
Вы же знаете, с варварами и обращаться можно по-варварски. Вот это самое желание поступать по-варварски и заставляет правительства называть врагов варварами. Бертольд Брехт (1898-1958), немецкий драматург, поэт, театральный деятель


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 04:22

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Campaign Finance




Responsible Authority


Transfer of funds for the administration of early elections:

- to election commissions of the subjects of the RF

- to territorial election commissions

February of 2000

March of 2000


Election commissions of the subjects of RF


Opening special election account by a candidate in order to form his/her electoral fund

After registration of authorized representatives of electoral association, electoral bloc, initiative voters’ group that nominated the candidate, but not later than 4 days before submission of documents for registration



Submission of financial reports by the candidates, registered candidates:

- first financial report

- second financial report

- final financial report

Together with submission of documents required for registration

Not earlier than March 11, 2000 and not later than March 17, 2000

Not later than within 30 days after official publication of the general results of the early elections


Registered candidates

Candidates, registered candidates


Submission to the territorial election commissions of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for administration of the early election

Not later than April 6, 2000

Precinct election commissions


Submission to election commissions of the subjects of the RF of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for administration of the early election

Not later than April 21, 2000

Territorial election commissions


Submission to the CEC of RF of financial reports about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget for the administration of the early election

Not later than 60 days after the day of official publication of information about general results of the early elections

Election commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation


Submission to the Houses of the Federal Assembly of the RF of a financial report about receiving and spending of the money allocated from the federal budget allocated for the administration of the early election, and transfer of the financial report to mass media

Not later than three months after the day of official publication of general results of the early elections


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