
Никогда не следует быть исключением. Если живешь среди сумасшедших, надо и самому научиться быть безумным. Александр Дюма - отец (1802-1870), французский писатель


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Яндекс цитирования

21.01.2025, вторник. Московское время 11:38

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Election Campaigning




Responsible Authority


Conduct of election campaigning

Starts from the day of registration of candidate and ends up at 12:00AM local time on March 25, 2000

Citizens of the RF, registered candidates, public associations, electoral associations, electoral blocs


Publication of a list of the All-Russia (national) and regional state-owned TV and radio organizations and periodicals

Not later than January 14, 2000

CEC, election commissions of the subjects of RF


Publication of information about the rates for air time and print space

Not later than January 29, 2000

TV and radio organizations and editorial offices of periodicals


Conduct of election campaigning on the channels of TV and radio organizations

On business days from March 3 through March 24, 2000

Registered candidates


Conduct of election campaigning in periodicals

From February 25 through March 24, 2000

Registered candidates


Allocation of free air time on the channels of state-owned TV and radio organizations to registered candidates

On business days from March 3 through March 24, 2000 (or from March 13 through March 24, 2000 should the number of registered candidates be less than 10)

Stae-owned TV and radio organizations


Allocation of free print space to registered candidates

From February 25 through March 24, 2000

Editorial offices of the Russian federal periodicals


Review of applications about allocation of premises to be used for meetings of registered candidates, their agents with voters

Within three days from applications submission

Sate bodies, local self-government bodies


Prohibition to publish (making public) the results of the public opinion polls, forecasts of the elections results, and other studies related to elections in mass media.

From March 24, 2000 through March 26, 2000, inclusive

TV and radio organizations, editorial offices of periodicals, organizations that publish polling results and forecasts of election results


Allocation of special sites for placing pre-election printed propaganda materials in each electoral precinct

Not later than March 2, 2000

Local self-government bodies, upon request of an election commission of the appropriate subject of the Russian Federation

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