
Для научного развития необходимо признание полной свободы личности, личного духа, ибо только при этом условии может одно научное мировоззрение сменяться другим, создаваемым свободной, независимой работой личности. Владимир Иванович Вернадский (1863-1945), русский и советский учёный-естествоиспытатель


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Яндекс цитирования

21.12.2024, суббота. Московское время 20:01

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Chapter VII - Electoral Associations and Electoral Blocs

Article 34 - Participation of Electoral Associations and Electoral Blocs in Elections

Article 35 - Formation of Electoral Blocs

Article 36 - Representatives of Electoral Associations and Electoral Blocs

Article 34 - Participation of Electoral Associations and Electoral Blocs in Elections

Electoral associations and electoral blocs shall have the right to take part in elections of deputies on equal conditions in accordance with a procedure established by this Law.

Article 35 - Formation of Electoral Blocs

Electoral blocs shall be formed by electoral associations. A decision to form an electoral bloc shall be passed at a congress (conference) of an electoral association or a conference (meeting) of a regional branch of an electoral association. After this the authorized representatives of these electoral associations shall sign a joint decision to form an electoral bloc. The same congress (conference) or the meeting shall appoint delegates to a congress (conference) of representatives of the electoral associations comprised in the electoral bloc, at which candidates shall be nominated.

Electoral blocs shall be registered by the election commission of the [Subject of Russian Federation] directly after their formation or at the time they submit a joint list of nominated candidates to the election commission. Registration shall be effected within five days of the date on which the following documents are submitted to the election commission of the [Subject of Russian Federation]:

      copies of certificates of registration of electoral associations comprised in the electoral bloc by judicial bodies and copies of charters of these electoral associations certified by their executive bodies;

      the minutes of the meeting, conference or congress at which an electoral association adopted a decision to joint the electoral bloc;

      a joint resolution of electoral associations to establish an electoral bloc, signed by authorized representatives of these electoral associations.

From the day on which the authorized representative of an electoral association signed a joint resolution of electoral associations to form an electoral bloc the given electoral association shall not act as an independent electoral association and shall not join other electoral blocs in the course of elections.

Article 36 - Representatives of Electoral Associations and Electoral Blocs

Electoral associations or electoral blocs shall appoint representatives authorized to represent the electoral association or the electoral bloc pursuant to this Law with regard to all issues concerning participation of the electoral association or the electoral bloc in elections of deputies, including financial matters, and to submit documents to an election commission. After appointing such representatives an electoral association, electoral bloc shall furnish information about these representatives in writing to the election commission of the [Subject of Russian Federation]. Authorized representatives of an electoral association,, electoral bloc shall bear responsibility for compliance with law of their own actions and actions taken by them on behalf of an electoral association, electoral bloc.

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