
Характер состоит в способности действовать согласно принципам. Иммануил Кант (1724-1804), немецкий философ


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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 23:37


I. Introduction

The importance of the role of the Subject Election Commission in the democratic process cannot be underestimated. Yes, the Subject Election Commissions fulfill significant responsibilities in federation-wide elections. But your role is even more critical in the conduct of the elections for offices within the administrative units comprising your Subject. For these elections you serve in a similar capacity to that of the Central Election in Federation-wide elections. It is up to you to oversee the entire process and to coordinate the activities of the election commissions under your supervision. Your role in assisting municipal election commissions may be directly supervisory, or consultative, depending on the laws which have been adopted by the elective body. In either case, you are expected to have all the answers.

As a permanent commission, you are charged with responsibility to exercise control over adherence to the legitimacy of the preparation and conduct of the elections. This fundamental obligation is the same whether you are determining the procedures which are to be followed, rendering decisions when policy questions arise, or resolving disputes and grievances raised by the various election participants whom you are there to serve.

In meeting this responsibility you are also expected to ensure the uniform application of the laws governing the elections within the boundaries of your Subject. The key word here is «UNIFORM.» Subordinate commissions really prefer it... candidates and voters are counting on it...fair elections depend on it!

The big question is how you get there! How do you ensure that the 30 or so territorial commissions, and the 1200 or so polling station commissions, are all on the same page and line number in carrying out this very complex and pressure-packed election process that you are ultimately responsible for. The law gives the «what to...,» but, we all know that it is usually up to the Subject Election Commission to come up with the «how to...»

The big answer is TRAINING! That is what this little booklet is about. It is not Quick Start Guide To Better Training intended to replace your own training programs. You probably already have a pretty good «wheel» to start with; there's no reason to totally reinvent it. Rather, this booklet is designed to throw out some ideas...to share some experiences...and to give some examples of techniques used by other administrators who have faced many of the same problems!

Some of the ideas offered here may not suit your particular purpose all. Others may not be feasible at this time but may be worth keeping on the back burner to simmer for tomorrow's borsht. But...just maybe...you'll find some tidbit that is just right for your immediate training needs.

So...feel free to browse...

...borrow as you like...

...take an idea and make it better!



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