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Яндекс цитирования

22.02.2025, суббота. Московское время 16:58

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter VI. State Support for Political Parties

Article 32. Kinds of State Support for Political Parties

Article 32. Kinds of State Support for Political Parties

1. The federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government shall provide support for political parties, their regional branches and other structural subdivisions on equal terms and conditions by:

a) ensuring equal terms and conditions and equal guarantees of access to state-run and municipal mass media;
b) providing state-owned and municipal premises and means of communication on equal terms and conditions similar to those under which they are provided to state and municipal institutions;
c) ensuring equal terms and conditions for participation in election campaigns, referenda, public and political events.

2. State support shall be also provided for political parties in the form of state financing in conformity with Article 33 of this Federal Law.

3. State financing of a political party shall be suspended if the activity of the political party is suspended or if the political party fails to comply with the requirements of Article 34 of this Federal Law.

4. In the event of liquidation of a political party, its regional branch or other structural subdivisions, the state support for the given political party, its regional branch or other structural subdivision shall be discontinued as of the date on which the court decision on the liquidation of the political party, its regional branch and other structural subdivision comes into legal force or as of the date on which the authorized body of the political party adopts the relevant decision. In the event of reorganization of a political party, its regional branch or other structural subdivisions, state support for the given political party, its regional branch and other structural subdivision shall be discontinued as of the date on which a corresponding entry is made in the unified state register of legal entities.

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»


Автор: В.И.Васильев, А.Е.Постников - ИРИС
Форма выпуска: Книга

Первое издание ИРИС - книга В. И. Васильева и А. Е. Постникова «Путеводитель по избирательной кампании: пособие для кандидатов в депутаты, избирательных объединений и избирательных блоков». Это популярный комментарий законодательства о выборах депутатов Государственной Думы. В книгу включены рисунки популярного карикатуриста А. Бильжо. Издание предназначено для кандидатов в депутаты, организаторов избирательных кампаний, избирательных объединений, избирательных блоков и иных участников выборов.

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