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Яндекс цитирования

22.02.2025, суббота. Московское время 18:03

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter IV. Internal Structure of a Political Party

Article 21. Rules of a Political Party

Article 22. Program of a Political Party

Article 23. Membership in a Political Party

Article 24. Leading Bodies of a Political Party and Its Regional Branches

Article 25. Procedure for Adoption of the Rules and the Program of a Political Party, Other Major Decisions

Article 21. Rules of a Political Party

1. A political party, its regional branches and other structural divisions shall function in accordance with and on the basis of the common rules of the political party.

2. The rules of a political party shall contain provisions defining:

(a) the objectives and tasks of the political party;
(b) the name of the political party, including the abbreviated name, and the description of its symbols (if any);
(c) the conditions and procedure for obtaining and losing party membership;
(d) the procedure for registration of members of the political party;
(e) the structure of the political party and the procedure for the formation, registration and liquidation of its regional branches and other structural divisions;
(f) the procedure for the formation of the leading bodies of the political party and its regional branches, the period of their powers, the competence and location of the leading body of the political party;
(g) the procedure for introducing modifications and additions in the rules and the program of the political party;
(h) the sources from which the funds and other property of the political party are formed, the rights of the political party and its regional branches to manage this property;
(i) the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the political party;
(j) the procedure for putting forward party candidates for election as deputies and to other elected offices in the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government;
(k) the grounds and procedure for recalling candidates, registered candidates nominated by the political party for election as deputies and to other elected offices in the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government.

3. The rules may also contain other provisions relating to the activity of the political party, such as:

(a) the rights and obligations of members of the political party;
(b) the procedure for interaction between the leading bodies of the political party and the leading bodies of its regional branches and other structural divisions; measures which may be taken in respect of regional branches and other structural divisions, including adoption of decisions to dissolve their leading bodies and declare early elections, and also to liquidate a regional branch or other structural divisions;
(c) the procedure for settling inter-party disputes;
(d) the procedure for calling regular and extraordinary meetings of the leading bodies of the political party.

4. The modifications and additions introduced in the rules of a political party shall be subject to state registration to be carried out within a period established by this Federal Law for state registration of a political party. A registration fee shall be charged for such registration.

Article 22. Program of a Political Party

1. A political party shall have a program defining the principles of its activity, its objectives and tasks, the methods for accomplishment of the party's objectives and the ways of carrying out the formulated tasks.

2. Modifications to be made in the program of a political party shall be submitted to the registering body and shall be published in print media.

Article 23. Membership in a Political Party

1. Membership in a political party shall be voluntary, fixed, individual.

2. Membership in a political party shall be open to citizens of the Russian Federation who attained to the age of 18 years. Foreign nationals and stateless persons and citizens of the Russian Federation who have been pronounced incapable by a court or are held in places of confinement under a court sentence shall have no right to be members of a political party.

3. Citizens shall be admitted to a political party on the basis of their personal applications, in the procedure established by the rules of a political party.

4. Members of a political party shall participate in the activity of a political party, enjoy rights and bear obligations in accordance with its rules. A failure to abide by the rules of a political party shall be a reason for expulsion from the political party in cases provided by its rules.

5. Members of a political party shall have the right to elect and be elected to the leading bodies of the political party, its regional branches, and other structural divisions, receive information about the activity of the political party and its leading bodies and appeal the decisions and actions of the said bodies in the procedure established by the rules of the political party.

6. A member of a political party may belong to only one regional branch of the given political party - at the place where he/she resides permanently or most of the time, at the main place of employment or study (in the event of full-time instruction).

7. It shall be forbidden to require citizens to mention their membership in a political party, or absence of such membership, when they present official data about themselves.

8. Membership of citizens in a political party or absence of such membership shall not serve as a reason for restricting their rights and liberties or as a condition for granting them any privileges.

9. Members of a political party shall not be bound by the decisions of the political party in their official (labor) activity.

10. Membership in a political party shall not be restricted on account of profession, social standing, race, nationality, religion, sex, origin, property status, place of residence. Restriction of the right to join political parties or an obligation to suspend membership in a political party may be established for certain categories of Russian Federation citizens by the federal constitutional laws and federal laws.

Article 24. Leading Bodies of a Political Party and Its Regional Branches

1. The highest leading body of a political party shall be the congress of the political party.

2. The highest leading body of a regional branch of a political party shall be the conference or general meeting of members of the political party registered with the given regional branch.

3. Elections to the leading bodies of a political party and its regional branches shall be held at least once every three years.

Article 25. Procedure for Adoption of the Rules and the Program of a Political Party, Other Major Decisions

1. Adoption of the rules and the program of a political party and introduction of modifications therein, election of the leading body of a political party, nomination by a political party of candidates (lists of candidates) for election as deputies and to other elected offices in the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government, consideration of the issues of reorganization or liquidation of a political party shall be carried out at the congress of the political party attended by not less than one hundred and fifty delegates - members of the political party registered with its regional branches which are formed in more than a half of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The decisions on these matters shall be passed in accordance with the rules of the political party but by not less than a majority of the votes of the congress delegates.

2. When a regional branch of a political party puts forward candidates (lists of candidates) for election as deputies or to other elected offices in the elections to the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government, an appropriate decision shall be passed at the conference (general meeting) of the regional branch in accordance with the rules of the political party but by not less than a majority of the votes of the members present at the conference (general meeting).

3. Decisions on the election of the leading bodies of a political party and its regional branches and on nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) for election as deputies or to other elected offices in the bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government shall be taken by secret ballot.

4. Decisions on other matters concerning the activity of a political party shall be taken in accordance with the rules of the political party.

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