
Честного человека можно преследовать, но не обесчестить. Вольтер (Мари Франсуа Аруэ) (1694-1778), французский философов-просветитель


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 06:52

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Chapter 2. Constituencies. Electoral Districts. Registers of Voters

Article 7. Formation of the Constituencies for the Election to the Representative Bodies of the State of the Krai, Oblast, Autonomous Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Okrug

1. The single candid ate Constituencies shall cover in total the whole territory of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug, and in the Krais, Oblasts which include the Autonomous Okrugs they shall also cover the territory of the respective Autonomous Okrugs. The Constituencies shall have to meet the following requirements:

a) approximate equality of the Constituencies by the number of the Voters with 5-10 percents admissible mutual deviation;
b) territorial unity: formation of the Constituency consisting of the territories which do not border on each other shall be not permitted;
c) availability of at least one Constituency in the territory of the Raion (federal city).

2. Number of Constituencies for the Election to the Representative Body of the St&te Power of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug shall be determined by the Electoral Commission of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug on the basis of the data on the Voters' registration by the Referendum on the 25th day of April 1995.

3.The Scheme of the Constituencies shall be approved and published by the Electoral Commission of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug at least 60 days prior to the date of the Election.

Article 8. Formation of the Electoral Districts

1. The Electoral Districts shall be formed at least

55 days prior to the date of the Election upon the decision of the Electoral Commission of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblast, Autonomous Okrug at the rate from 100 up to 5000 Voters for one Electoral District. In the regions of the Ear North, mountainous and other underpopulated areas it shall be permitted to form the Electoral Districts at the rate from 20 Voters.

2. The Electoral Districts shall be formed taking into account the borders of the regions, cities, districts in the cities and with the purpose of providing maximum conveniences for the Voters. The borders of the Electoral Districts should not cross the borders of the Constituencies.

3. The List of the Electoral Districts with indication of the addresses of the District Electoral Commissions and the graphic scheme attached shall be published by the Electoral Commission of the Krai, Oblast, Federal City, Autonomous Oblasz, Autonomous Okrug within 5 days after the decision making as specified in the Paragraph I of this Article.

Article 9. Registers of the Voters

1. The Local Administration in the Raion, City, Raion in the City, settlement, rural community shall ensure registration of the Voters and shall pass to the Electoral Commissions the data on the Voters having permanent place of residence in the respective territories.

2. Any Citizen of the Russian Federation shall be listed in the Register of the Voters who shall meet the requirements of the Article 2 of the present Principal Regulations (at the date of the Election) and having permanent place of residence in the territory of the respective Electoral District.

3. The Register of the Voters shall be drawn up in the alphabetical or other order (as to the populated localities, streets, homes on the basis of the Voters' addresses). Surname, forenames, date of birth and the address of

a Voter shall be indicated in the Register.

4. Verification of the Register of the Voters should be completed at least 5Q days prior to the date of the Election. The Voters who settled in the territory of the Electoral District after this time and until the date of the Election shall be included by the District Electoral Commission into the additional Register of the Voters on the basis of the documents confirming their place of residence.

5. The appropriate Administration (the District Electoral Commission - within the period of holding the Electoral Campaign) shall ensure for the Citizens the possibility to acquaint themselves with the Registers of the Voters.

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