
Благо свободы печати состоит именно в том, что она лишает смелую речь демагогов очарования новизны и нейтрализует страстное слово столь же страстным противоречием. Генрих Гейне (1797-1856), немецкий поэт


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 02:09


Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Basic Principles of the Election

The Election of Deputies (Representatives) to the Representative bodies of the state power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall be held by the Citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Universal, Equal and Direct Suffrage by Secret Ballot.

Article 2. Suffrage

1. Each Citizen of the Russian Federation who have attained to the Age of eighteen years and a Resident of the respective territory shall be eligible to elect to the representative bodies of the state power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug.

2. Any Citizen of the Russian Federation who shall have attained to the Age of twenty-one years, having the permanent place of residence on the territory of the respective Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug may be elected as a Deputy (Representative) of the representative body of the state power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug.

3. No Citizen shall elect and be elected who has been declared by the Court as disable and also the Citizens being in imprisonment under the Sentence of the Court entered in legal force.

Article 3. Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug

1. Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug, shall be held on the basis of the Regulations for the Election as elaborated pursuant to the present Principal Regulations and as adopted by the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug and as well as pursuant to the Temporary Regulations on the principles of organization and activities of the Bodies of the State Power of the Subjects of the Federation and Local Self-Government.

In case the activities of the Soviet of People's Deputies in the Krai, Oblast, Okrug, City (in the Cities of federal importance) has been stopped, the Regulations for the Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall be issued by the Head of the respective Administration.

2. Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall be as a rule held on the basis of the Majority System on the Singlecandidate Constituencies (one constituency - one representative) as formed on the basis of the Uniform Norm of Representation.

3. As agreed with the Central Electoral Commission, the Body of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall have the right to pass a decision on the holding Election, as an experiment, in the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug on the Mixed System, if such possibility shall be stipulated in the Regulations for the Election to the respective Representative Body of the State Power. In this case the organization and holding Election, summing up its results shall be made applicable to the Regulations for the Election to the State Duma.

4. Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krais, Oblasts which include the Autonomous Okrugs shall be held on the whole territory of the Krai, Oblast, including the territory of the respective Autonomous Okrugs.

Article 4. Right to Nomination

1. Candidates for Deputies (Representatives) loathe Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug (here in after referred to as Candidates) shall be nominated by the Regional Electoral Associations and by the Groups of Voters.

2. The Regional Electoral Associations shall be:

the Krai's, Oblast's City (in the federal cities), Okrug's Divisions of the General Federal Parties, Political Movements, other public associations whose Charters have been registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and .which provides for participation in the Election;
the regional parties, political movements, other public associations, whose Charters have been registered in accordance with the established order and provides for participation in the Election;
the bloc of the said public associations being organized for the period of holding Election.

3. Any Party, Political Movement and Public Organization may not be incorporated in more than one Regional Electoral Association. Any Party, Political Movement and Public Organization, in case of being included into the Bloc, may not act as an Independent Electoral Association.

4. Presentation of the Documents to the Electoral Commission off the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug for the Candidates' registration, shall be made by the decision of the agent authorized to make thereof pursuant to the Charter of the Organ of the Party, Political Movement, other Public Association, and in case of setting up an Electoral Bloc - by the joint decision of the authorized organs incorporated into the Bloc of the Public Associations.

5. Number of the Voters in a Group which may be the

Initiator of the Nomination, shall be determined by the Electoral Commission of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug, but may not be less than 50 and more than 50 Citizens.

Article 5. Financing Election

1. Financing measures connected with organization and holding Election of the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall be effected for account of the funds of the Republican Budget of the Russian Federation.

2. For financing the Electoral Campaign the Candidates and the Electoral Associations shall have the right to use their own funds and the Voluntary Donations.

Article 5. Holding Election by the Electoral Commissions

1. The Electoral Commissions shall be entrusted with organization of the Election to the Representative Bodies of the State Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, and Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug, and ensuring Suffrages of the Citizens of the Russian Federation. The Electoral Commissions within their competence shall be independent as regards other State Bodies.

2. The Electoral Commissions shall operate on the collective basis. Arranging and holding the Election by the Electoral Commissions shall be effected openly and publicly.



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