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Яндекс цитирования

04.03.2025, вторник. Московское время 01:48


Appraisal Of IFES Materials

Affiliates found the following IFES information and support the most useful: materials on election technologies, voter education, methodological recommendations, seminars and role-playing, and participation in conferences. The following paragraphs are respondents' verbatim comments.

Q.13 - What information or support from IFES proved to be the most useful to you?

Materials on election-related issues.

The conduct of seminars.

Materials on election technologies.


Materials and literature.

Information about the election process.

Materials on voter education.

Information; materials.

A lot of useful literature and materials for NGOs, seminars, and conferences.

Methodological developments.

Methodological recommendations on how to conduct seminars and role-playing games.

Experience of (their) work.

Methodological materials.



Informational support.

Contacts with IFES authorities.

To conduct training courses and seminars.

Assistance in the conduct of «New Perspectives» seminars.



Assistance in conducting seminars.

This is a new field of activities for me. I reviewed all the materials with pleasure.

Organization of training.

Information and methodological materials; especially on the methodology of pre-election campaigns; Moscow seminars, training, and round tables.

Specific mechanisms of work; education.

To educate youth.

Assistance in order to support foundation activities.


Now I have a different understanding of the election campaign.

Information about financing.

Financial and methodological support.

We didn't use any.

With the help of IFES information and materials, we could see what is going on in the youth electorate at the grass roots level.

Participation of IFES representatives in conferences conducted by the Foundation; IFES materials distributed by regional Foundation branches.

Information and methodological materials; contacts with organizations in other regions.

Information support and providing materials.

Respondents used IFES information to conduct seminars, training courses, and conferences; in voter turnout activities; to improve the professionalism of staff members, and to enhance practical activities. A more detailed description follows.

Q.14 - How did you use the information you got from IFES?

At the seminars.

To conduct seminars and training courses.

As training materials.

Distributed in the region.

To conduct seminars and conferences.

In our activities.

Conducted informational meetings.

To train the staff (activists) in everyday activities.

In activities related to voter turnout.

We tried to use it in our creative activities which helped us to develop new programs and to conduct events.

To conduct training courses on the improvement of the legal culture of young voters; to conduct role-playing games; to develop recommendations on forces of cooperation in certain election processes.

For activities at the elections;

I studied it and let my colleagues and partners study it.

Activities on attracting youth to participate in elections.

For the development of programs and projects.

In every day activities; program development.

In the work with students.

To train observers of the elections.

To improve the professional level of our staff members.

I conducted training and consultation for NGOs in Yaroslavl. I am planning to present information about your activities.

As guidelines in our activities.

I organized a number of round tables with local youth leaders in order to improve their legal, political, and election culture. I lobbied youth interests in the city council.

Implementation of local projects on the basis of the obtained information; on-site training.

Direct use in our every day activities.

In the every day activities of the foundation.

In our activities; in organizing events of our (regional) republican branch of the «New Perspectives» foundation.

It is now in the office for everybody to study it together with other information.

We used it during the program «Vklyuchis» and the campaign «from door to door.»

In our practical activities.

We didn't use any.

Campaign (agitation) activities; social issues.

In practical activities.

Used it in the activities of the young voters club.

We studied it; used certain materials during the election campaign; election process participants studied the information.

IFES Voter Education Materials

More than three out of four affiliates (77%) received IFES materials on voter education.

These materials were used mainly as the basis for seminars, conferences, training, and program development. Respondents' comments are listed in the following paragraphs.

Did You Ever Receive Materials On Voter Education Developed By IFES For The NGO Community?

Q.16 - How did you use voter education materials developed by IFES for NGOs?

At the seminars.

To train our staff and election observers.

Distributed in the region.

To conduct seminars and conferences.

We constantly use them in our activities.

In seminars and role-playing games.

To train the staff (activists) in everyday activities.

To develop programs; to conduct events.

To develop our own projects.

I studied them and let my colleagues and partners do it (study them).

At the seminars, conferences, and activities to attract youth to the elections.

As methodological materials for voter education.

To develop regional programs.

To prepare ballot sheets for elections; to conduct training, seminars, conferences; for observers' training.

To train observers.

I conducted several round tables; distributed part of the materials to youth leaders and young candidates for deputy; provided for their training.

For consultation for candidates for governor and the municipal council.

We developed local programs and conducted training.

In our work with voters and election commissions.

Organized the youth program «Your Choice;» established the «Press Center;» young people participated in observing the elections; organized the republican seminar for young voters.

We studied them.

During the election campaign.

In our role-playing game «Elections of the mayor;» in the program «Vklyuchis;» in legal courses at schools.

The practical recommendations of Leanne McDonald during her visit to Irkutsk in 1997.

They were used to conduct competitions, social polls, round tables, etc.

In practical activities.

To develop programs; to conduct events; to train the organization staff.

We used them during the election campaign for the review of the regional election legislation; creation of historical materials in the resource center.

Most Positive Aspects of IFES Support or Materials

Affiliates cite a high level of professionalism, materials that are adapted to the Russian environment, and meaningful, well-organized materials as the hallmarks of IFES support and materials.

Q.17 - What do you like best in terms of IFES support or materials?

The materials and handbooks are up-to-date.

High level of professionalism.

We need as much of this type of literature as possible.


The fact that we have this support.

Materials and informational support.

Information and materials.

Materials on election administration.

Specificity and the quality of visual aids.

Warm and friendly attention to the people they train; availability of readable materials that are adapted to the Russian environment.

Real support; an opportunity to use materials in our practical activities.


A lot of meaning (value).

Easy to understand.

The mechanisms reflected in the program documents on the development and conduct of youth programs.

Materials are specific.

IFES is adapted to the Russian environment.

They are compact, well-organized, well-bound and sized, and well-adapted to the Russian environment (as opposed to translated materials).

They are adapted to the Russian environment.

Materials on burning issues (issues of the day).

Support of, and participation in, New Perspectives seminars. I very often get information about election campaigns for our future activity.

Program financing.

Special approaches to educating young voters.

Positive attitude (friendliness) and timeliness, and effectiveness in resolving questions.

Training of the staff and experts; support in the purchase of copying devices. IFES support and its materials compliment each other; that's why we like both.

Rather high professional level of the handbooks; attempts to adapt them to the Russian environment.

New and useful information which can be used in practical activities.

Good layout of information materials; attention to regional initiatives.

Elections Assessment

Respondents were asked to assess various aspects of the elections held in their region during the past year on an «excellent, good, fair, or poor» scale. Overall, a majority rated «preparation and conduct« of the elections as excellent (7%) or good (49%) while 40% rated this aspect as «fair» and 5% «poor.» Other positive ratings were given to «Candidate registration» (19% excellent/63% good/16% fair/2% poor); «Election results tabulation« (16% excellent/65% good/12% fair/7% poor); «announcement and appointment of elections« (21% excellent/58% good/21% fair), and «signature collection and verification« (16% excellent and 51% good/30% fair/2% poor).

Mediocre or negative assessments were given to «Distribution of air time in the electronic mass media« (9% excellent/26% good/47% fair/16% poor); «Pre-election campaigning« (9% excellent/26% good/40% fair/12% poor); «Fulfillment of special voting procedures« - e.g. voting outside the election place and early voting - (12% excellent/42% good/44% fair/2% poor);«Development/Review of election laws« (7% excellent/37% good/49% fair/7% poor); and «Observation of laws on campaign finance« (9% excellent/37% good/49% fair/5% poor).

Assessment of Regional Elections

Observed Problems During the Elections

The most frequent problems observed during the past year's elections were «voters trying to vote for other members of their family» (67%), «voters trying to vote outside of the polling station» (60%), «difficulty in filling out the ballots» (47%), and a lack of «information about the location of the polling stations, methods of voter registration, the operating hours of the polling station, and the method of filling out the ballots» (40%). No one reported any threats to the security of the polling place or to election commission members. The following chart shows scores for all problems tested.

Observed Problems With Election

Affiliate Activities

Affiliates have been active in elections during the past year. In all, 77% report that they or someone from their organization worked as election observers in the past 12 months while 23% did not.

In addition, a 67% majority took part in the program on the improvement of the legal culture of voters in cooperation with the election commission. Just 40% say this program was financed by the election commission or the administration while 58% say it was not. The program on the improvement of the legal culture of voters, for the most part, received rather low ratings. In all, 2% rated it as «excellent,» 35% «poor,» 51% «fair,» and 9% poor.

Assessment of the Program on the Improvement of the Legal Culture of Voters

Reasons for Giving the Program an Excellent/Good Rating

Those who gave the program a positive rating cite the establishment of a program, the cooperation of various branches of government, attention to youth issues, and the professionalism of participants as the program's strongest points.

Q23A - What are the strongest points of the program on the improvement of the legal culture of voters in your region?
(If Excellent/Good in Q23)

The program «Children are Voting» is now well-organized; training of polling site workers.

Publishing projects; social and cultural projects related to elections and electoral activity of the population; education of school children and students of higher education establishments.

Attention to youth issues.

Establishment of experimental training sectors at schools; the establishment of specialized educational institutions.

Close cooperation with the oblast election commissioner and mass media; establishment of our school of legal information; games, competitions, etc.

Direct contact with young voters.

The program is not being imposed on anyone.

Support and interest on the part of the executive bodies of power at different levels.

Cooperation with the election commission.

The program was developed at a highly professional level.

A lot of attention given to students.

The program is meant for all layers of the population.

Attention to the improvement of the legal culture of young voters.

Participation of highly professional experts in role-playing games and in the development of training materials; good content of conducted events.

Professionalism of the members of the election commission; originality of programs.

Reasons for Giving the Program a Fair/Poor Rating

Those who gave the program a fair or poor score cite the following central weaknesses: no clearly-defined or well-developed program; no common, central, or federal program; lack of financing, and a lack of election commission support.

Q23B - What are the weak points of the program on the improvement of the legal culture of voters in your region?
(Fair/Poor in Q23)

Lack of financing.

The program has not been developed well enough.

No common federal program.

A clearly defined program does not exist; scarce events do not produce desired results; the election commissioner of the oblast does not cooperate closely with public associates in this respect.

No centralized well-defined plan exists; lack of experience in educational establishments.

Not enough information.

Elderly people are the main participants in election; young people are not participating enough.

No well-developed system; lack of financing.

Lack of financing; use of ineffective methods.

Lack of serious support on the part of the oblast election commission; absence of our idea of conducting primaries.

It is not accessible for wider circles of voters.

No program at all.

My understanding is that candidates must not struggle with each other, they need to win voters.

Voters do not analyze the personalities of candidates.

No such program exists.

Lack of financing.

Narrow range of methods; lack of financing; methods of working with the youth are not well-developed.

We don't have a common program.

Lack of mutual understanding with the regional election commission.

It is underdeveloped.



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