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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 02:05



This study was designed to assess the views, opinions, organizational behavior and needs of New Perspectives affiliates across the Russian Federation as well as their uses of, and observations about IFES-provided materials. A total of 43 affiliates (out of 45 total) participated in the study. This response provides an excellent opportunity for communication between the national organization and the affiliates, and provides clear direction for IFES' continued assistance to New Perspectives organizations. This study was conducted during December 1997 - February 1998.

The study was designed by Leanne McDonald, IFES Russia Senior Program Officer, in conjunction with IFES Russia consultant Gary A. Ferguson. The data were compiled and analyzed by Gary A. Ferguson.

The following paragraphs summarize the key findings from the survey.

Summary and Conclusions

For the most part, respondents have two-years of experience as New Perspectives affiliates and thereby bring a substantial amount of historical perspective to this project. The main organizational focus of the affiliates is on youth issues. Specific goals are: to develop young leaders, to encourage policies for the benefit and development of young people, to develop a civil society in Russia, and to improve voter education.

Acute observation and analysis of the election process appears to be a lower priority for affiliates than other election activities such as voter education and get-out-the-vote efforts. Just 30% say they track information on the election process in their region very closely, and the same number prepared written analyses of the elections in their region during the past year.

Despite their lack of work in observing and analyzing the election process, affiliates appear to be very active in get-out-the-vote efforts, voter education, observer training, and youth events. Women's programs, however, have not been a priority (14%).

Affiliates are hungry for information and training - particularly regarding increasing voter turnout, developing programs for civil initiative, and strategic planning for NGOs. They also express strong interest in receiving information on developing communication skills, organizing volunteers, fundraising, and developing voter education programs for schools.

They are mainly interested in receiving training in the areas of: strategic planning; organizing volunteers; increasing voter turnout; fundraising; developing communication skills; protecting voters' rights and interests, and voter education in schools.

Affiliates report frequent contact and good relations with New Perspectives headquarters in Moscow. In fact, 73% say they are in contact with headquarters at least on a monthly basis, and many make contact more frequently. Further, 95% say that their views and concerns receive adequate attention from Moscow.

New Perspectives affiliates particularly would like to receive assistance from national headquarters in conducting training and seminars; coordinating activities with international organizations, and providing information and methodological support.

IFES is well-regarded by New Perspectives affiliates. Respondents cite a high level of professionalism, materials that are adapted to the Russian environment, and meaningful, well-organized materials as the hallmarks of IFES support and materials.

Affiliates have found the following IFES information and support the most useful: materials on election technologies, voter education materials, methodological recommendations, seminars and role-playing , and participation in conferences.

Respondents used IFES information to conduct seminars, training courses, and conferences; in voter turnout activities; to improve the professionalism of staff members, and to enhance practical activities.

More than three out of four affiliates (77%) received IFES materials on voter education. These materials were used mainly for seminars, conferences, training, and program development.

In assessing various aspects of the elections held in their region during the past year, the most positive ratings were given to: «Overall preparation and conduct of the elections» (7% excellent/49% good); «Candidate registration» (19% excellent/63% good); «Election results tabulation« (16% excellent/65% good); «announcement and appointment of elections« (21% excellent/58% good), and «signature collection and verification« (16% excellent and 51% good);.

Mediocre or negative assessments were given to «Distribution of air time in the electronic mass media« (47% fair/16% poor); «Pre-election campaigning« (40% fair/12% poor); «Fulfillment of special voting procedures« (12% excellent/42% good/44% fair/2% poor);«Development/Review of election laws« (49% fair/7% poor); and «Observation of laws on campaign finance« (49% fair/5% poor).

In all, 77% report that they or someone from their organization worked as election observers in the past 12 months while 23% did not.

A 67% majority took part in the «program on the improvement of the legal culture of voters» in cooperation with the election commission. Just 40% say this program was financed by the election commission or the administration while 58% say it was not. The program, for the most part, received rather low ratings. In all, 2% rated it as «excellent,» 35% «good,» 51% «fair,» and 9% poor.

The most frequent problems observed during the past year's elections were «voters trying to vote for other members of their family» (67%), «voters trying to vote outside of the polling station» (60%), «difficulty in filling out the ballots» (47%), and a lack of «information about the location of the polling stations, methods of voter registration, the operating hours of the polling station, and the method of filling out the ballots» (40%). No one reported any threats to the security of the polling place or to election commission members.

A majority say they have a cooperative relationship with the election commission and the executive body of their subject.

Detailed Findings

Most respondents are long-term affiliates. The vast majority of respondents (74%/N=32) have been cooperating with New Perspectives for two years. Eight respondents (19%) have been with the organization for one year and three (7%) for less than one year.

The main goals of the organizations are to develop young leaders, to encourage policies for the benefit and development of young people, to develop a civil society and democratic ideals in Russia, and to improve voter education. The following are actual verbatim responses to the question «What is the goal of your organization?»

Q2. What is the goal of your organization?

The establishment of young leaders.

The improvement of civil activity and love for the motherland among young people.

Providing assistance in establishing a civil society.

Strengthening the prestige of elections in the Russian Federation on a regional and federal level.

Creating conditions conducive to the development of a young person in different spheres of public life.

The establishment of young leaders in different fields of politics; providing democratic education and political education for young people; to provide stability and accord in the society.

The design and realization of youth policy in our (regional) republic; the coordination of political, economic, social, and cultural activities for young people.

To revitalize national identity and provide conditions for a new generation to govern the country.

The creation of conditions conducive to the development of a young person in different spheres of public life; the revelation and realization of young people's potential and the protection of the rights and interests of young people.

To assist young people in satisfying their own needs and becoming real citizens of the country.

Improving the activity of voters.

Building civil society in our republic; making young people aware of their role in the society.

Providing assistance in establishing young leaders in politics, business and culture. Popularizing democratic ideas.

The development of the democratic process in Russia.

Voter education.

The implementation of educational and social programs designed to improve the political culture of young people.

Promulgation of democratic ideas and to provide assistance in the establishment of a civil society in Russia.

The improvement of the legal and political culture of young people and to improve voter activity among young people.

Active participation in solving the youth-related problems in the region; the establishment of a system for public organizations for young people.

Broad-based support of youth.

To create conditions for the physical, mental and spiritual development of families, children, and youth; to educate children and organize their leisure.

Social protections and the protection of students' rights.

Construction of a civil society in Russia.

Social assistance to students.

Social support of students.

To help the youth to participate in the country's life.

The establishment of young leaders.

To improve the legal and civic culture of youth.

The development of the democratic process in Russia.

To assist in the development of an open society in the South of Russia through the implementation of educational programs and interactions between representatives of the public, state, and commercial sectors.

Support in establishing young leaders.

The involvement of the youth in the political life of the city, oblast, and region.

To provide conditions for a young person to use his potential; to help educate the youth in the spirit of the priority of human values.

The improvement of legal culture and political activity of the youth.

Development of programs for youth; involvement of youth in an active public life; assistance in the formation of active civic positions among young people.

To improve the level of students' civil initiatives.

Social and economic protection of students.

The creation of conditions for the self-realization of young people.

Improving the youth's civic involvement.

The education of students.

Support of young leaders.

To teach leadership qualities to the youth.

Improvement of the legal culture of the youth.

The establishment of young leaders.

A majority of respondents (63%/N=27) say they are tracking information on the election process in their region «rather closely.» Another 30% are tracking election information «very closely» and 7% (N=3) «not very closely.»

How Closely Are You Tracking Information on the Election Process In Your Region?

New Perspectives affiliates clearly differentiate election activity from partisan activity. When asked «What do activities related to elections and at the same time not related to partisan activities mean to you?« respondents listed a variety of activities relating to civil society, legal culture, voter turnout, the advancement of democratic ideas, and the evolution of young voters. The following paragraphs detail their responses.

Responsible civil attitudes of citizens of the Russian Federation. The establishment of the civil society and improvement of the legal culture.

Popularization and rational conduct of the most important state policy at the regional and federal levels.

Informing young voters on legal matters.

The possibility of popularizing democratic ideas among young people; activities related to the establishment of a civil society in Russia.

Educational and campaign activities related to the evolution of young voters in the election process; in particular, voter turnout and youth movements.

Exercising my own rights.

To provide conditions that will help establish a lawful state.

To attract people to the election process; to make sure that the voting and vote counting processes are conducted properly.

To work constantly on the image of elected people who keep their pre-election promises.

Attracting young people to elections and making them aware of the importance of their choice.

The Foundation's activities are directed toward mobilizing young people to participate in elections.

Improving the legal culture of voters.

To make everything possible for young people to want to come out to vote.

Develop special mechanisms and methods for young people.

Improving voter activity, the training of observers, and election observation.

Moving young politicians into the bodies of power and local self-government; the study of the political preferences of different electoral groups.

Improving political activity among young voters; supporting young political leaders or politicians who are ready to solve youth problems.

Study of the theory of elections. I would like to participate in elections and have nothing to do with partisan activities.

The opportunity to express a point of view about the ways to develop my country.

To improve social and political activity among young people.

Implementation of a program of protections of the rights and interests of young voters.

To increase the activity of voters.

Improvement of students' legal culture.

To attract young people to the elections.

Periodic activization of youth.

Exploring possible ways of solving problems related to youth through the elected deputies.

Attracting young voters.

To attract public attention to issues of human rights protection; first of all, protection of the right to elect and be elected as a basic guarantee of democracy.

An opportunity to attract the youth to participate in elections.

Mutually advantageous cooperation with election commissions and executive bodies to attract young people to elections.

To support respectable and professional people and open society's eyes to people who are undeserving.

Maximal participation of youth in the elections; check the effectiveness of different mechanisms and methods.

To be independent in the first place.

A possibility to influence policy in the field of student activities and life.

The program «Youth and Elections» is working.

Education of youth; increase the number of young voters;

The education of youth on a non-political basis.

Independent information attracting youth to elections.

Development of youth programs;

Educate young voters.

The possibility to influence youth policy in the regions.

The vast majority describe their relationship with the election commission of their subject as cooperative. In all, 26% say the relationship is very cooperative and 51% say it is somewhat cooperative. Another 19% say their relationship is not very cooperative and 5% say it is not at all cooperative.

How Would You Describe Your Working Relationship With The Election Commission of Your Subject of The Russian Federation?

An even greater number, 82%, say they have a cooperative relationship with the executive body of their subject. Just 18% describe an uncooperative relationship.

How Would You Describe Your Working Relationship With The Executive Body of Your Subject of The Russian Federation?

Affiliates prepared or organized a wide variety of materials and programs last year. In particular, they report a great deal of activity in preparing posters, leaflets and other advertising materials relating to voter education programs; voter education programs for school children; candidate and party debates; get-out-the-vote marches, parties and concerts; fashion shows, concerts and youth events not related to elections, and seminars and training for election observers. Affiliates were not active in women's programs or analysis of the election process.

Which activities did you sponsor, organize, or prepare in the past year?

Information and Training Needs

Affiliates are interested in receiving a wide variety of information. They are most interested, however, in receiving information about increasing voter turnout, developing and implementing programs relating to civil initiative, and strategic planning for NGOs. The following chart shows the interest level in receiving various information.

Which of the following types of information are you interested in receiving?

Similarly, affiliates are interested in receiving training in all of the areas tested. The highest interest scores are given for training in strategic planning and organizing volunteers.

Which of the following types of training are you interested in receiving?

Relations With New Perspectives Moscow

Contact with New Perspectives Headquarters

Contact between the subjects and Moscow is fairly frequent as a majority of affiliates report at least monthly contact with headquarters. As the following table indicates, the most frequently mentioned level of contact is several times a month.

How Often Do You Have Contact With The New Perspectives Headquarters In Moscow

Attention to Concerns and Problems

Almost all respondents say that headquarters personnel pay adequate attention to their views and concerns. Only one respondent says that not enough attention is paid.

Do Your Views And Concerns Receive Adequate Attention At New Perspectives Headquarters In Moscow Or Not?

Ways in Which Headquarters Can Assist Affiliates

Respondents would like to receive assistance from national headquarters in a variety of areas including: conducting training and seminars; coordinating activities with international organizations and other affiliates; lobbying for the interests of the regions at the federal level, and providing information and methodological support. The following pages provide respondents' verbatim comments.

Q.12 - How can the headquarters of New Perspectives help you with your activities?

Methods and techniques of conducting training and seminars.

To conduct joint events.

Consultation on methods and techniques of conducting training and seminars.

Information, training and meetings.

Assistance in conducting conferences and seminars.

Information about funding organizations; support.

Assistance in international cooperation.

Information support; conducting seminars.

Lobbying in higher level bodies for the interests of regional representatives.

Information and materials; consulting support by providing new ideas; lobbying on behalf of the regions in Moscow.

Information, support, training, seminars, development of Russian programs, participation of experts in regional programs.

Methodological developments; (their) positive and negative experience of election administration in regions of Russia (excluding major industrial centers).

Information support; assistance in cooperation with other branches of «New Perspectives.»

Organizationally; methodologically; with consultations.

To organize training, meetings, business contacts, consultations.

Lobbying for the interests of the regions.

Assistance in conducting seminars and in the development of projects.

Consultation and assistance in project implementation.

Organization and conduct of joint seminars.

Information support; assistance in establishment of contacts, and in cooperation with organizations like ours.

Assistance in international cooperation.

Can provide us with methodological materials.

It can provide informational support.

Informational and educational support.

Documents; experience of work; information.

Collection and distribution of information, organization of training and experience exchange.

Visits to our region in order to conduct seminars; round tables with youth leaders to improve their legal, political, and election culture.

Information; consultations.

Education; lobbying at the federal level; generalization of experience; information support.

Joint conduct of youth events.

Consultation; training for our experts.

Information and methodological assistance.

Starting implementation of the all-Russia programs.

To conduct seminars and meetings in the regions rather than in Moscow.

Conduct of seminars, training; contact with partners, and other forms of education and contact with interesting people.

Information support; conduct of seminars; practical experience; new focus of activities.

Organization of seminars and training; development of all kinds of handbooks, methodological aids, and recommendations; lobbying for the interests of regional Foundation branches at the CEC of the Russian Federation and other federal bodies.

Informational and methodological assistance; training.

Interaction with regions of the Russian Federation (horizontally) and information support.



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