
В конечном итоге, только суд в демократической стране определяет, виноват человек или нет. Владимир Путин


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Яндекс цитирования

03.03.2025, понедельник. Московское время 23:36

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II. Do We Really Need To Do Training?

Over your morning coffee as you contemplate all you have to get done before the next election, this question may have just popped into your head even it was only for a second. With the presidential elections just behind you (and your family members barely recognizing you any more) you may be wondering if new training is really necessary. Generally speaking, it usually is when:

    it has been a long time since the last election;

    the laws have changed;

    the duties of the job have changed;

    new commission members and workers will be involved;

    the job may not have been done perfectly last time!

If any of these apply to the elections in your subject, you've answered your own question. So, pour yourself another cup of coffee...kiss the kids...and comfort yourself that it will be a lot easier this time!

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