
Наказание не должно внушать больше отвращения, чем проступок. Карл Маркс (1818-1883), немецкий философ, социолог, экономист


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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 01:50


Chapter 9. Concluding Provisions

Article 41. Substitution of the Vacant Mandates

In the event of the early retirement of a representative of a body of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug, the electoral commission of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug within the next three days shall fin in the respective constituency the by-election which shall be held in conformity with the present Principal Regulations and with the Regulations on election to the representative bodies of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug. No by-election shall be held in case when less than six months remain before the expiration of the term of office of the representative body of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug.

Article 42. Consequences of falsification of the subscription lists

In the event of detection of falsification of the subscriptions in the subscription lists, and if a number of these falsifications exceeds more then three per cent of the collected subscriptions or if the number of the rest subscriptions is insufficient for registration in conformity with the provisions of the present Principal Regulations end with the Regulations on election to the representative bodies of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug, so shall the registration of an individual Candidate be cancelled by the respective election commission. If falsification at the above indicated rates is detected after the election, the respective mandates shall be nullified by the decision of the representative body of the state power of the krai, oblast, federal city, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug, on presentation of the Mandate Commission.

Article 43. Amenability for infringement of the election laws

The criminal and the administrative responsibilities for infringement of the election laws shall insure in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation.



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