
Нужно сначала быть плохим гражданином, чтобы сделаться затем хорошим рабом. Шарль Луи де Секонда Монтескье, барон де ла Бред (1689-1755), французский писатель, правовед и философ


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 04:23

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Collection of Voter Signatures

As was mentioned above, upon receipt of copies of lists of candidates certified by the Central Election Commission, an electoral association, electoral bloc may start correction of voter signatures in support of the candidates and the federal list of candidates. The number of signatures to be collected in support of each candidate nominated in a single-mandate electoral district in the territory of the given district must be not less than 1 percent of the total number of voters registered in the district (approximately 5 thousand signatures).

An electoral association, electoral bloc which nominated a federal list of candidates must collect not less than 200 thousand voter signatures in support of the list in the Russian Federation, with the number of signatures to be collected in each one subject of the Russian Federation not exceeding 14 thousand (Clause 2 of Article 43). It means that the number of voter signatures established by the Law must be collected in the territory of not less than 15 subjects of the Russian Federation.

You may prepare signature lists with voter signatures and other necessary information yourselves, according to the form shown in Appendices 2 and 3 to the new Federal Law. You must remember, however, that if a candidate has a conviction that has not expired or has not been canceled or if he/she has foreign citizenship, this information must be indicated in the signature list if it is contained in the candidate’s statement of consent to run in the given electoral district.

Signatures in support of a candidate, federal list of candidates may be collected by any capable citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of work, service, study and residence. Signature collection is prohibited in the territory of military units and at enterprises on payday, where wages are paid.

An electoral association, electoral bloc may engage a signature collector on the basis of a contract. Payment for signature collection may be made only out of the electoral fund of a candidate or an electoral association, electoral bloc (Clause 2 of Article 44). Therefore, directly after lists of candidates have been certified by the Central Election Commission you must open a special electoral account for your electoral fund.

After the end of collection of signatures in support of a federal list of candidates, the authorized representatives of an electoral association, electoral bloc must count the signatures collected in each subject of the Russian Federation and the total number of signatures. These data must be entered in a protocol of the results of signature collection according to a form established by the Central Election Commission (Clause 9 of Article 44).

The Law limits the maximum number of voter signatures to be submitted by an electoral association, electoral bloc to the appropriate election commission. This maximum number may exceed the number of signatures required for registration under the new Federal Law by not more than 15 percent (Clause 11 of Article 44). Therefore, to register a federal list of candidates an electoral association, electoral bloc may submit not more than 230 thousand voter signatures to the Central Election Commission. This requirement compels your authorized representatives to organize more thoroughly collection of voter signatures in the subjects of the Russian Federation and take a greater care to ensure the accuracy of the data contained in signature lists.

To register a candidate nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc in a single-mandate electoral district and a federal list of candidates an authorized representative of the electoral association, electoral bloc must, not earlier than 25 September and not later than 18.00 hours local time 24 October1999, submit the documents listed in Clauses 1, 2 Article 45 of the new Federal Law, including the required number of voter signatures, to the appropriate district election commission or to the Central Election Commission.

The district election commission must accept all documents from the authorized representative and issue a receipt indicating the number of accepted signature lists, the stated number of voter signatures., the date and time of acceptance.

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