounting and Spending of Assets of Election Funds

3.1. Candidates for President of the Russian Federation are to keep records of receipts and expenditures within their election funds according to Form No. 5 (attached).

3.2. Monetary assets of election funds of candidates for President of the Russian Federation may be used for payment for production and dissemination of campaign materials1, announcements and statements of candidates in the mass media, for expenses related to election meetings with voters, rallies, demonstrations and other special events related to election campaigns.

Candidates and their authorized representatives are not entitled to give voters cash, gifts, conduct discount sales and disseminate, on a free of charge basis, any goods other than printed, illustrated materials, badges, manufactured especially for the election campaign.

3.3. Chargeable operations and services provided by legal entities to candidates are to be filed in writing (contract, invoice, act). The contract is to stipulate the information about the parties, the volume of assigned operations, the cost and break down calculations, the payment procedures, deadlines liabilities of the parties and other terms and conditions.

The operations and services provided must be confirmed by certificates or bills for the products signed by the client and the executor.

The said operations and services are to be paid for by wire transfer from the candidate's accounts in compliance with the Statute on wire settlements in the Russian Federation.

3.4. While placing orders to display campaign materials in favor of a candidate for President of the Russian Federation, legal entities are to submit to the editorial board of a periodical, TV and radio company, enterprise dealing with campaign materials, the documents confirming the consent of the candidate to order the specific operation (copy of contract, letter of guarantee, other documents) in the scope regulated by election legislation.

3.5. Natural persons recruited by candidates to conduct their campaign on a chargeable basis, should sign a civil-legal contract made in writing. The contract should specify the family name, first and second name of the recruited person, passport information, list of work to be done, deadlines and remuneration.

3.6. Branches of the Savings Bank, upon the written request of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, are obliged, within 3 days, to submit to the Commission the information on the spending of monetary funds available in the special temporary accounts of the candidates according to Form No. 6 (attached).

3.7. All financial operations related to the spending of assets in special temporary accounts of candidates are to be terminated on election day. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may, on the basis of the relevant request of the candidate, give a written permit to extend the deadline for financial operations, related to the payment of expenses incurred prior to election day, upon submission by candidates of the relevant documents explaining the need for such extension.

3.8. During a run-off, transactions in special temporary accounts of candidates for President of the Russian Federation whose information is on the ballot for a run-off are to be extended by the relevant branches of the Savings Bank on the basis of a written notification from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation from the date of publication of voting results until the date of such a run-off. In this case, the total amount of expenditures for an election campaign, with due regard to a run-off, may not exceed the limit set forth by Article 45 of the Federal Law «On Election of President of the Russian Federation», i.e., 14,437.5 million rubles.

Candidates whose information is on the ballot for a run-off are to submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation financial statements not later than 30 days from the date of publication of run-off voting results.

IV. Reporting and Control

4.1. Candidates for President are to submit financial statements according to Form No. 7 (attached) to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than 30 days after the election results are made public.

The statement is to be accompanied by information about the sources and spending of assets of the election fund according to Form No. 5, and by initial financial documents. In this event, before the financial statement is submitted, all cash funds that remained with candidates are to be returned to the special temporary accounts. The copies of financial statements are to be provided by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to the mass media.

If a candidate failed to open an account to form his/her election fund he/she must, within 30 days after the publication date of the election results, inform the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in writing that he/she did not spend the money for the purposes of the election campaign.

4.2. A candidate must, not later than 30 days after the election day, return to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the unspent monetary assets of the election fund in the amount proportional to the amount of assets allocated to him/her. Upon the expiration of the aforesaid deadline, the unspent budget assets must, upon instruction of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, be transferred on an incontestable basis by the branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation to the account of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Other residual assets in the accounts of candidates must, not later than 2 months after the publication of the election results, be returned by the candidates, in proportion to the donated funds to the organizations and persons who made such donations to the election funds upon permission of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The aforesaid amounts are to be returned, less the fees of the communications enterprises charged for the transfer.

4.4. In compliance with Article 48 of the Federal Law «On Election of the President of the Russian Federation», to execute control over sources of funds, accurate accounting of assets of the election funds and spending of the funds by candidates for President, the Control and Auditing Service under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is to be established, and specialists from the state bodies of the Russian Federation are to be recruited for this purpose.

V. Responsibility for Violation of Financial Discipline

5.1. A candidate for President of the Russian Federation is to bear personal responsibility for the use of the assets of the election fund, timely submission of records and statements in compliance with the forms established by these Regulations and the accuracy of information.

5.2. If a candidate used assets other then those donated to his/her election fund for the election campaign, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is entitled to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation requesting the cancellation of the candidate registration. The aforesaid appeal must be considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation within 5 days and if submitted 5 days before the election day - immediately.

5.3. The responsibility for violation of the election legislation is determined by the Federal Law «On Introduction of Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses» dated April 28, 1995, financial liability inclusive. In particular, it is stipulated by the said federal law that:

    - the failure of a candidate or a person elected to submit information on the amount of receipts (donations) to the election funds and the sources of formation of the election funds or the report on all expenses incurred for the election, will entail a fine on the candidate, or the person elected in the amount of 10 to 100 times the minimum monthly wage (Article 40 of the Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses);

    - illegal acceptance of donations of any kind by the candidate from a foreign state, foreign citizen or international organization or international public association, from Russian legal entities with foreign participation will entail a fine upon the candidate in the amount equal to three times the size of the donation and the confiscation of the donation (Article 40 of the Code of the RSFSR on administrative offenses).

Form No.1

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Receipt of Monetary Assets in Special Temporary Account
of Election fund of Candidate for President of the Russian Federation

To be Submitted by the Savings Bank
Branch to the Central Election Commission
Within 3 Days of the Receipt Day

Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account number, registration certificate number should be specified)

Receipt date


Amount in Rubles

Document confirming receipt of funds







How to fill in the form


Artur Ivanovich
54 Tkacheva St., apt. 23


No. __________
Dated ________

for President of
the RF
ID card No.__


authorized representative
on financial issues, by
instruction of the
initiative group of voters


No. __________
Dated ________

The voter initiative group's own funds


Petr Ivanovich Seleznev
5 Sovietov St., apt. 56


Postal transfer
Dated _______



Salyut Closed Joint
Stock Company
Account 1444876 with
Schuchie MFO 153888


Payment order
No __________
Dated ________

The share of foreign capital in the authorized capital is 10%

Savings Bank
Branch Manager

Form No.2

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

From Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number)

I hereby request that
(name of the Savings Bank branch)

be notified of the opening of a special temporary account to form my election fund.

Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation



Form No.3

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To Manager of the Savings Bank Branch _____________

According to Article 45 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On Election of the President of the Russian Federation» the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation supports the application of candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number)

to open his special temporary account to form the election fund in your Savings Bank Branch.

of the Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation

[Affix seal here]

Form No.4

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

To the Central Election Commission of the
Russian Federation

From the Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate)

I hereby advise you that I opened special temporary account No.____

(name and address of the Savings Bank branch)

MFO______ Code ______ to finance my election campaign.

Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation



Form No.5

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation #FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

of Receipts and Spending of Monetary Assets of the Election Fund of Candidate
for President of the Russian Federation

Candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, registration certificate number, account details)

1. Assets Accepted into Election fund

Date of acceptance


Amount in rubles

Document confirming receipt of funds







How to fill in the form


Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Account 141777 MFO 187777 10 Ilyinka St., Moscow


Payment order No. 16
dated 01/11/95



Funds of Sergei Petrovich
Ivanov, candidate for President
of the Russian Federation
15 Novaya St., apt.45, Oriol


entry in personal account No. H-45 (in the savings book)

Registration certificate of the candidate


Electoral association's own funds
account 151666 MFO 16663399
15 Novatorov St., Oriol


order No. 45
dated 03/11/95



Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
45 Tupova St., apt. 15, Kursk


Receipt of postal
dated 02/11/95



«Mars» Closed Joint Stock
account 3142678 MFO 15555
CSC, Volzhsky, 15 Panteleeva St.


order No. 33
dated 05/11/95

Share of foreign
capital in the authorized capital is 15%

II. The Return of Funds Allocated by Donors in Violation of the Established Procedure

Date of acceptance of funds in settlement account


Amount in rubles

The amount returned in rubles


Document confirming the return of







How to fill in the form


Petr Petrovich
15 Tikhaya St.,
apt. 35, Ivanov



Excess of the set amount of donations

Receipt as of 25/11/95 by postal transfer


«Venera» Open
Joint Stock
Company account
MFO 124999
34 Pechnaya St.



Excess of the set amount of donations

order No. 11
as of 25/11/95


«Cobra» Joint Stock Bank
account 4550002
MFO 350001
5 Nedelina St.



about the
foreign share
in the

order No. 114 as of 27/11/95


Military Unit No.




order No. 12
as of 02/12/95


«Luch» Joint
Stock Company
account 3621000
MFO 1680000
56 Tarteeva St



The share of foreign
capital in the authorized capital exceeds 30 %

order No. 45
as of 05/12/9 5

III. Spending of Election fund Assets

Withdrawal date


Amount in rubles

Type of Expenditure

Document confirming expenditures








How to fill in the form


«Efir» Radio Company
account 637627
MFO 289200
32 Petrovka St.


communications (statements)

Payment order or expenditure voucher receipt (No. and date)



account 878779978 MFO 454566/121324 Omsk, 3 Zeiyonaya St.


Rent of
premises to meet with voters

Payment order or expenditure voucher receipt (No. and date) Contract
No _________ dated _______



Semyon Petrovich Sidorov
Tula, 5 Ilyinka St.,
apt. 67


Dissemination of campaign materials

Invoice as of (date), expenditure order (No. and date)



«GUM» Open Joint Stock Company
account 6477448779 MFO 5676776/77 Moscow,
1 Nikolskaya St.



Bill from the enterprise, payment order (No. and date), permit for receipt of the goods (No. date), bill or receipt



«BEK» Publishing House
account 74899090 MFO 4556466 Volgograd,
4 Novaya St.


Leaflets and posters

No __________ payment
order No. ______
dated _________
permit for
receipt of the goods


Form No.6

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Spending Monetary Assets Available in Special Temporary Account
of Election Fund of Candidate for President of the Russian Federation

To be submitted by Savings Bank branches
upon request of the Central Election Commission

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account details)

Date of withdrawal


Amount in rubles






How to fill in the form


Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov Candidate for President of the
Russian Federation


Cash withdrawal


«Sokol» Recreation center
Account 9276645 CSC MFO




Ostankino» Radio company
Account 8001645 MFO 155578




TASS - advertisement
Account 0001645 CSC
MFO 120008




«Sodruzhestvo» Electoral
Account 0303055 CSC
MFO 1918827


Cash to pay contractors-natural persons


«Argumenty & Facty» Newspaper
Account 8001645 CSC
MFO 1324578, Moscow



Saving Bank Branch

II. Spending of Election Fund Assets


Line code

Amount in thou rbls




Total expenditure including:



- election campaigning through the mass media
(radio, television)



- election campaigning through periodicals



- public campaign events (meetings with voters, party meetings, rallies, demonstrations, etc.)



- production and dissemination of printed materials (leaflets, posters, bill boards, etc.)



- other expenditure related to election campaign total:
including: (break down )



III. Residual of Assets of Election Fund


Line code

Amount in thou. rbls




Outstanding assets total (line 10- line 11)



Outstanding funds returned



To the Central Election Commission



Legal entities



Natural persons



Electoral associations (bloc), voter initiative group



The remainder of outstanding assets as of the statement submission date (to be certified by the bank)



Other monetary assets, i.e. those that were not transferred to the election fund, and were not used to organize and conduct the election campaign of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

Date of submission of the statement


Candidate for President
of the Russian Federation

Form No.7

Attached to the Regulations on Procedure for Accounting of Receipt and
Spending of Monetary Assets of Election Funds of Candidates for
President of the Russian Federation Approved by Resolution of the
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation # FZ/605-II dated
1 February 1996

On Receipt and Spending of Assets of Election Fund of Candidate
for President of the Russian Federation

The candidate for President of the Russian Federation
(family name, first and second name of the candidate, account details)

To be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the
Russian Federation not later than 30 days after the
publication of the election results

I. Assets Received to the Election Fund


Line code

Amount in thou rbls




Received total including:



- funds of the Central Election Commission



- candidate's own funds



- funds of the electoral association (bloc), the voter initiative group, who nominated the candidate for President of the Russian Federation



- funds of legal entities



- funds of natural persons



Funds returned - total including:



- those allocated in violation of the established procedure



- in connection with withdrawal of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation



Assets of the election fund, total (line 01 through 07)



1 In compliance with Order of the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 1995 No. 127 printed campaign materials must contain the following information: information about the author of the publication, circulation, number of the order, name and full postal address of the publishing enterprise.


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