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Chapter VI. Nomination and Registration of Candidates
Article 38. Self-Nomination of a Candidate
Article 39. Nomination of Candidates by a political party, an electoral bloc in Single-Seat Electoral Districts
Article 40. Nomination of a Federal List of Candidates by a political party, an electoral bloc
Article 41. Submission of Lists of Candidates and Other Electoral Documents of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Submission of Documents of Candidates Nominated by Political Parties, Electoral Blocks In Single-seat Electoral Districts to District Election Commissions
Article 42. Collection of Signatures in Support of a Self-Nominated Candidate
Article 43. Collection of Signatures in Support of Candidates, a Federal List of Candidates Nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc
Article 44. Rules for Collection of Signatures in Support of the Nomination of a Candidate, Federal List of Candidates and Execution of Signature Sheets
Article 45. Submission of Electoral Documents for the Registration of Candidates, Federal Lists of Candidates
Article 46. Verification by Election Commissions of the Authenticity of the Data Contained in Signature Sheets and Information Submitted by Candidates, Political Parties, Electoral Blocs
Article 47. Registration of a Federal List of Candidates, Candidate
Article 38. Self-Nomination of a Candidate
1. Every citizen of the Russian Federation entitled to a passive electoral right shall have the right to put up his candidature in a single-seat electoral district.
2. A Russian Federation citizen may put up his candidature only in one single-seat electoral district. A candidate who has put up his candidature may not be nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc. If this requirement is violated, the nomination of which the election commission was notified earlier shall be deemed valid, if within 24 hours of receipt of the later notification the candidate does not apply for the withdrawal of the earlier notification
3. A candidate may nominate himself in a single-seat electoral district after the official publication of a decision to call the election but not earlier than the day of the official publication of the scheme of single-seat electoral districts and not later than 30 days after the official publication of the decision to call the election.
4. In the event of the dissolution of the State Duma a candidate may nominate himself in a single-seat electoral district after the official publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation calling an early election of deputies of the State Duma of a new convocation or publication of the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation taken in pursuance of Clause 5, Article 5 of this Federal Law, but not later than five days before the day when the documents for the registration of the candidate are to be submitted to the election commission.
5. At repeat elections and by-elections a candidate may nominate himself in a single-seat electoral district after publication of the decision to call these elections.
6. A Russian Federation citizen who put up his candidature in a single-seat electoral district shall serve written notice of self-nomination to a relevant district electoral commission. The notice must indicate the surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of residence of the candidate. .
7. The following documents shall be submitted to a relevant district election commission simultaneously with the notice indicated in Clause 6 of this article:
(1) the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election in the single-seat electoral district and the obligation, if elected, to discontinue activities incompatible with the status of a deputy of the State Duma. The statement must indicate the biographical data of the candidate: his surname, first name and patronymic; date of birth; address of the place of residence; education; main place of work or service; position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service); if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis - this fact and the name of the relevant representative body; kind, series, number and date of issuance of the identity paper containing information about the citizenship, address of the place of residence and the name or code of the body which issued this document. If the candidate has a conviction that has not been cancelled and annulled, the statement must also indicate this fact. The statement must indicate the citizenship of the candidate and, if the candidate has Russian Federation citizenship and foreign citizenship, also the foreign citizenship - the name of the foreign state, the date when the foreign citizenship was received and the reasons therefor (hereafter «information about the candidate's foreign citizenship»);
(2) information about the size and sources of income of the candidate, property owned or co-owned by the candidate, bank deposits, securities. The information about the size and sources of income shall be submitted in the form of a copy of the tax declaration of the citizen who is a candidate for the year preceding the year in which the election was called (with a note of the tax authority at the place of submission). If, under Russian Federation laws, the citizen who is a candidate does not have to file a tax declaration, he shall submit the information about his income (including the pension, benefits, other payments) for the year preceding the year in which the election was called from the legal entities and/or natural persons, which/who are tax agents under the federal law, from the organizations making such payments. The information about the property owned by the candidate and other information indicated in this clause shall be submitted in accordance with the form shown in Annex 4 to this Federal Law. If, in the year preceding the year in which the election was called, the candidate did not receive any income and/or does not own any property to be reported in accordance with this clause, this fact must be indicated in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election.
8. In the statement indicated in Clause 7 of this article a self-nominated candidate may mention his membership in not more than one political party registered in the procedure established by the federal law or membership in some other public association registered not later than one year before voting day in the procedure established by law as well his status in this public association provided the candidate submits a document confirming this information and this document is officially certified by a permanent leading body of the given public association. The candidate shall agree an abbreviated name of the given public association (consisting of not more that seven words) with the district election commission.
9. The notice of self-nomination of a candidate and other documents indicated in this article shall be personally submitted by the self-nominated candidate to the district election commission within the period established by Clauses 3 to 5 of this article. At the candidate's request the notice of self-nomination of the candidate and other documents indicated in this article may be submitted by other persons if the candidate is ill, held in custody in places where suspects and defendants are held (in this case the candidate's signature on the statement shall be notarially certified or certified in writing by the administration of the stationary hospital in which the candidate is being treated or the administration of the place of detention where he is held in custody as a suspect or defendant).
10. If the district election commission is not formed at the time of the nomination of a candidate, the notice indicated in Clause 6 of this article, the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election and the other documents indicated in Clause 7 of this article shall be submitted to the election commission of the Russian Federation subject, which performs the functions of a district election commission and processes the submitted documents until the district election commission is formed. The election commission of the Russian Federation subject shall hand over these documents to the district election commission after formation of this district commission and appointment of its chairman.
11. The notice of self-nomination of a candidate and the attached documents shall be accepted by a relevant district election commission upon production of a document certifying the candidate's identity (if the notice is submitted by some other person - upon production of a notarized copy of the document certifying the candidate's identity). In the presence of the candidate the district election commission shall make a copy of the document certifying the candidate's identity. This copy shall be certified by the signature of the person who accepted the notice and shall be attached to the notice. The candidate (other person) shall also present documents which confirm the information contained in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election: information about his education, main place of work or service and position (occupation), information that the candidate is a deputy.
12. A relevant election commission shall issue a written receipt confirming acceptance of the notice indicated in Clause 6 of this article, the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election and other documents indicated in this article to the persons who submitted these documents. This written receipt shall be issued immediately upon submission of these documents.
Article 39. Nomination of Candidates by a political party, an electoral bloc in Single-Seat Electoral Districts
1. A decision to nominate candidates in single-seat electoral districts shall be taken by a political party at its congress by secret voting in accordance with the Federal Law «On Political Parties» and the Rules of the political party.
2. A political party, an electoral bloc may nominate not more than one candidate in one single-seat electoral district.
3. A decision to nominate candidates in single-seat electoral districts at repeat elections and by-elections may be taken after the official publication of the decision to call these elections by the permanent leading body of a political party, if this body is authorized to do so under the Rules of the party, by the authorized body of an electoral bloc whose federal list of candidates was included in the distribution of deputy seats at the election of deputies of the State Duma, if this is provided for in the agreement on the formation of the electoral bloc.
4. When candidates for single-seat electoral districts are to be nominated by an electoral bloc the candidatures proposed for nomination from the electoral bloc by a political party, other all-Russia public associations shall be supported at a congress (conference) of the political party, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc by secret voting, in compliance with the other requirements set by the Federal Law «On Political Parties» to the nomination of candidates. The congress (conference) of a political party, other all-Russia public associations shall also appoint representatives authorized to take a decision on the nomination of candidates in single-seat electoral districts at a congress (conference) of the representatives of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in this electoral bloc. The decision to nominate candidates in single-seat electoral districts from the electoral bloc shall be adopted at the said congress (conference) of the representatives of the political party, other all-Russia public associations.
5. A political party, an electoral bloc shall nominate candidates in single-seat electoral districts within 30 days of the official publication of the decision to call the election, but not earlier than the day of the official publication of the scheme of single-seat electoral districts.
6. In the event of the dissolution of the State Duma nomination of candidates in single-seat electoral districts may be carried out by a political party, an electoral bloc from the day of the official publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation calling an early election of deputies of the State Duma of a new convocation or from the day of the publication of the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation adopted in pursuance of Clause 5, Article 5 of this Federal Law, but not later than 10 days before the day when documents for the registration of a candidate have to be submitted to the district election commission.
7. The decision of the congress (conference) of a political party, an electoral bloc on the nomination of candidates shall be recorded in its minutes (or in the form of some other document), which must indicate:
(1) the number of registered participants in the congress (conference);
(2) the number of participants which is required for adoption of the decision under the Rules of the political party or the agreement on the formation of the electoral bloc;
(3) the decision on the nomination of candidates and the results of the vote taken on this decision (the list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts shall be appended);
(4) the decision on the appointment of authorized representatives of the political party, electoral bloc;
(5) the date of the decision.
8. The list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts must contain the name and the number of the electoral districts in which each candidate will stand for election. The list of candidates nominated by a political party in single-seat electoral districts shall be signed by the leader of the political party and certified with the party's seal. When candidates in single-seat electoral districts are to be nominated by an electoral bloc the decision of a political party, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc proposing candidatures to be nominated as candidates from the electoral bloc shall be signed by the leader of this political party, leaders of these other all-Russia public associations and certified with the seal of the political party, the other public associations. The list of candidates nominated by an electoral bloc shall be signed by the authorized representatives of the electoral bloc and certified with the seals of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc
9. Subject to a decision of the duly authorized bodies of a political party, an electoral bloc indicated in the Rules of the political party or designated at its congress, at the congress (conference) of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc the political party, electoral bloc may, not later than 55 days before voting day and with the candidate's consent, change the single-seat electoral district in which the candidate was initially nominated by submitting a written notice to this effect to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and a relevant district election commissions. Subject to a decision of their duly authorized bodies a political party, an electoral bloc may, not later than 55 days before voting day and with the consent of the candidate included in a federal list of candidates, nominate the candidate in any single-seat electoral district by submitting a written notice to this effect to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and a relevant district election commissions and, if this district election commission has not yet been formed, to the election commission of the Russian Federation subject.
10. A political party, an electoral bloc may nominate candidates who are not members of the given political party, other political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc.
Article 40. Nomination of a Federal List of Candidates by a political party, an electoral bloc
1. A decision to nominate a federal list of candidates from a political party shall be taken by secret voting at a congress of the political party.
2. When a federal list of candidates is to be nominated by an electoral bloc the candidatures proposed for nomination on a federal list of candidates of the electoral bloc by a political party, other all-Russia public associations shall be supported at a congress (conference) of the political party, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc by secret voting in compliance with the other requirements set by the Federal Law «On Political Parties» to the nomination of candidates. The congress (conference) of a political party, other all-Russia public associations shall also appoint representatives authorized to take a decision on the nomination of a federal list of candidates of the electoral bloc at a congress (conference) of the representatives of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in this electoral bloc. The decision to nominate a federal list of candidates shall be adopted at the said congress (conference) of representatives of the political party, other all-Russia public associations.
3. A political party, an electoral bloc may nominate a federal list of candidates after the official publication of the decision to call the election.
4. In the event of the dissolution of the State Duma nomination of a federal list of candidates may be carried out by a political party, an electoral bloc from the day of the official publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation calling an early election of deputies of the State Duma of a new convocation or from the day of the publication of the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation adopted in pursuance of Clause 5, Article 5 of this Federal Law, but not later than 10 days before the day when documents for the registration of a federal list of candidates have to be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
5. The decision of the congress (conference) of a political party, an electoral bloc on the nomination of a federal list of candidates shall be recorded in its minutes (or in the form of some other document), which must indicate:
(1) the number of registered participants in the congress (conference);
(2) the number of participants which is required for adoption of the decision under the Rules of the political party or the agreement on the formation of the electoral bloc;
(3) the decision on the nomination of candidates and the results of the vote taken on this decision (the federal list of candidates shall be appended);
(4) the decision on the appointment of authorized representatives of the political party, electoral bloc;
(5) the date of the decision.
6. A political party, an electoral bloc may nominate candidates on a federal list who are not members of the given political party, other political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc.
7. The federal list of candidates nominated by a political party shall be signed by the leader of the political party and certified with the party's seal. When a federal list of candidates is to be nominated by an electoral bloc the decision of a political party, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc proposing candidates for the inclusion in the federal list of candidates of the electoral bloc shall be signed by the leader of the political party, leaders of other all-Russia public association and certified with the seal of the political party, other all-Russia public association. The federal list of candidates nominated by an electoral bloc shall be signed by the authorized representatives of the electoral bloc and certified with the seals of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc.
8. The composition of a federal list of candidates and the arrangement of candidates on the list shall be determined by a political party, an electoral bloc. In determining the arrangement of candidates on a federal list of candidates a political party, an electoral bloc shall divide the list fully or in part into regional groups of candidates corresponding to the Russian Federation subjects or groups thereof (hereafter «regional groups of candidates»). The regional part of a federal list of candidates must indicate the Russian Federation subject or group of the Russian Federation subjects (listing these Russian Federation subjects) to which each regional group of candidates corresponds and the name of each regional group of candidates consisting of not more than five words. The number of regional groups of candidates shall not be less than seven. The federal part of a federal list of candidates, which contains candidates who are not comprised in the regional groups, may include not more than 18 candidates. A candidate may be mentioned in a federal list of candidates only once.
9. A federal list of candidates may include candidates who are nominated by the same political party, the same political bloc in single-seat electoral districts. .
10. The total number of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in the federal electoral district shall not exceed 270 candidates.
Article 41. Submission of Lists of Candidates and Other Electoral Documents of Political Parties, Electoral Blocs to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Submission of Documents of Candidates Nominated by Political Parties, Electoral Blocks In Single-seat Electoral Districts to District Election Commissions
1. The federal list of candidates and the list of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in single-seat electoral districts shall be submitted by an authorized representative of the political party, electoral bloc to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not later than 30 days after the official publication of the decision to call the election. These lists must indicate the surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, education of the candidate, the name of the Russian Federation subject, raion, city, other populated center where the place of his residence is located, the main place of work or service and position (in the absence of the main place of work or service - occupation) of each candidate (if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis - this fact and the name of the relevant representative body), information about convictions and foreign citizenship of the candidates and, at the candidate's request, his membership in not more than one public association registered not later than a year before voting day and his status therein, provided the candidate submits a document confirming this information, which is officially certified by the permanent leading body of this public association. The lists of candidates shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in a printed and a machine-readable form according to the format established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
2. Simultaneously with the lists of candidates indicated in Clause 1 of this article (hereafter «lists of candidates») the authorized representative of a political party shall submit the following documents:
(1) a notarized copy of a document confirming that the political party has been entered in the unified state register of legal entities;
(2) a notarized copy of the Rules of the political party;
(3) a decision (decisions) of the congress of the political party on the nomination of the list (lists) of candidates;
(4) a list of the authorized representatives of the political party with the information about these representatives listed in Clause 3, Article 36 of this Federal Law;
(5) powers of attorney of the authorized representatives of the political party for financial matters duly executed in the procedure established by this Federal Law.
3. The authorized representative of an electoral bloc shall submit the following documents:
(1) minutes of proceedings of the congresses (conferences) of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised in the electoral bloc with decisions on candidatures proposed for nomination as candidates from the electoral bloc;
(2) a decision (decisions) of the congress (conference) of the representatives of the political parties, other all-Russia public associations comprised the electoral bloc on the nomination of a list (lists) of candidates by the electoral bloc;
(3) a list of authorized representatives of the electoral bloc with the information about them listed in Clause 3, Article 36 of this Federal Law;
(4) powers of attorney of the authorized representatives of the electoral bloc for financial matters executed in the procedure established by this Federal Law.
4. Simultaneously with the documents indicated in Clauses 1 to 3 of this article the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc shall submit:
(1) in respect of each candidate - the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election in the given electoral district and his obligation, if elected, to discontinue activities incompatible with the status of a deputy of the State Duma. The statement must indicate the biographical data of the candidate: his surname, first name and patronymic; date and place of birth; address of the place of residence; education; main place of work or service; position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service); if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis - this fact and the name of the relevant representative body; kind, series, number and date of issuance of the identity document containing information about the citizenship, address of the place of residence and the name or code of the body which issued this document. In the statement of consent to stand for election the candidate may mention his membership in not more than one political party registered in the procedure established by the federal law or membership in some other public association registered not later than one year before voting day in the procedure established by law as well as his status in this public association provided the candidate submits a document confirming this information and this document is officially certified by a permanent leading body of the given public association. In this case the candidate shall agree an abbreviated name of the given public association (consisting of not more that seven words) with this public association and with the Central Commission of the Russian Federation. If the candidate has a conviction that has not been cancelled and annulled, the statement shall also indicate the information about the candidate's conviction. The statement must indicate citizenship of the candidate and, if the candidate has Russian Federation citizenship and foreign citizenship, also the information about his foreign citizenship.
(2) In respect of candidates included in a federal list of candidates - the information about the size and sources of the candidate's income and about the property owned and co-owned by the candidate, bank deposits, securities. The information about the size and sources of income shall be submitted in the form of a copy of the tax declaration of the citizen who is a candidate for the year preceding the year in which the election was called (with a note of the tax authority at the place of submission). If, under Russian Federation laws, the citizen who is a candidate does not have to file a tax declaration, he shall submit the certified information about his income (including the pension, benefits, other payments) for the year preceding the year in which the election was called from the legal entities and/or natural persons, which/who are tax agents under the federal law, from the organizations making such payments. The information about the property owned by the candidate and the other information indicated in this clause shall be submitted in accordance with the form shown in Annex 4 to this Federal Law. If, in the year preceding the year in which the election was called, the candidate did not receive any income and/or does not own any property to be reported in accordance with this clause, this fact must be indicated in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election.
5. A candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc may be included only in one federal list of candidates and nominated only in one single-seat electoral district. A candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc shall not put up his candidature by way of self-nomination.
6. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall accept the lists of candidates together with a copy of the document certifying the identity of the candidate and copies of the documents confirming the information indicated in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election about his education, main place or work or service, position (occupation) and the information that the candidate is a deputy. Such certified copies shall be submitted in respect of each candidate included in the list.
7. Within three days the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall consider the submitted documents and issue a certified copy of the federal list of candidates and/or a certified copy of the list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts to the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc, or a reasoned decision to refuse to issue such copies. If an electoral bloc simultaneously submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the documents for its registration as provided by Article 34 of this Federal Law and the lists of candidates, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall consider all submitted documents within five days.
8. The refusal to issue certified lists of candidates to a political party, an electoral bloc may be due to the absence, incompleteness or improper execution of the documents indicated in Clauses 1 to 4 of this article or due to other breaches of the procedure established by Articles 39 and 40 of this Federal Law and Clause 5 of this article for the nomination of candidates.
9. A political party, an electoral bloc may appeal the refusal to issue certified copies of lists of candidates in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which shall consider the appeal within three days.
10. After a federal list of candidates, a list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts have been submitted to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation no changes shall be made in the composition of the lists and in the order of arrangement of candidates therein, save the changes due to withdrawal of candidates either on the basis of their personal applications, or in consequence of the candidates being recalled by the political party, electoral bloc, or because of the death of a candidate, or due to the circumstances indicated in Clause 9, Article 39 of this Federal Law, or in connection with the removal of a candidate from the list of candidates by a decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
11. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall forward copies of the certified list of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in single-seat electoral districts (certified excerpts from this list) to relevant district election commissions not later than three days after the list was certified.
12. A candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in a single-seat electoral district and included in the list of candidates certified by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall submit to the district election commission his statement of consent to stand for election in the single-seat electoral district with an obligation, if elected, to discontinue the activities incompatible with the status of a deputy of the State Duma and other information about himself indicated in Sub-clause 1, Clause 4 of this article. A candidate may also submit to the district election commission a copy of the list of candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts, certified by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The submission of these documents shall be regarded as a notice of nomination of the candidate in the single-seat electoral district.
13. Together with the statement of consent to stand for election a candidate shall submit to the district election commission the information about the size and sources of his income and the property owned and co-owned by him, bank deposits, securities. The information about the size and sources of income shall be submitted in the form of a copy of the tax declaration of the citizen who is a candidate for the year preceding the year in which the election was called (with a note of the tax authority at the place of submission). If, under Russian Federation laws, the citizen who is a candidate does not have to file a tax declaration, he shall submit certified information about his income (including the pension, benefits, other payments) for the year preceding the year in which the election was called from the legal entities and/or natural persons, which/who are tax agents under the federal law, from the organizations making such payments. The information about the property owned by the candidate and other information indicated in this clause shall be submitted in accordance with the form shown in Annex 4 to this Federal Law. If in the year preceding the year in which the election was called the candidate did not receive any income and/or does not own any property to be reported in accordance with this clause, this fact must be indicated in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election.
14. If the district election commission has not yet been formed, the documents indicated in Clauses 12 and 13 of this article shall be submitted to the election commission of the Russian Federation subject which performs the functions of a district election commission and processes the submitted documents until the district election commission is formed. The election commission of the Russian Federation subject shall hand over these documents to the district election commission after its formation and appointment of its chairman.
15. The notice of the nomination of a candidate and the attached documents shall be accepted by the district election commission upon production of a document certifying the candidate's identity (if the notice is submitted by some other person - upon production of a notarized copy of the document certifying the candidate's identity). In the presence of the candidate the district election commission shall make a copy of the document certifying the candidate's identity and this copy shall be certified by the signature of the person who accepted the notice and shall be attached to the notice. The candidate (other person) shall also present documents which confirm the information contained in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election: information about his education, main place of work or service and position (occupation), information that the candidate is a deputy.
16. A relevant election commission shall issue a written receipt confirming acceptance of the documents indicated in Clauses 12 and 13 of this article to the persons who submitted these documents. This written receipt shall be issued immediately upon submission of these documents.
17. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall make the certified federal lists of candidates and changes therein readily accessible (in the «read only» mode) to the users of the public information-telecommunication networks. District election commissions or the election commissions of Russian Federation subjects shall ensure access to the information about the candidates nominated in single-seat electoral districts and to the changes in this information.
Article 42. Collection of Signatures in Support of a Self-Nominated Candidate
1. Collection of signatures in support of a self-nominated candidate shall commence on the day following the day when a relevant district election commission (election commission of a Russian Federation subject) was notified of the self-nomination in the procedure established by Article 38 of this Federal Law.
2. If signatures are to be collected in support of a candidate, the number of the signatures to be collected shall be not less than one percent of the total number of voters registered on the territory of the given electoral district, or, if the number of voters in the electoral district is less than 100 thousand, not less than one thousand signatures. In the event of an early election, the number of signatures to be collected in support of a candidate shall respectively be 0.5 percent and not less than 500 voter signatures.
3. Signature sheets shall be printed for the account of the candidate's electoral fund, according to the form shown in Annex 1 to this Federal Law. Each signature sheet must indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the candidate; date of birth; main place of work or service and position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service); if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis - this fact and the name of the relevant representative body; name of the Russian Federation subject, raion, city, other populated center where the place of residence of the candidate is located; name of the electoral district where he is nominated. If the candidate has a conviction that has not been cancelled and annulled, the signature sheet must indicate the information about the conviction of the candidate. If the candidate has Russian Federation citizenship and foreign citizenship, the signature sheet must indicate the information about the foreign citizenship of the candidate.
4. The signature sheet must also indicate membership of the candidate in the public association, which the candidate indicated in his statement of consent to stand for election in accordance with Clause 8, Article 38 of this Federal Law, and his status in this public association.
5. Signatures may be collected only among the voters of the electoral district in which the candidate was nominated.
Article 43. Collection of Signatures in Support of Candidates, a Federal List of Candidates Nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc
1. If a political party, an electoral bloc which nominated candidates in single-seat electoral districts collect voter signatures in support of a candidate among voters of the electoral district in which the candidate was nominated, the number of such signatures to be collected shall be not less than one percent of the total number of voters registered on the territory of the given electoral district or, if the number of voters in the electoral district is less than 100 thousand, not less than one thousand signatures. In the event of an early election, the number of signatures to be collected in support of a candidate shall respectively be 0.5 percent and not less than 500 voter signatures.
2. If a political party, an electoral bloc which nominated a federal list of candidates collect signatures in support of the federal list of candidates, the number of such signatures shall be not less than 200 thousand, with each Russian Federation subject accounting for not more than 14 thousand out of the number of signatures required for registration. In the event of an early election the aforesaid number of signatures shall be reduced by half.
3. A political party, an electoral bloc may commence collection of signatures in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates from the day following the day when a copy of this list of candidates was certified by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Signature collection shall not be allowed before a copy of the federal list of candidates has been certified. Collection of signatures in support of a candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in a single-seat electoral district shall commence from the day when the documents and information indicated in Clauses 12 and 13, Article 41 of this Federal Law are submitted to the district election commission or the election commission of a Russian Federation subject.
4. Signature sheets shall be printed for the account of a relevant electoral fund according to the form shown in Annexes 2 and 3 to this Federal Law.
5. When signatures are collected in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates, each signature sheet must indicate the surname, first name and patronymic; date of birth; main place of work or service and position (occupation, if there is no main place of work or service); name of the Russian Federation subject, raion, city, other populated center where the place of residence is located for the following candidates: the first three candidates who top the federal part of the federal list of candidates and three candidates who top the regional group of candidates corresponding to the Russian Federation subject (group of Russian Federation subjects) in which signatures are collected. If any one of these candidate has a conviction that has not been cancelled and annulled, the signature sheet must indicate information about the conviction of the candidate. If any one of these candidates has Russian Federation citizenship and foreign citizenship the signature sheet must indicate information about the foreign citizenship of the candidate. If a candidate included in the signature sheet is a deputy and exercises his powers on a non-permanent basis, this fact may be indicated in the signature sheet at the candidate's request together with the name of the relevant representative body. At the request of a candidate included in the signature sheet the signature sheet may indicate his membership in a public association if this fact is mentioned in the candidate's statement of consent to stand for election in accordance with Clause 4, Article 41 of this Federal Law, and the candidate's status in this public association. Each signature sheet must also indicate the name of the Russian Federation subject where signatures are being collected. At the voter's request the person collecting signatures in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates shall produce a copy of the federal list of candidates certified by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
6. If signatures are collected in support of a candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in a single-seat electoral district, the signature sheet must indicate the information about the candidate listed in Clause 5 of this article and the name of the political party, electoral bloc which nominated this candidate.
Article 44. Rules for Collection of Signatures in Support of the Nomination of a Candidate, Federal List of Candidates and Execution of Signature Sheets
1. Participation of bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, governing bodies of organizations of all forms of ownership, institutions, voting members of election commissions in the collection of signatures shall not be allowed. In the course of signature collection it shall be prohibited to force voters to put their signatures or to remunerate them in any form for doing so and collect signatures at work places, when and where wages, pensions, allowances, stipends, other social benefits are paid.
2. Voter signatures may be collected by any legally capable citizen of the Russian Federation who has attained to the age of 18 years by the day of signature collection. A candidate, a political party, an electoral bloc may sign a contract for signature collection with a person collecting voter signatures. Remuneration for this work shall be paid only through the electoral fund of the candidate, political party, electoral bloc.
3. Voter signatures in support of the nomination of candidates, federal lists of candidates may be collected at the place of study, residence and in other places where election campaigning and signature collection are not prohibited by the federal law.
4. A voter may put his signature in support of the nomination different candidates (federal lists of candidates), but only once in support of the same candidate (federal list of candidates). A voter shall put his signature on the signature sheet and write the date, his surname, first name and patronymic, year of birth (if he attains to the age of 18 years on voting day - also the day and month of birth), series and number of the passport or an equivalent identity document and the address of the place of residence indicated in the passport or the equivalent document containing information about the address of his place of residence. The voter shall put his signature and write the date with his own hand. At the voter's request the data of the voter who put his signatures and wrote the date on the signature sheet may be entered in the signature sheet by a person collecting signatures in support of the nomination of a candidate, federal list of candidates. All such data shall be written by hand.
5. The signature sheet used for collection of signatures in support of the nomination of a candidate, federal list of candidates may be filled out both on the face and on the back. The back shall be the continuation of the face and all signatures on the signature sheet shall be numbered consecutively. The certifying signatures shall be put on the back of the signature sheet.
6. The signature sheet used for collection of voter signatures in support of a candidate nominated in a single-seat electoral district shall be certified by the signature collector and the candidate. The signature collector shall, with his own hand, write his surname, first name and patronymic, series and number of the passport or an equivalent identity document, the date of its issuance and the name or code of the issuing body, address of the place of residence; sign the signature sheet and write the date. The candidate shall, with his own hand, put his signature against his surname, first name and patronymic, write the date and sign the signature sheet.
7. The signature sheet used for collection of voter signatures in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates shall be certified by the signature collector and the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc. The signature collector shall, with his own hand, write his surname, first name and patronymic, address of the place of residence, series and number of the passport or an equivalent identity document, the date of its issuance and the name or code of the issuing body; sign the signature sheet and write the date. The authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc shall, with his own hand, put his signature against his surname, first name and patronymic and write the date.
8. After collection of voter signatures in support of a federal list of candidates has been completed the authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc shall count the number of collected signatures separately for each Russian Federation subject where signatures were collected and the total number of signatures. The counting results shall be entered in the protocol of the results of signature collection which shall be signed by authorized representatives of the political party, electoral bloc.
9. A candidate or the authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc shall count the number of voter signatures collected in support of the candidate nominated in a single-seat electoral district, record this number in the protocol of the results of signature collection and sign the protocol.
10. The number of voter signatures on signature sheets which are submitted to election commissions may exceed the number of signatures required for registration under this Federal Law, but by not more than 25 percent.
11. Signature sheets to be submitted to election commissions shall be stitched together and numbered. The signature sheets in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates shall be sorted out and stitched in the form of files in accordance with the Russian Federation subjects where voter signatures were collected.
Article 45. Submission of Electoral Documents for the Registration of Candidates, Federal Lists of Candidates
1. For the registration of a candidate nominated in a single-seat electoral district the candidate or the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc shall, submit the following electoral documents to a relevant election commission not earlier than 75 days and not later than 45 days before voting day, 18.00 hours local time:
(1) signature sheets with voter signatures collected in support of the nomination of the candidate (if signatures were collected in support of the nomination of the candidate);
(2) the protocol of signature collection results on a paper medium, in duplicate, according to the form established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (if signatures were collected in support of the nomination of the candidate);
(3) information about the changes in the candidate's data submitted earlier in pursuance of Clauses 7 and 8, Article 38, Clauses 12 and 13, Article 41 of this Federal Law;
(4) the first financial report of the candidate.
2. For the registration of a federal list of candidates the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc shall submit the following electoral documents to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not earlier than 75 days and not later than 45 days before voting day, 18.00 hours Moscow time::
(1) signature sheets with voter signatures collected in support of the nomination of the federal list of candidates (if signatures were collected in support of the nomination of the federal list of candidates);
(2) the protocol of signature collection results on a paper medium in duplicate, and in a machine-readable form according to the form established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (if signatures were collected in support of the nomination of the federal list of candidates);
(3) information about the changes which were made in the federal list of candidates after certification of its copy and changes in the data of each candidate on the federal list of candidates submitted earlier in pursuance of Clauses 1 and 4, Article 41 of this Federal Law;
(4) the first financial report of the political party, electoral bloc.
3. When accepting electoral documents the election commissions shall certify each file containing signature sheets with their seal, check to see that the number of submitted signature sheets corresponds to the number indicated in the protocol of signature collection results and then issue to the candidate or the authorized representative of the political party, electoral bloc a written receipt confirming the acceptance of the signature sheets and indicating the number of accepted signature sheets, the stated number of signatures, the date and time when the signature sheets were accepted. An election commission shall not restrict admission to its premises of candidates, authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc nor shall it refuse to accept electoral documents required for the registration from these persons if the documents were delivered before the deadline indicated in Clauses 1 and 2 of this article, save as otherwise provided by Clause 4 of this article.
4. If by the day when documents for registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates are to be submitted to a relevant election commission, this candidate or the political party, electoral bloc which nominated this federal list of candidates paid an electoral deposit into the special account of the election commission and after than they submitted signature sheets with voter signatures, then this election commission shall carry out verification of the submitted signatures. If the candidate, federal list of candidates have been registered on the basis of the submitted voter signatures, the election commission shall, within 10 days, remit the electoral deposit to the special account of the candidate, political party, electoral bloc.
5. A candidate shall be entitled not to collect signatures in support of his nomination and a political party, an electoral bloc shall be entitled not to collect signatures in support of the nomination of a candidate, federal list of candidates and not to submit collected signatures to the election commission. In this case registration of the candidate, federal list of candidates shall be carried out by a relevant election commission on the basis of an electoral deposit - a sum of money paid by the candidate into a special account of the election commission of a Russian Federation subject or by a political party, an electoral bloc into a special account of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. These accounts shall be opened at the branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. Upon payment of an electoral deposit a candidate, political party, electoral bloc shall submit to a relevant election commission a copy of the payment order for remittance of the electoral deposit with a note of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation confirming that the order has been accepted for execution, as well as other documents unrelated to collection of voter signatures, which are required for registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates in accordance with Clauses 1 or 2 of this article, respectively. The amount of an electoral deposit and the procedure for its payment are established by Article 68 of this Federal Law.
6. Submission of voter signatures to district election commissions, payment of an electoral deposit for the registration of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in single-seat electoral districts shall not be required if the federal list of candidates nominated by this political party, electoral bloc has been registered on the basis of submitted voter signatures.
7. Submission of voter signatures to district election commissions, payment of an electoral deposit for the registration of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc in single-seat electoral districts shall not be required if the federal list of candidates nominated by this political party, the electoral bloc consisting of the same political parties and other all-Russia public associations as this electoral bloc was included in the distribution of deputy seats.
8. Submission of voter signatures to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, payment of an electoral deposit for the registration of a federal list of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc shall not be required if the federal list of candidates nominated by this political party, the electoral bloc which consisted of the same political parties and other all-Russia public associations as this electoral bloc was included in the distribution of deputy seats.
Article 46. Verification by Election Commissions of the Authenticity of the Data Contained in Signature Sheets and Information Submitted by Candidates, Political Parties, Electoral Blocs
1. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall check compliance with the procedure for the nomination of a federal list of candidates established by this Federal Law on the part of each political party, electoral bloc which submitted the documents required under this Federal Law. If a political party, an electoral bloc submitted signature sheets with voter signatures collected in support of the nomination of a federal list of candidates, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall check compliance with the rules for signature collection and execution of signature sheets and shall verify the authenticity of the data contained in these signature sheets. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may verify authenticity of the biographic data and other information submitted by a candidate, political party, electoral bloc in accordance with this Federal Law.
2. District election commissions shall check to see that candidates were nominated in compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law. If a candidate, political party, electoral bloc submitted signature sheets with voter signatures collected in support of the nomination of a candidate, the district election commission shall check compliance with the rules for signature collection and execution of signature sheets and shall verify authenticity of the voter data and voter signatures contained in these signature sheets. A district election commission may verify authenticity of the biographic data and other information submitted by a candidate, political party, electoral bloc in accordance with this Federal Law.
3. An election commission shall make an application to competent bodies to verify authenticity of the data and information submitted in accordance with this Federal Law, and these bodies shall inform the election commission about the results of the verification within ten days or, ten days or less before voting day, within the time established by the election commission.
4. An election commission may, by its decision, form working groups from members of the election commission, members of its staff, invited specialists to check compliance with the rules for signature collection and execution of signature sheets and verify authenticity of the voter data and voter signatures contained in these signature sheets. Such verification may be carried out with the involvement of members of the lower election commissions, experts from internal-affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, juridical bodies of the Russian Federation, military commissariats as well as specialized institutions and organizations in charge of the registration of the population in the Russian Federation. On the basis of their conclusions the data in signature sheets may be pronounced unauthentic. In order to verify authenticity of the information contained in signature sheets election commissions may use the State System for Registration of Voters, Referendum Participants.
5. Verification shall cover not less than 20 percent of the number of voter signatures in support of the nomination of each candidate, federal list of candidates, required for registration, and the corresponding data of the voters who put these signatures. An equal number of signatures collected in support of the nomination of each candidate, federal list of candidates shall be sampled for initial verification. If the number of signatures required for registration does not exceed one thousand, all signatures shall be verified. Signature sheets to be subjected to selective verification shall be chosen by random sampling (by lot). The random sampling procedure shall be determined by a relevant election commission. In a district election commission lot-drawing and verification of signature sheets may be witnessed by candidates nominated in the given electoral district or by their agents, authorized representatives of the political parties, electoral blocs which nominated candidates in the single-seat electoral district, in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation by the authorized representatives of the political parties, electoral blocs which nominated federal lists of candidates. The time appointed for lot-drawing and verification of signature sheets shall be made known the candidate, the authorized representative of the political party, electoral bloc which nominated a federal list of candidates, who have submitted the number of signatures required for the registration of the candidate, federal list of candidates. The election commission shall not refuse to allow other persons sent by the candidate, political party, electoral bloc to be present at verification. The verification shall cover all signatures on the signature sheets sampled for verification.
6. On the basis of verification of the data contained in signature sheets a voter signature may be pronounced authentic, unauthentic or invalid.
7. Voter signatures and the corresponding voter data contained in signature sheets but deleted (stricken out) by the persons who certify signature sheets before the signature sheets were submitted to the election commission shall not be verified or counted, if these persons have made a special note to confirm the deletion in the signature sheet or signature collection protocol before submission of the signature sheets to the election commission.
8. If verification of signature sheets reveals several signatures put by one person in support of the nomination of the same candidate, federal list of candidates, only one signature shall be deemed authentic and the rest shall be pronounced invalid.
9. Signatures shall be deemed unauthentic if put by one person on behalf of different persons or on behalf of some other person. Such signatures shall be pronounced unauthentic on the basis of a written conclusion of an expert, involved in the verification of the authenticity of signatures in accordance with Clause 4 of this article.
10. The following signatures shall be deemed invalid:
(1) signatures of persons who are not entitled to an active electoral right in the given single-seat electoral district, Russian Federation subject;
(2) signatures of voters who indicated wrong data in the signature sheet. In this case, the signature shall be pronounced invalid on the basis of the official information supplied by an internal affairs body of the Russian Federation or a conclusion made by an expert involved in the verification of the authenticity of signatures in accordance with Clause 4 of this article;
(3) voter signatures put without indication of some of the data required under this Federal Law or without indication of the date when the voter put his signature with his own hand;
(4) voter signatures accompanied by voter data which is not written by hand or written with a pencil;
(5) voter signatures with a corrected date indicating when they were put on the signature sheet if the corrections have not been specially endorsed by the voters or persons certifying the signature sheets and voter signature and dates that were not put by the voter with his own hand;
(6) voter signatures with corrected data of the voters who put these signatures if the corrections have not been specially endorsed by the voter or the persons certifying the signature sheets;
(7) all signatures on the signature sheet if the signature sheet has not been certified by an autograph signature of the signature collector and/or of the authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc, and/or of the candidate, or if this signature is unauthentic, or if the data of the signature collector or the date when the signature sheet was signed by the signature collector, authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc, a candidate have been corrected and the corrections have not been specially endorsed by the signature collector, authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc, a candidate, respectively;
(8) voter signatures put on the signature sheet before the day following the day when the district election commission, election commission of a Russian Federation subject were notified about the nomination of the candidate or before the day following the day when a copy of the federal list of candidates was certified by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
(9) signatures collected with the participation of bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, governing bodies of organizations of all forms of ownership, institutions, voting members of election commissions or with coercion applied to voters during signature collection, or with remuneration of voters for putting their signatures, or at work places or when and where wages, pensions, allowances, stipends, other social benefits are paid;
(10) voter signatures, if voter data has been written on the signature sheet not by the voters who put their signatures and not by the signature collector - on the basis of a written conclusion of an expert involved in the verification of signatures in accordance with Clause 4 of this article;
(11) all signatures on a signature sheet made with the violation of the requirements set forth in Annexes 1, 2 and 3 to this Federal Law.
11. If a filled-out line (lines) is (are) discovered on the signature sheet, which does (do) not meet the requirements of this Federal Law, only the signature in the given line (given lines) shall be disregarded, save as otherwise provided by Sub-clauses 7 and 11, Clause 10 of this article.
12. Corrections and blots specially endorsed on the signature sheet shall not be used as a reason for invalidating a signature unless it has been pronounced unauthentic or invalid in accordance with Clauses 8 to 10 of this article. Neither shall a voter signature be invalidated because of abbreviations contained in the voter data if these abbreviations do not prevent unambiguous interpretation of this data.
13. The authenticity of a voter signature shall not be established by polling.
14. If the number of signatures found to be unauthentic and invalid in the course of selective verification equals or exceeds 25 percent of the number of signatures sampled for verification, an additional 15 per cent of the number of voter signatures required for registration shall be subjected to verification in the procedure set forth in this article.
15. If the total number of unauthentic and invalid signatures discovered in the course of selective verification equals or exceeds 25 percent of the total number of signatures subject to verification under Clauses 5 and 14 of this article, further verification of the signature sheets shall be discontinued and the candidate, federal list of candidates shall not be registered.
16. Neither shall a candidate, federal list of candidates be registered if the number of submitted voter signatures minus the number of signatures found unauthentic and invalid is insufficient for registration.
17. After the end of verification of signature sheets a final protocol of verification results shall be prepared for each candidate, federal list of candidates. This protocol shall be signed by the head of the working group - a voting member of the given election commission and shall be submitted to the election commission for adoption of a relevant decision. The protocol must indicate the number of stated, submitted and verified signatures, the number of signatures pronounced unauthentic or invalid and the reasons why they have been pronounced unauthentic or invalid. The protocol shall be appended to the decision of the election commission. No changes shall be made in the protocol after the decision has been taken. A copy of the protocol shall be furnished to a candidate, authorized representatives of a political party, an electoral bloc not less than two days before the meeting of the election commission at which registration of the candidate, federal list of candidates is to be considered. If the number of authentic voter signatures is insufficient or the number of unauthentic or invalid signatures equals or exceeds 25 percent of the total number of signatures sampled for verification, the candidate, political party, electoral bloc shall be entitled to receive from the election commission a copy of the protocol certified by the head of the working group, a verification report setting forth the reasons why the voter signatures were pronounced unauthentic or invalid and indicating the number of the file, the number of the signature sheet and the number of the line of the signature sheet which contain each such signatures, as well as copies of official documents on the basis of which the signatures were pronounced unauthentic or invalid.
Article 47. Registration of a Federal List of Candidates, Candidate
1. Not later than ten days after acceptance of the documents required for the registration of a federal list of candidates (and, in respect of a political party, an electoral bloc which have paid an electoral deposit for the registration of a federal list of candidates - after the electoral deposit is received to the special account of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation) the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation shall take a decision to register the federal list of candidates or a reasoned decision not to register this list.
2. Not later than ten days after acceptance of the documents required for the registration of a candidate in a single-seat electoral district (and, in respect of candidates who have paid an electoral deposit for the registration - after the electoral deposit is received to the special account of the election commission of a Russian Federation subject) a district election commission shall take a decision to register the candidate in the single-seat electoral district or a reasoned decision not to register this candidate.
3. When registering a candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc a district election commission shall indicate in its decision that the candidate has been nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc.
4. The decision to register a candidate, federal list of candidates must indicate the date and time of the registration.
5. One and the same person shall not be registered on more than one federal lists of candidates and in more than one single-seat electoral districts. A candidate registered in a single-seat electoral district as a self-nominated candidate shall not be simultaneously registered in the same electoral district as a candidate from a political party, an electoral bloc. A candidate registered in a single-seat electoral district as a candidate nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc shall not be simultaneously included in a registered list of candidates of another political party, electoral bloc.
6. One and the same person may be simultaneously registered as a candidate in the federal electoral district and as a candidate in a single-seat electoral district, if the candidate in the single-seat electoral district and the federal list of candidates were nominated by the same political party, the same electoral bloc.
7. If the rules for the registration of a candidate laid down by Clauses 5 and 6 of this article have been violated, the valid registration of a candidate shall be that carried out on the basis of a decision taken earlier. The decision on the registration taken later shall be annulled by a relevant election commission if, within 24 hours of the adoption of the later decision, the registered candidate has not filed an application for canceling the earlier registration.
8. Having taken a decision to refuse the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates, an election commission shall, within 24 hours of its adoption, issue a copy of this decision, stating the reasons for the refusal, to the candidate or to the authorized representatives of the political party, electoral bloc which nominated the federal list of candidates. The reasons for the refusal may be the following:
(1) the candidate nominated in a single-seat electoral district is not entitled to a passive electoral right. The fact that separate candidates included in a federal list of candidates are not entitled to a passive electoral right may only serve as a reason for the removal of these candidates from the certified federal list of candidates;
(2) for candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc, for federal lists of candidates - the failure to comply with the requirements to the nomination of a candidate, list of candidates established by the federal laws «On Political Parities» and «On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum»;
(3) documents required for the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates under this Federal Law are not included in the documents submitted for the registration;
(4) serious or repeated violation of the prohibition against collection of signatures at places where such activity is prohibited by the federal law, if the signatures submitted for the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates were collected in violation of this prohibition. A serious violation is collection of not less than 20 percent of the signatures submitted for the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates at places where collection of signatures is prohibited.
(5) insufficient number of submitted authentic voter signatures in support of the nomination of a candidate, federal list of candidates or the proportion of unauthentic and invalid voter signatures equals or exceeds 25 percent of the total number of signatures sampled for verification, unless an electoral deposit was paid after submission of the signatures to an election commission;
(6) inaccuracy of the information submitted by candidates, political parties, electoral blocs in accordance with Sub-clause 1, Clause 7, Article 38; Sub-clause 1, Clause 4 and Clause 12, Article 41 of this Federal Law. Inaccuracy of the information relating to separate candidates on a federal list of candidates nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc may only serve as a reason for the removal of these candidates from the certified federal list of candidates;
(7) the failure of a candidate, political party, electoral bloc to establish an electoral fund;
(8) expenditures made by a candidate, political party, electoral bloc from sources other than their electoral funds to finance their election campaigns exceed five percent of the maximum limit of all expenditures from an electoral fund established by this Federal Law;
(9) expenditures made by a candidate, political party, electoral bloc from their electoral funds to finance their election campaigns exceed by five percent the maximum limit of all expenditures from an electoral fund established by this Federal Law;
(10) the number of candidates removed from a federal list of candidates on the basis of their applications, by a decision of a political party, an electoral bloc (with the exception of candidates who were deleted due to compelling circumstances) and by a decision of an election commission for reasons set forth in this clause exceeds 25 percent of the total number of candidates on a certified federal list of candidates;
(11) a candidate, an authorized representative of a political party, an electoral bloc have violated Clause 1, Article 64 of the Federal Law during the campaigning period, as established by a court decision;
(12) a candidate (including a candidate on a federal list of candidates), his agents have taken advantage of the office or official position;
(13) a candidate has been registered in some other electoral district at this election, save the case where a candidate was nominated by a political party, an electoral bloc simultaneously in a single-seat electoral district and on a federal list of candidates;
(14) all political parties comprised in the given electoral bloc have refused to participate in the election as members of this electoral bloc;
(15) withdrawal of candidates as a result of which less than seven regional groups of candidates have remained on a federal list of candidates.
9. Collection of voter signatures and their submission to an election commission by a candidate, political party, electoral bloc for the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates shall not prevent registration on the basis of the payment of an electoral deposit. Neither shall the payment of an electoral deposit prevent registration on the basis of the collected voter signatures.
10. If the registration of a candidate, federal list of candidates was refused, they may be nominated again provided the procedure and periods established by this Federal Law are complied with.
11. In the event of detection of any facts pointing to the violation of the election laws of the Russian Federation entailing criminal or administrative responsibility, an election commission shall present required documents and materials to law enforcement authorities for establishing the fact of the violation and bringing the offenders to responsibility.
12. The decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to register or not to register a federal list of candidates may be appealed in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The decision of a district election commission to register or not to register a candidate may be appealed in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, or the supreme court of the republic, or the krai and oblast court, the court of a city of federal significance, the court of an autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug. The appeal shall be considered within five days.
13. A certificate of registration shall be issued to each registered candidate.
14. Within 48 hours of their registration, registered federal lists of candidates together with the data of candidates included in these lists as well as the data of candidates registered in single-seat electoral districts shall be made available to the mass media by relevant election commissions. The list of the information about the income and property of registered candidates and candidates included in a registered federal lists of candidates shall be established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
15. Not later than 15 days before voting day, the information about registered candidates and federal lists of candidates, containing the data listed in Clauses 3 to 5, Article 74 of this Federal Law, shall be displayed by district and territorial election commissions on bulletin boards inside their premises. The same procedure shall be used to announce annulment of registration of registered candidates, federal lists of candidates, changes in the membership of electoral blocs which registered federal lists of candidates, withdrawal of registered candidates from registered federal lists of candidates. The information about registered candidates, including those on registered federal lists of candidates, political parties, electoral blocs shall be arranged in the same sequence as in ballots.
16. If, 35 days before voting day, no candidates or only one candidate has been registered in a single-seat electoral district and if less than three federal lists of candidates have been registered in the federal electoral district, then by the decision of a relevant district election commission, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the election shall be postponed for a period not exceeding two months for the additional nomination of candidates, federal lists of candidates and performance of subsequent electoral actions.
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