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Chapter VII. State Funding of Political Parties
Article 33. Federal Budget Funds Allocated to Political Parties
Article 34. Financial Reports of Political Parties
Article 35. Control Over the Financial Activity of Political Parties
Article 33. Federal Budget Funds Allocated to Political Parties
1. State funding of political parties shall be carried out from the federal budget in the procedure established by this Federal Law.
2. Allocations from the state budget to fund political parties shall be provided for by a separate line in the federal budget in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation and shall be placed at the disposal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
3. The total amount of funds allocated from the federal budget to political parties shall not be less than 0.002 of the minimum monthly wage as of 1 March of the year preceding the year in which these funds are allocated, multiplied by the number of voters included on voter lists in the last previous elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or elections of President of the Russian Federation.
4. The funds of the federal budget allocated to political parties shall be transferred to a special account opened by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation at a credit institution. The procedure for opening and maintaining this account shall be determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with the concurrence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
5. A political party shall be entitled to funding from the federal budget if:
(a) the federal list of candidates nominated by the political party or by an election bloc in which the political party took part in the elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation received not less than three percent of the votes cast by voters taking part in the voting in the federal election district, as indicated by the election results;
(b) the registered candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation nominated by the political party or by an election bloc in which the political party took part in the elections of President of the Russian Federation received not less than three percent of the votes cast by voters taking part in the voting, as indicated by the election results.
6. Funding of a political party which took part in the elections independently and comes within Clause 5 of this Article shall be carried out:
(a) on the basis of the results of elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - every year, in the amount of 0.002 of the minimum monthly wage as of 1 March of the year preceding the year in which the funding is to be provided multiplied by the number of votes cast for the party's federal list of candidates;
(b) on the basis of the results of elections of President of the Russian Federation - in a lump sum amounting to 0.002 of the minimum monthly wage as of 1 March of the year preceding the year in which the funding is to be provided multiplied by the number of votes cast for the party's registered candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation.
7. Funding of political parties which formed an election bloc and come within Clause 5 of this Article shall be carried out:
(a) on the basis of the results of elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - every year, in the amount of 0.002 of the minimum monthly wage as of 1 March of the year preceding the year in which the funding is to be provided multiplied by the number of votes cast for the federal list of candidates nominated by the election bloc;
(b) on the basis of the results of elections of President of the Russian Federation - in a lump sum amounting to 0.002 of the minimum monthly wage as of 1 March of the year preceding the year in which the funding is to be provided multiplied by the number of votes cast for the registered candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation nominated by the election bloc.
8. Federal budget funds indicated in Clause 7 of this Article shall be distributed among political parties of an election bloc in equal parts, unless decided otherwise by the election bloc when it was formed.
9. Federal budget funds indicated in Clauses 6 and 7 of this Article shall be allocated:
(a) on the basis of the results of elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - not later than three months after official publication of the election results and, after that, every year during the entire period of the powers of the State Duma of the given convocation;
(b) on the basis of the results of elections of President of the Russian Federation - in a lump sum, within a year after official publication of the election results.
10. Federal budget funds shall be transferred to political parties in the procedure and at the time determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation with the concurrence of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the appropriate financial authorities.
Article 34. Financial Reports of Political Parties
1. A political party and its regional branches shall file financial accounting reports in the procedure and at the time established by Russian Federation laws for legal entities.
2. Every year, not later than 20 March of the year following the accounting year, a political party shall file a consolidated financial report with a tax agency, indicating sums received and disbursed by the political party in the accounting year.
3. The consolidated financial report of a political party shall contain information about the sources and amounts of funds received to the accounts of the political party and its regional branches, about disbursement of these funds, and about the property of the political party, with the indication of its cost and its registration data. Amounts spent by the political party and its regional branches on the preparation and conduct of elections shall be recorded separately. The form of the consolidated financial report and the requirements to its completion shall be established by a tax agency in accordance with this Federal Law.
4. Not later than 20 March of the year following the accounting year, a political party shall publish information from the financial report in the print media, according to the form established by a tax agency.
Article 35. Control Over the Financial Activity of Political Parties
1. Consolidated financial reports of political parties shall be checked by a tax agency authorized to do so and by other federal bodies in accordance with their competence.
2. The results of the checks of consolidated financial reports filed by political parties shall be published by the registering body within one month after completion of the check.
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