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Яндекс цитирования

11.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 08:01

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»

Registration of A Federal List of Candidates

Within ten days after acceptance of signature lists and other registration documents from an authorized representative of an electoral association, electoral bloc the Central Election Commission must either register the federal list of candidates or take a motivated decision to refuse registration.

These decisions are taken on the basis of verification of the data contained in signature lists. Verification must cover at least 20 percent of the number of voter signatures required for registration. The signature lists to be verified are selected by random sampling in the presence of authorized representatives of an electoral association, electoral bloc, if they wish to be present. The Central Election Commission must advise these persons in advance when such random sampling and verification of signature lists is to be carried out. All signatures in the signature lists selected for verification must be verified (Clause 5 of Article 46).

If the number of signatures found to be unauthentic in the course of the first selective verification exceeds 15 percent of the

number of signatures selected for verification, an additional 15

percent of the number of voter signatures required for registration must be selected for verification by random sampling. If the total number of unauthentic signatures exceeds 15 percent, further verification of the signature lists is discontinued and the Central Election Commission takes a decision to refuse registration of the federal list of candidates.

The Central Election Commission must advise authorized representatives of the electoral associations, electoral blocs of the results of selective verification of the signature lists and , if it takes a decision to refuse registration, issue to them a copy of the decision stating the reasons for the refusal.

The decision of the Central Election Commission to register a federal list of candidates or to refuse registration may be appealed in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The decision of a district election commission to register a candidate nominated by an electoral association, electoral bloc or to refuse registration may be appealed in the Central Election Commission or in the court of the subject of the Russian Federation. The appeal must be considered within five days (Cause 10 of Article 47).

Under the new Federal Law, subject to the decision of an electoral association, electoral bloc an electoral deposit may be paid instead of submission of the required number of signatures for registration of a federal list of candidates (Article 64). The deposit must be paid out of an electoral fund with mandatory indication whose contributions are used to pay the electoral deposit (the own resources of the electoral association, electoral bloc or voluntary donations of individuals and legal entities). In the forthcoming election campaign an electoral deposit for a candidate will be 83,490 rubles, for an electoral association, electoral bloc which nominated a federal list of candidates, 2,087,250. rubles.

If, upon examination of the submitted documents, including signature lists, the Central Election Commission refused to register a federal list of candidates on such grounds as a serious breach of the rules for signature collection, improper execution of electoral documents, breach of the rules for formation of an electoral fund or on some other grounds, payment of an electoral deposit into a special account of the Commission cannot reverse its decision.

The electoral deposit will not be returned to an electoral association, electoral bloc whose federal list of candidates did not take part in the distribution of deputy mandates and, according to voting returns, received less than 3 percent of the vote in the federal electoral district.

«« Пред. | ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | След. »»


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