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Chapter V. Political Parties, Electoral Blocs
Article 33. Participation of Political Parties in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
Article 34. Participation of Electoral Blocs in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
Article 35. Name and Emblem of a political party, an electoral bloc
Article 36. Authorized Representatives of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs
Article 37. Participation of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
Article 33. Participation of Political Parties in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
1. Political parties shall participate in the election of deputies of the State Duma and, among other things, shall nominate lists of candidates in accordance with this Federal Law and the Federal Law «On Political Parties.»
2. The list of political parties which are entitled to participate in the election of deputies of the State Duma under the Law «On Political Parties» and this Federal Law and, among other things, to nominate lists of candidates shall be made up by the federal body authorized to register political parties. At the request of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation this list made up as of the day of the official publication of the decision to call the election shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation within ten days of the day when the request was received. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall forward the list of political parties to the mass media for publication within five days of the day when the list was received.
Article 34. Participation of Electoral Blocs in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
1. An electoral bloc is a voluntary union formed by two or three political parties included in the list of political parties, indicated in Article 33 of this Federal Law, for joint participation in the election. An electoral bloc may also be a voluntary union formed by one or two political parties, included in the list indicated in Article 33 of this Federal Law, and not more than, respectively, two or one all-Russia public association established in the form of a public organization or public movement whose charter provides for participation in elections. Such all-Russia public associations established in the form of a public organization or public movement, or modifications and amendments to their charters providing for participation in elections shall be registered in accordance with the federal law not later than one year before voting day and, in the event of the early election of deputies of the State Duma, not later than six months before voting day. These time periods shall not apply to other modifications and amendments to the charter of an all-Russia public association.
2. The following all-Russia public associations established in the form of a public organization or public movement shall not be entitled to join electoral blocs:
associations registered in accordance with Russian Federation laws as a trade union, a religious or charity organization, a national-cultural autonomy;
associations whose charters provide that membership therein is based only on the profession, nationality, ethnic origin, race and confession of citizens;
associations whose non-political nature is specially stipulated in the federal law.;
international public associations.
3. The list of all-Russia associations which have been established in the form of a public organization or public movement and meet the requirements of Clauses 1 and 2 of this article shall be made up by the federal justice body. At the request of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation this list made up as of the day of the official publication of the decision to call the election shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation within ten days of the day when the request was received. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall forward the list of all-Russia public associations to the mass media for publication within five days of receipt of the list.
4. A decision to join an electoral bloc, indicating the name (names) of the political party (parties), another all-Russia public association (other all-Russia public associations) with which an electoral bloc is to be formed shall be adopted at the congress (conference) of each of the political parties, each of the all-Russia public associations. After this the authorized representatives of these political parties, other all-Russia public associations shall sign a joint agreement on the formation an electoral bloc.
5. For registration of an electoral bloc its authorized representative shall submit the following documents to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation:
(1) notarized copies of the Rules of the political parties, charters of the other all-Russia public associations which are comprised in the electoral bloc;
(2) notarized copies of the certificates evidencing entry of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations which are comprised in the electoral bloc in the unified state register of legal entities;
(3) minutes of proceedings of the congresses (conferences) of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations, containing the decision to join the electoral bloc;
(4) an agreement on the formation of an electoral bloc signed by the authorized representatives of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations and certified by the seals of these political parties, all-Russia public associations;
(5) information about the full name and abbreviated name (consisting of not more than seven words) of the electoral bloc.
6. Electoral blocs shall be registered by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than five days after submission of the required documents. These documents may be submitted simultaneously with, but not later than, the submission of a joint federal list of candidates and/or a list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts.
7. The reasons for the refusal of registration of an electoral bloc may only be the absence or improper execution of the documents indicated in Clause 5 of this article; the failure of one of or several all-Russia public associations (including political parties) which are comprised in the electoral bloc to meet the requirements of Article 33 of this Federal Law or Clause 2 of this article; the failure to meet the requirements of Clauses 1, 4 and 8 of this article, Clause 3, Article 35 of this Federal Law. An electoral bloc shall not be refused registration if the number of its members is less than that indicated in the decision of the congress (conference) of the political party (political parties), the other all-Russia public association (other all-Russia public associations) on the formation of this electoral bloc, unless no political parities remain in the electoral bloc.
8. Political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in one electoral bloc shall not join other electoral blocs or act independently at the same election of deputies of the State Duma.
9. After an electoral bloc has been registered by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation it shall not admit any other political parties, other all-Russia public associations as its members.
10. Upon its formation an electoral bloc shall authorize its body or one of political parties in the electoral bloc to act on behalf of the electoral bloc during the election campaign and also during the term of powers of the State Duma of the given convocation should the federal list of candidates nominated by this electoral bloc be included in the distribution of deputy seats.
Article 35. Name and Emblem of a political party, an electoral bloc
1. A political party, an electoral bloc shall submit information about their name to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation .
2. The name of a political party shall be the name indicated in its Rules.
3. The name of an electoral bloc shall be determined at the congress (conference) of the representatives of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations which formed the given bloc. The name of an electoral bloc shall not make use of the name of any registered all-Russia public association which is not a member of this electoral bloc, regardless of whether this public association takes part in the election, or the name of another electoral bloc which has already been registered at the given election. Neither shall an electoral bloc use the name which it used at the previous election of deputies to the State Duma if more than a half of political parties (their legal successors) which were members of the given electoral bloc at the previous election are no longer its members. The use of the first name, surname or pseudonym of a concrete natural person, the name of a state or municipal office in the name of an electoral bloc shall not be allowed.
4. When submitting lists of candidates for certification a political party, an electoral bloc may also submit their emblems to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. A political party may submit the emblem described in its Rules (hereafter «registered emblem») or, in the absence of such emblem, some other emblem. An electoral bloc may submit a registered emblem of any of the political parties comprised in the electoral bloc or some other emblem with the exception of registered emblems of political parties and emblems described in the charters of other all-Russia public associations which are comprised in other electoral blocs or emblems submitted by other electoral blocs at this or previous election of deputies of the State Duma (unless the electoral bloc submitting an emblem is entitled to use the name of such bloc in accordance with Clause 3 of this article). The symbols of a political party, an electoral bloc shall not infringe intellectual property rights, insult or denigrate the National Flag of the Russian Federation, the National Emblem of the Russian Federation, the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, the flags, emblems, anthems of the Russian Federation subjects, municipalities, foreign states, religious symbols and national sentiments and shall not violate the generally recognized moral norms.
5. A political party, an electoral bloc shall agree with the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the abbreviated name (consisting of not more than seven words) and the emblem to be used in electoral documents.
6. The names and emblems of political parties, electoral blocs shall not be changed after they have been submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
Article 36. Authorized Representatives of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs
1. A political party, an electoral bloc shall appoint representatives authorized, under this Federal Law, to represent the political party, electoral bloc in all matters relating to participation of the political party, electoral bloc in the election of deputies of the State Duma, including financial matters.
2. Authorized representatives shall be appointed by the decision of a congress of a political party, the congress (conference) of the representatives of political parties, other all-Russia public associations which are comprised in the electoral bloc or by the decision of a body authorized to do so by the congress of the political party, congress (conference) of the representatives of the political party, other all-Russia public associations which are comprised in the electoral bloc.
3. An authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc shall act on the basis of the decision indicated in Clause 2 of this article. Such decision must indicate the powers of the authorized representative, his surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, series, number and date of issuance of the passport or an equivalent identity document, place of residence, main place of work or service, position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service), and, in respect of an authorized representative for financial matters, the right of first or second signature on financial documents and the sample of a seal imprint for financial documents.
4. The list of appointed authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The lists of authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc must indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of each authorized representative of the political party, electoral bloc, his date of birth, series, number and date of issuance of the passport or an equivalent identity document, place of residence, main place of work or service, position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service), telephone number and, in respect of an authorized representative for financial matters, also the fact that he is an authorized representative for financial matters. This list shall be accompanied by a written consent of each of the listed persons to act in this capacity.
5. Authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc for financial matters shall be subject to registration by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
6. Subject to the decision of the body of a political party, an electoral bloc authorized to take such decisions the political party, electoral bloc may at any time terminate the powers of an authorized representative by serving written notice to this effect on this representative and sending a copy of the relevant decision to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. .
7. Authorized representatives of political parties, electoral blocs who occupy state or municipal offices shall not take advantage of their office or official position.
8. The term of powers of authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc shall commence from the day of their appointment and expire upon the loss of a candidate's status by all candidates nominated on a list of candidates by the political party, electoral bloc which appointed the authorized representatives but not later than the day of the official publication of the general election results. The term of powers of authorized representatives for financial matters of a political party, an electoral bloc shall expire 60 days after voting day or, if the political party, electoral bloc are involved in a case pending in a court, from the day when the court hands down a final decision.
Article 37. Participation of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs in the Election of Deputies of the State Duma
Political parties, electoral blocs shall participate in the election of deputies of the State Duma on equal conditions in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law.
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