Interfax is Citing Complete Text of the Political Statement of the Power Branches Concerning the Achievement of Political Agreement
Presidential Elections
Russia - Power - Statement - Draft - Text
Moscow, February 8. INTERFAX - Interfax is citing a complete text of the draft statement of the President, the Federation Council, the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation, that was approved at the Russian Federation Security Council meeting last Friday:
«Being fully aware of their responsibility for the future of Russia, in their aspiration to secure unity, integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
recognizing it that unification of the efforts of all bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation is a major prerequisite of the overcoming of the social and economic crisis in the country;
being in favor of agreed effectuation of powers by all bodies in order to protect interests of individuals, society and state, and realizing the importance of elections to the State Duma that will be conducted in December 1999 lawfully and on the basis of non-admission of corruption of legislative and executive power bodies,
the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation are making the statement as follows:
1. The President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and the State Duma shall be obliged not to come out with any proposals on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation without prior consultations with each other.
2. The President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma shall be obliged not to take decisions about the Russian Federation Government resignation without prior consultations with each other, and the Federation Council.
3. Within a month, after consultations with the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation shall propose to the State Duma a draft law on making changes and additions to the Russian Federation legislation on elections. The changes and additions shall be directed towards:
- Accrual of citizens' rights to get information about candidates to the deputies;
- Increase of election commissions' powers to deny the registration of candidates to the State Duma deputies, and to annul the registration of those candidates who are participating in the activities of extremist organizations, are bribing voters or are using illegal methods of competitive struggle in the course of the election campaign;
- Compulsory declaration of income and information about the property belonging to the candidates to the State Duma deputies, and publishing of the said declarations for voters' attention;
- Public control over the formation and use of election funds of the candidates to the State Duma deputies, and election associations;
- Establishment of the public and federal control over the use of assets out of the federal budget, federal non-budget funds and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with the purpose of non-admission of their use for financing the election campaigns of individuals or political movements.
The State Duma shall adopt the said draft law not later than a month after it has been proposed by the President of the Russian Federation.
Before the adoption of the said draft law, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation shall provide for conditions for conducting the elections to the State Duma on the constitutional basis.
4. The State Duma shall in the first place review the legislation initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation that have been developed in order to overcome the social and economic crisis in the country in accordance with the agreed concept of development.
The said statement is secured by the federal law «On Procedures for the Adoption of Federal Constitutional Laws and Federal Laws» that will be approved by the State Duma not later than a month after the said Statement has been signed.
5. Within a month after consultations with the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation shall propose to the State Duma legislative initiatives about making changes and additions to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Violations of Rights of the RSFSR. The initiatives shall in particular be directed towards stiffening of struggle with political, national and religious extremism.
The State Duma shall adopt the said draft laws not later than a month after they have been proposed by the President of the Russian Federation.
6. Within a month after consultations with the Government of the Russian Federation the President of the Russian Federation shall propose to the State Duma the federal draft law «On Political Parties and Movements» that shall be directed towards expansion of the state control over the political parties' activities with the purpose of non-admission to political struggle by means of extremist actions, and actions instigating political, national and religious conflicts.
The State Duma shall adopt the said draft law not later than a month after it has been proposed by the President of the Russian Federation.
7. The President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation are calling on heads of the bodies of the state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and bodies of local self government to take measures to:
- provide timely and on the normative and legal basis for the elections to the bodies of the state powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and bodies of local self government;
- ensure the formation and activities of election commissions;
- organize public control over the administration and conduct of election campaigns in their regions;
- prevent illegal actions directed towards the instigation of extremist disposition in the society, and use of «dirty» election technologies.
The President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation shall be obliged to be rigorously guided by the said statement starting from the day of its enactment, and are addressing all citizens of Russia, their public associations and mass media with an appeal to support joint efforts of the federal bodies of the state power on ensuring of political stability as a prerequisite of taking the country out of the crisis, and for the sake of strengthening of democratic gains of the Russian society.
