
Чем сильнее государство, тем свободнее личность. Владимир Путин


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Яндекс цитирования

09.01.2025, четверг. Московское время 15:07

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Appendix 2. Election Signature Retrieval System Vendors

Arthur Anderson
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10100
212 708-4000

Business Records Corporation
Mr. Ed Charbonneau
1001 Eastshore Highway
Berkeley, CA 94710
510 527-5150

Datavision Corporation
Mr. Bob Brisco
72 Hosmer Place
Post Office Box 664
Marlboro, MA 01752
508 480-0404

Mr. John Hice, President
2350 East Main Street,
Suite 202
Ventura, CA 90003
805 653-1990

Fidlar & Chambers
Mr. Larry Lawrence/Mr. Bob Diveley
501 Goodlette Road North
Bldg G, Suite 15
Naples, FL 33940
813 263-5055

Filenet Inc.
Mr. Brian Schlosser/Mr. Ron Baxter
6621 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Genesys Data Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Robert Clark 301 785-0661
11350 McCormick Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21030

Mr. David L. Wilson
3109 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Tampa, FL 33607
813 872-2140


150 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
716 726-8152

Identitech, Inc.
Mr. Bob Riley 407 462-2112
1333 Gateway Drive
Mail Stop 1022
Melbourne, FL 32901

Image Business Systems
Mr. David LaCarta, Ms. Diane DeCarlo, Mr. Jim Hendrickson
417 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
212 696-2500

National Time Sharing
Dr. Charles DeWald, 716 297-0553
Mr. Bruce Cowe, 716 692-2274
1342 Military Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14304

PI Technology Inc.
Mr. Arun Sinha
5775 East Los Angeles Avenue
Suite 103
Simi Valley, CA 93063
805 582-0775

Signaware Inc.
Mr. John St. Clair
300 South Duncan Avenue
Suite 275
Clearwater, FL 34615
813 461-4211
fax 813 449-9713
800 637-6564

SQN Peripherals, Inc.
Mr. Joe Uhland
65 Indel Avenue
Post Office Box 423
Rancocas, NJ 08073
609 261-5500

Systemhouse Inc.
Mr. Bill Devitt, Vice President and General Manager
Mr. Al Lavell, Director, Marketing and Sales
Cerritos Town Center
12750 Center Court Drive, 7th Floor
Cerritos, CA 90701
213 860-3635

Mr. John Medcalf, San Diego 619 674-5532
Ms. Darlene Van Dam, Los Angeles 818 348-3907
21625 Yucatan Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
800 827-0435

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