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Chapter II. Formation of a Political Party
Article 11. Methods of the Formation of a Political Party
Article 12. Organizing Committee
Article 13 Activity of the Organizing Committee
Article 14. Conduct of the Constituent Congress of a Political Party, Congress of an All-Russia Public Organization, All-Russia Public Movement for Transformation into a Political Party
Article 11. Methods of the Formation of a Political Party
1. A political party shall be formed freely, without any prior permissions from government bodies and officials. A political party may be formed at the constituent congress of a political party or through transformation of an All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement into a political party at the congress of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement, provided state registration of the public associations to be transformed was carried out not later than one year before a decision was taken to transform them into a political party.
2. When formed at the constituent congress a political party shall be deemed to have been established from the day on which the constituent congress took decisions on the formation of the political party, formation of its regional branches in more than a half of the subjects of the Russian Federation, on the approval of the rules and adoption of the program of the political party, on the formation of its leading bodies. The founders of a political party shall be the delegates of the constituent congress, who shall become members of the political party after its formation.
3. If a political party is formed through transformation of an All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement, the congress of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement shall take decisions on the transformation of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement into a political party, on transformation of regional branches in the subjects of the Russian Federation into regional branches of the political party, on the approval of the rules and adoption of the program of the political party, on the formation of its leading bodies.
4. When formed through transformation of an All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement a political party shall be deemed to have been established from the day on which appropriate entries are made in the unified state register of legal entities.
Article 12. Organizing Committee
1. An organizing committee (hereafter "Organizing Committee"), consisting of not less than ten members, shall be formed to prepare, convene, and hold the constituent congress. of a political party.
2. The Organizing Committee shall notify in writing the federal body of executive power authorized to carry out state registration of political parties (hereafter "registering body") of its intention to form a political party and shall indicate the contemplated name of the party. The following documents shall be submitted together with the notification:
(a) draft rules and a draft program of the political party being formed;
(b) information about not less than ten members of the Organizing Committee (surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of residence, citizenship);
(c) minutes of the meeting of the Organizing Committee, indicating the purpose of its formation and its tasks, the period of its powers (not longer than one year), its location, the procedure for the use of its property when it ceases its activity. The minutes shall also indicate the information about the Organizing Committee's member (surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of residence, citizenship, series and number of the passport or a similar identification) who is authorized to open a settlement account where the funds of the Organizing Committee are to be kept and to conclude civil-law contracts to support its activity.
3. Within five days upon receipt of the notification and other documents indicated in Clause 2 of this Article, the registering body shall issue to the Organizing Committee a document confirming their submission.
4. Within ten days upon receipt of the document indicated in Clause 3 of this Article, the Organizing Committee shall publish an announcement in the national print media about the intention to form a political party and submission of the appropriate documents to the registering body.
Article 13 Activity of the Organizing Committee
1. The Organizing Committee shall hold the constituent congress of a political party during the period of its powers. For this purpose the Organizing Committee shall:
carry out organizational arrangements aimed to establish regional branches of the new political party in the subjects of the Russian Federation, including organization of meetings of supporters of the political party to elect delegates to the constituent congress;
open a settlement account at one of credit institutions of the Russian Federation through one of its members, authorized to do so, and inform the registering body to this effect.
2. The funds of the Organizing Committee shall be formed by donations which shall be subject to the rules established in Article 30 of this Federal Law.
3. The Organizing Committee shall independently decide its proceedings.
4. The Organizing Committee shall cease its activity after the political party has held the constituent congress and received a state registration certificate. At such time, the property and funds of the Organizing Committee, along with a financial report on their use, indicating the sources from which the property and funds were received, shall be transferred to the newly formed political party.
5. If the Organizing Committee fails to hold the constituent congress during the period of its powers, it shall cease its activity upon expiration of this period. In this case, the remaining funds of the Organizing Committee shall be transferred to the donors pro rata according to their donations and the property shall be returned to the donors.
Article 14. Conduct of the Constituent Congress of a Political Party, Congress of an All-Russia Public Organization, All-Russia Public Movement for Transformation into a Political Party
1. The Organizing Committee (All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement) shall publish the information about the venue and date of the constituent congress of a political party (congress of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement) as well as the main points of the draft rules and the draft program of a political party in the national mass media (including Rossiskaya Gazeta or Parlamentskaya Gazeta ). The said information and the said draft rules and draft program of a political party shall be published not later than a month before the date of convocation of the constituent congress of a political party (congress of an All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement, convened for transformation into a political party).
2. The constituent congress shall be deemed competent if attended by not less than one hundred and fifty delegates who reside permanently or most of the time in more than a half of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The decisions of the constituent congress indicated in Clause 2 Article 11 of this Federal Law shall be passed by a majority vote of the congress delegates.
3. The decision to transform an All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement into a political party and other decisions indicated in Clause 3 Article 11 of this Federal Law shall be passed by the congress of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement in accordance with their statutes. The said congress shall be deemed competent if attended by not less than a hundred and fifty delegates who reside permanently or most of the time in more than a half of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The congress may resolve to form a body responsible for transformation of the All-Russia public organization, All-Russia public movement into a political party. In this case, formation of an Organizing Committee shall not be required.
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