
Сила парламента проявляется не столько в том, что он может сделать, сколько в том, чему он может помешать. Джеймс Фулбрайт


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Яндекс цитирования

13.03.2025, четверг. Московское время 21:30

Empowering Civil Society through Transparent Elections

March - October 2000
Funded by: International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES)/Washington

This project focused on the following issues:

1. Provision of comprehensive election-related information to all participants of the election process. Voter education.

2. Provision of technical assistance to election practitioners in the regions, including training materials for election commission members.

3. Development of information and training materials for international and domestic observers.

4. Provision of materials, voter education, election observation training, and election expertise to NGOs, «watch-dog», and human rights organizations.

5. Institutional development.


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