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28.03.2025, ïÿòíèöà. Ìîñêîâñêîå âðåìÿ 02:29

Clarification of the activities of foreign (international) observers during the Presidential elections in the Russian Federation

by the resolution of the Central Election Commission
No 79/612-11
Feb 26. 1996

Foreign (international) observers should be accredited by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation upon the proposal of International and national governmental and nongovernmental organizations and individuals who are recognized as experts in protection of human and civil rights

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation according to the request of foreign (International) observer for the accreditation as an observer issues his (her) an officially approved Credential Card, which is an authorization for his (her) activities during the presidential elections of the Russian Federation (see the appendix).

Foreign (»international) observer performs his (her) duties independently.

Foreign (international) observer has the right:

    - to be in a polling station on the election day.
    - to observe the vote counting and the issue of final protocols with election results;
    - to tell a Chairmen of an election commission his (her) proposals and comments, to express his (her) opinion and conclusions on the process and the results of the voting,
    - to meet the candidates of the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electorial blocs and initiative groups of voters'
    - to conduct press-conferences and to appeal to mass media;
    - to inform the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation after the elections about the protection of electoral rights of the Russian citizens

Foreign (international) observers during their presence on the territory of the Russian Federation are in a possession of state patronage (protection) of the Russian Federation

The financial support of foreign (international) observers is provided by delegating organizations or by the observers themselves

Foreign (international) observers are not allowed to use their status for the activities. which are not connected to the observation of elections.

The Central Election Commission has the right to withdraw the accreditation of a foreign (international) observer in case if the latter violated the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Federal Election Law or universally recognized principles and norms of international law.»

to the Clarification of the activities
of foreign (international) observers
during Presidential elections
in the Russian Federation

A sample and a description of the Credential Card
of a foreign (international) observer

front side of the Credential Card

The Credential Card of a foreign (international) observer is a document, which proves his (her) status

The Credential Card is printed on a standard three-color paper list with the dimension or12õ8 cm (see the sample above). On the front side of it there is the following data: card's number, name and family name of the person to whom the card is issued, signature of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, date of issue and date of expiry.

The signature of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is stamped with the Central Election Commission's round official seal.

The Credential Card is issued by the Central Election Commission upon the request for accreditation as an observer.

by the Resolution of the
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
dated February 26,1996 No79/643-II._____

on the Procedure of Activities of Attorneys of Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, Members of Electoral Commissions with Deliberative Vote, Authorized Representatives of Electoral Associations, Electoral Blocs, Initiative Groups of Voters, Observers, Representatives of Mass Media during Election of the President of the Russian Federation.

In compliance with the Federal Law «On Elections of the President of the Russian Federation» (hereinafter referred to as «Federal Law») attorneys of candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, members of election commissions with deliberative vote, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters, observers, representatives of the mass media are the participants in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

Persons hindering the legal activities of the above mentioned participants of electoral process bear administrative and criminal liability in the procedure set forth by the federal legislation.

1. Attorneys of Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation

In compliance with part six of Article 37 of the Federal Law a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, registered with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, may have up to 200 attorneys. Citizens of the Russian Federation enjoying the right to elect may be appointed attorneys. Attorneys are appointed on the basis of the written application of a candidate and personal applications of attorneys, addressed to the candidate, which should specify the family name, first and second name, date of birth, place of work and place of residence of the attorney.

The Central Election Commission after the receipt of the aforesaid documents should register the attorneys of the candidates and issue the identification documents of an established form.

For the period starting from the registration day of an attorney and to the day of official publication of general returns of the election of the President of the Russian Federation, the administration of enterprises, establishments, organizations, regardless of ownership form, is obliged to provide an unpaid leave upon the application of the attorney.

Attorneys of candidates for the President of the Russian Federation are entitled:

    to conduct, in any legal way and by legal methods, communication and other activities in favor of their candidates, provide voters with their election platforms;
    to make presentations at campaign sessions, meetings with voters participate in campaign debates and discussions;
    to receive required assistance from state bodies and bodies of self government in holding campaign meetings and meeting with deputies;
    to attend sessions of election commissions;
    to visit electoral precincts including those in the territory of military units during the voting, vote counting and the determining of voting results;
    to get access to documents of election commissions and protocols on vote results and election returns;
    to appeal decisions and actions (inaction) of election commissions and attend the sessions where complaints are considered.

As a rule, not more than two attorneys of one candidate for the President of the Russian Federation may attend a session of the election commission of any level.

Attorneys of candidates are not entitled:

    to interfere in the work of election commissions;
    to sign in the voting premises at the request of a voter for the voter for taking a voting ballot, to fill voting ballots for a voter in the room (booth) for secret ballot;
    to participate in coverage of the election through the mass media if attorneys are journalists or official persons of editorial boards of mass media.

Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, who appointed attorneys are entitled to recall them at any time in this case the candidate, or on his instructions, the authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters should submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation a notification on the recall of the identification documents issued to the attorney to be recalled, for nullification thereof.

Candidates are entitled to appoint new attorneys to replace those recalled.

2. Members of Election Commissions with Deliberative Vote

In compliance with Articles 11, 12, 13,14 of the Federal Law candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, registered with the Central Election Commission may appoint one member with deliberative vote each to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation and all other inferior election commissions.

A candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, his attorneys, his/her spouse or close relatives, as well as his direct subordinates should not be members of an election commission with deliberative vote.

The activities of a member of election commission with deliberative vote shall start from the receipt by the relative election commission of an application of a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, concerning the appointment of a member of the commission which should specify family name, first and second name, year of birth (for eighteen year old individuals - date and month of birth additionally), place of residence, office and home phone number of such member of election commission.

Members of territorial and precinct commissions with deliberative vote may be appointed authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocks, initiative groups on the instructions of a candidate.

    to participate in sessions of election commissions ensuring publicity and openness of their activities;
    to get access to decisions of relevant election commissions and to submit copies there of for publication in the mass media;
    to participate in the public electoral events and cover them in the mass media outlets;
    to be present at electoral precincts on the election day during the voting procedure, vote counting, compiling of protocols on voting results by the precinct election commissions;
    to get access to protocols of election commissions on voting results.

Representatives of the mass media accredited with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation are entitled to attend sessions of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the mass media - journalists, members of boards of editors of mass media outlets, officials and creative workers of state television and radio companies are not allowed to participate in the coverage of the election through the mass media if the said persons are registered candidates for the President of the Russian Federation or their attorneys or members of election commissions.

by the Resolution of the
Central Election Commission
of the Russian Federation
dated February 26,1996 No 79/643-II. ___

on the Procedure of Activities of Attorneys of Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, Members of Electoral Commissions with Deliberative Vote, Authorized Representatives of Electoral Associations, Electoral Blocs, Initiative Groups of Voters, Observers, Representatives of Mass Media during Election of the President of the Russian Federation.

In compliance with the Federal Law «On Elections of the President of the Russian Federation» (hereinafter referred to as «Federal Law») attorneys of candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, members of election commissions with deliberative vote, authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters, observers, representatives of the mass media are the participants -in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

Persons hindering the legal activities of the above mentioned participants of electoral process bear administrative and criminal liability in the procedure set forth by the federal legislation.

1. Attorneys of Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation

In compliance with part six of Article 37 of the Federal Law a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, registered with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, may have up to 200 attorneys. Citizens of the Russian Federation enjoying the right to elect may be appointed attorneys. Attorneys are appointed on the basis of the written application of a candidate and personal applications of attorneys, addressed to the candidate, which should specify the family name, first and second name, date of birth, place of work and place of residence of the attorney.

The Central Election Commission after the receipt of the aforesaid documents should register the attorneys of the candidates and issue the identification documents of an established form.

For the period starting from the registration day of an attorney and to the day of official publication of general returns of the election of the President of the Russian Federation, the administration of enterprises, establishments, organizations, regardless of ownership form, is obliged to provide an unpaid leave upon the application of the attorney.

Attorneys of candidates for the President of the Russian Federation are entitled:

    to conduct, in any legal way and by legal methods, communication and other activities in favor of their candidates, provide voters with their election platforms;
    to make presentations at campaign sessions, meetings with voters participate in campaign debates and discussions;
    to receive required assistance from state bodies and bodies of self government in holding campaign meetings and meeting with deputies;
    to attend sessions of election commissions;
    to visit electoral precincts including those in the territory of military units during the voting, vote counting and the determining of voting results;
    to get access to documents of election commissions and protocols on vote results and election returns;
    to appeal decisions and actions (inaction) of election commissions and attend the sessions where complaints are considered.

As a rule, not more than two attorneys of one candidate for the President of the Russian Federation may attend a session of the election commission of any level.

Attorneys of candidates are not entitled:

    to interfere in the work of election commissions;
    to sign in the voting premises at the request of a voter for the voter for taking a voting ballot, to fill voting ballots for a voter in the room (booth) for secret ballot;
    to participate in coverage of the election through the mass media if attorneys are journalists or official persons of editorial boards of mass media.

Candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, who appointed attorneys are entitled to recall them at any time in this case the candidate, or on his instructions, the authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters should submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation a notification on the recall of the identification documents issued to the attorney to be recalled, for nullification thereof.

Candidates are entitled to appoint new attorneys to replace those recalled.

2. Members of Election Commissions with Deliberative Vote

In compliance with Articles 11, 12, 13,14 of the Federal Law candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, registered with the Central Election Commission may appoint one member with deliberative vote each to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation and all other inferior election commissions.

A candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, his attorneys, his/her spouse or close relatives, as well as his direct subordinates should not be members of an election commission with deliberative vote.

The activities of a member of election commission with deliberative vote shall start from the receipt by the relative election commission of an application of a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, concerning the appointment of a member of the commission which should specify family name, first and second name, year of birth (for eighteen year old individuals - date and month of birth additionally), place of residence, office and home phone number of such member of election commission.

Members of territorial and precinct commissions with deliberative vote may be appointed authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocks, initiative groups on the instructions of a candidate.

The relevant election commission should issue for members of commission with deliberative vote the identification documents of an established form.

A member of election commission with deliberative vote shall act in compliance with the requirements of the federal legislation and the procedure of the relevant election commission.

Member of election commission with deliberative vote shall be entitled:

    to participate in sessions of the election commission;

    to address sessions of the election commission, to put forward proposals concerning issues within the competence of the relevant election commission, demand voting thereabouts;

    to ask other participants of the commission session questions in compliance with the agenda and demand answers to the point;

    to get access to all documents and materials of the relevant and inferior election commissions and receive certified copies of such documents.

Members of elections commissions with deliberative vote may participate in work groups to set up control over observance of the rules and regulations in coverage of the election campaign through mass media, in using automated informational system, as well as in other groups, formed by election commissions.

Members of election commissions with deliberative vote are not entitled to participate in the voting while decisions are made or participate in the counting of votes at the electoral precinct on the election day, as well as conduct election communication, disseminate any election campaign materials.

In compliance with part eight of Article 19 of the Federal Law the powers of members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of subjects of the Russian Federation and district election commissions with deliberative vote continue until the end of the registration of candidates at the election of the President of the Russian Federation of the following convocation, if the candidate, who appointed them have been elected President of the Russian Federation. Powers of remaining members of such election commissions with deliberative vote should terminate in 30 days after the publication of general results of the election of the President of the Russian Federation. The term of powers of members of territorial and precinct election commissions with deliberative vote terminates together with the term of powers of such election commissions.

3. Authorized Representatives of Electoral Associations, Electoral Blocs, Initiative Groups of Voters

In compliance with Article 30 of the Federal Law electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters appoint their representatives who are to be authorized to represent the association, bloc, initiative group of voters in respect to all issues relating to participation of the electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters in elections of the President of the Russian Federation including financial issues.

Authorized representatives may be appointed at the congress (conference) of electoral association, electoral bloc or by its governing body, as well as at the meeting of initiative group of voters. An electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters independently determine the number of authorized representatives and issue one letter of proxy to all of them or to each of them.

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation after the receipt of the documents, set forth in Articles 32, 33 of the Federal Law, from electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters, should register authorized representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters and issue the registration certificates to them. Authorized representatives after receipt of aforesaid certificates are entitled to start collecting signatures of the voters in favor of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, nominated by electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters.

Authorized representatives of electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters:

    submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation records with resolution of the congress (conference) of electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters on nomination of candidate for the President of the Russian Federation;
    certify signature lists during the collection of signatures for candidate for the President of the Russian Federation;
    count votes in favor of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation within and outside the territory of the Russian Federation, compile record on voting results;
    submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation signature lists for candidate for the President of the Russian Federation and other registration documents not later than at 6 p.m. on April 16, 1996;
    receive from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the written confirmation on acceptance of signature lists and other documents;
    attend the verification of signature lists and other documents by the Central Election Commission;
    conduct election communication, disseminate campaign materials;
    participate in lots held by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation to determine the order of providing air time to candidates, electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters on the channels of all-Russian and regional TV and radio companies;
    attend the meetings of election commissions;
    exercise other powers set by the federal legislation, as well as by electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters.

Authorized representatives are entitled to attend sessions of election commissions of all levels, in case they represent electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters in the session of the relevant election commission.

Authorize representatives of electoral association, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters are not entitled to influence voters through promising to allocate money, securities and other benefits, giving them money, presents and other material values rather than for the participation in campaigning activities (duty hours at electoral precincts, collection of signatures, etc.), conducting discount sale of commodities, disseminate any goods free of charge with the exception of printed, including illustrative materials, as well as badges, produced specially for election campaign.

4. Observers

In compliance with Articles 14, 20 of the Federal Law observers sent by candidates for the President of the Russian Federation, public (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) and electoral associations, electoral blocs, initiative groups of voters are entitled to be present at electoral precinct on the election day from the beginning of work of the precinct election commission till the protocols on voting results are signed by the members of the commission with the decisive vote. Candidate, electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative group of voters or their authorized representatives, as well as public association through its authorized bodies are entitled to nominate one observer to each of precinct election commissions.

Authorities of observers should be certified in writing by the candidate, public or electoral association, electoral bloc. The document, certifying authorities of observer, should specify the family name, first name, second name of the observer, place of residence, the number of electoral district where he/she is to visit. The document is valid upon presentation of a passport or identification document substituting it. A preliminary notification of the precinct election commission on sending the observer to the electoral precinct is not required.

An observer is entitled:

    to be present in the voting premises of the relevant electoral precinct on election day including at the electoral precinct in the territory of a military unit;
    to participate in presentation of electoral boxes by the chairman of precinct electoral commission before they are sealed and before they are opened after the voting was terminated;
    to get access to the lists of voters;
    to participate in the voting process beyond the voting premises in the event a voter is not able to come to the voting premises due to his health or other grounded reasons;
    to be present at votes counting and nullification of unused voting ballots by the members of precinct election commission with the decisive vote;
    to get access to the protocols of the relevant election commissions on voting results and receive their copies certified in the established procedure;
    to apply to the chairman of the precinct election commission with proposals and comments concerning the organization of voting process;
    to appeal actions (inaction) of the precinct election commission at the territorial election commissions and precinct election commission of the precinct outside the territory of the Russian Federation , - at the Central Election Commission or in court.

Observers are not entitled:

    to sign in the voting premises for voters for taking voting ballots;
    to fill in, for a voter at his/her request, the voting ballot in the room (booth) for secret ballots;
    to conduct activities hindering the members of the precinct election commission from fulfilling their functions.

Precinct election commission is entitled to recall an observer from the voting premises immediately in case of violation of voting secrecy or if he undertakes measures aimed at influencing voter's will.

5. Representatives of the Mass Media

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law representatives of the mass media participate in the electoral process at all stages of the election campaign and are to communicate full, truthful and reliable information on the cause of election of the President of the Russian Federation to the public.

Representatives of the mass media as participants in electoral process are entitled:

    to participate in sessions of election commissions ensuring publicity and openness of their activities;
    to get access to decisions of relevant election commissions and to submit copies thereof for publication in the mass media;
    to participate in the public electoral events and cover them in the mass media outlets;
    to be present at electoral precincts on the election day during the voting procedure, vote counting, compiling of protocols on voting results by the precinct election commissions;
    to get access to protocols of election commissions on voting results.

Representatives of the mass media accredited with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation are entitled to attend sessions of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the mass media - journalists, members of boards of editors of mass media outlets, officials and creative workers of state television and radio companies are not allowed to participate in the coverage of the election through the mass media if the said persons are registered candidates for the President of the Russian Federation or their attorneys or members of election commissions.


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