
Война, является отрицанием истины и гуманности. Дело не только в убийстве людей, ибо человек должен так или иначе умереть, а в сознательном и упорном распространении ненависти и лжи, которые мало-помалу прививаются людям. Джавахарлал Неру (1889-1964), политический и государственный деятель Индии


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Яндекс цитирования

21.12.2024, суббота. Московское время 17:12

Providing Information to Mass Media

August 1999 - January 2000
Funded by: International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES)/Washington

This project was designed and implemented as a «side»-project to assist the cooperative effort of IFES and NIP that became known as «Promoting Transparency of Elections in Russia through Mass Media Support».

Within the framework of this project IESD:

1. Created its web site on the Internet and its mirror site on the web site of the National Press Institute (NIP).

2. Opened an IESD Mass Media Center on the basis of its web site, which was equipped with visitor registration and feedback provision mechanisms.

3. Through the Mass Media Center IESD distributed the most recent and up-to-date information about the developments within the election system of the Russian Federation among the mass media. The mass media in turn provided their feedback to IESD.

4. The feedback provided by central and regional mass media was processed and used to evaluate results of the joint project of IFES and NIP.


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